Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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Today was a quiet day.  I got a few requirements in, but not the large amount that I thought I was going to get in.  Everyone else was away at school, so I took that time to catch up on the sleep I don't get while I'm at school.  I also ended up replacing a light for my grandparents.  On my first black belt cycle, I started to feel extremely sore on my third or fourth day.  I tried to start getting into a normal routine this time to avoid getting that sore right at the beginning.  Anyway, my run path is still partially frozen over.  Tomorrow is forecasted to be colder than today so I'm not sure if it's going to fully melt even by then.

Journal - Day 4