Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Mar 30

Today started with work at the dojang. Helped with family class and little tigers. At home I was outside most of the day cause of how nice it was.

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Mar 21

Woke up and headed to 9 round. Not a bad day, had a decent amount of people. Went home for a little them left for the dojang. Practiced alot of my stuff for the test. Left at 8 and had chicken for dinner.

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Mar 20

Today was pretty good. Didn't work at 9 round on the morning so got up a little later. At 2:30 I headed to the dojang and worked till 8. My new favorite drink is the Irish Creme Monster coffee.

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Mar 19

Started at 9 round. Had about 4 people today. Then went to the dojang and worked until 7:30. Overall nice day.

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Mar 18

Today started at 9 round, but I wouldn't call it work sense nobody showed up during my shift. Afterwards I went to the dojang and worked until 8. When I got to my mom's I ate dinner and watched a movie.

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Mar 17

Today started pretty late. I had a late lunch and was outside .most of the day just keeping myself busy. Had some family time. Then played some games for a little. Time to sleep.

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Mar 15

Today was really slow. Worked at 9 round in the morning and ended up getting around 6 people in which was more than yesterday. Afterwards I went home and stayed there most of the day. Got some chores and work done. Later on after dinner I went to Harris teeter and picked up so needed ice cream.

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Mar 14

Just another pi day. Today started at 9 round, only 2 people showed but what can you do. After that I went to the dojang and worked color belt testing. Wasn't as lucky as yesterday as I got kicked in the hands a bunch while holding boards.

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Mar 13

Today was a decent day. At the dojang we had color belt testing. We have a lot more testers this time around. It went pretty well and I didn't get kicked in the fingers while holding surprisingly.

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Mar 12

Today wasn't too bad. Worked at 9 round in the morning. Then in the afternoon I was at the dojang. The time change is still messing with me bit I do like the longer days.

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Mar 11

Today was alright. Worked at the dojang, only a few days until color belt testing. Stayed till 8 and locked up. Then had chicken for dinner. 

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Mar 10

Had my dad's birthday party today. Went pretty well, and he's getting old. For dinner I had a cheese steak from firehouse. Played some fortnite tonight as well.

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Mar 9

Today was the physical and written test, it went ok. Afterwards I went to work. Then we had the community service project which went by pretty quick. Then we had a students birthday party and that went really smooth.

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Mar 8

Today started with 9 round. It was sorta busy so it went by quick. Then I had a couple hours to myself to get things done. Went to black belt class. Foe dinner I had steak and it was amazing.

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Mar 7

Today started with 9 round, only a few people showed up on my shift so it felt pretty slow. Got some lunch before heading home, gas station chicken. I mightve accidentally had two monsters today. Had sparring which went pretty good. Then porkchops for dinner. 

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Mar 6

Today wasn't too bad. Worked at the dojang today until 8. Today went alot smoother than yesterday thanks to the monster I drank before classes started. All in all not too shabby.

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Mar 5

Not the best day not the worst. Worked at 9 round this morning. Then I had an hour before heading to thr dojang. Taught classes then headed home and had dinner.

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Mar 4

Just another day. My back was killing me this morning but I pushed through. Worked at the dojang till 8 today. All in all nit bad, had a burger for dinner.

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Mar 3

Today was kinda sucky. I'm pretty sore from instructors camp so my body was aching all day. I fear I'm getting old. The day went by pretty quick though so that's not too shabby.

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Feb 29

Pretty normal day althought it was a leap day. I went to work at 9 round this morning and every section had leaps involved. After that I went home for a little. Then I went to the dojang for a couple hours. Got home and had dinner and winding down.

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Feb 28

Today wasn't too shabby. Pretty normal day, worked at the dojang from 3-8. Played some games with my friends for the first time in a bit. Had some good fun.

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Feb 27

Today started off slow and chill. Headed to nine round for my shift and only one person came into train and had the rest of the time to myself. After wards I went home for a little them to the dojang. Was there until 7:15. When I got home I set up my new computer and have been working on it for a bit.

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Feb 26

Today was pretty chill compared to yesterday. No party's. But I did have work at the dojang, was a normal day and went by pretty slow.

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Feb 25

Today was awesome. I had my grad party and I had a lot of family and friends over. Had great food, good convos and listened to music. All in all a great time and I wish I could do it again. But you only graduate High school once.

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Feb 23

Today was pretty chill. Worked at 9 round in the morning, then headed back home. Had a pretty normal day, most of it I was alone with my doggy. When it came to dinner I got ripped out of some chicken because my Doordash dude gave me another order. Somehow he got me Arby's and it was rancid.

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Feb 22

Today started off with work at 9 round. Afterwards I got breakfast then started on the rest of my day. Later on I had work st the dojang, then sparring. At home I ate dinner and I'm winding down now.

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Feb 21

Today was same old same old. Did the same things as normal, had work, then went home. Had a nice porkchop dinner. 

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Feb 20

Today I got up pretty early to start my day. Although the morning went by slow. I had master training at North Charlotte with Grandmaster Lee. Then later on he taught classes at Lake Norman, then took another class. Had some stuffed peppers for dinner.

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Feb 19

Today wasn't bad for a Monday. I learned that Baja blast is no longer exclusive to taco bell anymore, so that will be amazing in the future. Worked most of the afternoon and evening. Had shomars for dinner. Pretty decent day

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Feb 17

Today started with black belt class and work. It went by pretty quick and then I went home and had lunch. The day was pretty boring, got all my stuff done then chilled.

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Feb 15

Today was decent. Worked at the dojang and had sparring class. It's getting closer to my grad party which will be fun. Tomorrow us my second shift working at 9 round.

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Feb 14

Today was pretty good. I had the day off from work so I got caught up on some chores then hung out with someone well call a friend. Had some chic FIL a for dinner. It was a good day

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Feb 11

Today was pretty fun. Of course had an amazing super bowl party. Wanted the niners to win it but it was still an awesome game.

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Feb 10

Today started with black belt class, afterwards I taught some classes. At home It was pretty normal, at one point my dog had my hand enveloped in her paws and my hand fell asleep. At night I went to watch the aadams family musical with some friends. Then we got dinner and went to the park. It was very wet out so we got soaked but overall a fun day.

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Feb 9

I forgot to journal last night. But it was graduation night, I graduated early and then I went out with some friends. Today was cool too, went to a basketball game for my now old school in which they blew the other team out. Then went to cookout with the squad.

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Feb 7

Today was another one of those autopilot days. I did the same things as usual. Worked, went home and ate dinner. Played with my dog, and am chillin.

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Feb 6

Today started off great. As in I had chicken for breakfast gotta love chicken. The rest of the day was pretty normal. Got asked a lot of weird questions and ended the day eith meatloaf.

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Feb 5

Today was like living on autopilot. I've had the same day many times before. But hey at the end of the day I'm still here being me. Had some chic fil a for dinner too.

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Feb 4

Today was pretty chill. Went to my mom's house for a bit then headed to the Hornets game. Brandon Miller dropped a career high game so that was pretty cool.

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Feb 1

Today I went to morning master training at the North Charlotte dojang. Afterwards I went home and did my stuff. Then I chilled for a little before work. Taught classes and took sparring. Overall good day.

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Jan 31

Today was pretty chill again. Went to work and taught some classes. Had burritos for dinner and am ready for training in the morning.

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Jan 30

Today was pretty chill. Worked at the dojang like most days, today went by pretty fast. Still getting used to being out of high school. Master Madhavan Krishnan decided to call me and yap for 40 minutes but hey what are friends for.

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Jan 29

Today I awoke at my mother's house. I had jersey Mike's for breakfast which was nice. At 2:30 I headed to the dojang for work and had a pretty normal day. I'm still here and am ready to head home for the night.

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Jan 28

Today I went to nine round and did a workout there the first time, it was pretty fun. Later in the day I went to see Wonka with a friend. Then I went to my mom's house.

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Jan 26

Today I woke up and did what I had to do. Then I went to my schools basketball game with some friends. Overall good day

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April 3, 2019

Today I woke up and went to school.  In first block we just did some work on a worksheet for probability.  In second block we did work on the nervous system.  In 3rd block in intro to office we worked on spreadsheets.  In last block we did a mock eog.  I then went to TKD and took class and did some pullups.  I then went home ate, did homework and did poomsaes and self defense.  I then took a shower and im going to sleep.

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April 2, 2019

Today I woke up and went to school.  In first block we did more map testing.  In second block we did a test and I got a 90 on it.  In electives I started health and we did everfi.  In last block we did more inferencing work.  I then went to TKD and did some pullups.  I then went home and ate burgers.  Afterwards I played basketball and took a shower.  I then did homework and requirements.

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April 1, 2019

Today I woke up and went to school on the bus.  In first block we did map testing.  In second block we had a couple worksheets of body systems.  In electives we finished our projects.  In last block we then did inferencing practice.  Then I went to TKD and helped with class.  Then I took class.  I then went home, ate dinner, and got a haircut.  Afterwards I took a shower and did some homework.

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March 31, 2019

Today I woke up and got some breakfast.  After breakfast I did some poomsaes and self defense.  After that I just chilled inside.  After that I played some basketball while my parents went to get new furniture.  Afterwards they started cooking and it was pizza.  Then played some more basketball.  Then we played monopoly, yes i did lose.  Then I took a shower and put in my requirements.

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March 30, 2019

Today I woke up and ate some breakfast.  After breakfast we cleaned my closet and I started my laundry.  We then went shopping for summer cloths.  After that I did some poomsaes and self defenses.  After that I also did some jumprope.  After that we went to a party at my grandparents house.  After the party we went home.  At home I took a shower and got ready for bed.

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March 29, 2019

Today I woke up and went to school, in first block we did work on a study guide for our test next friday.  In second block we got dispersed and we did work on the vietnam war.  In gym we had a choice day so I played basketball.  In last block we worked on inferencing.  Then I went to TKD and helped play games with the kids.  Then I did some jumprope.  After I went back home I went to Kabudo's for a family friends birthday.  Then I went home took a shower and did some requirements.

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March 28, 2019

Today I woke up and went to school, in first block we worked on probability again.  In second block we worked on a cold war study guide.  In third block we played basketball.  In last block we worked on authors purpose projects.  I then went to TKD and did jump rope rounds.  I then took sparring class and went home.  I took a shower and i'm now going to sleep.

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March 26, 2019

Today I woke up and it was 7:00 A.M and got ready to go downstairs.  The thing is I was at a hotel because I was on a field trip to Charleston.  I ate breakfast and got on the bus.  We then went to the USS Yorktown, it's a big ship from the Vietnam war.  We then went to an aquarium and had chick-filet.  We then got back on the bus and headed home.  At home I did some requirements and took a shower.   

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March 27, 2019

Today I woke up and got ready for school.  At school we did probability and did an activity with skittles.  In second block we played basketball and my team went ham.  In electives we just worked on a project.  And fourth block we finished another project.  I then went to TKD and did jumprope.  Next I went home and ate dinner, after dinner I did the dishes.  I then went upstairs, took a shower and started my laundry.

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March 24, 2019

Today I woke up and waited for my mom to wake up as well.  When she woke up we decided to wait a bit then go to lunch.  For lunch we went to chilis and I had burger bites like usual.  We then went to Birkdale and walked around.  I got a new book and then we went to kilwins.  The cool thing about it was that Greg Olsen was there, that was pretty cool.  After that I went back to the house and took a shower and got ready for bed.

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March 23, 2019

Today I woke up and went to black belt class.  After class I took the instructors training class as well.  When that was over I went back to my grandmas house and played basketball and hung out.  Later on my mom picked me up and I spent the night there.  I had a good day all together.

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March 21, 2019

Today I woke up and went to school.  In first block we played hot potato but whenever you had to ball when the music stopped you had to do a math problem.  In second block we did a worksheet on the body systems.  In electives we watched a movie because we had a sub.  And in fourth block we had to do work from our textbook.  I then went to tkd and ate a snack.  I then helped with games in the back for a bit and then did a mentor session.  After that before sparring I did a mentee session.  After sparring I went home, ate and took a shower.

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March 19, 2019

Today I woke up and went to school.  In first block we did a notebook check, first block is math.  In second block we worked on the circulatory system which is in science.  In electives we got despersed and did a worksheet.  In fourth block we did another notebook check which was in ELA.  I then went to taekwondo, ran and did a mentor session.  At home I ate dinner, did homework and requirements.  After that I took a shower and now im going to sleep.

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March 18, 2019

Today I woke up and got ready for school.  I made my lunch for later and then ate some oatmeal for breakfast.  After breakfast I went to the bus stop and went to school.  In math we did surface area and we did notes and work.  In second block we worked on cold war notes.  In electives I had gym and we played basketball.  In fourth block we were dispersed and we did worksheets.  After school I went to taekwondo and went on a run.  I then took class, went home and ate. Then I did homework, requirements and took a shower.

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March 10, 2019

Today I woke up and ate a bagel, my mom started making eggs.  She was making the eggs for tuna and after it was made it was really good.  After I watched some Youtube and chilled out.  I then went for a run and did requirements.  After all this I took a shower.  I then ate dinner and watched some more Youtube.  Now i'm going to sleep.

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March 7, 2019

Today I woke up and went to school.  At school we watched a video on how the human body works, that was in science.  In last block we took a cycle test.  After school I went to TKD.  At tkd I went on a run and ate a snake.  After that I took sparring and then went home.

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March 6, 2019

Today I woke up and went to school.  At school we did more practice on the area of a circle and circumference.  Then in second block we did more on ww2.  In gym we played baseball and basketball. In fourth block we just went over everything we did while our teacher was out.  After school I went to TKD and ran.  I then took class and then left.  After leaving I went to my grandparents house because my great uncle chuck was their and we went to eat pizza and hang out with him.

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February, 26th

Today I woke up and went to school, in first block we had a sub and we started an in school project.  In second block we had a sub again.  In third block I had Gym and we played badminton which was kinda boring.  In fourth block we started another in school project for ELA.  After school I went to TKD and went on a run.  At home I ate dinner and did some requirements.

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February, 12

Today I woke up and took the bus to school.  We did a test on microscopes after first block and I got a 100 on it.  In third block we did a test on memo's, letter's and tables. IN fourth block we read and did work.  After school I went to taekwondo and then I went home and did requirements.

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February, 11

Today I woke up and went to school.  At school we did more work on pythagorean theorem.  Later on at taekwondo I went on a run and took class.  I then went home and ate dinner, then I did requirements.  After my requirements I took a shower.

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February, 7th

Today I woke up and went to school, at school I learned pythagorean theorem.  In second block we had a test and I wont know how good I did until the 16th.  Finally my ELA teacher is back after being sick for a long time.  I then went to taekwondo and went on a run.  Then I took sparring class.

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February, 5th

Today I woke up and ate breakfast.  I then rode the bus to school and it was a good day.  In gym we went outside and played football and soccer.  Later on I went to taekwondo and ran.  Then I went home and ate dinner, then I took a shower and did homework.

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January, 31st

Today I woke up and went to school.  At school I went on a field trip to innovative works in Charlotte.  Next I had lunch and went to electives, in electives I finished a memo we had to type in class.  Next we were dispered so that was fun.  Then I went to tkd and took sparrimg after my run.  Then I went home.

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January, 30th

Today I woke up and went to school.  Nothing really happened good until 3rd block which was P.E.  IN PE we played kickball.  Next I went to TKD and went on a run then took class.  After I went home, ate and did requirements and homework.

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January, 28

Today I woke up and went to school.  At school I did the pacer test and did some of a project in ELA.  After school I went to tkd and my mom picked me up.  We then went to the pit and had some fun.  Next I went back to her house, took a shower and did my homework.

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January, 27th

Today I woke up and took a shower, next I ate breakfast and did some homework.  Then I went to my grandpas birthday party.  After that I went back to my grandparents house and printed my project.  After I went to my moms house and played some xbox and did requirements.  Now I am going to sleep.

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January, 25th

Today I woke up and packed my bags for the weekend then went to school.  I had a good day at school and had a test in intro to office.  In fourth block we had some assignments that I finished.  I then went to tkd and went on a run and took black belt class.

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January, 23th

Today I woke up and ate breakfast.  Next I went to school and was dispersed in first block.  In electives I had intro to office productivity.  I then went to tkd  and went on a run and took class.  For dinner I had meatloaf then did homework.

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January, 21st

Today I woke up, ate breakfast and took a shower.  After that I went on a run and did some requirements.  After my requirements I did my homework and cleaned my room.  After that I played some football and went to walmart with my family.  After that I went home and ate dinner, dinner was chicken and dumplings.

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January, 20th

Today I woke up and played basketball, next I took a shower and waited for my mom to pick me up.  After I went to the mall and got some new shoes.  After I went to firehouse then I went home and did some requirements.

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January, 19th

Today I woke up and went to tkd, It was the pretest and we went on a run.  We also did requirement esc things and poomsaes.  After I took black belt class I went home and waited for my cousin.  When he was there we played video games and basketball. 

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January, 18th

Today I woke up and went to school and had a test, after my test I went to second block and we had a sub.  In the third block it was Spanish and we watched a movie.  IN fourth block we did a test.  Then I went to tkd and took black belt class.  Then I went to Jasons deli and came back home.

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January, 16th

Today I woke up and got ready for school, for breakfast I had a bagle with cream cheese.  At school I finished map testing and then I got a 98 on my spanish test.  After school I went tkd, ran a mile and had class. On my way back home I noticed I left my phone at tkd and then I had dinner.

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January, 15th

Today I woke up and got ready to go to school,  at school I did my map testing in math.  Later on I played football during electives.  At tkd I went on a run then I came home, ate dinner and did requirements.

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January, 13th

Today I woke up and had breakfast, next I watched some youtube while I woke up a bit.  After that I did some requirements, ran and took a shower.  After that I did homework and played a little xbox.  Then I watched a movie with my mom.

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January, 12th

Today I woke up  and went to black belt class, after class I went to chick fil-a and had some nuggs.  Next I went back to my moms house and did some requirements and played some Xbox.  Later on I went on a run.  Then I let my older brother play black ops 1 on my Xbox for the nostalgia

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January, 11th

Today I woke up and got ready for school, at school I had a math test and I hope I did good on it.  After school I went to TKD and went on a run.  Next was black belt class and then I went home and had dinner.  At home I did my requirements and took a shower.  Now i'm doing whatever.

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January, 10

Today I woke up and went to school, I had a good day then I went to TKD then took sparring class.  I then went home ate dinner, then I took a shower.  After that I did my homework.

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January, 9th

Today I woke up and went to school we didn't do much and even watched a movie in second period because it was an early release day.  After school I helped out at TKD and went on a run. I then went home, ate dinner and started my homework. I took a shower now I am writing this

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January, 8th

Today I woke up and my ears were clogged and painful so I rested until later in the day after doing chores to go to the doctor.  They said I had an ear infection in both ears and had to get a prescription.  I came home did my homework and im about to take a shower.

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January, 7th

Today I woke up and went to school, there was no tests so it was alright.  After school I went to TKD and took class.  After I went back home and had dinner.  I then did homework, some requirements and took a shower.  Now i'm going to go to sleep soon.

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January, 7th

Today I woke up, had breakfast then some family came over.  Then my parents went to hang out with some friends so I ran and did requirements.  Next I had dinner and played some basketball.  Now i'm writing this journal.

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January, 5th

Today I woke up then ate breakfast, next I went to Black Belt class at North Charlotte.  After I went home, ran, played basketball then did some requirements.  I then went to a family friends house and had some fun. Now we are back home and about to go to sleep.

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January, 4th

Today I woke up and stayed at home because I broke out in hives, I went to the doctor and go a shot in my butt.  Next I had lunch and then went to my stepsisters basketball game,  her team won 66 to 51.  Then I came back and took a shower.

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January, 3rd

Today I woke up and went to school, then I went to tkd and waited until sparring and took class.  Next I went home and had chicken wings.  Next I took a shower, did requirements and did my homework.

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January, 1st

Today I woke up at taekwondo because of the new years eve party at there.  We had donuts then I went back to my moms house. I did some requirements then took a nap, after that I plaued some bo4. 

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December, 30th

Today I woke up then my mom came and picked me up, we went to longhorn then to see aquaman.  After that I went back to her house and did some requirements

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December, 29th

Today I woke up and got ready to go to black belt class.  I then did a mentee session.  After that I came home and played basketball and did some requirements, then I got on xbox and saw it was double xp on bo4 so im playing that now.

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December, 28th

Today I woke up and took a shower, next I did my requirements.  After that I went to my grandparents house and went on a run.  Now im doing whatever.

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December, 27th

Today I woke up and ate some food, next I took a shower and played some video games.  After that I went to my grandparents house and ran and did requirements.

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December, 26th

Today I woke up and ate, next I played some video games with Jason Gould who is also on this cycle.  Throughout the day I did requirements and ran.  I then went to chick filet and got a chicken sandwhich.

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Today I woke up and had breakfast, then I went outside to play basketball.  But before I played I went on a mile run.  After that I ate lunch and then headed over to my grandparents house.  We ate dinner and had fun.  Then we came back home and I did my requirements.

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December, 22nd

Today I woke up and had breakfast, next I got ready to go to black belt class at North Charlotte.  I took class then headed home where I played basketball most of the day.  After that we went to look at Christmas lights.  Then I took a shower and watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on TV.

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December, 20th

Today I woke up and had breakfast, then I headed to TKD and helped with some classes.  After that I took sparring and got some requirements done. Last I went home, ate dinner and watched home alone with my family.

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Monday, 17th

Today I woke up and went to school, we started doing review for math which is my least favorite subject but it was alright.  Next it was science and we had a test, I got an A on it.  For electives they let us go outside and play football.  Last I got dispersed from ELA and I did my work.  I went to taekwondo and took class and then came home.

  513 Hits