Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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Action Guy Day

Hello my fellow Cycleillian's,

Great action guy day today at King Tiger. Had a ton of fun doing and helping with the PMAA seminar today. Mr. Weeks and I always have a blast pointing out each others short falls in life. And if you ever wonder what your short falls are gentlemen, ask your wife. She has a list. Guys, I wouldn't return the favor if your wife ask you what hers are. She's perfect in every way. Practice that. And if your not married yet, enjoy living in ignorant bliss for the time being. Anyway, that was a fun time and some great training with the sticks and knifes. It's always good to walk away from a class with something to show for it. I particularly enjoyed the reverse retunda. Talk about stepping into the deep end, that was awesome. Nice job Sir.

Action days are important. It adds adventure to our routine and shakes things up. Katherine, my lovely wife who is perfect in every way, knows I need those kind of days. Many of you may not know, but I hang draperies for a living. Talk about some unmanly stuff sometimes. It's a great business, as I run it and am the sole employee, but there are days I want to punt the customers yappy little Pomeranian out the window for a field goal. 99% of my clients are wealthy and it's difficult to relate to their world due to the fact that they live in Fantasy Island where the biggest concern is which new class of Mercedes to get and how to redecorate the sitting room again. Somedays I just need a good throw down, kick me, beat me, flip me kind of day to feel alive again. Whatever your adventure is, hold on to it. It's more important than you think. Adventure takes us out of our box and moves our lives in different directions. Usually for the good.

PS. I'm going to trademark "Cycleillian" since I think it should be a real word and every one would have to pay me to use it. Ha

It's officially here
PMAA Seminar