Spring 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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Rough Day

I had a great day up up until 9:15, which is when school starts for me. About 5 minutes before that, I was awarded student of the month, which was great!! But then I got in class, and I did not realize that we had a post quiz, so I did not do very good on that at all, and then it all went down hill from there. I was very upset because I did not get to go to Taekwondo because of everything I had to do, but now I am doing my push up, sit ups, squatthrust, and everything else that I have to get done for the day while I am studying, hopefully it goes well. :(

But I am definitely going to Taekwondo tomorrow for all the required classes that I have to do! It will be fun! Can't wait, especially for the kick boxing  class, I love that class!!

*Suposidly today Punxsutawney Phil (the groundhog) saw his shadow and now we have 6 more weeks of winter!! UGH! I really do not like winter!

Comment if you want with your opinion about the weather.

It was gro...