Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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Enter the Chilly

Yes, I enjoy Kung Fu movie names. For those who were on the last cycle, good timing. Connor (my son) was on the last cycle and we ran together a lot. I don't remember any 34 degree days in his cycle. He looked at me when I came back from my 2 mile run today, shivering and blue, and asked "what's wrong?" I sent him to his room. Man it was chilly today. I guess I was hoping for a mild North Carolina winter. Even the cows didn't come out to watch this time. Time to toughen up a bit and pop that snot bubble. It's not going to change anytime soon. It seems the majority of hard things I've done in my life were always in the winter. Winter make you appreciate places like Florida or the sun. There's nothing like losing all the feeling in your fingers and toes and realizing that your not even outside yet. The sting of the cold goes right into your bones, especially on rainy days, and wipes the energy right out of you. Ever go camping when it's cold outside. It starts off fine, you build a fire, get your tent set up, start boiling your water for your Mountain House meal. It starts to rain a little and you think, this ain't bad, I'll be warm in my sleeping bag tonight right? Then it happens, that one dude or dudette stands up and says, "This sucks!" The next thing you know everyone is heading for their cars and throwing the soaking wet tents in the back and going home. All it ever takes is one person to place that one negative thought into your mind when you already uncomfortable, and it's a done deal. I've seen it hundred of times. In fact, it's rather enjoyable to watch. It's psychology 101 right in front of you. So, if your ever camping in the cold, bring an RV with a heater. Best camping ever!
