Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


Today I spent time studying for the written test. At school I had yet another normal day at school with no tests. After school I stayed at home and didn't go to tae kwon do to work on my written test practice. I got dinner and ate it at home.

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Today I had a normal day at school. After school I did homework then went to class. After class I ate dinner at home then I typed this then went to bed.

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Today I had a good day at school. After school I came home did home work and req. Then I went to class. At class I did poomsae and self defense. After class my dad and I went and got Jimmy Johns for dinner. We came home, ate dinner, and watched Jeopardy and a movie. Then I typed this, took a shower, and went to bed. NIGHT YALL!

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Today I slept in till 8 AM. After I woke up I did some req. Then I did some miles and more req. Then I went to Metro Dinner for breakfast. Then the rest of the day I played outside and played on video games.

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Today I went to bbc. We did poomsaes and weapon forms with master Evins. After class I came home then did my req. After that I ran some miles then ate lunch.

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Today was a good friday. I had a normal day at school because we had no tests. After school I came home and went to class. After black belt class I got show mars for dinner.

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Today I had a math test and I think I did good. I played games with my friends at recess. Tonight was a rough class of sprarring. I am looking forward to Friday!

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Today I had a normal day at school. I had PE as me encore and tomorrow is media. After school I did some homework then went to class. At class I did poomsae and self defense. I also mentored someone. After class I got Chick-fill-A then came home.

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Today I had class with Grand Master Lee.  I was a lot of learning about blocks, kicks and a little self defence. Then I got a picture with him before I left and with my friend Martin as well. It was neat. 

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Today I got to sleep in due to President's Day and a day off of school. I was glad I got to rest to continue fighting a cold my Dad shared with me last week.  I ate breakfast, worked on requirements and then got to play some video games. I then went outside and played during the afternoon with friends in the neighborhood.  Today was a great Monday. I'm looking forward to class tomorrow evening with Grand Master Lee. 

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Today I woke up to go to black belt class. We zoomed in with Master Evans. We did poomsae's for the class. After class me and my dad got BoJangles. Then we came home ate breakfast and I took a nap for a few hours. 

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Today I toured Bailey middle school. I loved seeing all the different class rooms. After school I took a nap when I got home. Then I went to class and we did some hapkido. After class we got TENDERS for dinner. Then I took a shower then typed this. Night YALL!

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Today I had another normal day at school. I had a test in science and I got 100!! I have been working on my essays, physical requirements and running. After school I went to sparring class. It was a good day. 

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Today I had a half day at school since it was valentines day. I also had a great valentines day. After school I got a hair cut. After that I came home and did some homework. Then I went to class and got mentored by master Natasya. After class I went to LA UNICA for dinner then went to bed.

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Today um I had a normal day at school. Afterschool I went to a well check appointment for next year middle school.  I had chick fil a for dinner. I am very tired so I am going to go to bed early. See yall tomorrow

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Today I had a normal monday because everyone in my class was tiered from watching the super bowl. After school I went to class and only did one class because I have finished all my class assistance and leadership credits for the whole cycle. After class I came home and ate leftovers for dinner and typed this.

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Today I slept in. Since it is my dads B-Day we went to 131 Main for lunch. After lunch I did some more of my essays and then we ate dinner and I typed this then we watched the SUPER BOOOOOWWWWWLLLL!!!!!

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Today I woke up early for black belt class. Master Evians zoomed in for class and we did a lot of practicing self defense. After class I went to a birthday party and after that party I got ready to go to my moms Birthday dinner a Fire Birds.

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Today I had a good day at school because it is Friday. After school my grandpa came for the weekend because it is my moms birthday tomorrow and it's my dads birthday on Sunday. My grandma will come tomorrow afternoon.

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Today I had another normal day at school with no tests.   After school I read some of a book for school and did my requirements.  I helped in 515 class, took 6 o'clock class and then did sparring. Its Chick fil A time and then bed.  

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Today I had another normal day of school with no test. After school I went to TKD and did class assist and  got mentored. I also went over the test questions with my mentor so I can begin to study. I had shake shack for dinner. It was so good! 

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Today Bailey middle school chorus, band and orchastra came to our school and played some songs and music for the 5th graders. I liked the band instruments and it made me want to try out the trombone. I then went to TKD class tonight and did some more class assistance and a mentee session. Ate a hamburger for dinner and now getting ready for bed. Have a great night everyone!

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Today I had a normal day at school and I had barley any homework! After that I went to class got a Mentor session in. Then I came home and ate some pasta for dinner.

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Today I had a sleep over and a birthday party, I was slammed packed today. The sleep over was just me and my friend. The birthday party was paintball. I've have never done paintball before and surprisingly enough I did really well. I liked the coarses that you ran through. It was fun to have stuff to hide behind and we played on teams. 

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Today I woke up in Jr. Instructor camp to light being shown in my eyes. I put my pillow over my face but then it was still light. After i got dressed into my uniform, I did morning relaxation breathing and stretches. My favorite part of camp was doing nunchucks and doing sticks with Grand Master Evans. Another one of my favorite things was the healthy breakfast master lloyd fixed. It was my favorite last year too. 

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Today I had no tests at school, which means that I had a normal day. Tonight is Jr Instructors camp and I'm super excited and nervous at the same time. I'm about to leave for it so... have a good day!

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Today I had my last test for the week. It was a math test to see how much I have learned since the fall. We will get our scores next week. I feel pretty good about it. Math is my favorite. After school I tried to get a hair cut but my barber had a dog emergency. Went home and got some reading homework done and then I went to class and did some class assist and sparring. It was a busy day and now I am eating some chicken wings for dinner. I am looking forward to the Jr. Instructor camp this weekend. It is also the first time my sister will be going. 

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Today I had an ELA MAP test. I think I did ok. Since I had a MAP test my whole schedule for the day was wacky. After school I went to TKD class and had a mentor session  with Master Natasya. Then I had dinner and worked on some homework. 

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Today we went to the symphony with my class as a field trip. I thought that is was cool that they broke the orchastra apart and played all the groups. Like the woodwinds, brass, percussion, strings played a section of a song. Then I went to class and got some more leadership and mentee sessions done. 

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Today was a good day. I had my first post as a safety patrol monitor. I was stationed at the front of my moms kindergarten/1st grade hallway. I help kids stay on task and get to class. Tomorrow we have a field trip to the charlotte symphony. It will be fun I think. 

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Today I slept in till eight fifteen am. I also played outside for about five hours in total and I did todays requirements as usual. I also ran a mile in fourteen minutes! I rollerbladed outside for two hours as well. So I spent most of my day outside.

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Today I had Saturday black belt class and master Evens zoomed in on a tv. So that meant that we had to do a lot of self defense and poomsae practice. Kaden and I got put in the front row for like thirty minutes. I'm pretty sure that everyone was super tired after that class. After class i came home and did requirements so I could get a ahead.

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Today I had a day off from school so I went to the DMV for my mom to renew her licenses and get a real idea. I thought it was easy and quick. Then we went to school because my mom needed to do some things in her classroom before we could go home. She teaches kindergarten. Then I went home and ran a few miles and did some excercises. Ate lunch and worked on the quiz questions. I went to sparring class and sparred two big kids and a white belt. Now I am home eating dinner and will go to bed soon. Have a good night.

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Today I had my third and final test and it was a science test. I feel like I missed none of the questions, if I did maybe only one or two at most though. I was kind of sad because when it was raining at my recess time. So I didn't get to go outside. But it was worth it Because we got to play on our chromebooks with our friends. So of course me friends and I went to the same table and of course we are the second loudest group in the whole classroom. The giant girls group definitely took first place on being the loudest. They take two tables and push them together so they all can sit together. Anyways after school, as usual I went to class and did some more requirements and then went to dinner and called it a day.

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Today I had my second test and it was a math test this time instead of a reading one. I feel like I did pretty good and I am confident as well. After school I went to class and did some of todays requirements. I also got a mentor session with master Natasya as well.

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Today I had a test and it took almost three hours for everyone to finish the test. I have two more tests this week. I am looking forward to the math test tomorrow. 

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Today I got to sleep in till 9AM and I felt pretty good after that. I also got todays requirements done. I also put on my new rollerblades and got used to them and I actually did good. I didn't really do anything else today it was kind of a relax day.

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Today I got up early to go to class and there was a surprise waiting there, master Jason was back!! Later today we are going to a hockey game with two of my friends. So today will be really fun.

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Today I had a good friday because I got told who will be with me in the big 5th grade fieldtrip to Raleigh. And that fieldtrip will be the biggest fieldtrip me and the rest of the 5th grade students have ever been a part of. Anyways I had a great day because I only had a test in math and I got a one hundred on it, of course I did I am the best at math so I'm not surprised at all.

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Today I had a good day because my teachers were back and we did not have substitutes today. I got to spare with Master Marcus and I survived,...... It is a late night for me because I get up at 6am to get ready for school. Glad it is on Thursdays and not early in the week. I am eating chick fila for dinner.

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Today I had subs in all of my classes because today was 5th grade planning day which means that all the 5th grade teachers stay in a meeting room in the front of the building and the kids had a semi-normal day. I also went to class and got some requirements done and had diner at "SHAKE SHACK".

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This morning I woke up for school at 6:00am. I worked on some my physical requirements in my moms classroom before going to class. I was a very cold morning at my school considering that all my classes are outside in the mobile classrooms. I also had a class behavior celebration. Which means that all my classes were shortened and that at the end of the day my class got to have free time on our chrome books.

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Last night I had a sleepover with my friend and we marked off some requirements for my book. I also ran two miles and did some more requirements when I got back home. The rest of the day I just chilled and played games with my sister and my friends.

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Today woke up feelin good cause its a friday! But I forgot we had a science test today and I got a B+ on it. Which is not quite an A but also not a C. Anyways other than that it has been a pretty good day. I am kind of nervous about the run tomorrow but I know that I will do good anyways.

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1-11 #6

Today we finely had a normal day of school because for the past two days there was a storm and we had a two hour delay. Also my friend gave me a 3-D printed red boat and the other day he gave me a 3-D printed snake! Witch was white.

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1/10 #5 Nathan M

Today I got to sleep in 2 hrs due to school being delayed. It felt good. While at school a chief meterologist came to talk to all the 5th graders about weather. The rest of my day I stayed in my homeroom and completed math, science, ELA work without rotating classes. 

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Nathan M 1-9 #4

Today was a crazy Tuesday. We are out of school because of the weather. I am going to use this extra time for some of my requirements. I have completed 2 essays so far but need to work on my physical list. Still sore and getting use to working out so much again. I have caught up on all my stuff today and it feels releaving to not be behind a few days. 

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Nathan M #3 1/8

I woke up very tired today because it was a Monday. I went to school and did some of my workouts and I had a reading test today but don't have my scores yet. I feel like I did good on it. I went to class and got my first credits for class assistance and leadership. I also got my mentor and mentee assignments. 

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Nathan M #2 1-7

Today I went to Urban Air for a birthday party and practiced some rolls and falls in the pits. I also got a treadmill and ran my first set of miles on it. 

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Nathan Miller Journal #1 1/6

Today was the first day of black belt cycle. I was really nervous because I remember it being really intense. Today we met for the physical testing and written test. We did not do our run because the track was under water when we drove by this morning due to raining and cold weather all day. We have to do our run next Saturday instead. I felt confident in the physical part of the test because I knew what was coming and I knew that I could do the requirements. The poomsae part I was nervous about because I was not the best at it during practice the day before. I did surprise myself on pullups doing 3 instead of just one like on the last cycle. I am excited and nervous for the weeks ahead. 

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