
Matthew Cosentine

Member since: Friday, 05 July 2019
Last Visit: Monday, 24 March 2025
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Spring Break is over...

Congratulations on everyone testing!  I wasn't there to see it but I know everyone did a great job.  The tea ceremony is next week, so I am excited to see people getting their new belts, if anyone wants to send me pictures.  Shoreview is closed this week because it's their spring break, so I won't be making it there this week unfortunately...

  41 Hits

Audit Reflection

This is the end of the spring cycle... for many of you, it is testing day.  For me, I still have farther to go with a lot of things.  This cycle was by far the most challenging of all my black belt cycles thus far for many reasons.  Now that I'm at a place much different from anything I've had at home, I had to get used to what my life now is, and I've had to deal with things that I've never come across before at home when I had a set way of doing things for years.  I started the black belt cycle strong and was very excited to take the next step in my Taekwondo journey after feeling disconnected from the community I had at home for the first time.  This community has been there for me for most of my life in a way that no person...

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  66 Hits


I spent all night last night on the bus from Saint Paul to Chicago.  Today I walked around the city with my friends.  We weren't sure what to go to, so I ended up calling up my dad, as he knows the city and I don't.  Last time I have been to Chicago I was 1 year old.  We visited a park in the suburbs and a Chinatown mini-market.  I got my sisters birthday presents for their birthday coming up.

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Spring Break

Today was the start of Spring Break.  Everything was very slow.  Most people have left, and unfortunately the gym is closed, so I'm doing a lot of requirements either in my dorm or outside.  That was fine though, since today was a pretty good day outside.  The meal hours at the buffet are weird now.  I spent a lot of the day catching up with friends and trying to solve things that I wouldn't be able to think about with school on.

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Pi Day

I am finally done with the first half of the semester!  And I am ready for spring break.  I got the $3.14 pizza, but this year, it was at Tono's, not at the Blaze near UNCC that I got it at in years past.  Speaking of food, I got all-you-can-eat fish and chips with my aunts and my friend, which was fun.  Anyway, I hope this spring break is restful and the next half of the semester goes better than the first.

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Last Midterm

Today was mostly uneventful, other than a midterm.  I'd say I did alright on it, especially since it was for an 8:30 class.  I'm in the middle of doing some homework and a revision for a previous test.  2 more school days until spring break!

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Spring Skiing and Housing for Next Year

This past weekend, I went out skiing with my aunts and my cousin for the last time this season, since it's already warming up here.  I stayed at my aunt's house for that entire weekend.  With everything I have been doing in the past few weeks, I needed a bit of space from everything, so it was good that I stayed there.  I finally got 6 hours of sleep in one night, which has got to be a record high for this semester.  Yesterday, I got an email from residential life saying that I was one of 6 people that got in the Chinese House!  I replied and said yes, and now I know where I'm going to be living next year!  I'm excited, and I already know next semester is going to start way better off for me than this one.  Anyway, I have to go study for an exam...

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  54 Hits


This past week has been a slow week.  Partially because of all of the work I have been doing and all of the time spent being a zombie from little to no sleep.  Hopefully I can fix that next week and over spring break.  Going to my aunt's house to get caught up on a few things away from where I'm normally at has helped a little.  Hopefully skiing tomorrow will be fun, although it will be pretty warm for skiing and will probably be the last chance I can do it before it warms up here.  Anyway, the time change to daylight savings time is about to take place.  This time change in particular gets on my nerves.  My internal clock is already messed up enough without the time change.

  32 Hits


Yeah, whatever I'm trying to achieve right now is very much not sustainable in the way I'm doing it.  I am currently over at my aunt's house because I really had to get away from things.  Maybe I can actually get some undisturbed sleep.  And catch up on my tracking on the site.  Hopefully I can catch up on a lot of things this weekend.

  69 Hits

Almost Friday

Another day spent on doing homework, except this time, I don't have an annotated bibliography looming over my head.  Things are going slow this week due to me being busy and tired.  I got a lot more work to do, so I will catch everyone later.

  46 Hits

No Sleep

I have fallen behind on a lot of things.  I have fallen behind on sleep.  I don't have much energy.  But I have so much to do for tomorrow and the next day and the next.  It's been an entire month of this... I can't wait until summer, until next year.  I will probably be in a better place for things by the time when the fall semester rolls around.  But for now, it's just back to pure pain.  And using the last of my energy to force that pain out of my mind.  Sleep is a luxury.  Being well rested and being in a good headspace is a privilege.  I have been trying to be a lot of things for a lot of people, amid failure after failure this semester when things went downhill.  I'm writing this at 11 central time, but I feel the weight of no sleep on...

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  39 Hits

Spring Break! (Not really)

Yeah, March Fools everyone... it's not spring break for me yet.  At least not for 2 weeks.  I'm planning on going to Chicago for spring break with my friends.  That might be cool.  For now, I have a lot of homework to do, and an annotated bibliography that I have due very soon.

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I miss Instructor Camp

I had a lot of things I had to deal with this weekend...  I started doing more rock climbing though.  I found that to be calming.  That, and burying myself in homework.  This is going to be a long semester.  I'm really not sure how it's going to go.  I got some mango ice cream with hot sauce.  It sounded crazy but it actually tasted good.  I missed Instructor Camp a lot.  This was the first time that I haven't gone to Instructor Camp.  I miss that community, where everything was easy to understand.

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More Midnight Studying

I stayed up a bit later than normal last night, and I'm probably going to do the same today.  If I can't sleep, I might as well spend some time studying for my Chinese test tomorrow.  I made it to Shoreview today.  Felt good to get some training in amid a very long week.  Tomorrow's first class is canceled, so I get to wake up an hour later.  Tonight, I have to work on homework and studying.

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Almost to the end of the week

Well, halfway there.  I am once again writing this as I am about to go to a midnight gym session.  I have a little bit of homework left to do but I got most of it done.  My 7pm to 10pm class is a bit hard to sit through, since I'm not really the type of person who can sit through things for a long period of time without getting sleepy, even if it is a very interesting topic.  Also, I have a Chinese exam to study for, and it's on Friday.  Hopefully I will have better luck with that than I did with exams in the past 3 weeks.

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No Shoreview Today

I know, right?  Sad.  No 540 kicks.  Well, it's back to the usual grind of homework.  It's just gotten really rough this semester.  If I'm being entirely honest, I'm just trying to stick it out until I can return to Charlotte in May.  Last semester was the fun semester, but this semester is like the tragic sequel nobody wants to watch and everyone deems non-canon in their own mind because it was so bad.  Yikes.

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Another day down...

And a lot more issues to deal with.  This is the first time I've had a spring black belt cycle, and it really shows.  I'm not used to having to do most of the cycle with a bunch of other things to deal with.  Speaking of things to deal with, I have a lab report due in about 50 minutes.  I will see everyone later.

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Rock Climbing

Today I did some work on my lab report due Monday.  Aside from that, I was able to go to rock climbing today, the first time this school year where I was able to go.  That was fun but tiring.  I got a big dinner when I got back, and I am currently about to go celebrate my friend's birthday.

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I woke up and went through my normal onslaught of morning classes, which meant I was done early, as normal.  I had a few other things to do, but overall, I was able to take a short nap and regain some of the lost sleep from the week.  Martial arts club was fun, and I was able to watch some anime as well with Anime Club.  I'm now going back to my usual Friday schedule.  Maybe I might watch a movie before going to sleep.

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Tomorrow is Friday...

And it needed to happen sooner.  I was so sleep deprived that I couldn't do much today and just passed out in my dorm for 3 hours.  Now I'm staying up doing homework, no surprise there.  Gotta lock in for tomorrow and then I can go ahead and... well not sleep, because I have to do black belt cycle requirements to finish the week strong.  This semester is definitely extremely draining, and today it showed.

  70 Hits

Hard Semester

I'm starting to get the vibe that it's a hard semester here for everyone.  That's why nobody's showing up at clubs anymore.  That's why there's so much drama and complications all of a sudden here.  That's why I find it hard talking to my friends.  I was on edge about everything thus far.  Today I was on edge about a call with an astronomy professor in Arizona who was working with us on research with Be stars.  I wasn't sure what it was about but I didn't think it was going to be anything good given all of the events of this semester thus far.  However, it turned out that he saw that I was interested in that field of research and called to ask if I wanted to be part of a small group that had a few additional roles in the research over the semester.  I unfortunately had to...

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Back to Shoreview

Today I got to take a break from my homework for a little while for training at Martial Arts club.  Nobody shows up anymore, so the few of us who are consistently there all have various martial arts backgrounds and are pretty decent at sparring, so we just mess around and spar all the time.  There was a time earlier last semester where a lot more people showed up and there were actual lessons, but since nobody is there anymore, that doesn't happen as much.  That's one of the many reasons why last semester was way better than this one.  I miss last semester.  I'm probably not going to shut up about missing last semester, but it's the way things are thus far.  I am trying to fix it by advertising the club and telling people about it, but so far it doesn't seem to be working.  Maybe everyone is as busy as I...

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  71 Hits

Catch-Up Part 2

I couldn't think of a title.  I'm still catching up on stuff.  This semester is a lot.  I had no idea it was going to be like this.  It's also super cold outside.  The high is 253.7 Kelvins.  That's -3 degrees Fahrenheit.  I wonder if one of these days I can try pouring boiling water out and letting it freeze, provided it can eventually reach that temperature.  I don't know if it usually gets that cold though.  It's gonna have to dip about 30 more degrees (Fahrenheit, not Kelvin), but I wouldn't be surprised.

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Homework Sunday

I don't really know what other people do on Sundays, but for me, it's homework and more training sessions.  I typically wake up very late on Sunday mornings, usually at around noon, but over where I'm at, nobody wakes up early on weekends anyway.  I tried to go to the gym and then to breakfast the first Saturday morning I was here at around 7:45 AM and I was literally told to go back to sleep.  Anyway, I am still doing homework as we speak, chilling in the lounge with some friends.  I will see everyone later since I have to get up tomorrow, and the sooner I can do homework, the sooner I can sleep.

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Valentine's Day

I don't really know what people do on Valentine's Day.  For me, it's training.  Oh, and snowball fights, at least now that I'm in a place with a lot of snow.  And, of course, Cobra Kai, because it came out yesterday, the last part of the last season.  I am about to watch it.  And I came prepared with a lot of chocolate.  That's the other thing to do on Valentine's Day.  Cobra Kai Never Dies!

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Today I got to catch up on sleep.  I finally got in an afternoon nap.  It felt good after taking a test at 8:30 in the morning, although the test itself was way easier than I thought it would be.  Went to another tea social.  Other than that, I didn't really do much out of the ordinary today.

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The Training Arc Continues

Today went by very quickly.  I had two classes, one of which was just me apparently.  So turns out multiple people switched out that lab class because everyone thought it was too late.  Guess I might have to switch it a third time.  Anyway, I later went to martial arts class and did some Muay Thai sparring.  After that, I went to Shoreview and in class tried to see if I could get a 540 hook kick with the leg that I don't usually do it with.  That's coming along.  Anyway, I got some more post-midnight homework to do, so I will see everyone later.

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Seems as if everything's a constant game of catch-up.  Last week was a terrible week, and now I have to catch up on quite a few things here at Macalester.  That just comes with a lot more lost sleep.  I wish I had time to sleep in the afternoons, because I need that to make sure I am actually well rested.  Oh well.  I guess I will have to catch up on sleep on the weekends.  I'm about to go do another midnight gym session.  Later, y'all.

  53 Hits

Ice Cold

Yesterday I went to the lunar new year celebration, and won a raffle and got a lot of tea.  I can at least put that tea set to use.  I went to the ice castles at the state fairgrounds.  That was cold and windy.  I went back to meet up with a friend for food, and then spent the rest of the day doing homework and normal black belt cycle things.  Hopefully I can find people to watch Cobra Kai with me next week.

  77 Hits


Took my anger out on some weights at the gym once again yesterday.  I was hungry and had no sleep, but that's all I could do.  Classes were a blur again.  I went to an ice hockey game with my friend.  We celebrated but I had to go up to bed because to be honest I was going to drag the party down with my issues.  Woke up this morning to go to class, and that has currently been the one good thing that has happened all week.  I got in another gym session right after class and getting forms and stuff done. The black belt cycle became an afterthought this week.  But yesterday and today, this was the only thing that could distract me from everything.  I needed this to have some sense of direction and purpose. Today I am going to a Lunar New Year event.  I was one...

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  72 Hits


It's interesting how there are days where surreal things do in fact happen out of the blue, but more often than not, they are outlandish in a bad way.  The days where things that are surreal in a good way are much fewer, and much more far between.  Surreal things that we want to see often take a lot of work to achieve.  They don't just happen out of nowhere, and they unfortunately are fewer and farther between.  Things that are outlandishly bad that you don't want to believe happen just happen.  And they're way more frequent.  And the work comes after, to try to make things go back to normal.  Although, normal is a relative term.  The normal that I had here so far has been pretty short, depending on how you define it.  If I am to define it from when I was anticipating Tiger Claw and the demo,...

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  81 Hits


Today I woke up and went to class.  Couldn't focus on the class much.  Had stuff I was dealing with yesterday.  I realized I needed to change my Chinese lab schedule, but I then promptly had to change it back after realizing that this one wasn't going to work.  Guess things are going back to business as usual.  Well, hopefully without distractions, that is.  I got a lot of homework to keep myself busy.  That and Martial Arts Club.  Didn't exactly make it to Shoreview today.  Had a lot to do.  Yesterday left me a lot to do.

  49 Hits


Today was a drag.  The last part of today was a drag.  I just spent 6 hours dealing with things I wish I didn't have to deal with.  I was going to check out the Creative Writing club, but I couldn't bring myself to go.  I couldn't really bring myself to do much after 6 today.  Some of the stuff from last semester is starting to affect this one.  And now I'm sick of falling down.

  55 Hits


Today I woke up to go skiing with my aunt.  Now that I am closer to where my aunt lives, I can go skiing more often.  I had plans to invite someone else last time I went but it kind of fell through.  Both times I have skied within the school year were fun though.  Skiing takes my mind off all this workload I have.  After that I went to my usual gym session to get in requirements and also because I like torturing myself (Again, takes my mind off things).  I finished the day with some schoolwork and a session of Mario Party with my friends.

  52 Hits

More Rocketry

Hello again everyone!  It's finally Friday.  This week was hard, but it's finally over.  I plan on going skiing with my aunt tomorrow.  Today after my normal onslaught of 3 classes in a row, I was working on learning how to code the electronics for our high-power rocket, a part of the rocket that I have not done before, but I am interested in learning how to do.  After that, I went to do a gym session and went to this semester's club fair and signed up for a few clubs.  I don't know if I will have time for them on top of what I'm doing, but I have found that being kept busy is good for me.  I went to an event for the first years, and I found a lot of my friends there, although I did feel a bit out of my element.

  57 Hits

Another long night of homework

Today went by kind of fast.  I was hoping to have a lot of free time, but that kind of went down the drain with the amount of homework I found out I had.  Taekwondo at Shoreview was good again today.  I get an idea of what I need to work on when I'm there.  Also, I had my first high-power rocketry club meeting of the semester!  We might be doing a competition at the end of the semester, so stay tuned...  Will probably work on more of that tomorrow.  Anyway, it's 4 minutes to midnight here, so I'm going to get off and continue with my homework.   #bread

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Chinese New Year and Astronomy

Chinese New Year is a bit of an event at Macalester, given that we have a large number of students here from China.  I went to a tea social today, the first one of this semester (I was a regular at the tea socials last semester), and I was going to go to the big event they were having, but today was the first day of an astronomy research course that I have that goes from 7 to 10.   I usually don't like doing night classes, as they mess up my schedule of eating dinner super late, but the course itself seems fun.  Unfortunately, these are the sparring days at Shoreview but I won't be able to go much due to my class being at the same time.  I have quite a bit of homework to do, and I am also about to go do a midnight gym session.

  71 Hits


Tuesdays are worse than Mondays in my opinion.  You have a lot of work cut out for you and you still have most of the week ahead of you.  I am currently dealing with a huge wave of homework.  At least I'm in my "locked in" mood.  Anyway, I had another black belt class at Shoreview and worked on my 540 hook kicks.  I think the trick on getting a good 540 hook kick is to visualize 3 kicks and to do them stepping forward before you actually do the kick.  That helped me today.  Hope I have time to do more fun stuff around Macalester tomorrow.

  50 Hits

Long Morning

Today I got up to do my morning marathon of classes.  I was reminded why I rely on caffeine so much when I didn't have any before my 8:30 class.  I ate lunch and had a lab to go to later on, and then I had to pick up a bunch of packages.  I got on a call where I saw a lot of people from King Tiger back at home, which made my day.  I miss everyone back at home.  As fun as it is here, nothing and nobody I have encountered here as of yet can really replace that.  Anyway, I went to the gym afterwards to get some requirements done, and I am now doing some homework, after midnight EST, because I really didn't watch the time.  My first class tomorrow starts at 9:40, so I can look forward to an extra hour of sleep.

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Sleep Schedule

This week is going to be the first full week of classes this semester.  I have created a schedule of morning classes so that if I am trying to catch up on anything, I can do so in the afternoon, sleep included.  I think I mentioned this in a previous journal.  Anyway, I now have a time to catch up on sleep if I don't get much through the day, which happens pretty frequently between homework and sleep issues.  I would have time to take a nap for a while and then get up to do whatever it is that I still need to do.  I'm not much of a morning person but it's worth the extra torture.

  240 Hits

Professional Flopper

Today I had the first zoom-in black belt class in about 5 years!  It was 7:15 Central, so I had to wake up an hour earlier than usual to show up for it.  After that, I practiced some falls and rolls just right there on the floor.  The floor isn't all that soft so I would not recommend doing this all the time but I wanted to make sure my falls and rolls were up to speed fully. I went ice skating later on, the first time I have done so since I was 8 years old.  Teaching myself how to do that again was fun.  I didn't fall there except for one time when my friend jokingly pushed me over.  The ice is less fun to fall on.  Anyway, my friends are texting me to get over to where they are so I have to go.  See you all soon!

  66 Hits

Locked In

Today didn't really feel like a Friday.  Maybe it was because I just got back on Wednesday.  I had my first taste of back-to-back morning classes.  I'm not much of a morning person.  Getting up to work out in the morning is one thing, but using a bunch of brain power that early is a different challenge.  However, my schedule is formatted as such that I can nap in the afternoon if I need to, and even after that I would still have time to do everything I need to do, schoolwork and black belt cycle requirements.  Well, that's all I really did today.  That's the other thing.  I normally don't do schoolwork on Friday nights, but here I am.  So this doesn't really feel like a Friday, but I guess I'm just locked in.  I will see you all over zoom eventually.

  45 Hits

Schedule Fixed (Maybe)

Greetings, Pokefans! Today I got my school schedule fixed!  It was also the first day of school, and I had all of one class to get to.  After that, I went on a long journey through the frozen wasteland while I was taking stage 2 cold damage to Target to buy me some sweet tea.  It's a lifesaver here where you don't find very much of it.  Got me through all three of my black belt tests in the past. I had another day training at Shoreview.  The grandmaster there did not get the email I sent him, as of now I am not exactly sure why.  I discussed being on the black belt cycle at King Tiger with him.  Also, it turns out my black belt cycle will be a bit longer than expected.  Well, sort of.  He said he was fine with helping me but requested that I test...

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  59 Hits


Today was the last day before classes.  My main goal for the day was to fix my class schedule.  Registration was a bit difficult last semester.  Not as difficult as UNCC, but still a bit annoying.  Mostly because they don't let you register between their select window and the add/drop period, which I wasn't prepared for as they don't restrict you from doing so at UNCC.  I also was able to see a lot of people I have not seen in a month. Up here in Minnesota, I train at Lee's Champion Taekwondo in Shoreview.  It's a ways away from Macalester, so it's often difficult to get there, but I usually get rides from people when possible.  For my first class at this dojang, I made the mistake of trying to take the bus there, and the bus doesn't go all the way there, so I had to run for a...

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  65 Hits

It's cold in Charlotte...

...but it's way colder here in Saint Paul.  Yesterday I was out launching rockets at the JMA field.  One of them got lost because it got picked up by enough wind to blow it to the nearby forest. Today, I flew on a very delayed flight to Minnesota.  Well, sort of.  I had the wrong ticket.  Oops.  So I was able to go home for a few hours and knock out some requirements before I flew over.  After coming here, I got some training at the Shoreview dojang.  Now, my issue is figuring out my schedule.

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I have a stretching routine that I have been doing pretty consistently for about 4 years.  I originally started it because I wanted to improve my flexibility and see how long it would take me to get a full split, but I have been consistent with it for as long as I have because it doesn't feel normal without doing it every once in a while anymore.  Even at Macalester when I am not going anywhere, I will do my stretching routine right in my dorm next to my bed.  Occasionally, you will catch me to the side stretching in between classes at King Tiger, and sometimes I do it without thinking.  In fact, I am probably going to do a few minutes of stretching right after writing this post.  I was asked in one of my classes last semester if there was any particular ritual I had that I would feel...

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  59 Hits

Starting Off Strong

Today was pretest day!  I haven't had one of those in a minute.  It was good seeing everyone on the cycle and reminded me of when I was on the cycle for the first time.  I feel like this is a strong start to the next few weeks of training.  Anyway, I am writing this after a nap because I decided to catch up on the sleep that I'm not going to get over the school year.  I just thought of my YouTube channel sometime during my pretest.  It's been a year since I posted on the new one.  I might think about dropping a video or three in a bit, depending on how busy I am.

  79 Hits


Greetings Pokefans! Today was the first sparring class, and probably the last sparring class I am going to be able to get at Lake Norman for the black belt cycle.  This morning during training, I felt a bit rusty with some poomsaes compared to when I was doing recordings for them.  That could also be because I had just woken up.  I am feeling sore from getting in so many extra requirements in yesterday. 2024 was a good year for me.  For a good portion of the year, I had just a few things to focus on, and I was able to do a lot because of that.  Over the course of the year, I grew a lot as a martial artist, between being able to be at the dojang a little bit more due to being a part-time student at UNCC, being on the demo team, and later on training at another...

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  64 Hits


Today was a quiet day.  I got a few requirements in, but not the large amount that I thought I was going to get in.  Everyone else was away at school, so I took that time to catch up on the sleep I don't get while I'm at school.  I also ended up replacing a light for my grandparents.  On my first black belt cycle, I started to feel extremely sore on my third or fourth day.  I tried to start getting into a normal routine this time to avoid getting that sore right at the beginning.  Anyway, my run path is still partially frozen over.  Tomorrow is forecasted to be colder than today so I'm not sure if it's going to fully melt even by then.

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First Monday

Today was a normal day at King Tiger for me.  School started already for everyone.  I'm still here enjoying my winter break, and although everyone I know is busy, I can get in some extra black belt cycle requirements.  This week is also a quiet time to catch up on things that I don't have much time for otherwise.  Books to read, games to play, shows to watch (and I am most definitely going to nerd out in my journal entries, so expect that from me in the future), calls to make, model rockets to launch, and maybe a few other things that I can't think of right now.  Anyway, I think that's enough for today.  I will see everyone later.

  76 Hits


This morning, I had to deal with some ice that remained on my run path while I was going for my run.  For part of the run, I wasn't so much running as I was hopelessly sliding on the icy pavement, with nothing I could really do to slow myself down.  Yesterday there was still snow everywhere, which reminded me of Macalester a bit. Snow is supposed to be rare.  It's supposed to be a special thing, something that happens not even once a year, maybe once every 3 years.  When it snows, everything stops.  Nobody goes anywhere.  School gets canceled.  Everyone goes outside all day to shovel driveways, slide down hills, or throw snowballs while it lasts.  It is, after all, a rare event to behold.  Then it quickly melts and everything goes back to normal.  At least that's how it was for my life while I was here. When I was...

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  108 Hits


Today was the first day of the black belt cycle, so I decided to get a good start with requirements early.  And by early, I mean right after midnight.  My sleep schedule is weird like that.  Anyway, this afternoon, once I was done with everything, I went to Ichibancon for the second time after I went on Thursday.  The events were different, and I got to see a cosplay competition.  The cosplays were all very detailed and impressive, and must take a lot of time.  I wish I could put together things like that.  Maybe next time I can get someone to go with me.  I usually don't have much time for anime conventions like this but there are some this summer that I plan on going to.

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October 11 - 5 hours to testing

I am kind of excited and nervous for this test, but I know this will most likely push me to do my best today and tomorrow.

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October 9 - 2 days to testing

Today was a teacher workday, so I had a free schedule.  I didn't have to go to school in the morning, and I am grateful for a break like that.  I played some golf in the afternoon, the first time I played since the end of summer vacation.  Since my dad had to drop my sisters off at soccer, I had to bike to Tae Kwon Do, but it was worth it because I got to work on some of the final things before testing, including my breaking routine.  I anticipated that to be the hardest part of testing, but I actually did pretty good after that extra time practicing it.

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October 8 - 3 days to testing

Today, I did my last sparring class for the cycle, even though I already had the required sparring classes.  It was fun even though I didn't get to spar Nate.  I was sore from the weightlifting I did yesterday, but that didn't stop me from doing good in my sparring rounds!  Tomorrow is a teacher workday, and I am off school, so I will be able to relax then.

  859 Hits

October 7

Today after school I learned that Cross Country would be working with Indoor Track at my school for the rest of the Cross Country season.  We didn't do any running, as we were weightlifting instead today.  Later, I went to Tae Kwon Do and got my last Leadership 2 credit, and I worked on a lot of poomsaes there too.  I also got a lot of my homework done.  Today was a pretty productive day.

  515 Hits

October 6

Today was a normal Sunday, somewhat boring as usual.  I started filming my next YouTube video, but I got stuck as I didn't have any good voice actor for Toad.  This week will be a 3 day school week, as I have Wednesday as a teacher workday and I am taking the day off on Friday so I won't be tired from school on testing night.

  545 Hits

October 4 - 1 week before testing

Today, I had 3 tests in school, and the good thing about tests is the fact that there's not as much homework afterwards.  I am planning on going to sparring and black belt class tomorrow, and I will have a pretty chill weekend for the most part.

  495 Hits

October 3

Today was a normal day, other than the fact that I got to spend the night at my grandparents' house.  They are usually pretty chill, and they make good food as well, and when I am busy with school during the week, I usually don't get to see them much, with the exception being this week, as I got to stay with them on Sunday too.  I am satisfied so far with what I did this week, and I don't have as many requirements to deal with at this point, even though I am so used to doing them.

  527 Hits

October 2

Yesterday was sparring class, and it was pretty productive.  Today was too, and with my mentor today, I worked on my breaking routine for testing.  I think that it will most likely be the biggest challenge of testing for me.

  531 Hits

September 30

Today I got all of my push-ups finished, and I felt very satisfied with getting it out of the way.  I felt like today was a relatively productive day at Tae Kwon Do and at school.  I still need some leadership credits, but I feel that I am making a lot of progress on them.

  509 Hits

September 29

I usually use part of every Sunday to catch up on cycle requirements and homework.  I wish I could work on my YouTube channel, but I don't know if my friends are available to help me with it.  I am grateful for days like this where I can catch up on work without being too rushed in my otherwise tough schedule.

  493 Hits

September 26

Today I didn't get to Tae Kwon Do because of how preoccupied I was with my homework.  The good thing is that I am close to being done with everything, and hopefully the next 2 weeks before testing won't be so bad.  I wonder who is going to the stick session on Saturday.

  488 Hits

September 25

Today was a normal day for the most part.  Cross country was very hot, and there were almost no clouds in the sky.  I got leadership credits done later at Tae Kwon Do and spent most of the night working on homework.

  500 Hits

September 23

Today was a normal day, but I did get a grind session in for my cycle requirements.  At Tae Kwon Do today there were pictures, so we had to do all of our classes on half of the mat, and it was mostly crowded until the later adult class.

  507 Hits

September 22

Today was a nice relaxing day since I could just get requirements in and play Fortnite when I wasn't working on my cycle requirements.  This cycle is already almost over, which is kind of crazy, since I remember getting my Bo Cho Dan rank not too long ago, wondering about what the cycle was going to be like.  Yesterday I had a cross country meet, and even though I was very tired from the school week, I set a new personal record then.  We worked on breaking routines afterwards, which I really think I have to work on, because even though I know what I'm going to do, it still seems hard.

  501 Hits

September 16

Today was a productive day, I had to ride my bike to Tae Kwon Do because my parents were at Curriculum night, but the day was normal other than that.

  480 Hits

September 13

The post test is tomorrow, as most of you already know. I have been studying the written test questions, and most of them I know off the top of my head.  I have always been good at remembering certain things (with the price of forgetting some other things sometimes.).   This cycle went pretty fast so far.

  465 Hits

September 12

Today was another ordinary day.  Cross country was cancelled again due to the hot weather this week.  I have been running at home in the evenings instead.  I had a normal amount of homework today, and my schedule was like normal.  I can't wait until this weekend!

  513 Hits

September 10

Today was a normal school day for me for the most part.  I finished 2 more essays today, so I have done 6 of them.  I wrote my 2nd living hero essay about Elon Musk, and I was researching and writing about him after school today.  

  574 Hits

September 9

Today I had to go to a cross country meet, and at 95 degrees outside, it was harder than most 5Ks.  Add a very rough terrain where you could easily sprain your ankle (A kid on my team actually did just that) and you get plain torture.  I had a slower time than normal, but that wasn't the worst of it.  There were a couple ambulances at the meet because people were doing all kinds of things to their ankles while running, and passing out because of the heat.  Normally on any day above 90 degrees cross country as well as all other sports would be cancelled, but this was unfortunately a meet.  After we ran, the girls' race was cancelled because of the high instances of injuries on the race.

  518 Hits

September 8

Today I was completely zoned out of everything, a result of 2 weeks of tiring school among other things catching up to me.  I didn't get as many things done as I wanted to today, and the day itself just passed me by at an alarmingly quick speed.  I wish there were more time in a day sometimes.

  491 Hits

September 7

Class today was tiring but fun at the same time.  Sparring was like the seminar yesterday, while the black belt class was a little different.  I'm glad I got to do a lot of things toward my cycle this weekend, and I am a bit surprised at how fast the cycle has gone.  I am getting very used to it, and I feel like I have improved in a lot of things since I started the cycle in the summer.

  515 Hits

September 3 - Tired

Today I was very tired, and that combined with the sunburn I had on my shoulders from going swimming yesterday, it wasn't the best of days.  I had to skip Tae Kwon Do today because I had to catch up on sleep hours.  I kind of wish I had the energy to go to sparring class today.  I also missed out on filming my YouTube video today (Adventures of Yoshi is the name of the channel, be sure to subscribe!), which was another bummer.  I hope I can get enough sleep in the future, even though this transition to a new schedule makes it difficult.

  479 Hits

August 21

Yesterday, I uploaded a YouTube video onto my account, Adventures of Yoshi, using plush Nintendo characters that I collect.  Today was a very tiring day, as I spent all day playing golf in hot and humid weather.  I was kind of glad when the clouds came to block out the sun.  Today was the 3rd day of my white belt challenge, and class seemed shorter than usual today.  I haven't been able to post anything because the internet was out at my house, so I was glad the internet was on when I uploaded my video yesterday.  Right now I am using my dad's portable Wi-fi hotspot, so I don't have to worry about the internet going down.

  485 Hits

August 15

Today was a long day full of things to do.  I had cross country practice in the morning, which took care of all my running today, I played golf at 10:30, I had to go to my school's orientation soon after, and then I went to sparring class in Tae Kwon Do.  Afterwards, I was kind of tired (mostly from the orientation because we were out in the sun's heat most of the time with no hat or sunglasses :( and it was boring as well), and I played a couple rounds of Fortnite to relax.

  514 Hits

August 14

Today at Tae Kwon Do, my mentor and I worked on some color belt poomsaes, and I plan to review some study guide material for the pre test on Saturday.  I have no idea what it is like, and I originally imagined the pre test to be like a color belt testing, but since it is my first time on cycle I can only guess what it will be like.

  504 Hits

August 11

Today was another normal day.  I finally got to mow my grandparents lawn, and I did some cycle requirements as usual, and even finished one of my essays today, but overall it was pretty boring, but that's OK because I know I get to play some golf this week, as well as doing Tae Kwon Do.

  493 Hits

August 10

Today was a normal Saturday for the most part.  I went to sparring class as well as black belt class, and got a fair amount of cycle requirements done.  I didn't get to mow my grandparents' lawn because of the rain though, but that's OK because I can hopefully take care of that tomorrow.

  498 Hits

July 29

Today I was extra tired for some reason.  I went to my grandparents house in Davidson for a while before returning home.  I took a short nap and woke up afterwards to do some more cycle requirements.  I'm so excited for my birthday tomorrow! :)

  570 Hits

Back From Ontario

Yesterday I got back from Ontario after a 14-hour drive, which was surprisingly short for that distance.  I already miss the cooler temperature there, especially when I'm running.  I didn't get the chance to write any journal entries in the past few days, but since I don't have much to do other than cycle requirements, I will be able to do more entries as well as trying to get ahead on the requirements.

  524 Hits

July 18 - Heat Wave

Today was a very hot day, especially for the normally mild summer weather of Stony Lake, Ontario.  Since I am on a small island, I have to go on the mainland every day to get my run done.  Today's run was very hot, with horseflies trying to bite me the whole time, which I found very annoying.  I did get to go for a swim in the lake afterwards, which felt good after a run on a hot day.  I did some cycle requirements before going kayaking around the lake.

  530 Hits

July 17

Today was a long day of activities for me, cycle-related and otherwise.  I just got done with an evening swim to cool off for tonight as it is supposed to be hot (for Ontario).  This is my first post on here and I hope everyone else is doing okay on their cycle reqs.

  494 Hits