
Shawn Jackson

Member since: Tuesday, 17 July 2018
Last Visit: Thursday, 04 October 2018
Last name
Jackson Jr.
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Tuesday 9/25

Today SHOULD be the last day I have to journal FINALLY. Today I had my mentor meeting and it was all about falls and rolls. I really needed these falls and rolls so I don’t have to do ALOT of falls and rolls everyday. Today I also had a plan to do many push-ups and sit-ups so that before my testing I have a day to relax and do nothing. Class today was basically all about doing kicks onto shields. I had to use the shield against my friend who’s a black belt and he kicks hard. I hope everyone had a great day!!!!!!

  738 Hits

Wednesday 9/19

Today is the final day I have to journal YAY!!!!!!! Today I had a busy morning, first I woke up and went to chick-fil-a to get breakfast then, I went to the barber shop to get a hair cut. After that I went with my mom to get her eyelashes done and it took forever. After getting her eyelashes done then I did a training montage with my mom and got our falls and roles and everything else done. After our long montage we went to the movies to go watch the Meg and we are not going to the beach anytime soon. Right now I just did 10 minutes of jump rope and I’m a little tired. I hope everyone had a relaxing day!!!!!!!

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Tuesday 9/18

Right now I’m heading to Master Evins class right after eating a short snack and it feels weird. After the situation with hurricane Florence I haven’t got to go outside much because of how dangerous it was. Now that I go back to school today it feels to talk to my teachers and friends. I am very glad to go back to school because I’m so used to doing school work or just talking about it. I hope everyone had a great day!!!!!!

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Friday 9/14

Today might be the last day I have to do poomsae’s and self defense because I’m almost finished with them. Today I’m staying home instead of going to camp to get stuff done. But I’m going to go to king tiger for black belt class. CANNOT  miss that. Right now I’m adding All the stuff I did today so far with my mom. I haven’t done anything fun yet just working out/taking breaks. I hope everyone has a great evening!!!!!!!

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Thursday 9/13

Today was a day were I didn’t have school because of RAIN. Out of all the things to get out of school RAIN is one of them. It makes NO sense to me why I couldn’t spend al whole day of getting a good education because of RAIN. Today I went to camp at tea kwon do and I stayed to assist in testing. My legs feel tired right now because I just completed a mile with my mom( of course not non-stop though). The craziest part of my day is that it didn’t rain at all today. I hope everyone has a great evening!!!!!!

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Wednesday 9/12

Today I assisted in testing of the lower belts and it was my first time. It was a great experience to know what it is like to be the self defense partner. Today was also a half day at my school so I got out of school 3 hrs. earlier. I did many things at that time before the testing, like push-ups, burpees, etc. My day was very busy, and short. Tommarow and the day after I don’t have school because of the rain, and I don’t like it. Sure I can get ahead on my black belt cycle requirements to do list but I believe school is a lot more important and I enjoy everyday I go to school( partially.) I hope everyone had the best day ever!!!!!!!!

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9/9 Sunday

Today and yesterday I did in total 600 poomsae’s and self defense’s. Also last Friday I finished the last 3 of all my essay’s and I’m so glad I finished them all. Today I really focused on studying for the written test. Me and my family went to petco to get stuff for my fish tank but the only thing is we didn’t use any vehicles instead we got two miles done. It was a great exercise for my whole family.I hope everyone had the best weekend ever!!!!  

  612 Hits

Thursday 9/6

Today I did my push-ups and sit-ups faster than usual and I don’t know why but I felt like I had a lot more energy today. Today in sparring class I tried something different today instead of looking at their tactic I looked at how they spar what they mostly do and keep doing, I look at their weaknesses and use them to my advantage. For example: my friend gautomng has a tactic of getting in close to his opponent than jumping back then doing a roundhouse to get a point. Once I looked carefully I saw he is open at that moment when he kicks so when he kicks I block and manage to kick him instead. Same thing with master Marcus usually he slides back instead of blocking so he is open most of the time and that is your chance to strike. Sparring was fun, I hope everyone...

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  613 Hits

Sunday 9/3

Today was different than any Sunday or weekend because this weekend was my BIRTHDAY WEEKEND!! For my BIRTHDAY we went to great wolf lodge and was fun. Today I also did my self defense with my dad and it was fun. I am ready for the school week and I hope everyone had a great weekend!

  569 Hits

8/29 Wednesday

Today I assisted and attended in the 5:30 class and it was fun. This jeopardy was different because we had to noodle fight to answer the question, it was fun. I’m about to go run right now. I hope everyone had th best day ever!!!!

  623 Hits

Sunday 8/26

Today I did almost all my push ups and sit-ups with my dad the rest I did by myself. I had to read fro my summer reading challenge for school so that took up much of the day. Today me my mom and my dad all went to go get pedicures and the place went to was soo fancy. At the place they had a massage chair and it was very relaxing. Today I did 1 mile instead of the usual two. I hope every had a great Sunday and is ready to go back to school!

  601 Hits

Friday! 8/24

Today is the last day of camp and the last day I have to do my mentee meeting. Today I also ran 2 miles with my mom whil my dad timed us. Today was the end of summer camp party and it was really fun. In black belt our teacher was extremely nice and I would her to teach all the classes I take. I hope everyone had the best Friday ever!

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Thursday 8/23

  Today my mentor was a different person but a friend of my real mentor. I had many questions for my mentor so I’m glad I got my questions answered today. For the most of the day I helped out with the little kids playing mini golf. Today was a long day because after my meeting I had sparring class. Even though today was a long day I still ran 2.32 miles. I hope everyone has a great day!

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Tuesday 8/21

Today I did 1.66 miles with my mom. We went to my favorite restaurant McDonalds. After we got to the restaurant my dad came and picked us up to go home. At camp in sparring class we played a card game were we would grab a card then do as many kicks the card says. Our team won and we didn’t have to do any extra workouts. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday!

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Wednesday 8/22

Today I meet with my mentee to help him get his orange stripe. Also I had my meet the teacher school day today and got to meet all my teachers and introduce myself. Today I felt a little dizzy at camp so I left early. Right now I feel sick and extremely cold when it’s normal temperature for my mom. Even though I feel sick it will not stop me from working out. I hope everyone had a great Wednesday!

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Monday 8/20

Today is the first day that I ran a mile with me, my mom and my dad. It was fun to run with my family. Today was very different because after the empathy training I don’t talk a lot because I still feel like I shouldn’t talk. Today I met with my mentee and we mainly focused on sparring combinations. Looking forward to sparring class tomorrow. I almost have all my leadership 2 credit done and it feels good to accomplish something. I hope everyone has a great Monday!

  614 Hits

Sunday 8/19

Today is the day I did my empathy training and it is so hard. I choose to be mute and It is harder than I thought, I have to communicate in writing because any other way does not work. I tried mouthing the words but that's hard to understand, silent language wont work because I don't know it and trying express what I'm trying to say through movements is also hard. For times when I didn't have a pencil or notepad My mom could only ask yes/no questions so I could shake or nod my head. For breakfast we went to a restaurant so I wrote words on my ipad to tell the waitress what I wanted to eat and it was so weird and I felt so bad because I could not say please and thank you. I hope everyone has a great Sunday!

  624 Hits

Saturday! 8/18

Today In black belt class we did a challenge to try to distract our partner while they do Kwon Sool. It was very funny. In class we also focused on our poomsae’s with correct form and movement(as in doing walking stance instead of doing front stance). We also worked on doing our basic kicks perfectly. Right now I’m going home with my mom coming from the shoe store to get better shoes for running so I feel more comfortable. I hope everyone has a awesome Saturday!

  612 Hits

Friday! 8/17

Today in black belt class we did a lot of kicks and poomsae’s and my legs were very sore. Also when I worked with my mentee all the other black belts were doing their mentee meeting too so we all did it at the same time. In black belt class we did white belt and yellow belt special’s self defense many times. I just got back from running and I can feel the pain everywhere on my legs every time I move. I hope everyone had the best Friday ever!

  627 Hits

Thursday 8/16

Right now my legs feel like they are going to fall off me because of how hard I worked my legs. I just got back from running and my legs are so sore I can barely walk without them hurting. I got 16 rounds off sparring rounds done so I was tired after that. Before that I had a mentee meeting, a mentor meeting and assisted and leaded. Today I did a lot and am ready to relax I hope everyone has a goodnight!

  630 Hits

8/14 Tuesday

Today I almost did all my physical requirements at camp so when I got home I could relax. I got my mentor meeting done but it was different because someone else mentored me this time. I got a lot accomplished all at once and I’m not very tired. Today was a successful day and I hope everyone has a goodnight!

  627 Hits

Wednesday 8/15

Today I accomplished a goal of running 0.5 miles straight and I wasn’t tired after so I know I’m a lot stronger than I thought. Today I also was able to assist and lead. I had a mentee meeting and I completed the white belt challenge. My legs are incredibly tired and I’m ready to relax. I hope everyone has a good night!

  606 Hits

Monday 8/13

today I ran 2 miles and it was long. Today was also the start of the white belt challenge and I had to act like I  didnt know my stuff and didn’t know anybody and it was so hard not to laugh. Today I also did sit-ups a different way then I usually do. I meet with my mentee and we did all the things a high yellow belt could do so we did: his study guide, sparring combinations, and so on. My body is sore and I just took a bath in epson salt.I hope everyone has a goodnight!

  648 Hits

Sunday 8/12

Today I finished my hero essay wich is my third completed essay so far. Tomorrow is the start of my white belt challenge. Today I rested my body instead of working it constantly. Today was not really exciting because it was a chill day but tomorrow will be back to normal. Right now I feel relaxed and I’m glad that I’m relaxed because I need just one day to take a break from working so hard all the time. Today was still a chill day even though I still did some of the workout’s I usually do.Tomorrow i’ll Get back on track. I hope everyone has a good night!

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Saturday 8/11

Today is the day that our class is outside. We helped out at Master instructor richi’s house because they needed our help. It was a long process but we got it done. At the end we got McDonald’s as lunch. I had to get up super early to run 2 miles, get breakfast then go to class. I’m a little tired but ready for the rest of the day. I hope everyone has a great afternoon!

  624 Hits

Friday! 8/10

Today I had a almost 30 minute long meeting with my mentee and it felt a lot longer than it should have. We went over study guide, poomsae, self defense and sparring combinations 1-12, we did all these things 7 times, my mentee should know his stuff without a problem. I also had to do a lot of self defense in black belt class. I did a lot of stuff today and my legs/ arms are very tired. I hope everyone had has a good night!

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Thursday 8/9

Today I did 2.1 miles, and had sticks class, sparring class, assisted in a class, met with my mentee and did 160 push-ups and sit-ups.   I had a very busy day today and I also finished one of my essays today. Looking forward to Friday and Saturday when we will help at Master instructor RItchey’s families house. I hope everyone had a great day!

  633 Hits

Tuesday 8/7

Today is the first day for me that in sparring class we ran out side and had half of the class outside. Today is also the first day my mentor mentored both me and Andre. We worked on stick and staff form 1 and Bo cho don self defense. Today I also did 220 push-ups and got caught up on my pull ups. I hope everyone had a great day today!

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Wednesday 8/8

Today I led a class full of other bo cho don’s just like me and at the end of class we played jump the river. Right now I feel tired  even though I didnt do much today. Right now I’m hoping for the day to be over so get ready for the next one. Today I did 10 more push-ups and sit-ups because I wanted to do more than I have to do,  I hope everyone has a great evening. 

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Monday 8/6

Today on this dark Monday I’m driving home with my mom and I’m about to run 1.4 miles with my mom and dad and I’m nervous that we are going to get rained on hard. I have done 50 push-ups/ sit-ups already and meet with my mentee today. I also have done 5 burpees. I’m actually tired already for some reason but I’m ready to get even more tired after running. I hope everyone has a great afternoon!

  626 Hits

Sunday 8/5

Today is the final day I need to do 440 push-ups and sit-ups to finally get caught up and I’m super tired. Today I ran 1.4 miles and It was harder than usual because of instead of running up 1 hill I had to run up several. Today i also finished my book and rolemodel esssy today. I’m so glad I’m done for the day and can finally relax. I hope everyone had a relaxing weekend and I hope they have a great afternoon too!

  585 Hits


Today on this awesome Friday I feel relieved to almost be done doing stuff and relax. I had to run 2 miles, get my mentee to put his signature for last meeting,    Have a meeting with him today, have him sign this meeting, ask for a recommendation letter and have master Shelly sign my book for the black belt class. With my mentee today we focused on his study guide and he needed a lot of help. We studied the yellow belt study guide and we studied the Korean word for blocks and kicks. I then went to black belt class and we worked on bo cho don self defense(also specials) and Koryo pomsae. I’m about to do push-ups, sit-ups and burpees, after I’ll get ready for class tomorrow. Have a great night! 

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Saturday 8/4

Today is the second time I have been to Saturday black belt class and it’s the first time in forever since I’ve done staff form. I had to reteach someone pal Chong it was ackward because I’m not a really good teacher. Right now I feel ready to relax, I’m not exhausted but I don’t usually wake up early to do class every day. Before class I did 100 push-ups and sit-ups and I did 20 burpees and I wasn’t tired. That was great news to me. Even though I still have to do like 315 more push ups and sit-ups it still felt good. Right now I’m in the parking lot of Walmart with my mom after class and I overall feel a lot better that Saturday class is done. I hope every has an awesome Saturday.

  642 Hits

Mentee meeting 8/1

today is the first day I met with my mentee. His name is griffin and today we worked on his self defense and poomsae. Griffin is a high yellow belt and needs a little help for his self defense. Right now I’m about to do all my push ups, sit-ups, poomsae’s and kicks. Me and my dad are staying home while my mom goes out to workout. I’ll try to do twice as much as I have to do so this should help me accomplish the goal I have a lot faster for this week.

  613 Hits

Thursday 8/2

Today is the first day I am meeting up with my mentor and I have a lot of questions for him( mentor is Master Marcus). I just got back from running but I’m not as tired as the running that I did yesterday so I know I’m getting stronger. The mentor meeting is right before sparring class so right after the meeting we just start the class. I’m a little nervous of my first mentor meeting, don’t know why(probably because it’s my first meeting). I’m tired after camp but I still get the exercises done. I hope everyone had a great day!

  661 Hits

Thursday 8/2

Today is the first day I am meeting up with my mentor and I have a lot of questions for him( mentor is Master Marcus). I just got back from running but I’m not as tired as the running that I did yesterday so I know I’m getting stronger. The mentor meeting is right before sparring class so right after the meeting we just start the class. I’m a little nervous of my first mentor meeting, don’t know why(probably because it’s my first meeting). I’m tired after camp but I still get the exercises done. I hope everyone had a great day!

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Sunday 7/29

Today on this cold/hot Sunday right now I’m watching the end end part of the movie justice league and I am incredibly tired the most tired I have ever been after running. I finished the book I’m reading for the essay and I am getting ready to write the essay. I ran 1.35 miles today but split it between the track and my neighborhood to beat the rain. Through my neighborhood my mom followed me on my bike. In my neighborhood and the track I ran1.35 miles straight( not exactly straight because I took short breaks of course). I hope everyone had a great weekend. Have a great week.

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Saturday class 7/28

This is my first Saturday black belt class and it was very different from the normal classes I’m used to. We did this thing called first form so I just watched other people do it. After class I went to the ymca to run 1.40 miles but ended up running 1.30 miles instead. Then we stretched and did 50 push-ups and sit-ups. Today I was a little nervous of my first Saturday class, not sure why but the class overall was fine.

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Day 2 Running

I did some running with my mom and dad and we got 1.05 miles in, I wanted to do more but my parents told me to pace myself, take steps (basically don’t do more than you have to do). I’m eager to do jump ropes, pull-ups and sparring but I have to ask a black belt where and when I can do them. 7/9/18

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My mom and I went to Kentucky to visit my granddad.  I got to see my cousins, swim and we worked out.  At the hotel they have their own fitness center and I ran a mile on my first time on a treadmill and first time doing a pull-up.

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