Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


Today I filled everything in so that I am up to date. I am scared that testing is around 10 days away, but I think I am doing pretty well with everything. Tomorrow I will be finishing up my Leadership 1's and I wanted to do  at least one more sparring class (even though I have met the expectations)

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Today I didn't go to any Tae Kwon Do classes. I am trying to catch up on jump rope rounds and have a schedule to finish up on Sunday. I am going to finish all my Leadership 1 credits on Thursday after I help out with class and take my class. I am also going to sparring on Thursday.

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Today I went too class and got 1 Leadership 1. I finished up with my mentor last week so I didn't have to do a session like I usually do. Last week I hurt my knee so I couldn't take sparring class so I am taking it on Thursday.

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So today I practiced my role more in Black Belt #4 1-step. Yesterday I went to black bet class then to the training at Tae Kwon Do. We had to learn the 10 hypketo forms.

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Today I got all caught up on signatures for Leadership 1 credits. Overall the day wasn't very eventful. I finally got used to my new Tae Kwon Do requirements and needed to figure out what I needed less and more of

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So today Luci came over and we ran together. We also tried perfecting the roll we have to do in Bo Cho one-step #4. 

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Yesterday I helped out with testing for the lower belts which was fun and I've helped out with a testing before. I attacked people for self defense and at the end handed out new belts and certificates. 

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Today we had our Black Belt Physical and Written Test. I wasn't there for the Physical pre-test so I didn't know exactly what we were supposed to do. Yesterday I had no clue how they were going to keep track of around 20 peoples time, especially considering the times were so exact. 

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So on Saturday we have our written test and physical test. I'm glad I am actually going to be there, because for the physical pre-test I wasn't there so I had to do it another day. It has been raining a lot so I haven't had to do much with my shrub lately and its pretty hard to keep track o when its a good time to water it.

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Today I had another mentee session. Last week I finished up my mentor sessions. I finished all my requirements and I ma working on perfecting my poomsae.

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Today I went to a black belt class. I normally go on Fridays, but this Friday is Instructors Camp so they don't have black belt class. My mom is going to Instructors Camp this weekend so I will be with just my dad and younger brother.

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Today I did a mentee session, my normal class, and a sparring class. My mentee is doing a great job of memorizing the 10 articles of student commitment and right now we are learning 2 new articles per session. When we had off yesterday I got to read 60 pages of the book I'm reading for my essay and Im planning to be finished by tomorrow so I can write my essay this week or over the weekend.

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Today is kind of like a no school weekend except I have to be awake by 8:00 am. Today I finished my mentor session, but still have around 5 mentee sessions left. My mentee is a little and right now we are trying to learn/memorize the 10 articles of Student Commitment (she is a high white belt).

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Today was a pretty chill day. At my school (Lake Norman Charter) we have an E-Learning day on Friday and no school on Monday so its kind of like a 3 1/2 day week, but we don't have to go to school. I did my requirements and it was a little harder to do thee ones I do in the morning because I forgot to set my alarm clock and slept in 40 minutes later than usual.

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I found out today we got a lot of credits for Camp. I went and it was pretty fun and I think one of the reasons I liked it so much was because it was organized. 

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Today was a pretty boring day. I didn't feel well like I had a cold and allergies and I was stiff in my neck and didn't feel like walking around, but luckily I didn't have any TKD classes tonight. I'm feeling way better and got all of my requirements in for the day.

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Today I read a lot of my book for TKD. On Friday I went to Kick-boxing and a black belt class. I think that having the same routine of the classes is getting easier with each week.

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My shrub (Camie) is  doing well and I only have to water her two times per week. I'm usually not the best with plants whether I forget to give them water or I don't give them enough sun light or too much sunlight. Today I helped out with two classes because my mentee wasn't at Tae Kwon Do today and I got a mentor session in at the end of my regular class.

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Today I worked on a new running schedule because my old one wasn't working out well. Today I didn't do much so it was easy getting all my requirements in. I just went to church with my dad (my brother has a fever), went to Trader Joes and Ikea, went home and did not much of anything for the rest of the day.

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Today I finished my physical pre-test by running a mile. I also took a sparring class and a Saturday black belt class. I got my shrub today also and it is a Camilia

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Today I worked with my mentee, helped a class, took my regular class and later took sparring class. Whenever we have short weeks they always feel longer then regular weeks tome and today went by slowly. I usually take sparring class on Saturdays, but because I was in Hilton Head last weekend I had to make up for it today.

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Today I was sore on my leg when I was running and just walking. Yesterday when I did my physical pre-test it did pretty well. Today I wrote my White Belt Challenge Essay

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I was in Hilton Head, South Carolina yesterday and today so I missed my pre-test. I am taking my pre-test for black belt on Tuesday. Figuring out how long a mile is because we hadn't been in Hilton Head during cycle

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Today when I did my mile because of my knee I only jogged a little and mostly walked. You would never really think it would be hard to bend your knee until it is. My family and I are going to Hilton Head Island on the weekend so I have to make up my Black Belt pre-physical test on, Tuesday January 22.

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Today I didn't run because my knee was tense from being buckled yesterday. When I did my kicks I could only do them with my left leg so it got tired easily. 

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Today I was very sore on my upper legs. For my 1 new skill I'm trying to learn to do a full split which is why I'm sore. I worked with my mentee and helped out with a class, after that I took my usual Wang ho class.

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Yesterday I had a mentee and mentor session. Today I didn't take any classes and yesterday I also started my White Belt Challenge. 

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I started my White Belt Challenge and I wouldn't call it hard. The only thing that was confusing was since I was the only white belt in my class I forgot what I know and don't know.

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Today I helped out with the 3:15 class and the 3:45 class then took the 4:15 class. I'm getting better at running longer without stopping and keeping better track of my exercises. 

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Yesterday I met my mentee we had a mentee session and it went well. Yesterday I also met with my mentor and got one Leadership credit and one Leadership 2 credit. Today I took a sparring class and from the class I got in 3 sparring rounds.

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Today was our first full day of the week because yesterday at Lake Norman Charter we had a 2-hour delay and on Monday and Tuesday we had E-Learning days. Today was the first day I met with my mentor and we worked on my poomsae.

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Today we had another E-learning day because our campus was covered with snow and ice. Tomorrow we have a 2-hour delay for school. Doing my exercises has gotten easier as I've started a new routine.

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Today we did not go to school because of the snow and ice. At Lake Norman Charter we have E-Learning days sometimes and that's what we had today. I have completed my exercises and Tae Kwon Do for the day.

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