Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Rohan Apte - Daily Journal 37 - 2620

Today was a scary day. It was raining very hard in the morning. When I got to school we had math and science as normal. BUT...... When we went to ELA there was a tornado warning! We all had to go out in the hallway and duck and cover it was painful we had to sit there for 2hr my back started to ache. At 30min the tornado struck. There were very hard winds and strong rains. It was so strong that in the 1st grade hallway part of the roof flew off the main building!! The first graders were very scared most were crying they were all getting soaked. For 5th grade people were crying but not as much. After the 2hrs it was already 1:30. Past lunchtime!!!! So we had lunch in the classroom. So our teacher let us play on the computers for the rest of the time....

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  574 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily Journal 36 - 2520

Today was a good day. First I had school, in science we learned about force and motion. We are going to have a project on Friday were we each bring our own how wheel cars and drive them on ramps to see how gravity is a force. I got home late today so I had no time to do my requirements. I went directly to king tiger to help out with class got leadership 1&2. I also did a mentee program with Vidyuth. Then I had dinner. I am going to bed. BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  550 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily Journal 35 - 2420

Today was a good day. First I had school(normal). Right now I am doing my requirements. I plan to go to king tiger to help out,get BB class, and mentoring. Hope you have a good day. BYE!!!!!!!

  520 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily Journal 34 - 2320

Today was a good day. First I had school as usual. It was a very nice day today so I was able to walk 3.6 miles outside. Crazy weather!!!! 3 days ago it was snowing!!! And now its 70 outside!!!!!!! Then I finished the rest of my requirements. Right now I am having dinner. Hope you had a good day. BYE!!!!!!!!!!

  535 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily Journal 33 - 2220

Today was a great day. In the morning I did my home work. Then I had lunch. After lunch I did my requirement and worked one my written test. Then I had dinner. Right now I am watching the superbowl. Chiefs or 49ers!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  496 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily Journal 32 - 2120

Today was a good day. In the morning I had sparring. After sparring I helped out family class. Then I did black belt class. I had the 1:00pm part for the community service project. Everyone for the morning part did mostly everything. All we got to do was carry banana boxes and sort a few cans. The rest we just sat there and talked. I am doing my requirements right now. We are going to eat outside today. I hope you had a great day. BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  521 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily Journal 31 - 13120

Today was a good day. First I had school. Right now I am working on my requirements. After requirements my mom says we might go out for dinner. Hope you have a great rest of your day. BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  526 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily Journal 30 - 13020

Today was a good day. First I had school. I forgot to tell you that my dad is volunteering for camp thunderbird(3-day field trip)!!!!! And for AIG we are going to go to JA BisTown we found out are jobs today. I am the CEO of Albemarle foundation! P.S CEO = boss! After school I did some of my requirements. After doing requirements I went to sparring class. Lake Norman location. Lastly I had dinner. Right now I am going to bed. Hope you had a good day. BYE!!!!!!!!!!

  597 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily Journal 30, Actually 29 - 12920

Today was a good day. First I had school. After school I did some of my requirements. Next I went to king tiger to do leadership and I also got with my mentee. Then I had dinner. I am going to bed. BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  583 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily Journal 29 - 12820

Today was a good day. In the morning/afternoon I had school. Then in the evening I did my requirements. Then I went to king tiger. I was not able to do my journal yesterday(Its the 29th) because I got home a 9:30 and my bedtime is 9:00 and I had to get ready for school. So I am doing it today. BYE!!!!!!!!.

  513 Hits

Rohan Apte Daily Journal 28 - 12720

Today is a great day so far. In the morning I woke up late, no school teacher workday. I did some homework and worked on my requirements. My mom took me for a hair cut. Right now I just finished it I am having lunch. In the evening I plan to finish my requirements. Hope you have a great rest of your day!!!

  509 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily Journal 27 - 12620

Today was a good day. In the morning I was not able to do anything except for homework. Then I had lunch. After lunch I worked on my requirements for the rest of the time. Then I had dinner and went to bed.

  498 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily Journal 26 - 12520

Today was a great day. In the morning I went to sparring class, got leadership 1, and got BB class. Then I worked on my requirements. Then we went shopping. Then we had dinner and went to bed.

  552 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily Journal 25 - 12420

Today was a great day. In the morning I had school as usual. When I got home I did my requirements. Then I had dinner and went to bed.

  538 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily Log 24 - 012320

Today was a great day. In the morning I had school as normal. After school I did my requirements. Then I went to king tiger for sparring(Lake Norman). Then I had dinner and went to bed.

  519 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily Log 23 - 12220

Today was a great day. I wen to school as normal. After school I did my requirements. Then I went to king tiger to help out I also got some menteeing seccion in.

  513 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily Log 22 - 12020

Today was a good day. In the morning I did my requirements. Right now I am having lunch. In the afternoon I plan to finish my requirements and watch some TV. Hope you have a great rest of your day.

  518 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily Journal 21 - 11920

Today is a great day. Right now I am doing my requirements. My brother is going to a birthday party witch I am not invited to sadly in the afternoon. And I am going to do the rest of my requirements do extra as well as watch some TV.

  470 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily Journal 20 - 11820

Today was a great day. In the morning I went to king tiger I got sparring, leadership credits 1 & 2, mentoring, and finally weekend BB class. Then I had lunch. After lunch I worked on my 5+ page essay might as well get started early I was able to get 1 page of it done and I also got to watch TV for a bit. Then we went shopping at Walmart. After shopping we had dinner came home and wen to bed.

  467 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily Journal 19 - 11720

Today was a great day. I had school as normal but we are getting ready for the biggest field trip of the year! We are going to camp Thunderbird in South Carolina we are staying there for 3 days, 2 nights! It is going to be so fun, we are going on April 1-3 so we are going to be there on April fools day we are each planning to make funny pranck's on people. After school I did my requirements. I even had time for some TV. Then I had dinner and went to bed.

  493 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily Journal 18 - 11620

Today was a good day. After School which was boring, I did my requirements(still in progress). I plan to go to king tiger for sparring class(Lake Norman). So have a great rest of your day!!!!!!

  500 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily Journal 17 - 11520

Today was a good day. I had school. After school I did my requirements and still in progress. I plan to go to king tiger to help out. So have a great rest of your day BYE!!!!!!

  472 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily Journal 16 - 11420

Today was a good day. After school which was no different from most days I did my requirements and still in the process. I am planning to go to king tiger to help out and take black belt class.

  493 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily Journal 15 - 11320

Today was a nothing special day. I had school nothing different. When I got home I did my requirements and also worked on homework. Then I had dinner and went to bed. Told you, nothing special.

  488 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily Journal 14 - 11020

Today was a great day. In the morning I had vex robotics. After that I had math. Next I had ELA. Then I had lunch. After lunch I had recess. Then after my mom picked me up from school I did my requirements. Finally I had dinner and went to bed.

  538 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily Journal 13 - 1920

Today was a great day. In the morning I had math benchmarks it was boring. Then I had lunch. After lunch I had recess. Next I had music for specials. When my mom picked me up and we came home I did my requirements. Then my BFF came! We went to the science fair and we won ribbons for winning we are to the regionals. Then I came home had dinner and went to bed.

  476 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily Journal 12 - 1820

Today was a busy day. In the morning I had benchmarks. Then I had math olympiad lunch were we have lunch and discuss math olympiad problems. After that we had recess. Next we had Art for specials. Then my mom picked me up from kids plus. But it was late so I did not have time to do many of my requirements because I had to go to king tiger for leadership credits 1 & 2 and menteeing session. After the class I had dinner and went to bed. 

  513 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily Journal 11- 1720

Today was a great day. In the morning at school I had math. Then I had ELA. Next I had lunch. After lunch we had PE for special's. When I got home I did all my requirements. Next I plan to go to Tae Kwan Do for my leadership credit's, mentoring, and black belt weekday class. Then I am planning to get JJ's for dinner and I am obviously going to bed. So have a great rest of your day!

  471 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily Journal 10 - 1620

Today was the first school day after winter break(sigh...).  Today we had math in the morning and then did some science. We learned about the human body systems and we learned multiplying fractions. Then we switched to ELA and Social Study's. We did not do any ELA today we just watched some BrainPOP videos on the American Revolution for social study's. Then we had Lunch. After Lunch my teacher passed out the homework and we packed up. Then we had specials we had technology but don't expect games, we practiced typing. Then I rode the bus home. When I got home I did all my requirements, and got some TV time. Lastly I had dinner and went to bed.

  498 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily Log 9 - 1520

Today was a great day. In the morning I had breakfast and studied for the pretests 10 questions. Next I did half of my requirements. Then I had lunch. After lunch I played on my Xbox, we downloaded another new game, it should be fully downloaded by tomorrow. Then I finished the rest of my requirements. Finally we had dinner and went to bed.

  468 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily Journal 8 - 1420

Today was a great day. In the morning I woke up had breakfast and did some of my requirements. Then I went to the Lake Norman location for Saturday black belt class. Then when we got home I had lunch. After lunch I played with my dad on my Xbox. We are installing a new game it should be ready by tomorrow. Then I finished my requirements. Next we went shopping at Walmart. Lastly we went home and had dinner and went to bed.

  469 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily Journal 7 - 1320

Today was a great day. I went to kids plus again. First we went to the gym, and we played free play. Then we went to the library and played agario again. Next we went outside and played football the score was 18 - 21 we won! next we had pizza for lunch. Then we went to the library and had computer time, we played the same game. Then we went to the gym and played dodgeball. After that during snack my mom came and picked me up. After we got home I did all my requirements. 

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  510 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily Log 6 - 1220

Today was a great day. Today my mom and dad had to go to work so I had to go to kids plus(aftercare). But it was not too bad. In the morning they sorted us into groups by grades. And the 5th grade group went to the gym first. We played dodge ball. I hit A LOT of people. And caught 13 balls. After we went to the library and got computer time. I played a game called agario with my friends it was super fun we got to see each other on the game dashboard. Then we had outside time and I played football. But it was 2 touch not tackle. The final score was 35 - 28, we won! Then we had lunch. After lunch we went to the library and got computer time again! We did the same thing. Then we played at half centers cause it was...

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  504 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily Log 5 - 010120

Happy New Year !!! Today was a great day. In the morning I slept in, so it was 10:00 when I woke up. Then I ate breakfast and did half of my requirements because I woke up so late. Then I had Lunch. After lunch I played on my Xbox for a bit. We installed a new game so it should be fully installed by tomorrow. Then I finished the rest of my requirements and played with Eshan. Then I had dinner and went to bed.

  460 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily Log 4 - 123119

Its almost 2020! Today was a good day. In the morning I had breakfast and did most of my requirements. I was so exited for running because I got new shoes(I love trying out new shoes). They were WAY better than my old ones. They were a lot lighter, so I could run faster without having to try much. Then I had lunch. After lunch I watched a bit of TV. Then I finished my requirements and did a few extra. Then I had dinner. After dinner we watched the ball drop on TV. So yeah HAPPY 2020 Y'ALL. 

  587 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily Log 3 - 123019

Today was a great day. In the morning I had a bagel for breakfast. Then I finished all my requirements and it was only 11:00! My mom was really happy that I finished my requirements so early she took me to the movies. we watched Spy's In Disguise it's a new movie that just came on the 25th and you probably saw the trailer already its were a kid turns the world greatest detective into a pigeon. But I am not giving away any names because I don't want to spoil it for you. After the movies we went shopping in the mall because we were already at Concord Mills at the AMC theaters. So we went to the NIKE store and got me some new shoes. After the mall we went to go pick up my brother from preschool and yes sadly he had preschool today. Then we got him...

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  486 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily Log 2 - 122919

Today was a pretty boring day because we spent more than half of the day in the car. We woke up and went to the ground floor for breakfast. We were in Georgia at this time we had traveled from Florida to Georgia. After breakfast we headed to the car and drove for about 3hrs and we took a pit stop for lunch we had entered South Carolina. In another 3hrs we had finally reached North Carolina it was about 4pm when we got home. Then it was just unpacking and I also did some requirements????for the rest of the day. Then I had dinner and went to bed.

  473 Hits

Rohan Apte - Daily log 1 - 122719

Today I had a lot of fun we went to Disney world! First before going there I did some of my requirements and I also had breakfast. Later we drove to Disney world. We sat on the dumbo the flying elephant ride the Aladdin and the magic carpet ride. They were both the same type of ride were there is a big center piece in the middle and there are arms sticking out and at the end it were you sit and it go’s in a circle to make you feel like you are flying. Then I had chicken nuggets for lunch. After lunch we went on an amazon cruise the wait was 100 min but it was worth it. Next we watched a parade and watched all the Disney characters pass by. After that we went on a Winnie the Pooh ride were we sat in a honey pot and...

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  471 Hits

Journal Day 63 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. School was fun. In the evening I did my requirements. Then I read Harry Potter and the goblet of fire. Then I had dinner. I am going to bed now. 

  646 Hits

Journal Day 62 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. In the morning I did my requirements. I also did my Role modal essay. Then I had lunch. Then I watched my normal watching time. Then I went to my basketball game. I was sooooo close to winning it was 31 vs. 32. Then I went shopping. Then I had dinner. I am going to bed now.

  648 Hits

Journal Day 61 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. School was fun. In the evening I watched my normal watching time. Then I did my requirements. Then I had dinner. I am going to bed now.

  642 Hits

Journal Day 61 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. I went to JA Biz Town for a school field trip. I was a Connect Tech CFO it was really fun ! We were there the whole day so we ate lunch there too. In the evening I did my requirements. Then I went to Taekwando for my menteeing with Harith. I did my volunteering there. Then I had dinner. I am going to bed now.

  679 Hits

Journal Day 60 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. I did my empathy training today. I wrote my white belt essay. I did my requirements in the  morning. Then I had lunch. Then I watched my normal watching time. Then I finished the rest of my requirements. Then I had time so I did a lot of extra requirements. Then I had dinner. I am going to bed now. It was my best day ever !!!

  641 Hits

Journal Day 59 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. I went to my basketball game. Then I went to Taekwando. Then I had lunch. Then I watched my normal watching time. Then I went to the post office for my passport. Then I had snack. Then I went to go shopping. Then I had dinner. Then I watched the NBA All Star. I am going to bed now. It is 10:41 PM.

  628 Hits

Journal Day 58 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. We had Harry Potter day at school. Instead of math we had potions. Instead of reading we had herbatology class. Then I had pizza for lunch. And instead of writing we had a "trip to Diagon Alley". Then in the evening I did my requirements. Then I watched my normal watching time. Then I had pizza and cheese sticks for dinner. In total I had 5 pieces of pizza and 2 pieces of cheese sticks. I am going to bed now.

  637 Hits

Journal Day 57 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. School was fun. In the evening I went to Code Ninjas. Then I went to Taekwando. I did my menteeing there. And I also did my white belt challenge. Then I had dinner. I am going to bed now.

  621 Hits

Journal Day 56 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. School was fun. In the evening I did my requirements. Then I went to Taekwando for my menteeing. I'mean doing my white belt challenge this week. Then I had dinner. I am going to bed now. 

  615 Hits

Journal Day 55 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. School was fun. In the evening I did my requirements. Then I went to Taekwando for my sparring class. Then I had dinner. Then I watched my normal watching time. I am going to bed now.

  586 Hits

Journal Day 54 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. School was fun. In the evening I went to Code Ninjas. Then I went to Taekwando. I did my volunteering there. Then I did my menteeing. Then I had dinner. Then I watched my normal watching time. I am going to bed now.

  585 Hits

Journal Day 53 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. School was fun. For  reading I got an incentive for reading 20 books this year. In the evening I did my requirements. Then I watched my normal watching time. Then I had dinner. Then I went to Taekwando to do my weekday black belt class. Then I did my mentoring. I am going to bed now.  

  616 Hits

Journal Day 52 Rohan Apte

               I had a good day. In the morning we dropped my brother to his school for the first time ! He cryed a little bit but not that much. Then I did my requirements after I came home. Then we went to pick him up. I used to go to that school so some of the people there remembered me. Then I came back home.                  Then I had lunch. Then I  did a reading passage. Then I watched my normal watching time. Then I went to Taekwando for my volunteering. Then I did menteeing with Harith. Then I finished my requirements. Then I had dinner. I am going to bed now.  

  623 Hits

Journal Day 51 Rohan Apte

       I had a good day. In the morning I did my homework. Then I read Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban. Then I did my requirements. I got a new pull up bar for my pull ups. So I can do it more regularly now.        Then we went to go for my brother's hair cut. I read Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban there. Then I had lunch. Then I read Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban for 4 hours and I finished it. It was 435 pages long. Then I went for a walk. Then I watched the SUPER BOWL 53 ! It was so exciting. I had dinner while I watched the super bowl. The Patriots won against Rams ! I am going to bed now. 

  618 Hits

Journal Day 50 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. In the morning I did my requirements. The I went for my basketball game. I won ! Yay !!! Then I had lunch. Then I went for my community service project. Then I did my eassy. Then I read Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban. Then I went shopping. Then I had dinner. I am going to bed now.

  575 Hits

Journal Day 49 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. I read Harry Potter and the prisoner of Askaban. Then I had lunch. Then I played with my nanny. Then I watched. Then I went for a walk. Then I had dinner. I am goin b to bed now.

  619 Hits

Journal Day 48 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. School was fun. In the evening I did my requirements. Then my dad came home. Then I went to my basketball practice. Then I went to do my mentoring session with Master Dege. Them I had dinner. I am going to bed now.

  592 Hits

Journal Day 47 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. School was fun. In the evening I went Code Ninjas. Then I came back home. Then I did my requirements. Then I went to Taekwando class. I did some of my requirements  before class. Then I went home. Then I had dinner. I am going to bed now.

  664 Hits

Journal Day 45 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. My dad picked me up from school at 9:10 for a doctor's appointment I had a blood test. Then I went back to school. Then when my mom picked me up she told me that there was a open space for Goddard school so that means that my brother is going to pre-school. Then I went to Taekwando to do my volunteering. I also did my menteeing. Then I had dinner. I am going to bed now.  

  566 Hits

Journal Day 46 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. I had fun at school. In the evening I did my requirements. Then my dad came home and we went to the sparring class I got 2 rounds done. Then I came hame. Then I had dinner. I am going to bed now.

  585 Hits

Journal Day 44 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. I I'd my requirements in the morning. Then I had lunch. Then I watched my watching time. Then I finished my requirements. Then I had dinner. I amean going to bed now.

  592 Hits

Journal Day 43 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. In the morning I went to the basketball game. Then we went to the Taekwando class. Then I had dinner. Then I had my watching time. Then I did my requirements. Then we went out shopping. Then I had dinner. I amean going to bed now.

  568 Hits

Journal Day 42 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. I had fun at school. In the evening my mom picked me up from school. She was early so we went shopping. After coming home my nanny said that she would not be able to babysit my brother anymore. So my brother is going to pre-school ! I am so excited for him to go to pre-school! After that I went to the weekday black belt class. Then I had dinner. I am going to bed now. 

  611 Hits

Journal day 41 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. School was fun. I did my requirements in the evening. Then I watched my normal watching time. Then I went to the basketball practice. Then I had pizza for dinner. I am going to bed now.

  602 Hits

Journal 40 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. School was fun. I did all my requirements in the evening. Then I helped out in the family class. Then I had dinner. I am going to bed now.

  601 Hits

Journal Day 39 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. School was fun. In the evening I did my requirements. Then I went to the sparring class. Then I had dinner. I am going to bed now.

  580 Hits

Journal Day 38 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. In the morning I did my requirements. Then I had lunch. Then I went to Dave and Busters. Then I finished my requirements. Then I had dinner. Then I watched . I am going to bed now. 

  618 Hits

Journal Day 37 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. I did my homework after breakfast. Then I did my valentine assignment in school. Then we went out for lunch. Then I completed my valentine assignment's. Then I did my requirements. Then I had a dinner. I watched the football games.Then I watched a movie. Then I watched the lunar eclipse. It is 12:06. I am going to bed now.

  571 Hits

Journal Day 36 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. In the morning I went to the pretest. It was tiring. Then I went to the black belt class and mentoring session. I had lunch after that. Then I watched my watching time. Then I went shopping. Then when we got back home we ate dinner. Then I watched a movie called Stuart Little. I am going to bed now. 

  622 Hits

Journal Day 35 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. School was fun. We had a math assessment and I got 92% on it. I had Taekwando in the evening. Then I had dinner I am going to bed now.

  587 Hits

Journal Day 34 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. I read Harry Potter and the Chamber of secrets In the morning before I went to school.I finished all the requirements in the evening. Then I went to the black belt class. I had a my mentoring session with Master Dege and worked on the stick and staff forms. I am going to bed now.

  561 Hits

Jour all Day 33 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. School was fun. In the evening I went to Taekwando. I did pull-ups there. Then I had dinnet . I am going to bed now. 

  592 Hits

Journal Day 32 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. I did my requirements in the morning. After lunch I read my Harry Potter and the Chamber of secrets. Then I finished my requirements in the evening. Then I had dinner. I am going to bed now.

  614 Hits

Journal Day 31 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. I did some of my requirements before going to the basketball game. We won the game. Yay !!! After lunch I had my normal watching time. Then I finished my requirements. Then we went shopping. Then we ate dinner. After dinner I read the study guides. Then I read Harry Potter and the Chamber of secrets.  I am going to bed now.

  591 Hits

Journal Day 30 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. For some reason I conpleted my reuirement's for journal's because the book said that my goal was 30 journals and this is my 30th one. Yay !!! But I am going to continue writing it. School was fun to. In the evening I went to the weekday blackbelt class. Then I worked and tried to memorize my study guides before the pretest on saturday. I am going to bed now.

  570 Hits

Journal Day 29 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. School was fun. I did some of my requirements in the evening. Then I watched. While I was watching my dad came home. Then we went to go to basketball. Then I ate dinner. I am going to bed now.

  621 Hits

Journal Day 28 Rohan Apte

I had a good a day at school. After school I went to code ninja's. After coming home I worked on my study guides a little bit. And I am going to bed now. I am going to start focusing to prepare for pretest.

  592 Hits

Journal Day 27 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. I went to school today. I finally had science. The topic was magnet's. I had a lot of fun. I discovered that a paper clip can float using magnet's. In the evening I went to Taekwando. I did three classes! Then I had dinner. I am going to bed now.

  579 Hits

Journal Day 26 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. I had a good day at school. After coming home I finished my requirements for the day. I had a 5:25 class today. And I did my leadership credit 1 and 2. I also did my first menteeing session. Then I had dinner. I am going to bed now.

  585 Hits

Journal Day 24 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. In the morning I went to the testing to get into a new school. After lunch I went to my first basketball game. We won our first game. Yay !! Then in the evening I got my miles in along with some of the other requirements. After that I went to go shopping at Walmart. Then I ate dinner. Since I didn' t get my watching time I watched after dinner. I am going to bed now.

  603 Hits

Journal Day 25 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. I completed homework before breakfast. I helped out with some cleaning. Then I worked on some of my requirements. After lunch I had my watching time. In the evening I completed the remaining of my requirements. During dinner I watched the end of Philly-Chicago game. It was exciting. I am going to bed. 

  541 Hits

Journal Day 23 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. When I went to school I did math and I got 100% on it. The rest of my school day was good to. I did my exercises in the afternoon. In the evening I went to the 5:30 Weekday BBC at Lake Norman. After dinner I practiced basketball before going to bed. I am exited for my basketball game tomorrow. I am going to bed now.  

  521 Hits

Journal Day 22 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. It was my first day at school after the holidays. I rocked on math because I was the first one to finish and I got everything correct. The rest of my school day was great to. When I got home I finished some of my requirements. Then I watched my normal watching time. Then I had dinner. Then me and my dad went to the 7:30  Taekwando class after that. I got my weekday black belt class done in my notebook. I am going to bed now.

  498 Hits

Journal Day 21 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. My nanny came after a few days. I built a fort in my room out of blankets. I read my science book. I learned a lot like CO2 means carbon dioxide, CH4 means methane and H2O means water And I memorized some of the periodic table. I was reading almost the entire morning. I played MONOPOLY with my nanny after lunch. Then I went back to reading. I went to Code Ninjas after that. I watched my normal watching time then I finished almost all of my requirements before dinner. I am going to bed now.

  545 Hits

Journal Day 20 Rohan Apte

Happy new year everybody! I am so excited for what's going to happen in the rest of 2019! I had a good day. I worked on my 4th essay all morning. I finished it like 30 seconds before lunch. I watched my normal watching time. After that I went for a walk to get my miles in. After coming home I finished all my requirements just before dinner. I am going to bed now. 

  540 Hits

Journal Day 19 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. I took a break from exercise today because my essay took almost all day to finish. I am glad I got it done. I had my normal watching time in the evening. After dinner I was excited to stay up but there were no good programs to watch. So I am going to bed now. Bye Bye 2018, Hello 2019! 

  421 Hits

Journal Day 18 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. I spent almost the entire morning working on my second essay. I was finally able to finish it just after lunch. I watched after that. After my watching time me, my dad and my brother Eshan went for a little jogging and walking. I completed the rest of my requirement goals after that. I am going to bed now.

  567 Hits

Journal Day 17 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. In the morning I completed some of my requirements and did 200 sit-ups! Before Tae kwan do class started I did another 100 sit-ups. By the way sit-ups are easy for me. After lunch I watched and then I completed the rest of my requirements. We went to the store after that. I am so proud of myself to be able to over achieve and get to 300. I am going to bed now.

  583 Hits

Journal Day 15 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. I was excited for my play date today and I completed my requirements before I went for it. I reached all my goals for everything except running, jump rope rounds and pull-ups. After lunch, we went out for a walk. I got 1.5 miles done. After that I waited at the front door for my friend's dad to pick me up to go to his house. It was fun there. After that my dad picked me up from his house and we went to the gym to do pull-ups. When we got home I did jump rope rounds before eating dinner. I am going to bed now.

  497 Hits

Journal Day 16 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. I finished some of my requirements in the morning. For lunch we went to Olive Garden because it was my Dad's birthday and it is my favorite restaurant "yum". I went to code ninjas after that. I finished the rest of my requirements and did some extra of some things to. After dinner I finished my sparing rounds then I went to my bed. I am going to bed now.

  524 Hits

Journal Day 14 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. I got up right out of bad when I woke up because my cousin was leaving today to go back to Philadelphia. I still had fun. I did a lot of my requirements in the morning and I did some extra in the evening. I just found out in the evening that I was going to have a play date tomorrow. I am excited for that. I am going to bed now.

  512 Hits

Journal Day 13 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. I played MONOPOLY with my cousin we played from 9:00 to 12:44! After lunch I watched my normal watching time. We went out to eat. Then when we got home we watched a cricket match before going to bed. I got my requirement goals completed for the day. I am going to bed now.

  528 Hits

Journal Day 12 Rohan Apte

I had a great day. My mom went to Panera bread to get us all bagels. She was going to get Cinnamon flavored bagels but they were out so she got 2 chocolate muffins and 1 of every other muffin. After we ate I played MONOPOLY with my cousin, we had fun. After eating lunch I watched my normal watching time. I did my pull-ups for he first time! It was very hard, but I pushed through and did them. After dinner we played some more MONOPOLY and now I am going to bed.

  581 Hits

Journal Day 11 Rohan Apte

I had a great day. I played MONOPOLY with my cousin in the morning. I also did 50 push-ups and 50 sit-ups in the morning. I watched my normal watching time after that. I did 50 push-ups and 50 sit-ups before going to shop. After we came back I did another 50 push-ups and 50 sit-ups and 15 burpees before eating dinner. Then I played some more games of MONOPOLY before going to bed. I did most of my targeted goals for other requirements as well. And I am going to bed now. 

  564 Hits

Journal Day 9 Rohan Apte

I had a good day yesterday. I wanted to play my new MONOPOLY game but we couldn't find time. I finished some of my black belt requirements. And then we went out to get some stuff to prepare for my uncle, aunt and cousin's visit. We tried to log and write my journal for yesterday but I couldn't since the website was down so I did it today. I am going to bed now.

  478 Hits

Journal Day 10 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. After breakfast we did a few exercises before going to Taekwando to do weekend BBC. I had my first mentoring session with Master Dege. It was great. I still have a lot of things to work on. In the evening I tried to do as much exercise before my uncle, aunt and cousin got here. We had fun together after they got here. I'm looking forward to having fun with them for the next few days. I'm going to bed now.

  482 Hits

Journal Day 8 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. I was home today. My nanny got me and my brother Eshan Christmas presents. We each opened our own presents. Eshan got a Thomas engine train and a BIG MAT! I got a MONOPOLY game but this one was different it had a machine that read cards to tell how much money you have and how much you have to pay and how much you get. The rest of the day was also fun. I had basketball in the evening. Time to go to bed now.

  532 Hits

Journal Day 3 Rohan Apte

I woke up at 8am. I ate breakfast and then I walked 2 miles. Then I got ready for my friends party. Before I left I did 10 pushups 10 situps and 5 burpes. I went to my friends house and there were already 4 people there. After a few minutes 10 more people came so there were 15 people in all. They used three cars to get all 15 people to drive us all to defy gravity. It was a lot of fun there.After coming back we ate cake and pizza. After that we went up stairs I watched my friend play fortnite.Then it was time for me to go home.It did not take long to go home because his house is only three doors down from me. Then I had my watching time. In the evening I completed 100 pushups, 100 situps  and 25 burpees. Then I went out...

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  510 Hits

Journal day 7 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. I had AIG today and it was game day which I said what that is on journal 5. I brought MONOPOLY as the game I was playing. I had a escape room when we got back to our classroom. The rest of the day was also fun. I went to tae kwan do and did two classes and got my ledership 1 and 2 for my book. I am going to bed now.

  486 Hits

Journal Day 6 Rohan Apte

I had a great day. I was nervous and excited for the play today. It went great. I had a lot of fun. after school I went for my code ninja class. I completed all my challenges. I completed white band level and now I am a yellow band. I had my first black belt class this week. Master Dege agreed to be my mentor. Thank you Master Dege. I am going to bed now.

  540 Hits

Journal Day 5 Rohan Apte

I had a good day. We did our dress rehearsal for our play at school. I did not have AIG ( Academically or intellectually gifted) class today because of the dress  rehearsal. I am exited for my play tomorrow. I will have AIG on Wednesday and we are going to have game day and it's fun. That is were we play board games instead of doing advanced math. I am going to bed now.

  540 Hits

Journal Day 4 Rohan Apte

I had a good day.In the morning I walked 0.2 miles.After going up stairs I did 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups and 10 rounds of jump ropes. After that I went to my room to build a Lego car,it was fun. I ate lunch after that. Then i had my watching time after that. In the evening I wanted to go play with my car so I did. I then had dinner. Then we worked on my costume for my play on Tuesday. I am excited for it. I am going to bed now.

  518 Hits