Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

1 month down!

1 month in the books!! Goals for February. Increasing running to 4-5 days a week. Jump Rope everyday. I want to be more consistent with these two requirements. Great Black Belt Class today. I liked working on falls and feel like all my falls are improving. Working this afternoon so looking forward to a nice run tomorrow.

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I like Fridays, good day at work. Black belt class. Got to spend and hour with a good friend. Great ready for a busy Saturday!

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I like Fridays, good day at work. Black belt class. Got to spend and hour with a good friend. Great ready for a busy Saturday!

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January 30

Not ideal to be doing poomsaes at 11:20 pm. Where there is a will there is a way. On a brighter note kitchen is clean, got to sparring tonight and a mentor session. My mentor Jason is awesome. I love what he picks up on my poomsaes to fix and how he helps me with my self defense techniques. I think these sessions will make all the difference in my improvements.

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Well I didn’t meet my goal of journaling everyday in January which is a little disappointing. Other than that everything seems to be going well and on track. 3 more days and we will have 4 weeks in the books!!!

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Well I didn’t meet my goal if Journaling everyday in January which is disappointing. Had a good visit with my mom and sisters. Flew back today. Nice to be home.

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Jan 28

Had a quick morning and breakfast with my mother. Went to the little gym for 2 hours. I wasn’t very efficient but got everything done. Working on making my poomsaes smoother but now I think I am moving tooooo slow. Need to speed them up a little. Treadmill running is the absolute worst. And it is 72 degrees in the little room. Blah. Flying back home tomorrow early. Looking forward to running outside tomorrow.

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January 27

Flew to Salem NH after black belt class of Saturday. Here to help my Mom out with somethings. Took yesterday off all together which was not planned but nice. Today I went to the gym at my mother place, very tiny however no one goes to it and there was a mirror which I find helpful doing poomsaes. Went over there this morning, then again in the this afternoon to catch up. Got a bunch of things done that my mom wanted to do and then we made dinner for 3 of my sisters and their family’s so that was fun.

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Decided to journal this morning since I am going out to dinner tonight with my husband, yeah. Stiff this morning working on self defenses. Usually I like to run in the morning but woke to the sound of rain so changed the plan. Will be another busy day however I always look forward to Friday night Black Belt class!

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Long day, ran at 5, that was really my accomplishment for requirements today. Been gone from the house all day. Got a sparring class and leadership class in. Going to quit early today and Catch up tomorrow.

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January Ending

I look at the cycle in chunks. What I have gotten done, what Month we are in. What more is to be done. With January ending next week I feel the time is flying by. I am away a few days next week and 1 week in February. Planning is key to get everything done. Running early tomorrow so that is all.

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Day Off

Nice Day off. Very relaxing. Meant to get more requirements in but did enough. Took the girls to Barnes and Nobles for the afternoon. Wrote another Essay while we were there. So that is good. Planning on cold early run tomorrow will see how that goes.

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Really enjoyed my Sunday. First one I have been off in awhile. Got to go to Church with the girls. Then a day of requirements. Got a lot done. Terrance came over and ran with Luci and I and we practiced Self defense as well as all the poomsaes. Now watching football and enjoying wings with my husband.

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Great start to the weekend. Fun afternoon at Master Chelley’s on Friday helping out with the little tigers class, then working on requirements before Blackbelt class. Good Black Belt class working on stick and staff forms. Today fun Day with Master Knight. Learning some new combinations in sparring as well as how to block the head kick. Very important move for me since most are taller then me and can easily kick my head! The stretching was much appreciated too. Have a great weekend everyone.

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Thursday’s are busy. Work then I train a client then dinner. Sparring and leadership class. Meant to get up and run before work set alarm for4:45 but didn’t get up til 5:18. I want to try and get 2 mile runs in a couple of mornings a week 5-5:30. Going to schedule next week. Really want to be more consistent running.

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Mama said there would be days like these

Have so much to do and can’t get it all done at once. 9rounds and run those are my only accomplishments of the day. Feeling overwhelmed.

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Wow was it humid today. Yesterday was gorgeous. Luci and I set up a circuit in the driveway and did 1 minute rounds of sparring, jump rope, push ups, sit ups and poomsaes. It was really fun. Then the girls played outside the rest of the afternoon without complaining. That doesn’t always happen. Also got to break in my new softball glove with Jocelyn. Boy am I rusty. We have to get out and play catch more! Password troubles yesterday so didn’t log. Broke my streak.

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Really good day! Woke up actually feeling better! Ran fine. Physical test went well. Learned a ton in Sparring and plan to work on those combinations. Learned I need a lot work on front kicks and also how to make better use of working on requirements. Excited for the next few weeks to improve on everything! Now to have some family time. Luci and I are logging and putting Books away for the night.

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Wasn’t goi...

Wasn’t going to journal today. Exhausted. I don’t feel well and could have gone to bed at 4 after work. Got to class. did a few requirements, took the kids to dinner. Came home prepped for tomorrow. Just had to keep moving because if I didn’t that would have been it for the day. Here’s hoping to feel better for test tomorrow.

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Best Laid Plans

Was supposed to jump ahead today with requirements. Instead I barely did anything, woke up with a throbbing headache, cough and congestion. Got kids to school, made them eggs and toast, then went back to bed. Around noon I made it out of bed. Got something to eat for myself and sat down to write some essays realizing requirements would be too much of a struggle. Made it to sparring and Leadership classes. Now I again have a throbbing headache. Going to bed to hope for the best tomorrow.

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Not really hump day for me since it was my day off. Was glad to get back to 9rounds today. I mostly work out at home. Had my husband put a pull up bar in by workout room. It is really the dining room but we turned into a little gym. Run was better today. Looking forward to a better run tomorrow as well. Really tired was going to finish laundry but that will have to wait for tomorrow. Also very hungry which means I did not take in enough calories today, will have to make them up tomorrow. Recently read about not eating at night it is the time for the body to rest and if it is trying to digest food it can not get the proper rest. Hope I don’t wake up at 1am, that happens sometimes when I really under eat, then I have not choice. Anyways...

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Beautiful day. I missed the rain, finally got out for a run and burpee workout. Wasn’t wonderful but it is logged. Glad Ihave tomorrow off kind of, have a class to take smack in the middle of the day but only for a few hours. Excited about a 9rounds workout tomorrow.

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Good day. Had a critical pt at work today that I made the right call on immediately. Getting into any early morning routine of poomsaes and kicks. If some one would just pay me to work out that would be good. Pushups are improving dramatically after this short time. Thought I would hate this part journaling. Hasn’t bothered me as much as I thought it would!

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Sunday, some days go bye so fast! Worked then came home and took a nap since we stayed up late last night watching the Pats lose a playoff game the first time in a decade.????Then did requirements with Luci, disappointed I did not get a run in today since it was so nice out. Just ran out of time. Tomorrow is another day. Looking forward to the week of classes. 

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Fun day, woke up at 7 which is 2 hours later than I usually sleep so felt rested! House was quiet so did a lot of self defense and poomsaes. We have a punching bag so find doing self defense in front of it will hopefully help my distance. Went to class, came home to take Christmas down. Then went to go for a run at the exact wrong time, Wind picked up and rain blasted us. It was really fun, so only did 1 mile soaking wet. 

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Long Day, 9 Plus hours of work, stayed later then usual to complete  one procedure so my coworker could get home at a decent time. We are very short in my department so trying to help out when I can. I was hoping to work a little less during Black Belt Cycle but that does not look like it is going to work out. Didn’t finish requirements til 8:45 to night but happy I am getting caught up after vacation where I did less than I thought I did. 

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Almost didn’t journal today. Which is funny since I decided I was going to journal everyday in January. Will see how that goes????????‍♀️. Decided to log quick before going to bed. Busy day work then 3 TKD classes but enjoyed all of them. Home to a nice Salmon and rice dinner thanks to my husband. Now to bed so I can do the same tomorrow. 

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Happy New Year

Had a good day, did some requirements. A little behind due to travel and a ski trip. Hoping to get caught up the next few days. See most of you at sparring tomorrow!

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Flight to Boston

Excited going to Boston to celebrate Christmas with my family.  Also going snowboarding with my sister and best friend from home and their families. Luci and I hope to do some self defense in the snow. 

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