
Alyssa Marie Stevens

Member since: Thursday, 22 January 2015
Last Visit: Tuesday, 14 April 2015
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

I'm soooooo excited!!!!!!!

I just wanted to say again, that everyone did an AWESOME job during testing, and I am very proud of everyone!!!! I cannot wait for the Tea Ceremony, and I can't wait for Saturday!!!!! Wahooooo this is awesome!! I hope that everyone is as excited as I am. Can't wait to see you guys!! And great job on the cycle, everyone, I know that you tried very hard, and I can see it in your performance. I can't wait for the next cycle!!

  1194 Hits


Last night we had an awesome testing. Mostly everyone did great. I am very proud of everybody!! Keep up the great work!! Make sure you practice a little before the show!!

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1st degree testing

I have not written a journal in a while. But I wanted to say that I hope that everyone does well during their testing. I am a little nervous, but that is to be expected. I have been practicing all day, and know I will do great, as well as everyone else. * I am upset though, because I am not sure if my pull ups got logged in, and after taking class I ended up doing way more poomseas than what was there before. I also did a lot today. * I also don't understand why the website is not working, because I wanted to check it out and make sure everything was updated, but it would not work.  Good Luck!!

  1223 Hits
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Today I felt sore, and I don't know why; I also felt really tired, and worn out. The only thing I did today, was go see one of my best friends perform with her brother at a coffee shop, where they played the drums, and the electric bass, it was sooooooo cool!! I also worked on Taekwondo stuff. I hope that everyone had a great day!! I hope that everyone has been keeping up with everything!!

  1169 Hits

Fitness Testing, and Written Testing

Today I had my fitness testing, and I am very happy of myself, because I beat everything that I did in my pre-test!!! I got 105% on my written test!!! Wahhhooooooo!!! So happy. Then after I took 2 more classes, and then sparring class. Sparring Class was a lot of hard work, Master Evins was teaching us how to try and use more foot work while we were sparring. I definitely learned a lot!! I will suggest doing those types of drills at my sparring class. But now I have absolutely no energy left, I am ready for bed. I hope that everyone had a great day!! I hope that everyone has been keeping up with everything!! Congratulations to everyone who passed!!

  1189 Hits

Busy Fnishing Up some things before my physical and written testing tomorrow.

Today I had to miss Black Belt Class, because I had a community service things to do for my church. But I am finishing up my last essay and getting ready to study again for the written test tomorrow. I am nervous and excited at the same time. I hope I do well, I think I will though, because I have been working really really hard to get to this point. I hope that everyone had a great day! I hope that everyone has been working on their stuff! STUDY STUDY STUDY for tomorrow, and remember that you will do great, and try your best. Good Luck! See ya tomorrow. 

  967 Hits

Sparring Class

Today sparring class was a little hard in the beginning, because my tail bone still hurt, but it was ok later on. But as I was sparring other people, I ended up hurting my knee, elbow, and the instep of my foot. This is horrible, this always ends up happening before something big. But I am determined to fight through the pain and try to heal ASAP. I hope that everyone had a great day!! I hope that everyone has been keeping up with everything!! I hope that everyone has been studying!! See ya Saturday!

  958 Hits

Family Class and Kick Boxing Class

Today I decided I wanted to go to the family class, and it was fun! I found out that I do not have to know as many things that I have been practicing, which is a relief, but it is also something that makes me a little mad. Then I took kick boxing class, and that was really fun!! But after we had a kart-wheel competition, and it was fun, but the last kart-wheel I did I pulled something, and it hurts really bad when I am in certain positions (I think I pulled my tail bone! UGH) I totally jinxed myself on that. But I am stretching constantly to make sure it does not tighten up, and I am going to take medicine to relieve the pain. Hopefully it is better before Saturday morning, but if it still hurts, I do not care I am going to push through it...

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  920 Hits

Hyper Pro and PMAA Class

Hyper Pro class was really fun!, we did class outside, because it was so nice. I forgot to bring sneakers, so I did class outside in my bare feet, but it was still fun!, my feet got sooo black. After Hyper Pro Class, I did PMAA, and the first 30 minutes or so, we practiced breaking bricks; I tried to break one, but sadly I could not, I tried 2 times with my hand and 2 times with my heel. In my opinion, I think that it is scarier to think about breaking a brick with your foot than with your hand. After that we started to work with sticks, and I am really starting to get the hang of things! I am getting nervous with my journals and my exercises, because school has been really busy lately, and it is affecting Tae Kwon do! :( I hope that everyone had...

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  964 Hits

Today am going mute! :(

Today I am going mute, and it is horrible, it has been about 3 hours 10 minutes, I feel like I am going to explode. If you know me I do not stop talking, at all!!!! I just go on and on and on and never stop. I chose to do this, because I knew that it would be a VERY BIG challenge! After tonight when I finish my empathy training, I am going to write my essay on it; that will leave me with 2 essays left! I am also trying hard to catch up on last weeks exercises, because I fell a little behind. I am also going to study for the written test coming up this sat. I hope that everyone has a great day! I hope that everyone has been keeping up with their stuff! STUDY YOUR STUDY GUIDES!!!!

  980 Hits

Sparring Class

Today, I went to Black Belt class, and it was fun, we reviewed a lot of stuff that I have not reviewed in a few days. After I had sparring class, and I definitely got a good workout there! Master Knight really made us work hard on different drills, but it was fun. In Sparring Class we practiced head shots, and I got hit in the head once, I guess you don't always know what is coming at you. But everybody did great in class today. Make sure that you are studying your study guides, and getting ready for the physical test coming up this Sat! I hope that everyone has a great day! I hope that everyone has been keeping up with their stuff!  

  988 Hits

Black Belt Class

Today I went to Taekwondo, and I reviewed a lot of the stuff that I need to know. I was also really excited to see Mr. Hutchinson at black belt class for the 1st time after  his testing!! He did really good for his 1st day. Keep it up! I hope that everyone had a great day!! I hope that everyone has been keeping up with everything!!    

  906 Hits

2nd time helping out with testing!!

Today I helped out with Wang Ho testing, and it was really really fun!! I ran the mile with them and got a few requirements done! I am so proud of everyone that passed!! They were great. And I want to congratulate all of our new BoCho Dans!! I hope that everyone had a great day!! I hope that everyone has been keeping up with everything! Can't wait for testing! 

  1022 Hits

1st time going to help out in testing!

Today was my 1st time helping out with testing, and I was really cool! Even though I only helped with self- defence, it was still fun. I am also going tomorrow, to help out with testing, for the colored belts!! I am really really excited for that!! I hope that everyone had a great day! I hope that everyone has been keeping up with everything!

  954 Hits

Hyper Pro and PMAA Class

Hyper Pro was fun, again this week we learned how to do kip-ups and I think that I am getting better!!  PMAA Class was also fun, we were learning how to do more self- defence type moves with our hands instead of our sticks! It was a little different but it was fun. I really need to start working a little harder, because sometimes I forget, and testing is coming up soon!! I hope that everyone had a great day! I hope that everyone has been keeping up with everything!

  985 Hits

Study Session at my house!

Today a few people from Taekwondo came over to my house, and we all worked on the study guide together, to get it completed. After we completed the study guide we studied a little together and than everyone left. I got another essay done today! I am hoping that my schedule works out for me to go to Wednesday and Thursday's testing (for the colored belts) this week to help out. I hope that everyone had a great day! I hope that everyone has been keeping up with everything! Keep up the good work!

  930 Hits

Working on essays

Today I went to Taekwondo, and I did the Black Belt class and then after that I did sparring class. It was very fun and I learned how to be more fluent in certain kicks, and I also feel like I am getting better at sparring! Then after we left Taekwondo and got home, I started to work on my requirements and my essays. I have gotten a lot of requirements done, and I started my essays a few hours ago, and I have almost finished 2; I will probably try and do 1 or 2 more essays before I go to bed, but just like last night I am very tired, and it is hard for me to comprehend what I am writing. I hope that everyone had a great day! I hope that everyone has been keeping up with their requirements! 

  980 Hits

Happy to be in my own bed :)

Today was very long and I got like no sleep!! I am getting ready to got to bed!, and I am soooo happy to be in bed. Atlanta was fun and boring at the same time. I have not been able to do my requirements for the last 2 days!!!!, I NEED to catch up! I hope that everyone had a great day! I hope that everyone has been keeping up with everything!!

  913 Hits


Today I was in Atlanta for a school field trip, and it was very cool, but I am now very tired. I hope that everyone had a good day! I hope that everyone has been keeping up with their requirements!

  914 Hits

Kick Boxing Class!

Today again was Kick Boxing Class, and yet again I got a lot of credits!! But this work out was way more intense that what it normally is, but it was still really fun! I am sorry that this journal was short but it is late and I was almost out of time to write this and I have to get up at 3:30 ish Tom so...... I hope that everyone had a great day! I hope that everyone has been keeping up with everything!

  977 Hits

Hyper Pro and PMAA Class

Today in Hyper Pro I learned and practiced a few new things, but one of the main things that I was trying to work on, was a butterfly kick it was so cool!! I tried my hardest, to try and get it right but I could not do it, and I was not very graceful with it. Instructor Marcus was teaching us how to do it, and when he did it he did it so gracefully; it looked so good. In my PMAA Class I was reviewing some moves and then we started  to work on some other techniques. I felt really bad though, because I was having a little bit of a hard time trying to get a few of the moves down, and I was a little slow; but the reason why I felt bad was because most of the people were doing really good, and they got it...

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  930 Hits

Today I led my 1st class!!

Today I went to Taekwondo, and I led my 1st class! I felt a little embarrassed, because I forgot that I was the Instructor for a second, and I forgot to say and do a few things, until someone reminded me. But that is ok there is a first time for everything. I hope it goes better next time, but it was very exciting!! I also worked on being more enthusiastic with the kids, and I tried learning some more names. I definitely see a difference when I am more enthusiastic! I hope that everyone had a great day! I hope that everyone has been keeping up with everything!

  979 Hits

Instructors Camp!!!

Instructors Camp was sooooooo fun!!! I really want to do it again next year! I learned so many new things;  but one of the main things that got brought up over and over and over again, was about being enthusiastic when helping and teaching in class. I will definitely try to be more enthusiastic!, I love helping everyone, but I guess sometimes I can be a little down about certain things. I also learned about helping people when they are not in a good mood and when they don't really feel like being there. I LOVED using the stocks with Master Evins; he made it so fun to learn and watch! Another thing I really loved was sparring class, we did not end up doing much, because we lost track of time, but I still had a lot of fun with Master Alphin! It was so cool to see him do...

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  986 Hits

Excited and Nervous

I am very excited for instructors camp today!, but I am also very nervous, but that is because I have never been. I am doing my journal now, because I do not know how much time I will have to write it later tonight, plus I might be to tired. I hope that everyone has a fun time at instructors camp (to whoever is going)! I hope that everyone has a great day! I hope that everyone has been keeping up with everything!  

  960 Hits

Fun Snow Day

Today we had no school, and I actually got outside, and got to play in the snow. It was sooooooo fun!!, we built a snowman taller than me, and the base of the snowman was probably over 60 pounds!! It was crazy fun, and we invited a few of our friends over, and they helped us make the snowman!! I also worked on my exercises, and I got a lot done!! I hope that everyone had a FUN snow day! I hope that everyone has been keeping up with everything! I am also really excited for instructors camp, I am a little nervous though.

  870 Hits

Kick Boxing Class

Today I only went to kick boxing class, and like I have said before you should go if you can or if you have a kick boxing class, because it gives you a lot of sparring rounds!! I got 20 rounds!! We don't have school tomorrow! And we will not have to make the day up!! I hope that I will be able to get outside for a little bit while the snow is still there, but it all depends on how much stuff I get done for Taekwondo.  I hope that everyone had a great day! I hope that everyone has been keeping up with everything!

  860 Hits

Hyper Pro and PMAA Class

Today I only had Hyper Pro and PMAA Class. Hyper Pro class was fun, because we worked on rolls and falls and we worked on a few of the things for the Black Belt Curriculum; we also worked on kip ups (sorry if I spelled that word wrong, I don't have any idea on how to spell it). It was very fun! After Hyper Pro class I had PMAA Class, and there were a few new faces which were fun to see, because I got to work with more than one person! I also learned how to do a few more things, which are fun to do. I hope that everyone had a great day! I hope that everyone has been keeping up with everything!

  899 Hits

1st day of the White Belt Challenge!

Today was my first day of the White Belt Challenge, I hated it, it was very boring; I think I thought that because I am so far along and doing all of the White Belt stuff is very easy and I find it hard to understand why it took me a hour and fifteen minutes to work on white belt stuff when I first started. It did definitely feel different; it felt weird "starting all over" and being a white belt, I could not really do anything throughout the whole class because of it. I remember 1st starting, and not knowing anything, and now I really realize how far I have gotten in Taekwondo and how much I have accomplished! Knowing how much I have accomplished in my life makes me want to keep working hard and work harder to achieve more goals! I LOVE Taekwondo and I have high confidence...

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  894 Hits

Late Night Workout

I got up a little late today which did not make me happy, but I did get a lot of rest! Soon after I got downstairs I ate and then started to do my exercises, I got a lot done and then I had to take a break and finish my homework, then I had to go to church and then a class, and now I am going to finish my exercises! I am a little worried, because I think I accidentally left my Black Belt notebook at Master Evins school, and I am very worried that I won't be able to get it back before class tomorrow. My mom said that she would go and get it if it is there but I don't  know when that would be. Next time I will be more careful! I had to do a few extra things to do, and I set it...

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  936 Hits

Sparring Class

Today I went to Taekwondo and then I went to Sparring Class. I really think that I am getting better at sparring, and I am learning a bunch of new things, that are fun to practice against an opponent to try and improve my skills. I hope that everyone had a great day. I hope that everyone has been keeping up with your exercises.

  1018 Hits

Keeping up

I am still doing good on my exercises, but I hope that soon I will be able to have one day off a week, from doing exercises. I am excited for black belt class tomorrow and I can't wait to continue working on our Bocho Dan stuff. I hope that everyone had a great day. I hope that everyone has been keeping up with your exercises!

  851 Hits

Still doing good

I am still a little tired, but it is better. I am still doing good and keeping up with my exercises! I hope that everyone had a great day! I hope that everyone has been keeping up with everything?! Stay strong.

  873 Hits


Today was a good day, I went to Taekwondo, and I learned a few new things! The only problem, was that I was very tired; everything crashed down on me from all the days of exercising today, and I did not feel like doing anything. I hope that everyone had a great day!

  914 Hits

Almost there!!!

I have made a huge comeback!!, I only have about 120 more push ups to do to catch up, I have been working really hard this weekend on getting in the green with everything and I am almost there! I hope that everyone is having fun in the snow today! I hope that everyone is still working hard on your exercises. I hope that everyone has a great day!

  916 Hits

Still working hard!

This has been a very productive weekend! I have gotten a lot of things done, and my numbers have increased a lot! I am a little sore, but that is ok with me as long as I am getting my exercises done!! I hope that everyone has been doing all of their exercises and catching up on anything that you could have fallen behind on. I hope that everyone has a great day!

  995 Hits

Still working on getting caught up!

I forgot to write my journal entry yesterday which makes me mad, but I will soon make up for it. But aside from that today I am going to finish up getting caught up with everything that I am falling behind on, and in my opinion I think that I have been doing great with catching up on everything! I hope that everyone has a great day! Stay strong and keep pushing through everything that you have to do!  

  911 Hits

Doing Good

Last night and Today I have been doing great with catching up with all of my exercises, I am still working on them, but I'm doing good. Hope everyone had a great day off of school! Keep doing your exercises.

  940 Hits

Track? or Not?

I don't know what to do, track sign ups were yesterday and today, but I don't know if I have the time to do that, I am very passionet about Taekwondo and I do NOT want to fall behind with Taekwondo, because I have to run. But yet again all 3 track coaches want me to sign up and my parents do and my girls on the run coach, but I still don't know what to do. What do you guys think I should do??? I have been asking people for their opinions, for example my mom said I should do it because it will help with Taekwondo and because I got noticed by all of the coaches. My dad thinks that I should do it if that is another thing that I truly desire to do. And lastly Master Hartle thinks that maybe I should try out, but I will...

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  1113 Hits

Kick Boxing Class

Today I had my kick boxing class! It was really fun like always, and like I have said before if you have the chance to get to a kick boxing class then you should go aand do it, because it gives you a lot of sparing rounds. Every time I finish doing a kick boxing class I am always pumped to do another round (30 minutes)! It is sooooo AWESOME! This weekend I am going to vigorously catch up on everything that I need to catch up on. Master Chelley talked to me about the things I needed to catch up on/ do more of and I know exactly what I am going to do! Thank you Master Chelley. Another thing that I am going to try to do this weekend is start my essays! And hopefully get my book that I have to read, so I can also start that! I...

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  916 Hits

2nd PMAA Class!

Today I only took Hyper Pro class and PMAA Class. They were both fun, in hyper pro, Instructor Marcus was teaching us how to do a tri- pod thing to then go up into a hand stand; that was difficult for me to learn a new way, because I already know how to do a hand stand while standing. Then in the PMAA Class Master Hartle and Evan were helping me with all the new self defences I have to do with and without sticks. I will definitely practice over the long weekend and try to keep up with everything that I have learned. Hope everyone had a great day!

  864 Hits

Felt a little dizzy

My day was pretty good today, finally; for the past week, I have not had the best time at school. But I went to 3 classes today and they were all fun and informational. Towards the end I got a little nervous, because I started to feel a little dizzy, and I felt like everything was starting to shake and get weak; I was not happy, I wanted to stay for a kick boxing class, but like I said before I started to feel a little dizzy. But now I feel fine, because I ate and now I am going to start my homework and finish the night of with a few exercises. Hope everybody had a great day!

  944 Hits


I missed doing my journal last night which made me mad because I was in the green with them and now I am not, hopefully by doing this one will bring it back up to green. I have been doing good with my work outs and I am starting to catch up on everything that I was falling behind in, I slowly see the numbers decreasing!!! Throughout different parts of the day I ended up running 6 miles, which wad amazing! And I can't wait to finish catching up on everything throughout this week and over the long weekend. Comment if you want about how you are doing.

  903 Hits
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Black Belt Class

In Black Belt Class today, I learned a bunch of new things, I learned more self defense and practiced it, I learned basic form 1 2 and 3, that was very exciting, even though I am still a little rusty on it, I learned most of Wong Ho 1, and I practiced more poomsaes. I had a great class. And I hope that everyone who is going to instructors camp is having fun! I hope you feel better Master Chelley.

  1002 Hits

Playing the Jeopardy Game in class!

Today in class we did some review and then we played a Jeopardy game! My team was so close to winning, in the end we were behind by 2 points, but playing the game made me realize that I should review my previous study guides a little bit. After class I took sparring class, and I got 7 rounds in!, that was not as much as yesterday, but that is ok. I hope that everyone had a great day! Keep working hard!

  919 Hits

Kick Boxing Class

Tonight I had my 2nd kick boxing class, it was so fun! Doing the kick boxing class is one of my favorite classes to take! Also if anyone else offers the kick boxing class, I would suggest going to it, because you can get A LOT of sparring rounds in if you go. Thank you Instructor Lloyd, for filling in for Master Chelley while she was sick. :)

  811 Hits

1st PMAA Class!

Today was a fun day at Taekwondo! I had my 1st PMAA class! Master Hartle and Evan Graves helped me with the beginning stuff that I had to know; I learned a little bit about the history of the stick, and the different parts of the stick. I also learned some new blocks and 2 new self defense moves! Can't wait for next week! 

  976 Hits

Rough Day

I had a great day up up until 9:15, which is when school starts for me. About 5 minutes before that, I was awarded student of the month, which was great!! But then I got in class, and I did not realize that we had a post quiz, so I did not do very good on that at all, and then it all went down hill from there. I was very upset because I did not get to go to Taekwondo because of everything I had to do, but now I am doing my push up, sit ups, squatthrust, and everything else that I have to get done for the day while I am studying, hopefully it goes well. :( But I am definitely going to Taekwondo tomorrow for all the required classes that I have to do! It will be fun! Can't wait, especially for the kick boxing  class, I...

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  1148 Hits
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Catching up

Yesterday and Today I have been catching up on the exercises that I have been falling behind on, it has been a little rough, but I guess that is what I get for falling a little behind. But I am getting it done! Hope everyone has fun watching the game tonight. :)

  941 Hits

Saturday Black Belt Class

Today I went to black belt class, and we all got a lecture about some of us falling behind and other people that are in the green and good to go. After we all had the lecture we did a few sets of our exercises to try and catch up for the people who need it, which was good. After black belt class, I took sparring class and Master Knight always makes sure that our bodies are loose and not tight, so our kicks are more effective towards other people when we fight. Another new thing that we did in sparring class that was a little different, was kicking the bags and practicing some kicks that we could use against another opponent. It was really fun, and Master Knight makes sparring class fun but informational.

  881 Hits

Awesome Day

I had a really awesome day! I went to Taekwondo (black belt class) and I learned a lot of new things that I will have to practice before next Friday. I learned the stick form, specials, and I touched up on my Bocho Dan self defence. I hope that everyone else had a great day!

  879 Hits

Good Day

I had a great day in school! I feel like I did really good on my test today, and I'm confident that I will get a good grade on it. My elective today was gym, and I was really excited about going, because I knew that I was going to be able to get a lot of stuff done in regards to Taekwondo!! And I did! After school I went to Taekwondo and I took a regular class then I took a sparring class. Sparring class was good and I learn something new every time I go, which is always exciting (thanks Instructor Marcus!).

  880 Hits


I am soooo nervous, I am falling behind on all of my exercises because of homework!! But I have high confidence that I will catch up over the weekend!  Comment if you want!

  920 Hits

Good Day

Today was a good day in school. I confirmed today that I got straight A's again for a second quarter in a row!!!!

  925 Hits

Long Day

After a long weekend, and a long day, I went to Taekwondo from 5:30-9. I was very happy and excited to go after my long day because sometimes going relieves stress and that is exactly what it did!!! Also I was very excited to try the family class and the adult class for the first time. Another reason why is because I got to (really) help in a class with other kids!

  937 Hits


Today is a day after my pre testing, and my arms are very tired, it is so hard to do my push ups. But I feel very proud of myself because I finished filling in all of the information that I needed to put in (on the website), and now I know what I have left, and how many I have to do.                                                                                                                                                                                ...

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  835 Hits

Pre Testing

A few hours ago, I finished my pre testing. I was nervous but also ready confident at the same time. Once I got to Master Evins school, I started to calm down and realize that I should not be nervous about anything because I have done it a thousand times before. As a result I did good, but I could always do better. 

  918 Hits