Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

I am currently a Bo-Cho-Dan at King Tiger Lake Norman and I am excited for my first cycle.

Journal for Monday

Hello King Tiger! Right now, it is 5:30, and this is my last journal so I'll just get this over with. I am about to finish my requirements and be done with and get ready for school. Testing is in 4 days. Let's go!!!

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Journal for Sunday

Hello King Tiger! Hope everyone woke up with great feeling today because today is the second day if the last week of cycle. Only 5 more days to go! Today started off great with me waking and doing my requirements. I finished all my essays last night. I was just about to finish my requirements when I remembered I have to go to this school today at 2. I got to go now. Hope everyone has great Sunday

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Journal for Saturday

Hello King Tiger! Today I planned to be quiet and finish my essays. I finished my run in 8 minutes and 38 seconds which was less than 2 and a half minutes of my pre-test run. After the run, I helped out with all of the classes and I began being quiet at 11:40. I am doing my requirements now and remembered about my recommendation letters and quickly sent them to two teachers. I am going to have lunch in a few minutes and I am going to spend the rest of my day doing requirements. :| Hope everyone has a great Saturday

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Journal for Friday

Hello King Tiger! Today was a great day with more than one quizzes and tests. I know I got all of them 100 except for one test because the math teacher didn't grade yet. I do hope it is a 100. After school, I finished my requirements pretty quickly. After this journal, I am going to upload my requirements onto the website and I am going to work on one homework. After that I have to plan the next week so that I could finish my mentor/mentee sessions, leaderships credits, and class assistance credits as soon as possible. Hope everyone has great Friday!!!!

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Journal for Thursday

Hello King Tiger! I have not been able to do my journals for the past few days due to some late night homework and stuff. On Wednesday, I had to go to a competition and our team won first place. We are moving to regionals next week or so. Today, was weird day because I had to skip all my classes because I had to do to rehearsal for concert that happened today. I just came back about 3 hours ago and finished all the homework I had. I am halfway done with my stuff for today and I will wake up tomorrow and o the rets of my stuff and tomorrow's requirements.

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Journal for Monday

Hello King Tiger! Today started off normally: me waking a bit late(about an hour), me doing as much requirements as I could from the 20 minutes I get, and today was different because I almost missed the bus which has never happened before. School was great and I'm trying really hard since the third quarter end on Wednesday and I don't want any bad grades. Tennis was okay. I came from school and finished the rest of my requirements. Just finished eating my dinner which was rice with chicken nuggets. Yeah, I know BAD combination, but there was nothing else to eat. I am going to start doing my homework after this. Hope everyone had a great Monday(you can't have a Monday that is great). ;)

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Journal for Sunday

Hello King Tiger! I know that everyone will be sleeping at this time(it is 7:57 am) but I woke up a bit early today and with me being sleepy, I saw that the clock on my wall and my alarm clock had different time than my smart watch clock. At first I thought it was a ghost or something that played with my clocks, but then I realized it is daylight saving time. So I fixed my alarm clock and I am doing my requirements now for yesterday and today. I calculated it and it shows 2 hours and 36 minutes. Yay :((((. I just started having stomach pain for some reason so I am taking breaks after each requirement. As far as I know, I will have to attend a zoom meeting competition with my friend at three and I guess he is coming to my before that to study....

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Journal for Saturday

Hello King Tiger! Today was an awesome day of testing which went pretty well except for two things: my written test and my v-sit ups. The V-sit ups were a bit hard since I did them so rarely and I don't know what happened but, during the pre test, I got 14 done and this time I did 5 because I accidently put my foot on the ground. Next, I trusted the blue study guide for gwes and directions and I got all the cardinal directions wrong. The second thing I messed up on the written test was the instructors and what school they had. I mixed it with master shin and master chin because I second doubted myself. I wished I did better. I am still happy for Caleb, Braxton and Mrs. Suzanne for getting 100s on the test(This is one long paragraph about testing). After testing, I went back...

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Journal for Friday

Hello King Tiger! Today was a great day and school was also great today. I had only one quiz and a one test and I got 100s on both of them. After school, I went to the Harrisburg school to make up for my sparring class that I missed last week. After class, I went to the temple and stayed for at least 3-4 hours came back home. I just finished studying for the written exam tomorrow and finished my dinner. I will see all of you(I mean ALL of you) tomorrow. Hope everyone is ready for the tests!!! 

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Journal for Thursday

  Hello King Tiger! Today started off with me being an early bird and doing all of my requirements. School was great and with my math teacher absent, I did my work and chilled the rest of class. Right after I came home, I finished my last requirement: running a mile. I just came back from the mile and I am getting ready for sparring class. I wonder how it will go...

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Journal for Tuesday

Hello King Tiger! Today was great day. Tennis went fine and our team won. I finished my requirements this morning and I was basically chill and doing nothing. 

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Journal for Monday

  Hello King Tiger! I know not everybody is awake when I post this journal(It is 10:00) but I just started my empathy training and I am mute now. I wonder how I will communicate. I don't know sign language so that's a bummer. Anyways, I am going to do some requirements and some work, making the house more silent than before. I wonder how this day will be....

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Journal for Sunday

Hello King Tiger! Today was an easy day with minimum work. I woke a bit late today(9:30) and I finished some school homework. Then, I left to a different school which lasted about 2 hours. After that, I did some requirements and watched a movie. Halfway through the movie, I remembered that I had a tutoring class which lasted about an hour. After that, I finished the movie and I am going to go to sleep. Hope everyone has a good night's sleep!

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Journal for Saturday

Hello King Tiger! Today, I planned to wake up early and do empathy training to finish my essay, but, turn out I can't because I woke up at 8:30 in the morning  and if I do at least 12 hours being mute, I have to stay mute until 8:30 at night and I have a meeting to join at 7:30. But, since I have no school on Monday and Tuesday(Long weekend, let's go!!!!) I will do my empathy training on Monday. After I woke up, I started doing my requirements, and after that I ate breakfast, and after this journal, I am going to do some homework. Hope everyone who is going to Instructor's camp has a fun day

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Journal for Friday

Hello King Tiger! Hope everyone had a nice Friday. I couldn't do my journals yesterday because I was tired after playing tennis matches at a different school. Today was a sluggish day for me today because of the rain and my whole school stank when it was raining. I almost fell asleep in math class and after school, I went to black belt class, which was a bit weird since there was no Master Natasya, Master Marcus, and no Master Chelley today. I am going to finish my homework for math today after this journal. Hope everyone who joined instructor camp has a great day tomorrow.

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Journal for Wednesday

  Hello King Tiger! Today was weird day because I had to stay in Advisory(aka Homeroom) for the WHOLE DAY because all the juniors were taking the ACT and so they changed the schedule so that the juniors could do the ACT without any distractions. After school, I did some homework, did some requirements, and went to taekwondo. Taekwondo was fun and I am catching up on other stuff like mentee/mentor sessions, and my leadership/class assistance credits. I hope i am prepared for the physical, written, and final test.

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Journal for Monday

Hello King Tiger! Today was boring day at the start because of Math class being too boring and it turned out to be a great day because tennis practice was fun. After practice, I went back home, did my requirements since there was no homework today, and after this journal, I am going to do a homework that is due on Friday. I will see most of you (Lake Norman) on Wednesday or Thursday.

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Journal For Sunday

Hello King Tiger! Today, I had started off with doing my requirements at 8 o'clock in the morning. Yesterday, we went to a friend's house and we stayed there until 11 o'clock at night. I just ate breakfast now and after this journal, I am going to a different school and I will come back at 4 o'clock in the evening and I will finish my requirements.

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Journal for Saturday

Hello King Tiger! Today was an awesome day. I almost overslept today(I was supposed to wake up at 5 and I slept until 6), so my dad had to wake me up and made breakfast for us since my mom and little brother were sleeping. Today's class was interesting since we started class with color-belt poomsaes and we were supposed to have sticks in our hands while doing the poomsaes. After black belt and family classes, I came back home, had an apple, and right now, I am doing my requirements. I just had lunch now and my parents went to a barbershop because my little brother needs a haircut, so I have the whole house to myself, I guess. Hope everyone has a great day.

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Journal for Friday

Hello King Tiger! Today was a fabulous day because all Fridays are fabulous, am I right? School was great with only one quiz today and I got a 100. After school, I had to go to taekwondo right after I reached home from school. Black Belt Class was great and I also learned done thing too: to study all the study guides until the written test. We were going over the test paper today and I forgot mine so I had to reference with Caleb and I got most of them correct. I want to get all of them correct. After class, me and my family went to a temple first then to an Indian restaurant called Hyderabad House which is bit famous, I guess. We ate there until 9 and came back home an hour before. I just finished my homework and I am going to go to sleep because...

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Journal for Thursday

Hello King Tiger! Today was a great day to start with since I had nothing to do during first block and basically chilled with my friends. The rest of my classes were pretty easy and I almost missed my stop in the afternoon because I fell asleep on the bus. I finished my requirements and went to sparring class, which was blast. There was two birthday's today and Aarna's mom was so generous to give everyone cupcakes today. The cupcakes were delicious. After that, I prepared for the quizzes that might be hurled at me tomorrow. I hope I will do good on the quizzes, but you always can't get the best grade on a quiz or a test just by hoping that you will get it. You have to put in the effort for it and study hard so that all the stuff is hardwired to your brain. Hope everyone...

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Journal for Wednesday

Today was a tiring day due to a half day at my school, with messed up schedules and everything. After school, I had to go to dance practice for three hours, which I think is useless because I have my requirements pending and I just wasted my time for it. Now, I am lagging on my requirements and had to do some at taekwondo. After taekwondo, I did my homework and now after this journal, I am going to go to sleep.

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Journal For Tuesday

Hello King Tiger! Today was an awesome day because all of the classes were easy today(I wish this happened during Mondays). After school was tennis practice and it was fun and I figured out that I need to improve a lot, and by a lot, I mean a ton. After tennis, I did my homework on the way to taekwondo and Black Belt Class was awesome(I trying to think of a word that is similar to awesome, but way more better) with Grandmaster Lee and I learned how and why the blocks are used and how they apply to. I just finished review today's notes and everything now, I am going to go to sleep. (This journal was quite big for some reason).

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Journal for Monday

Hello King Tiger! Today was great day to start off with even though I hate Mondays. Monday's are so miserable. School was okay, I guess. I took a quiz and still don't know what I got. I went to tennis tryouts and got "selected"(turns out, everyone who was in tryouts got selected, so there was no selection process). I just finished homework and I am about to finish my requirements. I hope I could finish my journals fast so that I could go to testing.

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Journal for Sunday

Hello King Tiger! I couldn't do my journal for the past few days because I went to sleep at midnight on those days. I just woke up at 9: 15 today and I am going to write a few essays and do the requirements. I think me and my family are going to someone's house today and celebrate something. Other than that, I have no plans today except study for a competition that I don't know when is going to occur( I don't know a lot of things, to be honest). Hope everyone is preparing themselves for the tests!!

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Journal for Tuesday

Hello King Tiger! If you have read my last journal, you would have known that I am behind on requirements. Well, today, I finished the requirements I was lagging on and now I have to wait until tomorrow to do the next one. Today was fun because we had club pictures for a club today and a guy named Ryan picked me up on his shoulders and I had a bird's eye view. I was honestly scared that he would drop because he was trembling a bit. My legs were killing me in the most painful way it has because I played too much badminton today during PE. Anyway, I hope everyone is having a good week 6.

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Journal For Monday

Hello King Tiger! If you read my last journal, you would know that I am lagging in week 6 for requirements. I just finished Sunday's requirements and I am going to do Monday's  and Tuesday's tomorrow. If this trend keeps on going, I am going to be in some huge trouble. Anyways, my day was good. I took an exam for a club. I don't know what I got(the questions brought confusing to whole new level), but I think I did good. Wish me luck, guys...

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Journal for Sunday

Hello King Tiger! Today was a good day except I couldn't do my requirements because my parents made a rule that I should not do any requirements over 6 o' clock and I reached home at 7 because of shopping . Let's hope I could finish today's and tomorrow's requirements by tomorrow, which is most likely to last over an hour. 

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Journal For Saturday

Hello King Tiger! BBC was really great today. I think I am getting used to doing class with the Zoom meetings and stuff. I took the Family class and helped out on both of the Little Tigers class. After TKD, I did my requirements and after lunch,  I helped with parents cleaning the home and the garden. I played with my brother and our neighbor's kid until it started raining. We had visitors at our home today. After this journal, I am going to eat dinner and I am going to go to sleep. I think I had a good day today though. I will see at least most of you on Wednesday. Also, Logan is a graduate now!!!!!!!

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Journal For Friday

Hello King Tiger! You might be wondering, how is Praneeth typing a journal at about 1 o'clock in the afternoon, when he should be at school? The answer to that question is, drumroll please, I have no school today!!! I am just about to finish my requirements for today when I got hungry and ate breakfast now. Guess what, today is national pizza day! Hope everyone has a great day today and I 'll see during Black Belt Class.    Hey quick joke: Why is Friday a happy day? Because the next day is a sadder day

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Journal For Thursday

Hello King Tiger! I couldn't type yesterday's journal because I was busy doing a project and I went to sleep at about 11 o'clock. Today started off great. I went to school and got a 100 on a test. I turned in the project today during that class. I did the requirements and went to sparring class. Sparring was fun, I guess. I really need to get more leaderships credits. I just watched Percy Jackson and I am typing my journal now. See y'all tomorrow!

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Journal For Tuesday

Hell King Tiger! I am going to type a short journal because I am so tired now. School was okay. I am going to start my registration process for next year tomorrow and I did a enzyme lab today. I finished my requirements and I am going to sleep now. Bye!!!!

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Journal for Monday

Hello King Tiger! Hey, quick joke: What do you call a person who likes Mondays? Unemployed. For some reason my computer is so cold and I am about to fall asleep while typing this journal. Today, I started reading Atomic Habits, and so far, so good. I am not wearing my glasses right now which is making me fall asleep, I guess. Today was fun. I finished a project early and I have to study for quiz tomorrow and a test on Thursday. For us, there is no school on Friday, which turned Friday into FriYay(Get it?) and it is also some time to finish some essays. Going to fall asleep. Bye y'all!!!!

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Journal for Sunday

Hello King Tiger! Today was a good day that started off well and ended well. My requirements went well. I saw my test score for the test that I took last Sunday and I got a 97 on it. I was pretty happy about it. I finished my requirements and watched Inside Out. I am tired now and my dad cooked up some real good food. Got to go to sleep now. See y'all on Wednesday(or Thursday, I have a lot of things going on right now).

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Journal for Saturday

Hello King Tiger! Today started off pretty well. I went to BBC today and had fun. I took the family class after that. I just ate my lunch a couple hours ago and after this journal, I am going to finish a project I started last week. Let's hope this day ends well.

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Journal for FriYay

Hello King Tiger! Today was a tiring day(for me, at least). School was okay, except for one thing. See, this girl named Sharon is in my class for Spanish and is also on my bus. Me and her hate each other down to the core. Today I removed my hoodie on put it on my chair. Sharon sneakily drew two X's on my hoodie and I felt something on my shoulder. I bet she was planning to draw on my shirt, but I turned around and looked at her before she can. She lied to me saying that she didn't draw on my shirt or hoodie, so I just minded my own business and went own with my life. A friend of mine has her phone number on snapchat and turns out, Sharon took a photo of my hoodie with the X's drawn on it and the captions said, "Hehe. The...

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Journal for Wednesday

Hello King Tiger! Finally, today is Wednesday. School was fun. I woke up early and did some requirements. I had fun playing spike ball in PE today. After school, I came and took and high belt and adult class. I did a lot of self - defense during both of these classes. I learned a new thing called knife defense with Matthew(Beckwith). After class, I did the rest of requirements and did my homework. I have project due next week that I need to work on. Other than that, everything went fine.

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Journal for Tuesday

Hello King Tiger! Today feels like a Wednesday for me. I asked my mom today if I could go to adult class and she was like, "What are you talking about? Today's Tuesday; tomorrow is Wednesday." School was okay today. I got a 92 on my math test and forgot to get my books. I just finished my homework and i finished my requirements before that. After this journal, I need to just type the requirements in the website. I don't know where I could submit my essays, so I am just holding onto them from now on. 

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Journal for Monday

Hello King Tiger! I am going to do a short journal because my legs are KILLING ME!!!!! School was the usual. I had a test today and got a 96 on it. I went to a club meeting and had fun. I accidently left the books I borrowed from school today at school. I hope no one steals it. For some reason, after all these days of doing the requirements, today was a more tiring and painful day of requirements. I have a test tomorrow and I studied right before typing this journal. I wish that the cycle will not be very painful, but at least challenging enough to push ourselves out of our comfort zones. 

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Journal For Sunday

Hello King Tiger! Today was an easy day. I don't know what I got on the exam(I know I got a 100 in the oral section). I am very worried about my grammar and spelling mistakes. After that, I came back home at 4, did all my requirements, and assembled a table while my dad was assembling my pull-up bar. My mom was working out on the exercise bike and my brother did some math problems. After doing all those things, we had dinner and watched a bit of TV before going to bed. Week 4 is going pretty well. See you guys on Wednesday!

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Journal for Saturday

Hello King Tiger! I hope everyone had a good start for week 4 and a good BBC today. After BBC, I went to the back with Caleb and did some requirements with him. I really need to get my class assistance and leadership credits up and going right now. After reaching home at 10, I did the remaining requirements and studied for an exam tomorrow. I just finished the whole thing now and I am going to go to sleep now. I will see you guys( at least most of you all) on Wednesday. (I could only come on Wednesday because my parents don't want to waste fuel from going back and forth.)

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Journal for Friday

hello King Tiger! I am going to do a short blog because I am so tired right now. School was fun. I got As on my quizzes and BBC(Black Belt Class) was fine. I need to work on hapkidos and bit more and I need to know kicking defense 1,2,3 and my specials for bo cho dan. Otherwise, everything was fine. I just finished my science chapters for a club right now. I am going to go to the library tomorrow to get some books. See y'all tomorrow(if you're not tired!)

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Journal for Tuesday

Hello King Tiger! Today was a day I felt depressed. Probably because the weather was very depressing. Anyways, I got back home, did homework, and did some requirements while listening to music. i am going to start my last part for my 3rd essay tomorrow. I am getting much more better at the requirements, which I think is an improvement. Got to go to sleep now.....

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Journal for Monday

Hello King Tiger! Today was a simple school day. I got a 92 on my science quiz(which I did not know about). After homework, I finished today's requirements and now I am typing this journal. After this journal I am going to finish my 3rd essay. Bye!

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Journal for Sunday

Hello King Tiger! Today, I was simple day. I woke up to do some requirements and study for a (fake) exam. The actual exam is next Sunday and I have to study 13 lessons in 7 days, which is reading about 2 lessons per day. I hope week 3 started well for everyone. Also we bought two fish tanks with one tank filled with a lot of fish and another tank with a lonely betta fish( we're trying to find a female betta so they could mate. The male already showed signs of mating.) This happened like a two weeks ago and now today we bought baby guppies for free at PetSmart. We're happy and waiting to see if they could live long enough to mature into adult guppies. 

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Journal For Saturday

Hello King Tiger! today I started Week 3 and finished my requirements for Saturday. Black Belt Class was fun. I got to go to sleep now. Bye

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Journal For Friday

Hell King Tiger! Today was an easy day. I had two quizzes and I got hundreds on them. I was happy with the Friday mood and continued with that same mood to Black Belt Class. The hapkidos were a bit challenging and looked hard, but once you learn it, you just have to tweak minor adjustments. After class, I did some pull-ups. I am now going to sleep. I will see the rest of you guys tomorrow.

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Journal for Thursday

Hello King Tiger! Today, unfortunately, was a bad day for me. I failed a quiz today and I was sad because It has been a long time since I failed a quiz. Now my grade has dropped, but I won't let that happen anymore. Other than that, everything was fine. Sparring class was fun and I took family class before sparring. I just finished my homework and now I am typing this journal. I have a quiz in biology tomorrow and I will not fail.

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Journal for Wednesday

Hi King Tiger Family! Sorry for not posting the journal for yesterday. I was busy doing my requirements and lost track of time. By the end of it, I had no energy to even open the computer. My requirements are definitely going to give some abs and some nice biceps, at least I think it will. My day started as usual: go to school and do classwork. Yesterday, I was in ELA and an administrator came to our room, and says that the schedule for next year will be different. Every change was fine until two changes made me frustrated. One change was that AP courses will YEARLONG. That means that the teachers will progress slowly since they have a whole school year(180 or 185 days) to teach a few units. The other change was that if we choose 2 AP courses, we can't choose any elective and vice versa. That...

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Journal for Monday

Hello King Tiger Family! Today was a holiday called Pongal in India and me and my family celebrated it. After the celebration we just ate sugarcane(yes, we eat sugarcane) and watched two thriller movies. The movies were good(one movie had a lot of blood, but it was fine). Our day went by fast and now, I got to go to school and have a quiz tomorrow. I wonder how I'll study, but I think I'll manage it. One thing I learned today is to never do anything at the last minute cause then, you'll fail. Me? I have about an hour to study at school, so I guess I might just pull it off. 

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Journal for Saturday

Hello King Tiger Family! Sorry for the late journal, I nearly forgot about it. Let's continue on with today's story, shall we. I actually did pretty good on the running pretest today. At least I think I did. I don't know if a running a mile in 10 minutes and 5 seconds is a reasonable time span, but I'll think it is good. Positive vibes only.  After running(in the freezing cold!), I went with Master Chelley in the van(also with Aravind, Shawn, and Caleb) to take black belt class. i was planning to help with the Little Tiger's class and the birthday party after it, but my parents had a different plan for today. Black belt class was entertaining and I learned a lot from Master Lloyd, from stances to each distinct stance and it's meaning during self defense. After Black Belt Class, me and my family went shopping. The thing...

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Journal For Friday

Hi King Tiger Family! Today was a pretty good day since it is Friday! I had a vocab quiz for Bio today and as usual, got a 100. I say usual because it is most of the scores I get in Science. Sometimes a 90 or 95 shows up, but I don't let that ruin my day. After school, I came home and our neighbor gave us some homemade KFC style chicken and biryani, which is tenderized meat with spices that is mixed with rice and more spices. If you hadn't tried biryani, I recommend going to your nearest Indian cuisine restaurant and trying it. Ok, enough talking about food; it's making me hungry. After my small snack, I went to take BBC(Black Belt class) for Friday and guess what? I totally forgot that today was the pretest for self-defense! As I was shocked, I was also prepared. After failing  at...

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Journal for Thursday

Journal for Thursday   Hello King Tiger Family! It is Sparring day. Honestly, I can't wait because sparring is literally using your strength , power, and techniques to defeat an opponent. I went school today and I did what every ninth grader does at school: take notes, do the classwork, have fun, try to finish the homework at school, all that stuff. After that, I went to taekwondo. Every time when my car gets stuck in traffic, my dad says it is because of people coming back from work. I, on the other hand, think, "If they are coming back from work, shouldn't they be cruising down the I-77 highway instead being slow?" Like even a grandma in her 90s can walk faster than the cars in traffic. Because of the traffic, I came late and missed my volunteering hours for High Belt Class. I took the Family and Sparring class....

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Journal for Wednesday

Journal For Wednesday   Hello King Tiger Family! Due to a series of chaotic weather yesterday, there was a 2 hour delay in all the Iredell County schools. The last time I heard something like that was in Connecticut, which was in 2021. To me, a 2 hour delay means an extra 2 hours of sleep. My sleep has been out of control. I mean way out of control. If I went to bed at 9 or 9:30, I'll stay awake until midnight. That means that I'll lose some hours of sleep, which causes my whole day to spin off course. I had Spanish, PE, Economics, and Biology today. Today was a B Day. Tomorrow is an A day, which includes Orchestra, ELA, Math, and Bio. For Bio, I have to come everyday, no matter what class it is. Out of every single class, I like the Econ class more than...

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Journal For Tuesday

Journal For Tuesday   Hello King Tiger Family! If you read my last journal, you would known there is no school today. My day was... well, you could not say it was boring and at the same time, you could not say it was extraordinary. I'll call it average. I woke up at like 10:00 am, did some studying, and some requirements. I played a board game called carrom board, which is an Indian game that is similar to pool, but instead of a stick and 15 balls, everything is shaped like a checker coin. I can't say it was tiring(except for the study part) but, so far I am gradually increasing in my goals. I try to different from the day before and and is still trying to do it. 

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Journal For Monday

Journal For Monday:   Hello, King Tiger Family! Today went well. I went to school, did my homework, and met with some bad news: I won't come to classes on Mondays and Tuesdays. I was sad to hear it but, from my parents' side, it is reasonable. The average gas price is about 3 dollars, and my parents don't want to waste money on gas to go to taekwondo, which from Mooresville, is 20 minutes away. School, on the other hand, was good. Orchestra was a bit fun too. Otherwise, everything was usual. I did some requirements once I finished. Turns out, due to high winds, heavy rain, and possible tornadoes, all the schools in Iredell County(which includes my school) will have no school tomorrow. Hooray!

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