Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Another day off

Today was a good day. I had a day off and slept till 10:30 because of halloween. And as my mom says you go to a private school why do you get a day off like every week but the only reason we had no school today was because of parent teacher conferences.

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The day before Halloween

Today was a good day. I went to TKD and got to help the color belts with there poomsaes especially the red belts because I got to work with them on Yuk chang. I can't wait till Halloween and get to go trick or treating in my neighborhood with my friends. 

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Today was a good day. I had soccer practice and we did a lot of drills and not much playing. School was kind of boring in Math we took a CML which is a math test that has six questions and it is ranked in best in the state the country and the reigon.

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Today was a decent day. I had school while every other school didn't. Although the day was good at school we presented our math project to the class and we got to have a story time in english. 

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Party's, Party's, Party's

Today was a good day. I have been having party's back to back for the past several days. Today I am going to My friend Katyanys house for a party. 

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Today was a good day. I went to sparing class at the Lake Norman dojang and scored lots of head shots and I got to meet new people. When I got home dinner was just like any other but I read for a while before going to bed. 

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Back from fall break

Today was a good day. I had to go back to school after our long weekend Friday to Monday. I had fun in school and played well in soccer. My Defense was good and so was my offense.

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A good day

Today was a good day. I had to go to robotics so I sadly missed sparing class and weekend class. When I finished the Mega bloks set my teacher gave me and brought it in him and his son were very surprised that I built it only using 3-4 pictures and no instructions. 

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Yom Kippur

Today was a good day. I did not have school today because we had a Jewish holiday that my school does. I went to Tae Kwon Do to have a mentee session then left to go to music class. Afterward me my sister and my mom went to Tacos 4 Life.

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Today was a good day. In robotics today I finished making our teams robot with all the specifications that our team wanted. At Tae Kwon Do helping the color belts was very fun and they all worked very well together.

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first game of the league

Today was a good day. I had a soccer game and although we played well we lost 4 to nothing. I was pretty sad about that but we did almost score a goal witch brought me some good feeling. 

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Soccer Practice

Today was a good day. Durning school we had to present our presentations and start our formal write up. At practice I had to play keeper and I played very well. I also played striker and defence in some of the games. on the way to soccer me and my friend started playing a game and we didn't finish it even after we dropped him off.  

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Soccer Practice

Today was a good day. At school in history we had a seminar ether pro-Columbus or not. At soccer practice we did a lot of defensive drills and at the end of practice we played two "cage matches." In these two "cage matches" I played in goal and saved a few balls. Although I played well I still thought I could play better.

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Rosh Hashanah

Today was a Meh day. Because my Grandparents were leaving and We had to go drop them of at someones house before they left to the airport. But something good that happened today was we had a jewish holiday.

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Today was a fun day. I went to school and we had advisory games which is where we come together as a homeroom and play fun games as a team. I also went to Kilwins after Tae Kwon Do.

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Today was a good day. I had soccer practice and during the car ride me and my friend played Uno all the way to practice. During practice I played well and I played forward and mid fielder. On the way back me and my friend played Uno all the way back and when we were getting near my house we started to play lots of three card games that were super fun.

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Today was a meh sort of day. At school we had an assembly about our buddy system and shadow system. During Robotics me and my team had to finish working on our robot in a rush. During science I got like a million bug bites that were super hard not to itch.

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Today was a good day. It was the first day back from our field trip. Everyone was tired and still exhausted from Camp. Also, I had soccer practice and it was super fun.  

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Today was a good day. I was working on this piece of artwork that I had started a few classes back and stared on the background. The one annoying thing that happened today was when everyone I met was asking me why my voice had changed so much and I had to tell them all the same thing that I had lost my voice on a field trip to Camp Cheerio.

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Our new car

Today was a good day. After I came back from my field trip I was waiting outside for my car and my dean said do you see your dad. I looked around everywhere and I didn't see my dads car. then I looked closer and I saw my dad in our new car and I just stood there with my mouth hanging open then I ran got my things and sat in the car. It was super comfortable and nothing like our other ca it was just amazing.

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Coming back

Today I felt very sad. I just came back from a field trip to Camp Cheerio. We dod all sorts of fun things like canoeing and going on a five mile hike in the mountains.  

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Day before the field trip

Today has been a good day. I had no homework because I am going to Camp Cheerio for three days, Wednesday, Thursday, and I will b coming back on Friday. It will be like having a five day weekend because we will be doing things like Archery and canoeing.

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First full week of school

Today was an amazing day. It was the first full week of school. I felt a weight lift of of my shoulders literally and physically. I feel like I have learned most of the things that I had forgotten over the summer. But today will be very fun because I an going to a party at a friends place.  

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Today was a good day. It was my 5 day of school and we got to use our new cromebooks a lot. Instead of having a physical planner we have online planners. My dad had to go out to my school for parent teacher meetings and I couldn 

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Today was a chill day. I had to go to art class with my friend and than came home and made banana bread. I was supposed to go to get my school supplies, but that didn't happen because we had guests. 

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Summer Camp

Today I went to summer camp at the Raptor Centre. It wasn't as hype as I thought it would be today because on Mondays everyone is busy. What I thought was cool was that I met a friend from pre-k. What I'm looking forward to is helping out in class and helping the color belts. 

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