
Terrence Rogan

Member since: Tuesday, 07 January 2020
Last Visit: Thursday, 19 December 2024
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Final Journal

Hello all, today is my last journal of the cycle, and it was nice writing experiences that other people could view and see. After the physical I was pretty much sore, but not as much as the last time I did this, and it felt expected. This is also our last week and I will feel thankful that it is over with. I am going to rest for now, goodnight.

  72 Hits

Physical Test Day

I woke up early today for the start of our physical test. I got up early so I could start my run sooner than later and manged a decreased time limit from the previous physical, than we did our pushups, sit-ups, v-situps, burpees, high planks, and jump rope. On the test, I knew every answer but forgot some others when we started, the worst thing it was out of order which I knew would be the case. After all was over we had our class and I went home to rest and passed out.

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Heavy Rain

Today I realized I didn't have class today, I wasn't given information, however, It was probably because of the heavy rain that was endured for hours during the day. Instead, I did requirements and went to my final sparring of the day. My pants were slightly wet and muddied from the time I got out and headed to the dojang from the vehicle. Another good thing is that all my essays are completed for the cycle.

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Today I started to continue studying more of my cycle test sheet. After that, I headed for class assistance and get a refresher of knife specials and understand more of hapkido 5. When I came home I made sure to exercise myself for Saturday preparation. I am also almost finished with all my essays now that I only have a few more left to tidy up.

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Saturday class and knife defense 9/21

At saturday black belt class, we all did stretches, a basic rundown of our blocks like inside block and outside and 2nd Dan defense breakdown and kicks. I was able to know all of it, and help my partner with a little bit of the move sets. After that was over I drove for my first knife seminar at Master Evans. It was completely different experience for me in regards with defense which was nice. When I got home I did more requirements and rested for the day.

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Self-defense breakdown and hapkido 9/20

During Fridays class, we did our practicing of different self-defenses and hapkido's. It was to help us for prepare for either Saturdays class or the cycle test. We all did red belt, high red and every hapkido. When I came home I did more requirements and sleep for tomorrow's class and knife seminar.

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Kicks A Thon

During today, I woke up for Saturday black belt class were we did rolls and falls, staffs, sticks bolo and Anyo Isa. I came back later for the kick a thon where we kicked until we've reached a target limit for money as a fundraiser for the cancer leukemia foundation. This was my first time doing this as a volunteer experience and so my legs ached, and I felt sweaty after all the kicking I did. I was surprised to see more people than previously thought therefore felt was great as a community. As I got home all I could do was rest, but not before having dinner. Goodnight.

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Staff Forms and Assistance

I woke up today ready to head to black belt class for class assistance. When that was all done, I got mentored and help from Mr. surplee for staff form 3 and took and video of it while doing the forms and move sets. I figured that would help a lot as I'm more used to seeing things on video and then getting a clear idea of what comes after. At home had my panda express, did requirements, and did reading. Also want to mention yesterday was Labor Day, so I didn't have class in the morning, but did everything as usual for the cycle.

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Staff form refreshment

Hey all, today as I got to color belt class, I did class assistance and had a mentorship for staff forms 1&2 with master marcus which is important to understand for staff form 3. When I came back home I practiced those some more with my sticks, did requirements, some homework, reading and just relaxed for midnight.

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A lot of rolling

I arrived to Saturday black belt class, I thought class already started, and I was late because I saw some people on the mat. Realized it was a teaching session with 2nd dan and 3rd dans with Master Evans and didn't get an alert about that from anyone which made me confused. Other than that we did rolls and falls, all the poomsaes and bocho Dan specials. I still seem to get the kick of it as I knew them by heart and felt great about it. Later exercised, had my dinner, read a book, played games and that was it. 

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Good Friday

At black belt class, we practiced stances, arm positions for striking and forms It made it easier to know where to strike and position my front stance for it. When I got back home I resumed my poomsae and self-defense practice with pull-ups and planks in between and had dinner afterwards.

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In the morning, I went to my campus class. I have been standing up most of the time getting to understand procedures with the machines I was working with. Came back, did requirements and read my cycle book, then went to class assistance and sparring class. This might have been the least sweaty and intense I've been in a sparring so far. As I came back I had my leftover Ihop and called it a day.

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Breezy Wednesday

I woke up today to go to Ihop for breakfast. When I came back I decided to get my schoolwork completed and settled on reading. Later after all settled I did my exercise routine and had dinner. 

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Self-defense day

During the day, I did my treadmill run that I missed yesterday and reviewed my specials and self-defenses. When I came to the dojang I was assisting class with everything. Mentee and mentor sessions were completed during my time there. I did part two of my special self-defense for 2nd Dan and wrote down every attack pattern I'm supposed to do. When I got home I had dinner and read the one of two of my books.

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Hello everyone, I woke up for class today, I started part of my project assignment during class time and did some machinery stuff for the day. When I got back I read, did some chores and did my poomsaes and self-defenses and hapkidos and had my dinner, unfortunately I didn't run today, felt like I crashed after being in the heat for a period. I will run tomorrow though and assist with class.

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Moderate Improvement

Hey all, today I did my treadmill run, hoping sometime I can decrease the time of my movements. It is getting easier for me to do each exercise now there were on week 6 of the cycle. Gonna get rested for tomorrow morning. Goodnight.

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Kicks and Bocho Dan defenses

This morning I went to Saturday black belt class for different paddle kicks and Bocho self-defense. I feel like I'm nailing my rolls and fall portion for #4 of the self-defense. When I got back, I did more requirements, read my book, did chores around the house and played games.

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Journal 33#

This Friday I did some requirements before heading to taekwondo in the afternoon. In black belt class we did our specials for our belt, and when we finished for the day I went home to do more of the requirements I didn't get to finish on. Gonna get rest for class in the morning. Goodnight.

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Monday Pt II

This morning, I got up to go to campus for my next class which is on Thursday. Felt like time was going a little slower while there, We were walking and standing a lot doing tutorial tasks during the time we had. When I came home I had a hard time trying to do other things more than before. Later went to taekwondo in which I did class assistance, and sparring. It's going to be hard getting through school and taekwondo going forward, unlike the summer, but I'm sure I can make it through it on the long run. This day was more of the same like monday since my same teacher was going through the basics.

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Hair salon twists

In the morning, I got my hair retwisted since it was growing fast over the summer. It does look a little different, though it is much smaller and denser than how it was previously. As I arrived home, I did my requirements, had sandwiches for dinner and slept because tomorrow I have another morning class to go to and I don't want to be drowsy when I wake up. Goodnight.

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Hair redone

I woke up today starting my schoolwork as early as possible before heading to. At class assistance, I did two mentorships switching between two people for 2nd Dan specials. Once I got home, I practiced more of what I was mentored on in class. Tomorrow I'm getting my hair redone and it's gonna look slightly different than before. I'm thinking of either small or medium twists and see where that goes.

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Start of Semester

This Monday, I woke up early to go to my class at campus, I moved around a lot as I was getting a feel for how things went again like the syllabus procedures, EVA's and everything else. As it ended I went home to rest before doing the necessities for the day. I also starting looking through my classes online and seeing everything that was shown.

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August 11th

Today, I was setting up my schedule, and organizing my clothes. Getting rest now because I have to wake up early for my campus class tomorrow. Goodnight

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Free Day

Hey everyone, Today, Then headed to saturday black belt class. We worked through hapkido, poomsaes and self defenses. After class, I went home and did more requirements since I was free today. Later on, I did some reading and had time to myself. 

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Productive Plannings

When I got up, I read my book as soon after that way I could do the other stuff and not read after doing pushups and situps. At black belt weekday class, we went through taebeuk, relearned the steps of geumgang and then did a very short hapkido 1-5 lesson before it ended. At home I continued the hapkido practice on my own time, I had dinner afterwards. Atleast it wasnt storming like yesterday.

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Kick Fest

At color belt class, I gained leadership credit, I helped someone with their red belt and high blue self-defense then taught them their belt study guide. When sparring class came we kicked the big black water paddles 10 times each leg then went backwards starting with the highest belt to lowest. That was enough to make me huff and puff, then I went 4 rounds of sparring and felt out of it. One of the people I was sparring kicked me 4 times a second. Resting for tomorrow at this moment. 

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Day 26

I got started on my stretching in the morning, I did that before I started my routine for the day. Practiced the 2nd Dan specials, and I realized I might need a mentor session on that one next time I come to class. Cooled down with a shower and some reading.

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In Tuesdays class, I helped out during class assistance, helped some people with koryo poomsae, did a mentee and mentor session for hapkido defense 1-5. When I got home I continued practicing 4 and 5 hapkido, I also did my Bocho and 1rst Dan self-defense, exercised and felt good for the day.

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Moving right along

I was feeling sluggish today, but I got my run in and my time is getting better. I still have some requirements and reading to do since I'm a late night person. Also, we celebrated a birthday which was nice

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On Track

During today, I woke up and did my requirements and then after that started tracking everything from week 3. I practiced more for the 1rst Dan and 2nd Dan self-defense before doing the specials to see where I was at.

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Great Saturday

At Saturday black belt class we worked on our jumping turning and sidekicks. The hard part about it is it's much harder to see where your looking compared to just a turning side or hook kick while your jumping up in the air. I also did taebeuk and guemgang, I then went home and rested, later did pull-ups read my book, and played games.

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I participated in the rolls in falls and during our black belt class, we also did staff form 1&2 and stick form 1&2. I am still good with doing those forms, as If I have photographic memory. When I got home I did my exercises and played games and rested for tomorrow.

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Kicking and Sweating

I was up today practicing my previous self-defenses and poomsaes. I continued with that until I went to class to assist and do the kicking. Anytime I usually sweat is when I kick and spar or run. Had to use the sparring equipment there because I left mine at home. I was thinking there was no sparring today because of the announcement on Saturday that it was pushed to Friday. However, That was for the one in Charlotte not lake Norman. The good thing is my cup was still on just in case I was proven wrong.

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This day I was doing my requirements, yesterday I was glad to get a refresher of 1rst Dan self-defense, It seemed like I don't see it showcased often and was surprised I was still able to know it all this time. After that I read my book and ate an Italian sub sandwich.

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Defenses and Poomsaes

Today I worked up on pull-up bars before heading to class during that time I did a mentee session with someone, did a class assistance and got mentored for my self-defenses and poomsaes. I feel like I am starting to understand my new self-defense as I keep going.

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Cloudy Skies

Hey everyone. Today has been cloudy and pouring a lot outside. Like yesterday, I ran my treadmill run and did each requirement. I am getting better bit by bit on my run.

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Day 16

This Sunday, I got started with my 3-mile treadmill run, afterwards I did my arm bars, practiced my self defenses and pushups and sit ups before taking my shower, I read the chapter of my book and relaxed for the day.

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A Routine Day

During Saturday black belt class, we did our poomsae and stick forms in class. As I winded down at home, I did my requirements and read my book for the essay. 

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Today I woke up to go to the movies and then returned home to do my requirements and read for my essay. Not much else happened, except I participated in rolls and falls and found my missing sparring gear helmet from yesterday's sparring class. I did learn 2nd Dan specials which was new for me since I never learned it until now.

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Getting There

During the day, I did some requirements, then read my book before going to class for leadership credit and sparring class. After that I played video games and then rested after all the kicking I did. Tomorrow I'm going to see Deadpool & Wolverine premiere day.

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One Day at a Time

When I woke up today I started with doing my pull-ups, I rested for a bit before starting the rest of my exercises, I am getting used to the procedures for this cycle at this point. An hour after all that I once again start reading my book for the essay.

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I woke up today and did more requirements, then headed to class today to do leadership credits.  After class, I did a mentor session with Master Marcus for 2nd Dan self-defense. Unfortunately, our WiFi went out, so we’re left without most of our tech working for a while.

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Today is the actual start of the week. I am still sore, but it’s nothing much. It was hard doing the requirements, so I did some, as overdoing it would make it worse. 

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Week 2

I woke up still feeling sore from yesterday, I practiced my poomsae and self defenses then used the treadmill. I did try stretching my whole body after that, still feel it buts it is subsiding a little.

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Today was the pre-test I woke up earlier than most to get started on my run on the track and managed 3.1 miles. The hardest part for me was the v-ups and pushups which I'll get better at before the end. I was sore afterwards and when I got home I crashed into bed.

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Pretest tomorrow

This Friday, I worked on some requirements before I went to class for rolls and falls. We were able to do our bocho to second Dan self defenses for refreshment. Gonna sleep in prep for tomorrow.

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Day 7

During the day, I did most of my requirements at home. I then went to class and gained leadership credits and helped assist the class afterwards. We then did sparring after that I went home to rest. 

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Making a habit

 Yesterday, I did my requirements. Today will be my first sparring class in a very long time. 

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Good Day

Today in the morning and afternoon I did my requirements. Ran a few miles on my treadmill to get prepared for Saturday. Tomorrow, I will begin reading the required book because I start school in the fall. I want to get my essay done before then.

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Start of cycle

Yesterday at Saturday black belt class we did our color belt poomsaes and self-defenses and I got my book from master Chelley. Today I am doing requirements preparing for pre-test.

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The Alchemist

I'm reading the Alchemist for my essay.  So far I like it...it's adventurous. I still have some requirements to finish for today.

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No School Today

Today I woke up ready to head to school only for no one to be there, we then went home. I read my phone saying there was a 2 hour delay today because of the tornado damage yesterday. To my surprise later on I heard all CMS schools are closed due to weather conditions. I did my run, my requirements and played playstation.  I will get 2 more essays done this weekend.

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Rainy Day

Today there was heavy wind and raining at my high school. I thought it was only a storm but I heard there was a tornado warning everywhere. It didn't really affect us as much. After school I did my requirements and finished my school work. Then went to sparring class.

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Class time

Today in class we worked with Master Hartle. I did back leg side kicks, poomsaes and self defense. After class I went home and finished my requirements. I'm tired and ready to get some sleep.

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Today Master Marcus and Master Natasya mentored me with my study guide before we started class. Then we did our basic kicks and started doing our sparring afterwards. I received pointers for sparring from Master Marcus.  I received leadership 2 credits for class today. I helped out some of them on the mat with kicks and did my requirements for push ups and sit ups while there. 

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Normal Day today

It was a normal day....nothing exciting except the weather...70!  I did some  requirements at home...pushups, situps, and burpees. I went to family class and we did our poomsaes, stances, and we did some fun activities on the mat. I looked over my school work. Now it is time to get some rest.   

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Today in black belt class we did our kicks, trained over some of the poomsaes and forms. Later on I went to my community service and helped stacked cans in the containers. I did not do as much as I wanted to do.  I went to dairy queen afterwards and took a rest. I still have some requirements to do later.

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Black belt class today

Today was a normal school day and I'm glad its Friday. Kickboxing was fun but tiring and I did some requirements. 

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Great Sparring class today

Today in class I worked with Master Marcus for staff form and special self defense. We then did our sparring at the half end mark of class. I will study more for my test tomorrow and get some rest.

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Great day at family class today. We trained with Jason on our poomsaes, blocks, and self defenses in class. I then went home to do my requirements. I did my homework and studied my notes for school.

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Fun Day at Sparring

Today we did sparring class in Tae Kwon Do. After we did that I did some mentoring for kicks, poomsaes and self defense. I then went home to work on some more requirements a bit more then rest.

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Its a regular day

I worked on my project in my visual arts class today. It was a regular school day.  I did some requirements this afternoon. I'm heading out to family class.

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Sore today

I went for a 2 mile run in the afternoon.  After that I did my push ups, sit ups, burpees and other requirements. I was surprised how sore I was from black belt class yesterday.  I took some time with my Playstation. It was fun and a good day.

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Fun Day at Master Evins's class

I had a great day at the King Tiger in Charlotte. We did our exercise training, our special self defense, and our kicks with Master Evins. The class started off very intense and I was sweating.

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Fun day at black belt class today

I had a great time doing our poomsae and self defense specials at class today. We also used our sticks to train with Master Chelley. At the end of class Jason helped me with a special self defense that I was having trouble with.

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Good sparring class today

I had fun sparring at class today, I was more tired than usual from it. Master Marcus helped me with the koreyo poomsae and helped me with a special self defense. 

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I wore the white belt

It felt weird wearing the white belt. It brought back memories of when I first started. Everyone was teasing me there, but it was a fun day.

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Lots to do

Midterm today and another one tomorrow. I've been really busy...completed some requirements. It's white belt week and I'll work on another essay later.

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Chill day...sorta

I slept late today and it felt good. No more shorts for my runs. I had to wear jogging pants and my hands got cold. I wish I wore gloves too. I will be finishing up midterms this week. I felt tired doing my requirements today.

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I got to train with Ms. Theresa and Luci today. We both trained hard on our push-ups, sit ups, and burpees.  I did my longest run ever and completed my poomsaes and self defense and basic kicks. It was great working together.  I will work some on my essay and read my book tonight. I will sleep a little later tomorrow.

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Fun day at Black Belt class today

I enjoyed the kicking rounds and the poomsaes we did in class. I completed a lot of physical requirements. I went to the gym afterwards for push ups, sit ups, and burpees. 

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Getting back in it

I did most of my daily requirements today.  I have to to concentrate so I can catch up.  I feel a lot of pressure from being behind but I will get there.  I'm heading out to black belt class.

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Mentoring was hard

I had a hard time mentoring because I was in front of people watching the entire time.  I don't have that much experience which made me feel awkward and nervous. I will get better with practice.

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Strep throat

I haven't been to school and tae kwon do at all this week. My mother took me to urgent care yesterday and I have strep throat. It hurt too much to eat.  I'm taking antibiotics and it looks like plastic. I can go back to school tomorrow and I'm okay about that.

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Sick Today

I missed going to school and class in tae kwon do today. I was not feeling well from my fever of 102.8. I have a sore throat, my upper left leg was sore so it made it hard for me to move when i woke up. I have some catching up to do.

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Making Me Stronger

This is the hardest thing I've done in my life. I do feel great working out with others instead of by myself because it makes me feel someone else's struggle.

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