Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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Cabin fever

I guess we are now the new owners of a cat it seems. This cat came out of the woods yesterday, meowing like crazy at me, like I was the focal point of all it's problems. I went inside the house hoping it would go away, but instead came to the front door and kept meowing. Katherine and the boys heard it and instantly wanted to feed it. I refused. That lasted for all about three minutes as I was quickly out voted, and next thing we know, my wife's friend is bringing over cat food. So, knowing I was defeated, I built it a box and put some blankets inside so it would stay warm. We fed it some left over scrapes from our pot roast and then some cat food. It ate as if it hadn't eaten in weeks. Now, the thing has me waiting on it hand and foot three times a day. The boys want to give it a name, but I'm not there yet as I'm hoping it belongs to a neighbor or if one of you want to take it home. As cats go, it's not too bad. It just stares at me like I'm supposed to be bringing it something every time I come outside. Amazing how fast things change. I wonder if Tyce would like a cat for his birthday?

Snow day!
Martin luther king jr.