Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

I am an 8th grader in HiRMS. I love to dance and do arts and crafts. I like to be creative and I love to take photos and dress up a lot! Also, I am very determined to finish this cycle and become a 2nd-degree black belt and an instructor!

Feb 7

Well today I had no school, because of the tornado of yesterday. I was really light headed because of what we had to do. It was really tiring that we had to sit in the same uncomfortable position. I had a major headache and I slept as soon as l got back from school. Right now I am going to king tiger taekwondo for the jr. instructors camp.  

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Today was so tiring, I have a lot to do this week. I have a dance to attend and right after that, I have the Junior Instructors Camp to attend. I have a lot of quizzes, tests, and projects due this week. This week will definitely be tiring! 

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The last day of January was okay. I just finished my project. I am excited for tomorrow, the community service.

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I can't believe that the month is already over. But that was really quick. I did most of my requirements. I have 2 projects and I have a social issue awareness, thing that we are starting.

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Today, the school was pretty fun. It was a good start for the 2nd semester and 3rd quarter. In science, we are learning about the Human Body Systems. We are doing this fun Group project, where we all- the group members, choose one of the following areas to focus on. Cardiology, Pulmonology, Neurology, Gastroenterology, Infectious Disease, and Orthopedic Surgery. We are also starting a project in Social Studies about the Revolutions. This quarter will be pretty interesting. That was my day! Bye.

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1/ 27 /20

Today, I had no school. I got to do my homework for the next couple of days and then I went to TKD t get dome leadership credits done. I also got my mentee and mentor session done. I am excited for the school dance that I am a part of. I am in the student council and I am a secretary! This year will be really fun! 

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Today was fun, and I got all of my requirements done throughout the classes. I took a nap when I got back home. After that, my family and my family friends went to the movies. It was fun together and the movie was really funny. I just got back and I am really happy about the 3 day weekend again. 

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Today was fun. It was the last day of the 2nd quarter and 1st semester. Also, we really didn't do much. Today I also went to my friend's B-Day party, I had a great time with my friends. I am just so ready for the 3 day weekend again! See you all tomorrow.

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Journal #15, January 23, 2020

Today, I did great on my tests and quizzes. I am working on my essay right now. I got my leadership credit and my BBC weekday. I had fun in the Black belt class today. 

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Today wasn't that bad. I got my leadership credits 1&2. I am studying for my social studies vocabulary test. I also have a student council meeting tomorrow morning.

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 Today was really relaxing. I got to finish a couple of requirements. But today I practiced my dance for my upcoming performances. I hope this week will go by fast for the 3 day weekend again!

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Today, I got my leadership,black belt,and  sparring. I finished my homework. I hope the rest of the 2 days will be fun.  Enjoy!!!

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Today, I got all of my requirements done especially during BBC. I am still working on my essay and my homework I have a lot. I also went to the first boys' basketball game. It was really fun watching my friends play. I am stressed because of my essay. Tomorrow I have a lot of math homework to do. that was my day. Bye!

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Today was the usual, I am stressed out on my essay though. Since its due on Friday. I got Leadership Credit 1, mentee and mentor sessions today. I am right now working on my essay that I have to finish up typing. I have a lot of things that I am doing this week. 

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Today, was a festival for us. So I woke up at 5:35 am. I normally wake up between 6:30-7:45. Today, I was just happy the way I went to school. I just was astonished by myself. I got my Leadership credit and BBC Weekday today. After that, I did my homework.

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Today was rough, my essay is due on Friday and I am not that done I got my Leadership credits 1 and 2. It was fun in TKD today. I didn't have homework today because I finished it in school but I was working on my essays.

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Today I was sore and I had my piano class and my dance class. Today dance was fun I got to different things. Also, I finished up my painting for my teachers. That was all for today but I am a little sore still.

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Today was the pre-test and l was honestly so scared and nervous. But I think l did pretty well and I felt way more relaxed than I thought I would be. After I came home from the pre-test, I ate and then was on my phone because I was pretty tired. Then I wanted to do something so I thought of painting. I painted a painting for my teacher in school. That's all I did today.

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Math Benchmarks

Today I took my Math Benchmark and l missed 3/35, which is 91%. We are starting a new essay for our book series. I am doing an essay on the Divergent Series. I am coming to taekwondo today. 

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ELA Benchmarks

Today, I took the English Language Arts benchmark. It was really hard, and I didn't get to finish my benchmark. I am ready for the Math Benchmark, but just a little nervous. I am also a little nervous about the Pre-Test. I am coming to taekwondo today for my mentor and my mentee sessions.

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7 January 2020

Today was a way better than yesterday and l feel way more confident in me. But, I a still a little nervous about the benchmarks tomorrow and Thursday. I am also kind of nervous for the pre-test. I am coming to taekwondo today, so see you there. 

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January 6, 2020

Today I woke up at 7:22 am and then went to school. Going to school wasn't fun for me because we are doing an essay and also we have benchmarks on Wednesday and Thursday so I have a lot to do. But, it was fun meeting my friends in the new decade. I also went to Taekwondo today and saw one of my old friends!

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