Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


3 hour delay today!  My breakfast this morning is yummy!  I have school and then I have to get ready for Junior Instructors camp.  I’m excited to go!  Going to get some requirements done before school today.

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Another rainy day!  I wish it would snow!!!  Not much new today.  I have school, soccer practice, and black belt class.  If it keeps raining I will probably not have soccer practice.  All my essays are done, and I only have 10 Miles to go.  Feeling pretty good!

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Today is my first day back to school in a week.  I am excited to see my friends, but not excited about school work.  I am going to try and get some requirements done before school.

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Today is my last day off from school.  My white belt challenge is over.  Today is a chill day so I’m going to try and finish up my essays and do some requirements.  I have soccer practice and black belt class tonight.

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Yesterday I went to church and received my first Bible.  Then my family went to help at a local animal rescue. We foster with them.  I got to see a ton of puppies!  Last night I went to a super bowl party!  Today I have off from school again so my mom is taking me skiing.  Trying to find time to fit in my requirements.

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Today I got up early and did my requirements before sparring class because we are going to South Carolina for my sister’s volleyball tournament.  I also met with my mentor.  Not excited about the car ride today.

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Another day off from school!  I’m going to urban air today.  I’m going to get some requirements and homework done before I go.  Looking forward to a fun day!

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I found out yesterday that my school is closed for a week!  That is awesome news!  I have plenty of time to get my requirements in today.  I am not sure of the plan today, but I’m sure it will be something fun!  I have soccer practice and black belt class tonight.

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Today I’m going on a field trip with my class.  We are going to the oldest house in Charlotte.  It’s a half day for me!  My mom is going on the field trip too so we get to leave after and go out to lunch.  Hoping to get some requirements done before school so I can have a break this afternoon!

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Today was a busy day!  I had school, soccer practice, and black belt class.  I’m tired and ready for bed!

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Yesterday I went to Defy Gravity and I got a lot of my falls and rolls completed.  It was s fun way to work out!  Today it’s raining so no run.  I had school and then I am meeting with my mentor and mentee.

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Yesterday I was at Tae Kwon Do for a long time.  I had sparring and black belt class.  I also worked on some of my requirements.  After class I got to play outside with my friends.  Last night I had pizza and played switch with my friends.

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Today was a rainy day!  I did some requirements before school and finished them after school.  I had nachos for dinner and had some time on my iPad.

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Another busy day!  I had school, then requirements, then soccer practice, and finally black belt class.  I got home, took a shower, and now bed!

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I was not feeling well again today so I didn’t do as many requirements.  I did get another essay done - Yay!  I am meeting with my mentor today and we are working on my staff form.  I made flash cards for the test and I have been trying to look at them every day.  Hopefully tomorrow my stomach will stop hurting.

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Today I’m back to school.  I got up early to get some requirements done before school.  I have soccer practice tonight.  I got another essay finished yesterday.  I only have 2 more to go!

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I am feeling much better today.  I’m happy to have a day of from school -yay!  I don’t have much planned today.  It is really cold outside so I’m going to try and get in my requirements.  My mom and I will bundle up later and go for a long walk.

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Yesterday was a very busy day.  I had 2 soccer games and I also had Tae Kwon Do.  I met with my mentor.  I also went to sparring and black belt class.  After all of that I got to relax and play on my switch.  Today I woke up not feeling so good.  I hope I feel better soon!

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Friday -yay!  I had a good day at school.  I had art today.  It is my favorite subject.  I got a lot of requirements done before school.  Tomorrow is gonna be very busy with 2 soccer games added.

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I got in some requirements before school so I didn’t have to do as much after.  I am working on my new stick and staff forms.  I am going to sparring class tonight.  Ready for a long weekend!

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Another day at school.  I’m glad it’s not raining.  Trying to complete my requirements before I go and help out at class.  I have been trying the specials form I learned as well as the new stick form.  I am also meeting with my mentee and mentor!

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Today I had PE and we did a ton of push ups and sit ups.  After school I had to work on my Valentine poems for school.  I am almost half way done. Today I gave soccer practice so I’ll get my running in there.

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Today we started learning about Charlotte history in school.  It rained a lot, but it stopped after school and I was able to get my run in.  I met with my mentor and mentee today.  I am feeling pretty good about my requirements.  I try to get some done in the morning before school so I don’t have as many after school.  Hopefully the weather will be better tomorrow!

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Today is a chill day!  I did some requirements, but I spent most of the day outside playing with friends.  We even had a water fight!  I got so soaked I had to change clothes.  Ready for a great week!

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Today was my pretest.  It was tiring!  The best thing I did was push ups.  I was able to do 39 in 1 minute.  The written went ok.  After the test I got to relax and eat some sushi.

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Last night I went to sparring class and got a great workout.  Today I have art at school.  It is my favorite subject.  Since I’m a little ahead on my running I’m going to take a day off -Yay!  I’m ready for the pretest tomorrow.

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Yesterday I met with my mentee.  I practiced his hop step kicks and his turning side kick.  I also met with my mentor.  I am feeling good about my progress so far.  I also helped in class and got 2 leadership credits.  I really like helping in class.  I think it is fun!

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Yesterday, we went on field trip so it was an easy first day back.  It is a little harder to get my requirements done now that I’m back to school.  I’m glad I got a head start over break.  Back to school again today.  I’m going to meet with my mentee tonight.

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Today is my first day back to school in over 2 weeks.  I’m excited to see all of my friends.  I have a field trip today to the nursing home so that we can visit with the residents.  I’m going to try and get some of my requirements done before school so that I don’t have as many this afternoon.

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Today is the last day of my winter break!  I’m excited to go back to school tomorrow and see all my friends. My sister is at school so I will have plenty of time to do my requirements.  I have 4 essays completed and I’m starting my fifth today.  I’m also getting new running shoes today.

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Last night we went to the Whitewater Center.  We went ice skating and saw the lights.  The ice skating rink was big!  We skated for a while.  The path the lights were on was super muddy!  After we left we stopped for hot chocolate.  Today we don’t have much planned so I’m going to relax and work on my requirements.

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Today I went to Master Chelley’s black belt class.  I learned some new material.  I got to eat lunch with my soccer team.  Tonight we are going to the Whitewater Center to ice skate and see lights.  It’s a busy, but fun day!  I managed to fit in all my requirements too!

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I’m glad I can talk today.  It is going to be a lot easier to communicate with my family.  I’m sad it’s raining today.  I went to Master Hartle’s studio last night for class.  It was fun to be back where I started Tae Kwon Do!

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Today I will be doing a no talking challenge.  It is the empathy training for one of my essays.  I am going to sparring class tonight.  That should be interesting because I cannot talk.  I am going to try and get my requirements done early today.

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Happy New Year!  Last night was fun.  I stayed up watching the ball drop.  My family had a party.  I had to get all my requirements done before the party so I could enjoy it.  Looking forward to a new decade!

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I got all my physical requirements done early so I could enjoy the nice day.  I got to spend most of the day outside with friends.  The requirements are getting easier.  I can’t wait for New Yesr’s Eve tomorrow!

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I didn’t get as much done today as I would have liked  because we went to Virginia Tech for a basketball game.  We walked around campus, saw where my mom lived on and off campus, and went to the bookstore.  It was a fun day!

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I’m getting excited for New Years.  My requirements are getting easier.  I went on s long hike today at Lake Norman State Park.  I got to play outside with my friends!  I ended my day snuggling kittens and watching TV.

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Today was a chill day.  I got some time to relax and work on my requirements.  I spent a lot of time with our foster kittens and also played some basketball!  I’m ready to start the weekend.

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Today I worked on my self defenses a lot.  I ran and took a big walk with my family and then we went to Carowinds and walked another mile.  Carowinds was fun especially the new parade.

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Today is Christmas ????!  I got a late start on my requirements because I was opening gifts!  I still did everything I needed to and more.  We also went to my Nana’s house.  I showed her some of my self defense forms.

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Today is Christmas Eve!  The weather was very nice so I was able to get in a long run/walk.  I worked on a lot of self defenses today and used the new pull up bar.  It really helped with my pull ups.  I’m excited for Christmas ???? 

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Today it was raining, but I still got a mile in.  The rain kept me indoors and I got a lot of my requirements done.  I went to class, and was able to earn a leadership credit.

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Yesterday during black belt class I felt unsure of a few forms.  Today I watched the videos of those forms and practiced them a lot.  I feel a lot more confident of my forms.  I am trying to get a little ahead on my physical fitness so I’m feeling a little bit sore tonight.

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Today was the first day of my black belt cycle.  I was happy and excited to start.  I went to both sparring and black belt class.  It was tiring, but I pushed through.  I learned a new form (koryo).  I’m ready to start again tomorrow.

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