Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

This is my last journal

Hello everyone, this is my last journal, I hope everyone is getting their stuff done and is doing good and also having a good time. Like I said last cycle, all good things come from hard work. Good bye, I hope everyone has had a awesome cycle.

  104 Hits

I am a Pirate

Hey guys, today I woke up and went to school, after school I went to the gym and did my things. But it turns out that there is a room that I can go in and play some Nintendo and me and my little brother played some Super Smash Bros and I beat him when he was Meta Knight and I was Princess peach. Then we went to TKD and I got my last Mentee session done and my last class assistances. Then when we got home I tried on my Sith costume that my Mom made me and got a really cool Pirate costume, I hope everyone had a good day, bye.

  92 Hits

Lucas got a Ferrari!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sup guys, it is sadly Monday and I had to go to school, but the craziest thing that happened today is that when we were driving home from school, we saw him drive by in a Ferrari! It was cool, then we passed him and waved. Then we went to TKD and got more stuff checked off and I also did line drills for the first time. I hope everyone had a great day, bye.

  88 Hits


Hey guys, today I went to church and did things there and ate a lot of food because I had a small breakfast. Then after church, exercises, walk, bike, and then my grandma came. We ate dinner, and then we played a game and I got out immediately, then I came here. I hope you had a good day bye.

  112 Hits

Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Friday

It is Fun Friday finally and the day is over, today I went to school as usual and did three tests and I think I did good on all of them. Then after that I did my exercises and got those checked off, then went to TKD. I did rolls and falls class and got two checked off. Then I did Black Belt Class and got that checked off and I also had fun with my friends. Then I had a mentor session with Master Nataysa and got that checked off, then I went home and taught my family some of the Batman song and got that checked off, no I'm just joking. I hope everyone had a great day like I did and see you tomorrow.

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Late math

Hey guys I am tired so I am just going to say that I went to school and sparring and then had to do late math bye.

  107 Hits


Today I woke up and went to school, after school I did some exercises and then went to TKD, I hope everyone had a good day, bye.

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Taste testing

Hey guys, today I went to school got my grades up a lot, then after school I went to do a church activity and it was food tasting, I did not do so good because the cheese was very hard to guess and it was gross, but I did good on the sodas and candy, not the pizza though, I hope everyone had a great day, bye.

  95 Hits

No school

Hey guys, I got to sleep in and it felt great, then I made some breakfast and hung out with my brothers, than I played Minecraft with Magnolia. I helped her with building a secret base, and she showed me her worlds. I thought that she had cool worlds but then I had to get off, I ate breakfast and played a card game with my family, I hope everyone had a good day bye.

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Fun day

Hello, today I went over to Magnolia's house and we did the walk again. After we made it back we played DND and we had fun, we also played fun games in between. Then we had burgers then we played more then went home, I hope you all ha d awesome days, bye.

  76 Hits

Super Saturday

Hello everyone, today I woke up and went to Black Belt Class and got that checked off, then when I went home I helped unload grocery's then I was able to play video games. Then when I stopped I made myself lunch and then I hung out. After that I watched a movie, I hope everyone had a good day, bye.

  89 Hits

Black belt class soon

Hello everybody, today I went to school and did everything and I am going to have a extra long weekend because I get Monday off, but then when we got home I chilled for a little and now I am going to do my exercises, bye.

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Hurt knee

Hello everyone, I did the usual and did school got things turned in and yeah, but when I went to sparring nd I went to spare Cooper. Then when I sparred him Our knees collided and it hurt, I hope everyone had a good day, bye.

  105 Hits

Breakfast for dinner

Hello everyone, today I got up and went to school and I think that I am doing pretty good in Social Studies because I have been getting everything memorized. Then after school I went and did my exercises then only I went to TKD and got a mentee session, then I went home. I hope everyone had a good day, bye.

  84 Hits


Hello everyone, today I went to school, went to the gym, and then went to TKD then went home, goodbye.

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The Gym

Today I woke up and had to go to school and I am not exited how it is Monday. Then at school I had to take a diagnostic and it took a long time for everyone to finish but then afterwards we went home. Then we went to the gym and did all of our things and got it all marked off. then after we went to TKD and I got a Mentee session and a class assistance and had a good time then we went home, I hope everyone had a good day, bye.

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Very good day

Today was a awesome day, I woke up and went to church and had a really good time there, then we went home and Zayne came to our house to do our walk with us but Magnolia came to. On the walk me and Magnolia played a trick on Evan and Zayne, we stopped walking but they did not know we did and then we hid in the tall grass and then we heard them yell and it was funny. Then we talked for a little and caught up with them and we went under a bridge. Then once we had finally got back to the neighborhood one of Magnolia's friends lived there so we went to say hi. Then once we got back to our house I helped her create a DND character and we were able to play it as well and it was funny because everyone wore a...

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  73 Hits

Funny Squirrel

Hello there my friends, today I went to BBC, Black Belt Class and had a good time and I wished Master Natasya Happy Birthday and we got BBC checked off and then we went home. After we chilled at home for a little but then we went and got Master Natasya a Nothing Bundt Cakes cake and gave it to her. But when we went home we saw this funny squirrel who was looking for nuts and we saw him jumping like a bunny. But then he went up part of the tree and then started hanging with his legs and only his legs and started nibbling on his nut. But when we got out of the car he dropped his nut and went up the tree, I hope everyone is having a good morning.

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Busy day

Hello, I got up, went to school, did my exercises, went to black belt class, ate Taco Bell, went home and watched Tv. I hope everyone had a really good day.

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Sparring Class

This will be short, I got up went to school and then after school when we went home I did my exercises and rode my bike. Then we went to TKD and I did sparring and it was fun, then we went home and ate macaroni and cheese. Then we watched Stranger Things, I hope everyone had a awesome day.

  92 Hits

I do not know what to title this

Hello everyone, today I went to school and I was picture day so we got our pictures taken, and that was a way to get out of one class. Then when school ended we went to a bakery shop and I got a cookie, then my mom went to the library and returned books. Then we went home and I did my exercises, I hope everyone had a good day.

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Cool School

Hello everyone, today I had a good day at school because I was able to get all of my work done and turned in, and I was able to see my friends. Then after school we went to the gym and were going to do our exercises but then we decided to do them at home. So, we went home and was able to do our exercises and I got my miles finished for the week. Then I went back home did some chores and beat another level on Hitman, I hope everyone had a great day, adios.

  108 Hits


Hello everyone, today I played some handball at P.E. and I think I did pretty good. So, what happened was we had a team that was called the Batman team and we did awesome. We were able to score lots of points and block lots of shots, and I scored as well, and we won! Then after school we did our exercises and then went to TKD, and I was able to get things checked off and I got leadership credit as well. I hope everyone had a good day, bye.

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The crazy walk

Hello everyone, today was a really good day for me because I did lots of fun things. First thing that I did was go to church and pass the sacrament. But something else happened, we were able to bring Zayne back to our house because he goes to the same church as us. We went home and we went on a walk that was five miles, we saw all crazy things and Zayne picked up a turtle. We also saw this wasp nest right over our head that was filled with wasps, and we also peed in a river under a bridge. Then we went home and had lunch and then we taught Zayne how to play DND and we had a fun campaign. Then, Zayne's dad came and we all had dinner, then when they left we watch stranger things. bye.

  97 Hits

I beat Hitman 1

Hello everyone, today I had a bit of a small sleep, at least I think I had a small sleep because when it is not Black Belt Cycle I sleep in on Saturdays. I went to class and got it checked off and I had fun, I helped with sweeping off the mat. Then I went home and did my exercises and my walk, then after waiting forever, I was finally able to play and beat this level on Hitman. I eventually beat the first game and it was super cool, I think that agent 47 is really cool. Then I went grocery shopping with my dad and my brother, we went to Aldi's and Food Lion and then went home. Then me and my brother and my dad got popcorn and watched Stranger Things, and now I am here. I hope everyone had a good day.

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Black belt class

Hello, today I went to school and did all my work and stuff. Then once I got home I did my exercises, but I didn't have to do my run because I already did it. Then I went to black belt class and got that checked off. I also got a mentor session with Master Natasyas. Then I went home and ate some dinner. I also watched TV and now I am here. I hope everyone is doing well and having a good time.

  97 Hits


Hello, today I did things, and it was a lot of things like school and gym and waking up. After school I went to the gym to get my exercises done, and then went home. Then once I got home I helped my mom get cabinets upstairs and then I am going to get ready for sparring. bye.

  91 Hits

Book Project

Hello, today I woke up and had my favorite breakfast and it was so good. Then I went to school and did all this stuff, but in ELA we read a story about this really sassy girl who thought she was the best. But it turns out her brother is better when he is disabled. When school ended we went to the gym to do all of our stuff. Then we got home had a quick snack and went to TKD. I got stuff checked off and it was fun, then when we got home I noticed I had not started my book project so I started working on that. Surprisingly I finished it, I hope everyone had a good day today, bye.

  87 Hits


Today I got up out of bed and ate, when I went to school I saw my friends and did all the stuff and went to my classes. After school I went on my walk and now I am gonna do my exercises then go to my church activity.

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Slap That Star

Hello everyone, today I woke up and went to school, I had a good time at school and saw my friends and did my classes. After school I went straight to the gym and did my exercises. Then we went home and I ate a slice of pizza then went to TKD and I was able to help with one class. I also got punches and kicks and talked about batman with Asa. But the best part was when it was class, Me and Instructor Caleb and Instructor Shrei played a gameshow called Slap That Star and that was fun, first to 5 points wins and gets a monkey sticker. I had a good time and I am sad it is over bye.

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Hello everyone, today I woke up  and got dressed for church immediately and ate breakfast. Nothing much happened but I did pass the sacrament and go to class. But after church we went home and I will make some macaroni and cheese. I am going back to school tomorrow, I started on Friday and I am going to have a full week. I think that I will watch a movie.

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Hello today was Black Belt class and it was more fun then usual. Once we got home we did some stuff I read my book and then I played Hitman 3, World of Assassination. It was fun but I am stuck on this one mission but I now know how to do it . I hope everyone is having a good cycle.

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Hello everyone, no school today but we still had to do exercises and that. What me and my brother did, we walked around tour counter 406 times because it is raining. That was a cool time, we did fun stuff and what sort, and I was dizzy after. bye.

  100 Hits

I got ice cream

Hey guys this is going to be a short journal cause I have to get to my ice cream. I woke up thinking school but it turns out, no school for me tomorrow. I hung out at home ate drank water and talked goodbye.

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Hello guys, I got a IV yesterday and it did not go according to plan. My mom said that she didn't think the nurse knew what she was doing. First time she did it in my left arm and she missed my vain, Second time she did it in my right arm but she blew out my vain. I am feeling a lot better then I was because of my electrolyte drink and I am ready to keep going, but if I am at TKD please don't hit me too hard in my stomach.

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still sick.. maybe i'm dying

Still really sick. My mom gave me dramamine or something to help with the nausea and now I just feel weird. Not sure why I'm reacting to the shots I got so badly. I can barely move or do anything. My mom said I might have to go to urgent care if I don't feed myself. It's day 4 of me barely eating anything. I don't want to fall behind.

  102 Hits


Hey guys, i'm feeling sick. Got shots for school on Thursday before sparring and I haven't eaten anything for 3 days. My mom and dad tell me to toughen up, but I just throw it up. My mom forced me to walk 2 miles today, now I'm in bed. Night Night.

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Squirrel = $

Hello everyone, school is coming closer and for me and some other people, it is next week. Can't say I am too exited for it, but I am happy to see my friends again. So, today I woke up and had a different cereal because the one I love is gone. We did our exercises and so far this week I have ran 9 miles. On our way back from the gym we saw this funny sticker that said Squirrel = $ and that was fun. We had a quick stop at target but after that we went home.

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Batman Book

Hello, today I woke up and did my stuff, then once I got back I read my Batman Book and finished it. Goodbye.

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Batman Comics

Hello everybody, today I woke up and had breakfast. It took me a while to get out of bed because I was tired, but I ate breakfast and went to the gym. I ran, I exercised and went to Target, when we were there we got more clothes. Then we headed to the library to get  my Batman comics and then we went home. B' Bye.

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I'm a Babysitter

Today I slept in, that felt good to do but I did my exercises and ran my miles. Then, I went to go be a babysitter for the first time. I say that it went well and I did good with it. Afterwards I got payed $30 and went home. I came into my house to see that my brothers were playing games and I am going to go to TKD in a little while. Bye Everybody.

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The Chiropractor

Today was kind of painful. The workouts were hard, the Chiropractor hurt, but in the end we got food from Costco so that is good. I am not going to write much because I don't have much to write about so goodbye.

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Hello everyone, today I went to church and passed the sacrament and I also taught everyone in my age area. People said that I did a pretty good job on my lesson so I felt proud, once I got home I made more macaroni and cheese. We also played Dungeons and Dragons. Then I finished my new skill essay and read some of my book. Then we watched the Lego Batman Movie and that was really funny. After that we ate dinner and I wrote my journal, I hope everyone is having a good time.

  75 Hits


Hello, today I woke up but wasn't feeling hungry so I didn't eat a lot of my breakfast, this is something that I would soon regret. After that I went to Black belt class and it was a Master Evins and I was pretty tired and I felt like I wanted to throw up a little from the kicks because we did so many. After that we went to the gym and did our exercises and it took a while, once we got home me and my brother helped with the grocery's and helped with shopping. Then once I got home we hung out for a while and then once it was 3 PM I was able to play games. We also watched the Olympics and that was fun. I hope everyone is having a good week.

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Hello everyone It is the morning so I don't have much to write about, I haven't even had breakfast. But yesterday I went to sparring and it was fun, once we got home I had dinner and went to bed. bye everyone.

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The farmers market

Hello everyone, I was same routine as I do everyday, wake up, eat workout, repeat. Today I had the same cereal, and went to the gym to do my exercises. I like doing exercises because it can help you get stronger and show you places that you need to improve, It can also help do things you never thought you could do. Then we went to a farmers market outside our gym, we got some tomatoes and spices for skin. Once we got home I played some games, hung around my house, and then went to TKD. As usual, I helped with the first class and took the next one, I was able to get stuff marked off and 

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  106 Hits

Very long day

Hello everyone, I am writing this journal 8:40 PM so I bet some of you are asleep. But today I woke up the and had breakfast and went to the gym, same as yesterday. But when I am running my miles I can see improvement so that is good. I was able  to finish my exercises and get better, then when we got home I rested played a little bit of video games watched Batman V.S. Superman, good movie in my opinion. (Batman is my favorite.) then I had lunch was able to hang out in my house and play games. After that we went to TKD and assisted the first class and took the next one. I got stuff crossed off there and had fun. Then once we got home I went to a Church activity and was able to talk to missionaries that I had not seen in years...

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  112 Hits

My Monday

Hello everyone, today I was able to sleep in and feel refreshed. Then after I got up I had some breakfast then went to the gym, at the gym I ran my mile and did my exercises and some weight stuff too. Then once I got back I read my book and cleaned my room, then after that I was able to play video games. After that, we went to Tae Kwon Do and I was able to assist class and get that marked off. Once that class was over I was in the next one and practiced my stuff. I was also able to get a mentor session in and I got taught circles, Then we went home and I took the garbage out came inside changed clothes and then wrote this. I hope everybody had a Magnificent Monday, Bye.

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Dungeons and Dragons

Today we woke up and had breakfast, I had my favorite cereal and I got in my suit and went to church. I passed the sacrament because I am old enough to do that. Then I went to Sunday school because it is the third Sunday this month and I was able to join my older brothers class. Then after church I made macaroni cheese for me and my brothers and then we started playing Dungeons and Dragons. I was the Dungeons master and that is when you and your family or friends characters are playing the game but the DM knows what is going to happen. Finally I did my exercises and then watched a movie, that is my day, Bye.

  97 Hits


Hello everyone, I have not been doing my journals because I was on vacation, we went to Hilton Head and had lots of fun. But I am going to talk about pretest. Today was pretty hard especially the two miles but I ran the whole way and did not walk a single time, I did stop for water once because everyone needs water. But I thought that everyone did a great job with the running and with the Pretest, I hope everyone one is having a good summer and a good cycle. Bye.

  83 Hits