
Jessica Schnieder

Member since: Saturday, 12 January 2013
Last Visit: Thursday, 11 April 2013
Jessica Schnieder
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Last one

Didn't see it but his is my last journal! I've been at my internship do its been busy, busy! Tomorrow is the test I have practiced and perfected my creative poomsae, even put music to it! Excited, scared, happy, nervous is how I'm feeling right now!

  9140 Hits

Soon vacation will be over

Last day of snowboarding, we leave for the plane tomorrow. Been working a lot on hapkido and I have a dad to thank for that. Super sore from all the snowboarding and even with a good night sleep I should feel even worse in the morning! 

  1438 Hits

Another day of snowboarding

Last night got through all of the hapkido, going to go through them all again. Went up on the mountain again, but this time we went on some new trails; which was a lot of fun. This morning woke up with snow everywhere, great for snowboarding. Tomorrow hopefully we will go snowmobiling, busy busy week!

  1450 Hits


Wow I had a blast snowboarding today! I actually didn't think I'd ever get the logistics about it, but it turned out to be easier than I thought. Although I was soaking wet from falling, I had a ton of fun and I would defiantly encourage people to try it some time. Maybe tomorrow ill go back and shred some more but I'm just waiting for the soreness to kick in!

  1387 Hits

In Utah

Finally got here! We are now settled in to the hotel reserved snowboarding lessons and I am ready to hit the ski lift! I know that I am going to Extremly sore tomorrow, but it will all be worth it and I'm going to have a lot of fun learning the techniques of this extreme sport.

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The airport

In an hour or so I am about to board the plane to Utah. Before this my mom and I went on a 2 mile walk with Roxy, before she went to a friends house to stay at. Once we got to the airport we waited for dad to get back from parking the car and I did some hapkido. Can't wait, so excited for snowboarding!!!

  1237 Hits

Excited for Snowboarding

I can't wait for snowboarding!!! We leave tomorrow for the airplane at about 5, and I can't wait!!! I was able to do some poomsaes, self defense and some push-up, sit-ups USA well. I weighed myself today just to see how much I had lost over the cycle, and it turns out that I lost 26 pounds! Which isn't surprising but it's still a shock. We recently got new exercise DVDs and equipment so ill be doing those every weekend to stay in shape.

  1146 Hits

I can relax

Gosh I still can't tell how good it feels just to come home and relax. I had a softball game tonight that started at 8 o'clock, of course it didn't end till about 9:45 and got home at 10 o'clock and I am just relaxing and curled up with a good book. Once you get past the physical requirements, you realize how much time you really have.

  1212 Hits

Feels good

I had softball practice tonight until 9:15; and I cannot tell you how good it feels to not have to do last minute push-ups and sit-ups at 10:00 at night. No more last minute, cram time requirements. I can finally relax and enjoy this part of the cycle. 8 more journals after this one and I'll officially be done with all requirements. It defiantly feels good to know I won't have to run or do poomsaes and sit-ups when I go to Utah. 8 more journals an the testing, that's all there is left.

  1122 Hits

I know the Stick curriculum

Went to sticks class tonight, can offically say that I know what I need to know of double stick B. It may not look good and I still have trouble with Paraho Police Abanhiko, but it's getting there!  

  1266 Hits

Need to work on hapkido

I need LOTS of with hapkido! I barley made it through 15 without mixing them up. Now I can't study them tonight, I have three tests tomorrow, AGGGHHH, but I am going to make as much of an effort that I can to learning all the hapkido's.

  1214 Hits

Finished up my last requirements

Finally done with everything! Free the burden at last!!!! Now only testing stands in my way of become a third degree black belt. I'm actually kind of excited for this test. I'm shaky on Hapkido and some of the other Staff poomsaes but I'm pretty sure I will do very well this testing.

  1259 Hits

Busy day

Went to an awesome black belt class today! Worked a lot on the technique of some of our kicks and applied them to our poomsaes. Great class, I thank Master Kam for teaching it and all the black belts that came out and took it. Getting home so I can go hang out with my grandmother that's in town and then go to an internship meeting with a woman that I know, an after that go support my friend at his play he's preforming in. Busy, busy day! But in all honesty what day isn't?

  1263 Hits

Even after I'm done

One mile and half, one hundred and five push-ups, and one hundred sit-ups. That's all I have left to do. Of course I'll keep logging and doing stuff afterwards because I need the practice but I will defiantly have all stress lifted off my shoulders. A couple things I know I'm going to keep doing is running, pull-ups, and push-ups. Those are the things that I am not very good at and I'd like to be in the best shape possible. 

  1617 Hits

Finishing it all up

Almost done with everything!!!!!!!! I'm so excited, I'm trying to get it done in these next two days so we'll see how that goes since I have softball two nights in a row. Still, I can knock out 200 push-ups and sit-ups, I can run 1.5 miles, and I can do poomsaes and self-defenses. Once I finish everything I can finally relax a little bit, not scraming to try and get everything done.

  1196 Hits


At P.E. yesterday we had to run a little ways and I just then realized how much better I've gotten at running. Now if I hadn't started the cycle I would have been panting over their laying on the grass with everyone else. I didn't even break a sweat, we had probably run 0.3 miles and I wasn't breathing hard after. So happy about that, but I really need to work on running up hills. Yesterday I was running up this hill in my neighborhood and of course I can make it up but it liked like I was walking and it felt like I was going way to slow. Anyway I'm glad that I am running and keep planning to run after the cycle.

  1293 Hits

Almost finished!

Got my last mentor session in yesterday! I am staring to get done with all my requirments now, especially today because I have a lot of free time after school. I can't wait for Utah! Although I'm scared I will probably break a bone, I'm also very excited to go and leaarn how to snowboard.

  1065 Hits

Gettin'em done

Yesterday was requirements day.  Yesterday I wanted to get done as much as possible because I knew I wasn't going to have another open day like that ever. I believe that I got a lot done, I knew I had to do poomsaes so I worked a lot on them. I finished off a lot of requirements too which is good because I need to start maxing out on requirements. Thank goodness I had a lot of time yesterday or else I wouldn't have been able to do as many poomsaes. I started from 9 am to 9pm, even while my brother and mom were playing tennis I knew I had to so more poomsaes so I was getting them done on the tennis court. Well with this being said I need to buckle down and get the rest done. GET'ER DONE!!! 

  1033 Hits

Finishing all my requirements

Finishing up my requirements! Gosh it feels so good to know that I'm almost done! Especially since I'm going to Utah soon and you can't really run that great in snow. Still need to everyday, trying to work my way towards a flatter stomach.  

  1251 Hits

Few more weeks

Great black belt class today. I liked how we broke each self defense down so we could understand it better. Only a few more weeks till testing, usually I think Cram Time! But I think I'm actually on heck to finish before.

  1114 Hits

Getting in the green

Getting in the green

Went for a 3.1 mile walk/run/ pull my dog out of the street. Getting in the green on my requirements. I need to do some major burpees and poomsaes today, maybe even run a little more to try and get in the green.

  1210 Hits

Getting stuff done

Two teachers workdays for today and tomorrow, must be a sign. Today and tomorrow I'm busting out serious requirements. It won't even be that bad because most of my requirements won't be hard to accomplish, I only have so many left. Of course I'm not that ahead on burpees or running, but I need to finish those before I go on my spring break trip to Utah. 

  87 Hits

New skill

I'm now officially done with my new skill. Not long ago, my photography group asked me to teach a lesson or study and present about a topic. I chose sports photography which was my new skill and presented my topic. They told me that I did very well speaking and explaining the topic. They had also liked some of the pictures I had shown that are my own work. Of course I'll still be doing sports photography and practicing new techniques, but at least now I know that I have taught not just me, but others as well.

  1192 Hits

Tennis season starts

Tennis season starts today! Excited or it but its also just another thing that is using up precious time. There's only a few more weeks till the cycle ends, excited but also nervous. I'm just hoping that over spring break I won't break any bones going snowboarding. 

  1109 Hits

So sore

I feel like I've been run over by a dump truck. After the physical and written test, I had softball practice with my new team; and they are in it to win it! I'm really excited for the softball season and can't wait to start games. Tennis is starting tomorrow at my school, also exciting because I can probably get running around the courts and odd amount of times; Might be able to get a mile or two in. Went for a 2 mile run; ankle started screaming at me. I think I'm going to have to confine myself to the ankle brace.

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Beautiful day

It is so beautiful out today! My mom and I just went for a 3 mile walk/run. Going to finish a science project at a friends, hopefully play done tennis as well then do more requirements later.

  74 Hits

Written and Physical

I am quite proud of my self today.Now I do know that I have to redo my: pullups,  burpees and v-situps, but I did things today I never even thought possible. First off pushups, I didn't think I would make it at all, but I did. Second my written, I am AWFUL at taking tests, absolutly horrible, but once I saw the first question, I knew I had it in a bag. And thrid above all else my run, oh my goodness gracious. 20:45 minutes. 4 days ago, I could 2.5 miles in 27 minutes. Yeserday, I ran 2.5 miles in 25:43 minutes, and I thought I wouldn't make it. Then today when i reached the half way point and my dad told me that we had 16 minutes left I was shocked; I would have never guessed that. And if it wasn't for my dad, i would be running again, he pushed me the...

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  1010 Hits

Last day before physical and written exam

I ran 2.5 miles today, ended up 1:30 seconds over(if I count the times I had to stop for cars). Tomorrow is going to make me or break me. Doing studying and more studying. Mostly memorized, some of the longer answers I'm having trouble on; it won't matter after tomorrow morning though. Nothing will matter. 

  1087 Hits

Last TAE KWON DO plus class

Going to my last TAE Kwon do plus class! Thank goodness for the instructors camp, without it is be to far behind on the plus classes. Before I'm going or another run and hopefully get another mentor session in. I need to get crackin on some jump rope, and running. By sprin break I'm going to try and get everything in green to the point where if I miss a day, I'll still be on track. Read through the test again, still can't believe I remember some of them. Still need to study more in order to memorize them all but I I think I'm doing pretty good.

  1166 Hits

Finished my thesis

Finished my thesis! Although I had to stay up until 12 am, it's done so that makes me happy. One and a half more to go! I only have one question I'm not sure about on the test. I'll have to ask master Hartle about it when I go to Tae Kwon Do plus class. Ran three miles with my dad yesterday and if I plan on passing my test I need to cut down my time. Can't believe it's only two days away now. This makes or breaks you right here. 

  1204 Hits


If it wasn't raining, I'd be running. also if I didn't have an overprotective dad but its ok I respect that he is trying to protect me because he knows what out there. Starting to put most of them in blues and greens! Which is good, except for journals, I am EXTREMELY behind on those. In the beginning I had thought my last cycles would count but I guess not. I am happy about all the credits we got from instructors camp: 3 Black Belt Classes, 3 Black Belt Weekday, 3 Sparring Classes, 4 Tae Kwon Do Plus Classes, 2 Leadership Credits, 2 Leadership Credits 2, 20 Sparring Rounds.

  1294 Hits

Feeling sore!

Feeling sore already! Going to teach then take a class after an hopefully get a mentor and mentee session in today, do some jump rope and pull ups. I want to just congratulate all the black belts that are on cycle or once were; it takes a lot of sweat, pain and guts to run 105 miles, do 10,000 push-ups and sit-ups. Lots of people wouldn't have been able I do most of the stuff that your doing now. So be proud of yourself, even if you are behind, find a way to get back up. There is no quitting in Tae Kwon Do.

  1200 Hits

Instructors camp was awesome!

He'd the best time at instructors camp! Feeling it a little sore in my legs can't wait to for my whole body to feel like that. Michigan beat Michigan state today! Great effort from both teams, got a lot of push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups and self defenses during that game. Working on a project for school will do jump rope soon.

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Getting behind

Getting behind is the worst thing. I written most of my essays but I'm getting behind on my requirements. Jump rope, pull ups, journals, running, self defense and burpees. Self defense will be ok, but journals and jump rope I am just wau far behind on.

  1774 Hits

Excited for Instructors camp!

Are you excited for Instructors camp? I am! I'm hoping that lots of credits will come out of it, but last time I went I had a lot of fun and can't wait to do it again! In the blue on four items...grrr. I'll have to work harder on those. 

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Today's a good day

Had a great run this morning with mom and Ben to Dunkin Doughnuts. Ankle is staring to give me a lot of grief; I should probably wet it more often. Well have to go the Michigan basketball game is almost on, GO BLUE!!!

  3083 Hits

Awesome day

Had an amazing time at the health fair! Learned a lot about what I'm eating and how I should watch what I'm eating. Also took the Zumba and women's self defense class. Great black belt class today! Although I have already done my empathy training this was a great experience that I I hope to try again. 

  74 Hits

Day goes by fast

Didn't do a whole lot today, got in a weekday black belt class, some poomsaes, self defenses, and push-ups and sit-ups. Wanted to do more but ended up running out of time in the long run. I'm very excited for the Health Fair tomorrow! I'll be taking lots of notes from everyone. I've always ate pretty healthy but it's time to start eating right and not just trying but actually doing.

  1137 Hits

Another day

Well basketball season is over for me, we ended up ranking third. Tennis and softball will start up soon but now I have a little extra time for classes and requirements. I have finally learned staff forms 1-4, which I am very pleased about. Also touched up on my Wang Ho forms a bit. 

  1267 Hits

Big game today!

Today is the first day of my basketball tournament. We are playing a team that we have beat once and lost once, and I'm very excited to play them again. I believe that being on cycle has made me a stronger and fitter person. I'm going to play my all today and hopefully not spraining or breaking anything. So pumped, it's game time!

  1190 Hits

Getting stuff done

Watched the Michigan basketball game today, great win over Penn State! A trick my mom taught me is that if Michigan makes it, then do sit-ups. I they miss do push-ups. If the other team makes it, do push-ups. If the other team misses do sit-ups. And during commercials do whatever our behind on. I ended up doing 150 push-ups, 175 sit-ups and 16 self defenses. Pretty good for just 2 hours.  

  1084 Hits

6th week of the cycle

Great sparring class today! I enjoyed going and will probably be sore tomorrow. On addition for it being a great class, it decided to snow! After having dinner with some good friends, of the family, I did some more push-ups, sit-ups, self defenses, and poomsaes. A great welcome to the official 6th week of the cycle!

  963 Hits

5th week of the cycle

I can not believe we are already 5 weeks in. It seems like I just went to the black belt meeting last month! I believe I am doing well requirement wise. I defiantly need to get to some more classes and so more self defenses. Maybe it's just everything else that's going on but everything Seems to be going so fast.

  1175 Hits


I can't beleive its already 4 weeks into the cycle! I'm pretty well caught up on things, I defiantly need to do more journals, self-defenses,  pullups, and running. Although I have already exceeded the limit for meditation, basic kicks and RAOK's, I am still going to do more of them so I can have the full black belt experience.

  1068 Hits

Awesome day!

Today I had a basketball game and this game was very important, because it decided our standing in the tournament. We were down in the first quarter, and I knew we had to do something. I wasn't tired or anything so when they threw a pass, I stole it and ran down the court passed it my teammate for two points. And even after we had won I was staton to feel tired but doing all these push-ups and sit-ups and running have helped me become better at much more than just tae kwon do.

  1405 Hits

Good day

I've already done 150 push-ups, 150 sit-ups, 9pullups, 150 kicks, 20'poomsaes, 20 self defenses, and alswho practiced basketball for a little and cleaned the house. Now I can watch the Super Bowl without the feeling that I need to be doing a lot of push-ups and sit-ups.

  1463 Hits

Great Classes

Great class today! I needed a lot of help with my staff poomsaes so I am glad I got to work on them today. Also a good sparring class very helpful drills. Some more requirements and lots of cleaning and this day will soon be over.

  1082 Hits

I'm feelin pretty good!

For the past week all my friends have been asking me if i need to go lie down, but I just explained to them that I'm on my black belt cycle. It's tough but I am defianlty getting a huge workout. I'm goning to look good in my bikini this summer! No matter how hard this is, which it is, i just have to go through with it and work. Nothing ever was given to you for free.

  1012 Hits


It always seems like during the weekends I have the most time. Unfourtenutly untill my mom gets home I have to do laundy, clean the house and make dinners. If it wasn't for my pawpaw everyone would probably be eating Chef Boyardee. Thank goodness for basketball as well, because i probably would not be in the best shape with out it.

  1120 Hits


Today I have a basketball game at 4:00. And believe me its the hardest thing when your trying to do black belt cycle and another sport at the same time; but I believe it's going to make me stronger and in a lot more shape. These past couple of days haven't been the easy, with sports, classes, school, and my mom is gone this week so we all have to pick up our slack around my house. But this is just one lesson that we have to learn in life. I guess i'm just starting early.   Good luck to all of you out there, and may you go through your cycle with faith!   Jessica

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