Spring 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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Wonderful Group ...

Because I am working out of town next week there are a lot of students and parents I will not get to see again before the Black Belt test.
Today before and after class there were a lot of comments and best wishes for the overnight test.
We have such a wonderful group of people at Belmont. They really are all very special and have been a wonderful group full of support to me along this
cycle journey.
They all pitched in and made a big difference when it came time to ask for toys and toiletries for our community service project.
I have received 'booty bumps' ( a few strong ones from some of the smaller kids, I had to ask them to take it easy on this old lady and not to knock my back out).
I've been asked regularly how I'm doing, I've been told "you can do it!", I've had good luck texts on test days. I've received notes from kids telling me I can do this.
Kids and parents alike have joined in with me to do exercises as I was doing requirements. The list goes on.
Like always Belmont rises to the occasion.
I am always humbled and feel so grateful that I am a part of such an awesome group of people.
As the date grows nearer, "Thank you Belmont". I hope I can represent well.
Dear Journ...
Finally do...