Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

I woke up today and I went to school. I was early by one minute! and then my day went on till I got out of school. witch then I called my friend from school. we talked for a bit but then I went to Tae Kwon Do. I took the 6:00 class where I led warmups. i got a couple minutes of my requirements then i went home to rest and eat dinner. 


Toady was a fun day at home. I woke up and had to go to work with my mom. When I got home I played Fortnite with my friends for the rest of the day.

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Today I woke up and didn’t have school because I’m on spring break! Then science it’s April Fools day which everyone seems to have forgotten about I pranked my friend and told them we had school today. When my dad got home from work we ate lunch and then we worked on our garden. When I went to TKD I helped with class and once I got home ate dinner and read a book.

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Today I went to my sisters college at UNC chapel hill and then once I came home did homework. After that I watched a movie with my parents.

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Today was a fun day because my friends were coming over for a sleepover. At school I had a test and I got a 100 on it. After school my friends came over and we played soccer . When it turned about 9 we came inside and made some forts

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Today I woke up and went to school after I got there I had math class and we had a test and it was and easy 100. After school I went TKD and helped with class. When class was over I help a fellow student with knife defense and that was my day.

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Toady I woke up went to school and had a great day. After that I came home and did homework until 8. Then I ate dinner and now I’m about to sleep .

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Today I woke up pretty late and had breakfast. After that I helped with gardening in my backyard. This was kinda exhausting because the dirt weighed a ton and I had to lift it. After that I got groceries and came home. Then I finished up with some homework and ate dinner.

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Today was a great day and the testing was fun. I am happy I broke my boards and also my brick. After I got home I slept for about five hours and after that I watched a show with my dad.

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Toady I woke up and went to school. We aren’t doing anything new at all so we just do order of operations all day. When I got home I went straight to robotics and then went to TKD after that I came home and did homework.

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Today was a ok day at school. When I went to TKD I helped with class and got mentored . I came home and had dinner after that I did some homework.

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Toady was a regular day. I scored a hat trick at school soccer today which means I scored 3 times in a row. After that I went to chess club and played 5 matches. I won 4 of them! At TKD I helped with class and when I got home I ate Mac and cheese.

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Today was a regular day. At school I had fun and took a test for my keyboarding class where I could not see the keyboard. At TKD I did sparring and the black belt class. At the end of class, we played TKD jeopardy that had the test answers so we could study. After TKD I studied for the test and ate dinner.

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Today I woke up went to school and had fun we played soccer and scored. After school I came home and studied for the written test. I went to TKD and helped with class. When I got home my mom mad a sandwich and we played a boardgame as a family. 

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Today was a meh day. I woke up went to school and when I got home did all my homework. At TKD I helped with class and studied for the test on Saturday. When I got back home I had dinner and finished a drawing.

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Today I didn’t have school and I was kinda bored because everyone who also didn’t have school was on a trip. I went to TKD and helped with class after that I came home and made some Mac and cheese for dinner.

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Today was one of the hardest working days ever for me. I woke up at 5 on accident because I didn’t have school but I got to used to waking up early. After I woke up I made myself breakfast and then did a lot of plank. When my mom woke up she said we needed to redo our backyard so I had to dig A LOT of dirt. When my dad got home he took me to TKD and I took class.

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today was a normal day . I went to my friend’s house and then after about 2 hrs came back home . I had to get ready because my cousins came over and it was their birthday. After that my entire family played apples to apples and that was my day

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Today I woke up and went to TKD after that I came home and I watched the UNC v.s duke game . I’m glad that UNC won and now I’m going to a sleepover.

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Today was a fun day at school. In all my classes we had free time because it was the last day of the quarter. At TKD I took class and came home to eat dinner.

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Today was a normal day at school. When I got to TKD I helped with class and I came up with a new drill.

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Today at school was not that fun until I got to my 5 period. In Spanish we watched the movie coco but in Spanish. After school I went to TKD and made sure all my answers were correct for the test.

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Today I woke up and went to school we sadly don’t have spring break rn so I had to wake up early. After school I went to TKD and helped with class the workout today was bear crawl races and I was unbeatable, I won every time .

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Today I woke up and went to school . I got there pretty early and I didn’t some plank because they make us wait outside till 7:45pm. When school ended I went to TKD and helped with class I also had a lesson with my mentor.

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Today I woke up and I was so tired because I slept later than usual last night. After I woke up I did requirements and then played outside. At about 3 I went to get groceries and when I  came back home I ate dinner and did homework.

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Today was a regular day I woke up and ate breakfast. After that I played soccer outside and played Fortnite. At about 3 I went shopping and once I came home I did my requirements.

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Today was an interesting day at school. First we had indoor recess even though it was not raining . When I came home I did homework and played some chess. Scince we didn’t have TKD today so I did some extra practice.

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Today we finally finished our weather unit in school and now we are on heat transfer. I had one Spanish pop quiz and I got a hundred on it. I went to TKD and helped with a class. After that I met with my mentor and we had a session, sadly my mentee wasn’t here today.

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Today was a regular day at school other than the fact that we had a bomb threat in our school for the 2nd day in a row. I came home did requirements and then played chess with my friends.

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Today was a normal and boring day at school. I went to TKD and took class I met with both my mentee and mentor.

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Today my leg felt better so I played soccer at school. I also realized that I have a 109.84 in Spanish which surprised me that I got extra points. I went to TKD today for the black belt class and then went to a birthday party.

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Today was not to bad . At school I had a project I had to do and we got assigned a country and I did Mexico even tho I got Guatemala. I chose Mexico because I was absent since they sent me home yesterday and the directions said to choose a Spanish speaking country of your choice. When I got home I was super disappointed that I couldn’t go to grand master Lee’s class because of my knee. For the rest of the day I did homework and extra credit work that I needed to do .

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Today was a not great. I woke up like usual but I couldn’t really do anything because of my leg, so when I got to school I lasted about 5hrs before they sent me home during PA . I was late to a lot of my classes because I could barely walk. When I got home I did some my work and did some plank.

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Today was a total nightmare. First I woke up and ate breakfast . After that I did requirements and ate lunch. My dad said he wanted to go play soccer outside but when we were getting ready I slipped on the pine needles outside and hurt my knee a lot. I scratched it all the way till the bone. Since I could barely walk I had to sit on my couch all day.

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Today I woke up and ate breakfast. After that we repainted our master bathroom and then I played with my friends for 1hr. Then I did requirements and went shopping.

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Today I woke up and had 2 tests at school and I got a 100 on both. When I got h9me I did requirements and then l cleaned my room.

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Today was pretty boring at school. When I got home I messaged my friend happy birthday and did some requirements after that I did homework from 4:15 until 10:33.

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Today was my birthday so I woke up to my mom yelling happy birthday. At school I didn’t really care to tell anyone. For dinner tonight we went out to an Indian restaurant.

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Today was a pretty casual day. At school someone kept bragging that he was 1 hr older than me and it was annoying because he was born today at 11pm and I was born 1 hrs younger than him. 

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Today was a normal day and it was kind of boring. I watched the Super Bowl and wanted the 49ers to win but the chiefs made a last second touchdown and they won. I’m sad the 49ers didn’t win but maybe they will next season.

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Today I woke up and went to sparring . Immediately after that I had to go to my birthday party and  I  had a lot of fun. When I got home I did some requirements and then I built a new Lego set I got . After that I slept.

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Today I had a good day at school and for every holiday we make cards and stuff for old age homes so for Valentine’s Day we made paper roses. The funny thing was that me and one other person were the only people who figured out how to make them so we did all the work but still needed to make 48 more. Knowing this I did the roses at home and then did my requirements. After that I had dinner and I’m about to go to bed.

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Today wasn’t the best day for me. I woke up and went to school at school we play soccer and I got slide tackled and then kicked in the stomach. The only good thing was that I scored the game winning goal. After school I had a bad headache but I still did some requirements. After that I slept for a while. At TKD I met with my mentee and had a session.

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Today was a normal day at school I had study hall today so I could work on a project. After school I did some requirements and then did some homework. B6 the time I finished all my homework it was 6:30 so my mom made me dinner and then I organized my room and now I’m about to sleep.

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Today I woke up and wore a new soccer jersey for Liverpool FC but they lost their match today. At school I finished all my work and my teacher just told me to sit down and do nothing for 20 mins and it was a boring 20 mins. After school I came home and did my requirements. At TKD I hyperextended my knee and was limping on the way out. 

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Today I woke up and went to sparring class and after  that had a mentee session. After the session I helped out with a class and did some requirements. When I got home I ate and we had to drive to UNC today because my sister needed some curries so we had to drop them off. When we got back home my I ate dinner.

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Today was very scary at school because I had 3 test but when I got through the first one it got less nerve racking. At the end of the day I got an A+ on all of my tests and was so happy. I got home and planned for my birthday party and then did some requirements. After that I went to TKD and took class.

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Today was normal day at school but it was kind of scary because I have 3 tests tomorrow so I was trying to study for all of them. I got home from school and did my homework. After that I did some requirements and work on a drawing.

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Today was a normal day at school. When I got home I did some homework and then went grocery shopping with my dad after that I practiced and went to TKD. After I got home I had some chicken and rice and did some more requirements.

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Today was a rough day for me because I had one of the worst stomach aches of my in the middle of the night and when I woke up it hurt even more. After I got ready my parents gave me some medicine and then I went to school. When I got home my stomach hurt still so I slept for 1 hour and my parents woke me up and to my to tae kwon do. 

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Today was a boring day for me because recently I went to Boston but we drove there and today we had to drive back. Through the entire trip I basically just binged a new show and slept. We did stop for more frequently this time because it was snowing so we used more fuel. After I got home I did some requirements .

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today was a normal day and I really did the same things as all the other days. One thing I did different was I had to pack my suitcase because I have to go to Boston.

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Today at school we finally found out the different classes based on our map scores I got the advanced math class. I was so glad because now I have new people to work with. After school I studied for a Spanish quiz, I have tomorrow with a friend and then practiced. after that I went to Tae Kwon Do and took class. Now I'm at home about to eat.

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