Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Peter's blog

today I went to school and played flag football and basketball. Then I went to after-school and got taught a lesson. Then I went to tkd and went as a white belt, and it was an interesting experience.

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Peter's blog

Today I learned about construction. I also learned about the different career paths I could take and what would be best for me, and most benefital for me.

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Peter's blog

Yesterday was the public test and I broke 2 bricks. Then I went to the after party and that was very fun and the food was good too. Then I went to my friends house and played games and had fun.

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Peter's blog

Today I'm going to my overnight testing and I know all my stuff going into this so I hope it goes well. Also some of my friends are going to the testing tomorrow and want to see me break my brick and my board.

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Peter's blog

Today I had after-school and played games and then played basketball. Then I went to tkd and got 2 credits. Then I got home and did my stuff. Now I'm going to sleep.

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peters blog

today i went outside and played basketball with my friends. then we played bean boozle and i got all the bad flavors. then i dunked on one of my friends and they caught it on camera. now im going to sleep.

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Peter's blog

today I thought it was going to rain hard but it didn't. Then I went outsidenand played basketball with my friends. Then I ran and hit a pb.  

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peters blog

today i had a half day, and i went to my friends house after school. we played basketball, and plaed ps4 games. then i got home and went to bbc. now im goin to bed.

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Peter's blog

Today I didn't do much, but tomorrow I have a early release day and then I'll go and train for my basketball tryouts soon. Then ill do my workout for tkd and then I'll do my homework.  

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Peter's blog

Today I went to my school to practice my basketball skills. My plan is to join and make the basketball team to show my 1 year of progress playing ball. Then I went and did my requirements and now I'm going to sleep  

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Peter's blog

Today I went to school and di my math test. Then I went home and play on my ps4 and then went outside to play. Then I cane back and did my requirements. Now I'm going to sleep  

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peter's blog

today i went to school and did a test and got a 95% on it. then i came home and was supposed to go to a football game but my mom didnt let me go. then i stayed home and read and did my homework and that was all i did for today.

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peters blog

Today i went to school and had a quiz and got a 95 on it. then i watched my sisters so my brother could do his swiming class. after that i did some homework and now im going to sleep.

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Peter's blog

Today I'm going to a skating ring with my friends and some other friends for his birthday then I'm going to do my homework so I don't have any over the weekend and then I'm going to sleep now.

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Peter's blog

Today I'm going to jog and get my requirements done. Then I'm going to a birthday party with one of my old friends.

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Peter's blog

Today I went to school and it was okay. Then when I got home I played basketball with my friends. Then I made pizza and ate with my siblings.  

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Peter's blog

Today I'm going to go to school and then I'm going to my little brothers swimming class. Then I'm going to tkd for some credits and to help out.

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Peter's blog

Today I went to school and I got an a on my quiz. Then I got home and went to a bbc. Then I went home and played basketball and trained so I can get better

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peter's blog

today i went to school and had a good day because i had all my assignments done on time. then i came back and played some games on my ps4. then i came to tae kwon do and saw one of my classmates there with 2 of her friends.

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peter's blog

today i went to school, came home and jogged. then i went to tae kwon do and did a mentors session with master chelly. then i went home and read a book.

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Peter's blog

Today I woke up late but I did sleep good. Then i went to go jog early to wake myself up. Then i went to the pool because its the last day before the pool closes. Then i went to go play with my friends. Now im going to sleep

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Peter's blog

Right now I am going to bbc class and I'm in the car. I'm going to do the next class and a mentors session with master Chelly. Then I'm going to go home and let my mom get some sleep and help with my siblings. Then when they go to sleep I'll go jog and do my requirements.

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Peter's blog

today is Friday and the last day of the first week of school. The first week was good, I like most of my teachers except for my math teacher because she seems not to like people that much. Then I'm going to go hop on my Playstation and play some games and then I'll probably go to bed after that.

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Peter's blog

Today was the 3rd day of school and it wasn't even that bad. I like most of my classes except for math because my teacher doesn't seem to like me. Then I got home and went to master Evins black belt class. Then I went home and now I'm going to sleep.

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Peter's blog

today I woke up early and I have my day planned out. I should go jog after bbc to get up in the morning. Then I'll come home eat breakfast and help out. Then I'll put my little siblings to sleep and go play with my friends for a little bit.

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Peter's blog

today I went to my friends house to play cod and zombies. Then I went and jogged for 2 miles on my school track. Then I went and made chicken nuggets. Now I'm going to sleep.  

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Peter's blog

today I went for a early jog to get the morning started. Then I had waffles and eggs for breakfast. After that I went to my fimriends house to play video games and board games. Now I'm at tkd to get my credits and stuff.

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peters blog

today i went to bbc in the morning and got there late because of a blocked road. then i got home made breakfast and watched my siblings. after that i went to my friends house to play video games like fortnite and call of duty. then i got home and had chinese food for dinner. then went to my friends house to play basketballl, and now im going to gop sleep.

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Peter's blog

today I'm going to go run, then I'm going to go to my friends house to play games.then I'm going to sparring to class then ima going to go home and play with my sibling.

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Peter's blog

today I woke up and helped with breakfast with was eggs and dumplins. Then I went outside to my friends house and then we played basketball. After that I went home and stayed with my little sisters. Now I'm going to sleep.  

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Peter's blog

today I went to bbc in the morning, then I got home, watched my little siblings then I went to my friends house. We played basketball, and played video games there. Then I got home did my stuff and now I'm going to bed

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Peter's blog

Today I went to go jog I'm the morning even though I couldn't feel my legs. Then I went inside and took a 1 hour power nap. Then after that I went to tkd and took 2 classes. Then I got home and played outside with my friends

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Peter's blog

Today I'm going to go watch a movie with brye and some of his cousins. Then after I'm going to go to his house and we'll play basketball and play videos games there. Then when I get home I'll put my little siblings to sleep and that'll be my day.

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Peter's blog

today im going to do my requirements, jog and I'll do a little swimming for exercise after that. Then I'll probably play basketball with my friends outside. Last I'm probably gon watch a movie and go to sleep after that.

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Peter's blog

today I'm going to go to bryes house and play Xbox, ps4 and other games. Then we'll go outside and play basketball and football. Then we'll probably go to our camp and have fun there and that'll be the day.

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Peter's blog

today I went to jog but it was raining all day so I ran in the rain and then I went to play basketball with my friends. Then I went and did my requirements and then I went an watched a movie, and now I'm going to sleep

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Peter's blog

today I went to a sports camp which we do football, basketball and other sports in, and we went to freedom park to have some fun there. Then when we came back I went outside to play basketball and work on my skills. then I came home and now I'm getting ready to go  

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Peter blog

today I went outside am played basketball, then I took a shower went inside and watched inside out 2  

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Peter's blog

Yesterday I went to play basketball,  watched a movie and did all of my requirements so it was a pretty chill day

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Peters blog

today i went to jail for a tour. the prisoners were trying to scare up but were actually pretty funny.

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Peter's blog

today I went to the police station for a camp and I did a lot of things and learned alot about the work force for the police.

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Peter's blog

this is my second day of the cycle and I want to just say I feel like I'm on a good start I have to end strong too or else the start is worth nothing

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First morning of the cycle

This is my second time of the cycle, but my mindset has changed from last time, now I want to improve, rather than give up though it's difficult, this new start will help me achieve getting my second degree black belt.

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Peter's blog

Today I woke up early and helped make breakfast. Then I took a shower and I am now getting ready to go to my friend brye's birthday party

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Peter's blog

Today I went to school and I had to leave early because I got sick. Then I went home and went to sleep and I got up later to eat some Ramen. Now I'm going back to sleep.

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Peter's blog

Today I was a alright day. But I was scrolling on tiktok and a saw a video of David Goggins  doing his runs and his intense training and it kind of reminded me of the cycle when I saw it, he was saying, "They dont know me son" and "Whos going to carry the boats, and the logs" which gave me motivation to strive harder

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My Thankfulness to my instructors

I would like to say thank you to all the people that helped me during the cycle. I would like to say thank you to master Natasha as my mentor and getting my curriculum straight for the cycle, And Master Chelly and Master Marcus for all the constructive criticism they gave me that helped me get my work up. I also want to thank Grand Master Evins for the privilege to be on the cycle. Lastly I would like to thank Master Foster and Master Knight for letting the cyclists do the testing at their school. Then I would like to thank my dad and my little brother Johnathan for cheering for me in the background, and I'm sorry that my mom couldn't be there to watch me break my brick for the second time. 

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Peter Forbes

I just came back from the black belt test, I'm tired, and sleepy, but I know this is all for a good cause.

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Peter's blog

Today I went to school and got a 100 on a test. Then I went to sparring class and sparred 2 people. Now I am going to bed so I can have sleep for my project tomorrow.

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Peter's blog

I went to a trip today at school to I fly. It was super fun but scary at the same time  

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Peter's blog

Today was a stressful day, it was really going my ways today and then after school and a test I got home and studied for my physical and written test tomorrow 

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Peter's blog

Today we didn't have school because it was a local election day. I first made breakfast with my mom, and then after that I did some school work. Then I had made lunch later and put my little sister's to sleep. Then right now I'm getting ready for bed

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Peter's blog

Today i woke up at 3 and went to Tae Kwon do..then we got on the bus for instructors camp, and I'm currently on the way.

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Peter's blog

Today I was mad because I didn't get to go to the dance so to blow off some steam I worked our and did a bunch of work. Then I took a 2 mile jog and now I'm going to sleep. That's all that happened today  

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Peter's blog

Today I went to school and it was an ok day. Then I got home and went to grand Master Evins school for black belt class. Then I got home and did some work.

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Peter's blog

Today I didn't have a good day because I got elbowed I the head playing football. Then i hot back inside and had 2 projects out of my 5 classes. Then I got home and did some school work. That's all that happened today.

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peter's blog

today i had a good day because i helped my parents with breakfast and dinner. i also played football and basketball outside with my friends. then i did some work and that was all that happened today.

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Peter's blog

Today at school I played basketball at recees and had 5 blocks and 6 rebounds. Then after all that I went to band class and  had some fun there. Then I went to tkd for my sparring class and that's what happend this week.  

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Peter's blog

Today at school we dicected some animals like frogs and fetal pigs, and for the 4th time my bus was late again. Then I went to Wednesday BBC and that was all that happened today  

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Peter's blog

We had a half day on Wednesday for valentines day which was good, and I got some time with my friends,.and then some with my girlfriend.

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Peter's blog

Today at school we finnaly had a normal schedule. We didn't get to go outside because of the rain. I also earned a new pair of shoes from the school for being a good student. That is all that happend today  

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Peter Forbes

today i went to school and it was a benchmark day, so we had a changed schedules. then after school i went to play basketball with my friend brye.

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Peter's blog

Today in the morning I went to BBC and then I helped with the class after for a credit.  Then when I went home I made some waffles for breakfast. Then I went to go do my workouts and play basketball, and that's all I did for today.

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Peter's blog

Today at school twe did a fun project. Then there was a fight and a teacher named Mr tartal stopped the fight. Then I went to practice basketball and that's all that happened 

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Peter's blog

Today I went to school and we were going to do a unl activity but the rain stopped us from doing so. Then we went to basketball practice and a made a few 3s and some good layups. Then I we

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Peter's blog

Today I woke up a little bit late but I got my workout in quickly. Then I went outside to practice basketball so I can get better at that.and I stay to help my mom for the rest of the day with my siblings.

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Peter's blog

Today I went to school and we left early because of the rain at the time we were going to leave. Then I went home to do my things for cycle like pull-ups, pushups, and at last my run. I'm ready for my run tomorrow   

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Peter's blog

Today at school I went to this special thing called SB9 and we had some fun there. Then I can home and practiced basketball. Now I'm excited to go to sparring class

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Peter's blog

Today I went to school 2 hours late because of the delay from the storm yesterday. Then I went to tkd and helped with class. Then I went to the store to get things for dinner. That basically all I did for today.

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