Spring 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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Weekend Yet?

This week has had it's up & downs and looking forward to a great weekend.  Finding the balance between work, domestics and catching up to everyone else.  It's all good and I will get there.  After work, off to the dojang to work on requirements, then helped with the little tigers, they just crack me up, lead warm-ups for them then lead warm ups & punching for the adult class.  Great class tonight!!!!  Sometimes it's not just about warming up, learning and execution of techniques but it's thinking about what you are doing and trying to articulate it.   That was a good one Inst. Hsin & Master Moon!!!  Luckily for me if I write the motions down, in my strange way, I can absorb better than watching a video.  It's all about trying something new and finding what works for you.  No right and wrong everyone learns differently.  Panthers home this week so have to take some time to get the other half ready for tailgate then lucky me I will stay home and focus on household duties and requirements.  Trust me the way they are playing I am better off.  I will be in charge of the remote control during the game and they will go to HGTV in a skinny minute if they are not in focus.
