Fall 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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Welcome back!!!

Welcome to the bochos and welcome back to us repeat offenders! Today is also Mark's and my 28th wedding anniversary.  If you had asked me over a quarter of a century ago what I'd be doing as an opener for an anniversary morning I would NOT have said going to black belt class.  That is what we did, however, and we've been working on requirements since then.  We went to the gym and got some milage cranked out, turned on 80's rock and got the other requirements done.  It's so much easier when you have someone to work with! 

Welcome to the bochos and welcome back to us repeat offenders! Today is also Mark's and my 28th wedding anniversary.  If you had asked me over a quarter of a century ago what I'd be doing as an opener for an anniversary morning I would NOT have said going to black belt class.  That is what we did, however, and we've been working on requirements since then.  We went to the gym and got some milage cranked out, turned on 80's rock and got the other requirements done.  It's so much easier when you have someone to work with! Have a great rest of your day, fellow sweaters!

Day One
Day 1