Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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Generation "something"

What will history say about my generation? The other day, I was listening to one of the founders of the school the boys attend, and she was talking about the post Christian generation that many sociology professors are referring to this current generation. That gave me some pause as I let that simmer on the top burner. Post Christian generation. That's sad and scary in my book. Now I'm not going to convert anyone over this blog to have peace and life everlasting. That's a journey that every man, woman, and child should walk, and a desire to find the answers of faith through research, and put what they really know on trial. I would hope for my generation, which I believe is generation X, would leave this world knowing they started out as rebellious knuckleheads, but found a deeper meaning along the way. I started off pretty stupid. I was doing my own thing, breaking all the rules, shocking my parents, and believing I was untouchable. Trouble was, I performing a one legged butt kicking contest on myself and doing a pretty good job of it. It wasn't until I was lead (spiritually, not my dad) to the recruiters office and signed that piece of paper that states I was property of Uncle Sam. My life changed dramatically from that one pivotal point. I didn't change quickly (remember, I was stupid), but gradually and hopefully became a better man physically, spiritually, and yes, less stupid. I pray you won't have to go through such extremes to find the right path. And I don't care what some professor says, don't get tied down by generation label. I see the kids in the studio, I see leaders, scholars, challengers, adventurers, givers, and Godliness. I refuse to believe this generation will throw away the very principles of a fulfilling and happy life. Take a chance. Hop on a plane and see the world and see the joy people have who materially have nothing. Jump out of perfectly good airplane (preferably with a parachute), and feel the sky rush by your face. Climb some crazy high mountain and look out at what we are given. Life is a gift, but it's not a free gift. Explore it, challenge it, love it, and don't show up at my house if you break your leg doing it. I won't be home. Peace my friends.
