I am on a quick break, In between events at my Kellogg's shoot tonight...So I thought I Should at least try to do a Journal entry,
So far it has been a long day. My Shoot this morning ran over because they added stuff to the Schedule and then with the hour ride home it left me with only a Couple of hours to Unload and recharge before heading to this evenings job.. I knew this was going to be a crazy week. I wasnt prepared for how exausted I feel Or for how far I am behind on everything.
I am so glad I got my essays done.
I studied for the written test some more this morning during breakfast. I feel good about it, Just hope I dont panic,
I got my tree (shrub) the other day. I chose a Japanese Holly. I have never been very good with plants. The attendant assured me it would be difficult for me to kill it..So I have fingers crossed and watering Jug Close by,
I have collected a lot of goodies for the community service project. Everything is checked and I am ready for delivery on Monday.
well, the next event is ready,back to work.:At this point I am Just hoping this job wraps up soon and I can get a somewhat decent night sleep tonight... I start early in the morning with another hour ride out of town. I will have to spend the afternoon working in catch up mode.. Then get my mind set for Saturday.