Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

I had a pr...

I had a pretty decent day because my computer kept bugging out when I was on the black belt web page. And the good part is that I finished all my black belt requirements.

  1126 Hits

I had a gr...

I had a great day at king tiger and school. I also had fun at recess.

  1180 Hits

I had a gr...

I had a great day at Tae Kwon Do and school. I also ran 4 and a half miles.

  1103 Hits

I had fun ...

I had fun at school and had science at the end of the day. I also went to subway.

  1093 Hits

I had an a...

I had an awesome day because I did better today in school. And helped out with two classes.

  1107 Hits

I had an a...

I had an awesome day because it was so warm and windy. I got cherry berry and it was really cold. And my cousin christian came over too.

  895 Hits

I had an a...

I had an awesome day because it was so warm and windy. I got cherry berry and it was really cold. And my cousin christian came over too.

  873 Hits

I had an a...

I had an awesome day because it was so warm and windy. I got cherry berry and it was really cold. And my cousin christian came over too.

  862 Hits

I had an a...

I had an awesome day at black belt class and school. I also was craving a blizzard from dairy queen.

  812 Hits

I had a gr...

I had a great time today because it was sparring. I also had art at school.

  918 Hits

I had an a...

I had an awesome day did another essay and played sports. I really like baseball now.

  904 Hits

I had an a...

I had an awesome day and just noticed I only need one more journal to get fifty. I cant wait for the cycle to be over and be a first degree.

  928 Hits

I had an a...

I had an awesome day and just noticed I only need one more journal to get fifty. I cant wait for the cycle to be over and be a first degree.

  1013 Hits

I had a gr...

I had a great day at school and TKD. I love my life and I hope it keeps going.

  849 Hits

I had a gr...

I had a great day from the start and played football with my dad. I'ts been good ever sense and I hope it keeps going.

  844 Hits

I first I ...

I first I was having a bad day because my body was sour but i'm okay now. I also had black belt class and sparring which made it hurt even more.

  877 Hits

I had an a...

I had an awesome day at school because I had the 3rd through fifth grade dance. I also took black belt class.

  888 Hits

I had a gr...

I had a great day and nothing was sour. I also helped out with testing and it was really fun.

  870 Hits

I had a gr...

I had a great day today helping out with testing. The cycle is almost over and I cant wait to be a first degree.

  880 Hits

I had an a...

I had an awesome day today it was also weird in a way. The way it was weird is that I caught my friends ball and my other friend said beast mode. while we were playing kickball.

  980 Hits

I had an a...

I had an awesome day today I helped out with family class and took adult class. During adult class I got slung over but i'm fine now.

  910 Hits

It was a f...

It was a fun day even though I only used one arm all day. I really think the cycle is going by fast because it's almost time for testing.

  890 Hits

I had a ve...

I had a very good black belt class today. We worked on a lot of stuff today.

  844 Hits

I had a go...

I had a good day today and now I know wang ho attack and defense. I really think black belt class was really fun.

  914 Hits

I had a gr...

I had a great day at Tae Kwon Do I also had two classes. I had sparring and it was really fun today.

  873 Hits

Today I we...

Today I went to two classes and got a lot of stuff done. I cant wait to do testing i'ts five days after my birthday.

  865 Hits

I learned ...

I learned how to do a 750 today and it's really cool. I'm looking forward to learn more about it.

  892 Hits

I had a go...

I had a good and bad day today mostly bad. I fell running and scraped myself but i'm fine.

  904 Hits

I had a ba...

I had a bad day today because people are yelling at me and i'm not even doing anything. And I really don't like it.

  898 Hits

I had a gr...

I had a great day today and had fun with my cousin. And now i'm doing my journal and minding myself.

  907 Hits

I had an a...

I had an awesome day today and only had 4 hours of school. And I cant wait to eat pizza.

  934 Hits

I had a gr...

I had a great day today I helped out and took class. And I really do not like the white belt challenge.

  927 Hits

I had a gr...

I had a great day and I am enjoying the white belt challenge. I am also working on staff forms.

  908 Hits

I had a gr...

I had a great day until at the end of the day when I got kneed me in the jaw. And then my dad broke his toe.

  896 Hits

I had a gr...

I had a great day until at the end of the day when I got kneed me in the jaw. And then my dad broke his toe.

  893 Hits

I had a gr...

I had a great day today but still have a very hard project. My life is good and i'm looking forward to being a black belt.

  871 Hits

I had a gr...

I had a great day went to black belt class and still went to my cousin Christian's birthday party. I am back home and ready for another day.

  950 Hits

I had a gr...

I had a great day went to black belt class and still went to my cousin Christian's birthday party. I am back home and ready for another day

  862 Hits

I had a gr...

I had a great black belt class today and worked on a lot of stuff. I also got a lot of stuff done.

  851 Hits

I had a gr...

I had a great day and had a great sparring class. I also went to my friends house.

  853 Hits

I had a ve...

I had a very good day today and got a lot of stuff in for the cycle. And I learned that my school hasn't opened for three days.

  837 Hits

I had a ve...

I had a very bad day today. I had a very bad day because the internet keeps going on and off.

  971 Hits

I had a gr...

I had a great time at my friends house when I left I was kind'a sad. I am now at home and the sow will probably be awesome.

  832 Hits

I am goin...

I am going to my friends house today. I all ready ate lunch with my mom.

  795 Hits

I had a gr...

I had a great day I did all my requirements and still got to play a lot. I really like tae kwon do.

  924 Hits

I had an e...

I had an ear infection for two days and didn't go to school. But i'm over it now.

  873 Hits

I had an a...

I had an awesome day and i'm really looking forward to being a first puem. I am also looking forward to my dads birthday.

  888 Hits

I had a gr...

I had a great day at school and Tae kwon do. I learned wang ho one and practiced a lot too.

  893 Hits

I had a gr...

I had a great day I learned a lot of things. Like basic form three.

  883 Hits

I had a gr...

I had a great day I learned a lot of things. Like basic form one.

  800 Hits

I had a gr...

I had a great day I played football and baseball with my dad and got a home run. The ball accidentally went into the neighbors yard.

  894 Hits

I had a gr...

I had a great day I played football and baseball with my dad and got a home run. The ball accidentally went into the neighbors .

  944 Hits

I went to ...

I went to junior instructors and had a great time. My favorite part was sleeping.

  882 Hits

I had a gr...

I had a great day and started my project on Theodore Roosevelt. My teacher says it will be really fun.

  806 Hits

I had a go...

I had a good day at school and at king tiger. I actually twisted my ankle and it feels really bad.

  839 Hits

I had a go...

I had a good day at school and learned a lot more about fractions. I also had a good day at Tae kwon do and did hyper pro training class.

  833 Hits

I had a go...

I had a good day and it was really fun because I had a great class. I really like Tae kwon do.

  936 Hits

I am havin...

I am having a good day watching the super bowl. I really hope Seattle wins.

  898 Hits

I had a gr...

I had a great day at the North Charlotte school. It was a great class today

  861 Hits

I did good...

I did good work at school today like I always do. Today was one good day because I did good in sparring.

  940 Hits

I had a go...

I had a good day when I came home I started my homework and had a little fun.Then I did my daily requirements and then played a little bit more.

  853 Hits

I had a go...

I had a good day at school today and probably passed my multiplication test. Also I took two classes and got punched in the head.

  813 Hits

I had a go...

I had a good day today at school and King Tiger. today was really good because I learned that i'm an a/b honor roll student.

  901 Hits

I had a go...

I had a good day today doing all my requirements and running around playing football for 1 mile. and i'm really thankful that i'm only 8 and a black belt.

  864 Hits

I went to ...

I went to the North Charlotte school and did my second half of pretesting. It was really cool.

  820 Hits

I went to ...

I went to Master Evins school and saw Master Shane. I also had the sparring seminar with Master Shane. I learned a lot more about sparring today and it was really cool.afterwards I was really sour but I still trained when I got home.and now i'm really tired.

  942 Hits