Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


today is the final day i am so exited I am hoping everyone has the best of luck bye

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 so yesterday I was in the ER and I didn't have to Walk because  they said go inside your Bugatti  and I did a ultrasound  and I stayed there over night it was terrifiying

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So i woke up and i  threw up at 6:00 then i woke up @ 8:30 not exactly and i practiced tae kwon do then i threw up theni played gorilla tag

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 so today i got tylonal  then i did my own mesurements and adault mesurements then i went to bed then i threw up then i was tired of forms and self defense the i went to bed

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 So I woke up at 3:00 and threw up and I went back to bed then I threw up again Then i couldent do my run wich is sad then I had some essays to do bye

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Today I woke up and went to school after I went to school I hade a migrane so I called my dad I got  medicine and went home 

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pi day

 hello today is pi day I did some requirements I helped out in class

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So today I started of school in a good way I went to ELA then I went to math we played kahoot after I left school then I went to king tiger  I did black belt then I got mentoured then I got FIVEGUYS! BYE BYE

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Today I was dying because I didn't get my allergy medicine and I was dying I went to P:E and I was exited then I had

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today was i was dizzy i was deliousanal i did my requirments i was alot tired from running i got baskin robins then my parents finished class then we went home the end

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writttan exam

im scared i am so happy i hope every body has more than all of them correct bye bye

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fun time

 today in school we had fun time in matyh we did blooket i liked it we did our owns i really like it then i was tired then i went to kt

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my dog

It started when i was playing with my dog after i went to school after school i plaed with my dog again bye

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my mom gave me figits to focus in school and it did and i went to king tiger everyone  wanted to try then  i went home

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today i woke up and thought i dont want to go to school then i went to school after i went to school i went to king tiger after i  went home talked about neuro sorgouns  then we talked about polotics bye

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3 hour drive

My family had a  3 hour drive to wilmington nc because my parents are going to instructors camp then we are in my hotel now i am doing  this  journal

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today we are starting on weather were using a thermometer hygrometer and a byromometer  and a aneometer we measure every day peace

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school day

today i did some scholl finished with home work then i went to king tiger after i went home then i got on the vr after i got  on the vr i ate some spegatii then i went to bed

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sister is sick

today i woke up my sister was cougfing very loudly then we put  h202 in her ear she was bothering my mom then i calmed her down bye 

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bday party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today was my freinds party then we played laser tag we won i was on the girls team :( but we won :) then we hade a another round we lost then we hade pizza dog water but we got 20 dollars on games at the arcade we were at  spare time super fun then i won 2,459 i  got the new key board then we went home tghen i played gorillla tag for  5 houurs

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house day

today we had house day we learned about different cultures i have a little buddy hes very nicei came home were having tacos

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today was testing for colored belts i keped wezing a coughfing bye

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race day

hey yall we had a race at my school my class one i didt do  any thing today i did my requierments then i went to teakwondoe after i went home and bye yall see you next week

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today i was sick

today i  was sick then i ate brakfast then i did some exersices i was so exited because GRANDMASTER LEE CAME TO OUR DOJONG YESTERDAY sorry for it being short bye

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today was p day

today i went to king tiger we had fun for 8 hours we had lunch then snack then we had grand master lee come and i was grateful bye

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today i hade a playdate with my freind

this morning i woke up at 2:00am did some requirments i was so tired then i went to bed then i went to black belt classes then i wnet home then i went to my freinds house then we played vr then we had jets pizza after i played vr after i went tyo the tv and played fortnite gotta #1 victory royel then i went to king tiger to pick up willow  bye

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today i listened to godzilla

today i listened to godzilla here are the lyrics  I can swallow a bottle of - and I'll feel like GodzillaBetter hit the deck like the card dealerMy whole squad's in here, walking around the partyA cross between a zombie apocalypse and B-Bobby "TheBrain" Heenan which is probably the same reason I wrestle with maniaShady's in this -, I'm posse'd upConsider it to cross me a costly mistakeIf they sleepin' on me, the hoes better get insomnia, ADHD, HydroxycutPass the CourvoisierIn AA with an A-, melee, finna set it like a playdateBetter vacate, retreat like a vacay, mayday (ayy)This beat is cray-cray, Ray J, H-A-H-A-H-ALaughing all the way to the bank, I spray flamesThey cannot tame or placate the- (ayy)MonsterYou get in my way, I'ma feed you to the monster (yeah)I'm normal during the day, but at night, turn to a monster (yeah)When the moon shines like Ice Road TruckersI look...

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today i relised

 so today on my awsome eventure i woke up and relised towmarrow was confrensises theni was shocked then i went to my parents room then i went down stars ate breakfast then after i watched tv after idid requirments then i went on the vr then after i went on the vr i got on for 40 minutes after i went to king tiger after afterschool i did black beltclass then i atedinner bye

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TODAY I WATCHED THE FNaf movie then i did some requirments then i hade a sick vist went to cvs then watched tv got ready for valentines day then my parents tested in sticks  then i am journiling  

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today i went to macs

first i woke up and went to class then i got home then did some requirments after i went on the vr then i went to get my brother  from work then i polayed some more vr then i wnet to macs speed shop bye  

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school today i went to school

 i was so happy because i could go to school today we did fun stuff then i did some reqiirments then i wewnt to block 3 after i went to kt then i got icecream  then i play vr bye                                           (new gorilla tag update)

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im not sick anymore

 today i did some requirments then i watched some tv bye

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i stayed at home

 today i stayed home i did some  requirments  then i listen to godzilla by emnim and juice wrld then i just was reading so bye

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today at sunday

instructors camp was tiredness of different thing the crabmaga was my favorite so was mater nights class was fun so i think the carb ma ga is fun bye

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were free

 we just got out  ove jr instructors camp wipee bye

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Jr instructor camp

if your going see you there

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im back

Today i woke up m leg started to fell better i soon went down stairs then i did some requirments after  i watched some tv peace  

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I over used a muscle

I did all my stuff for the day so I hopped on a new game then call gym call basket ball I kept jumping I overused  muscle I went to the doctor the said I probably overused it so I went home watched some tv and that was my day. bye im batmanΩ

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school remote day

today was a school remote day I kinda liked it  i played games did requrments  di some writing then what i  did next is got on the vr italian night then i  got back on the vr after im writing this journal by  

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today we slept in i caught up in my book i am doing this journal its short but thats what i did bye

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i woke up and went to black belt class i helped with junior tigers the i came back i went on gorilla tag   then i did some requirements  then i got on gorilla tag then i hade a argument then i got my quest taken then we went to aldi after we went back home then i got ready for the ball i was going to i hade a great time then i came home then had a hort dinner then i journiling bye

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week 3 whoo whoo

i did my run i did a mile in 13:05 crazy i went to black belt class we did bocho and hapkido then we went home after black belt class hten there was a birth day party  i  whatched youtube  then we went home after we went home i plaed gorilla tyag then i went to the storev we came back then i plaed some more gorlla tag then i eat dinner it was delicious        i eat some honey dew then im journiling by

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board breaking goal setting and pizza party

today at north charlotte school we did a seminar called board breaking goal setting and pizza party seminar what we did is talk about is goal setting and outcomes then we had dinner which was pizza  then  on one side we wrote what our goals are then we wrote what the things that could distract us the we came on the big mat the instructor  held our board the we broke them then he gave us thicker board then we broke those everyone was astonished  then we played ninja frisbee that was fun there were three rounds of doom just kidding  then everyone got shoes on then we left the end huzzah 

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interesting thursday

Today I was in a bit of a rush to school I was late(im always am:( ) so i went and did lunch i was very stressed  beacuse i didt do my my homework i finished every single paper i was scared then i relised it was ok if i didt do my home work because i would've  got a 90 but thats my story by im bat man spider man hehe michel jackson

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boring Wednesday

today I woke up with a stomach cramp I went to school I came back early I  went  to get my pjs on then after I went to bed I got up did my situps push ups burpees jump rope then I watched Tv UI ate  then I tried black belt class then I did a introduction of mentor  then I came home ate then doing this report then i went to sleep bye :)

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the tornado warning :(

today we didt have school i caught up on my school work i was scared i was playing gorilla tag and did all of my cycle requirments of the day my sister was very scared i hope all the people that are testing are safe and up to date on there requirments bye thats my journal 

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today at 6:30

 today I woke up at 6:30 we left to go to the park I was really good with my forms i think i can make it after the 10 week cycle im read bring it i am really pumped up (i dont reall

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I was reallly working i think over worked something  when we were doing burpees i thought the pre-test was hard but i came through in the end i might get my black belt if i dont stop. i saw fimallier faces i was scared i waas ready it was scary but i think i did well on the written test but still got stuff wroun i will try again next week i also practised with messiah  on self defenses  im ready for it next week bring it-_-

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