Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Final Journal

This will be my final journal because I have testing tomorrow. I am very nervous but I know I'm ready. Thank you all for being on the cycle with me. Good luck to everybody! See you tomorrow!

  565 Hits

September 27 Journal

This may be my last journal. It is my last required but I may still keep you up to date. Less then 1,000 push and sit ups and 8.% miles left to run! Only 2 more weeks till testing. Tomorrow I will be going to the stick and staff seminar. See you all soon!

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September 24 Journal

Today was a regular day at school. When I got home I did my cycle and went to sparring class. I am getting close to done with my requirements and I only have one more sparring class. I can't believe only 18 days until testing! 

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September 22 Journal

Today was a great day. I woke up and did my cycle and then played with my friend later in the day. We went in my pool and then played at some of my neighbor's house. Can't believe the weekend is already over. I've had colds for the weekend but am starting to feel a lot better. Only 13 more miles to run left.

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September 21 Journal

I just got back from my Saturday black belt class. I did a lot of my requirements this morning and I am getting close to being done with my push-ups and sit-ups. I am thinking about signing up for the Sticks seminar. My cold is feeling better today! Hope to type again soon.

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September 20 Journal

Today I had 3 tests in school. I had a black belt class this afternoon and I just finished watching the finale of one of my favorite shows. I am excited for the weekend and hopefully will end up going to the Stick seminar soon. I had a cold today but I still got my requirements done and finished all my pull-ups. Hope to type again soon.

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September 19 Journal

Today was a very busy day for Taekwondo. I got a lot of stuff done and I only have 15.5 miles left to run. I will have had 6 tests at school this week once we get to tomorrow.

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September 18 Journal

Hello everyone. I had a very regular day today. I got my requirements done and I am hoping to get my physical requirements done soon and the end of the cycle is getting closer by the day.

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September 17 Journal

Hello again. I had sparring class today and I am very tired. A lot of tests this and last week in school but I am getting them done. I just finished the white belt challenge today. Testing is getting closer by the day....

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September 16 Journal

A regular day at school and white belt challenge at Taekwondo. I am nervous for all my classes tomorrow but I am excited because the end of the cycle is in reach. So close and yet so far. Journal again soon.

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Very Sore

Yesterday I had the physical and written test. Very proud of myself for all the work I put into it. Today I am very sore and I am going to take a low day on the requirements. Hope to see you all Monday.

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September 13 Journal

Today I finally finished my essays and got my letters of recommendations done. I have the written and physical test tomorrow. I am nervous but I know I am ready. Wish me luck.

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September 12 Journal

Very busy today. It is almost nine and I am not done. I have to fill in all the answers to written test study guide. Better get to work.

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September 11 Journal

Hello everyone! Today I didn't have classes so I did a lot of homework and wrote an essay. I have been worried for the physical and written test. I have a question for anyone reading this. Do the living hero essays for the Bocho Dans need to be on famous people? Thanks!

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There's a first for everything

Today I was a white belt for all 3 of my classes. It was an interesting experience because I was being taught stuff that I already know. I finished my 5th essay today. Only 4 more left!

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Hard Work

Hello everyone again! I have been busy lately and will be for the next week. I just figured out the physical and written test are on Saturday and the essays are due the same day! I did two essays today and I am done with four of them now. A hard week in front of me...

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September 8 Journal

Life is going good. I played with my friend today in my pool and I have finished my burpees for the cycle! I relaxed a lot today and hope to write again soon.

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Great Experience

Today was an amazing day for me! In the morning I did my cycle and then went to black belt class. In black belt class I had one of the best experiences in my whole life! I got to train with Taekwondo olympians!!! It was an amazing thing to get to train with such masters at Taekwondo and they pushed me my limits in class. See you all next week!

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Start of weekend Journal

I have bean through 4 weeks of school now about. Like always I have to balence Taekwondo and school. I am getting better at managing my time and I am looking forward to seeing you all at black belt class today. Have a good rest of your weekend.

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Labor Day weekend journal

For the weekend my family from California came! I didn't get all my requirements in but I still got some of them. I am excited for the end of the cycle and hope to write again soon!

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August 29 Journal

Hello everybody. We have currently gotten into the full swing of school and I've made lots of new friends. Taekwondo is challenging but fun as always. Hope you all have a great week.

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August 27 Check In

Hi everyone. I have had a more calm week this past week. I have worked hard on my cycle and have found free time after homework sometimes. I am not looking forward to all the homework I have to come this up coming year but I am looking forward to all my adventures to come.

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August 20-22 Journal

It's been hard lately. Trying to balance all my stuff with Taekwondo is difficult. I also figured out I was not doing enough for the cycle so now I have to do extra. But that part is my fault. I got a lot of work to do so I better get going.

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August 19 Journal

I just went back to school on the 15th. Life is hard trying to balance school, homework, Taekwondo, and the cycle. I am running behind on some of my stuff for the cycle. it's going to start getting a lot harder when I start getting loads of homework. I am having my first test in school on Friday and my favorite teacher is my advance math teacher. Have a good week everyone!

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August 12 Journal

Today I did The cycle in the morning and then me and my sister hung out in then basement. After that I went to my friends house well my sister went school shopping. After that I went to my friends house, had tae kwon do, and had dinner. Now I am at home typing this.

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Beginning of August Journal

For the last few days I have not done a journal entry. This is because I have had family in town. during the week I have gone to Carowinds, The White Water Center, an escape room, and on a hike. I got a lot of my miles in for the cycle and hope to start blogging more often.

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Daily Journal July 25

Today I woke up and went for a run. Then I went with my grandpa to read meters (ANW Training) for irrigation, go to the visitor center, have lunch and see my great grandmother. Then I got home and did things for the cycle before hanging out in my basement. Finally I had dinner and went to three tae kwon do classes in a row!

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July 23 Daily Journal

Today I spent my usual morning running and doing things for my cycle. I was very busy today doing stuff for tae kwon do that nothing else really happened. In tae kwon do I had three classes in A Row Today!!! And people are still working on the leak in our basement. I hope I can go down there soon.

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July 20 Daily Journal

Today I went to the gym with my dad and while he trained I did some of my stuff for my cycle. Then I went with  my dad to run some errands and went to my first weekend black belt class. After that I had lunch and did the rest of the stuff for my cycle. Then I chilled in the basement before going in my pool and having dinner. I am excited for my day being mute tomorrow for my empathy training for the cycle. 

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July 19 Daily Journal

Today was A very simple day. I went for a run with my dad and then had breakfast. After that I did some stuff for my cycle and then went to my friends' house at 11:00 AM and went to my first black belt class at 5:30-6:15. Then I went back to my friends house and stay there till around 10:00!!! now I am home very tiredly writing this daily journal.

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July 18 Daily Journal

Today I woke up around 9:00 AM and went on my 1.5 mile cycle run. TODAY MY SISTER CAME WITH ME!!! After that I did the rest of the stuff for my cycle and had lunch. I went to my friend's house and was picked up by my grandparents to have a VERY early dinner with them. After that I had my first sparring class (harder than I thought) and now am home writing this Daily Journal.

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July 17 Journal Entry

Today I woke up at about 8:00 AM and went for a 1.5 mile run. When I got back I took a shower and had breakfast. After that I worked on stuff for the cycle and started my role model essay. Then I had lunch and went to my friends house. I got back and went to Tae Kwon Do to help out with the class from 3:45-4:00 and took class from 4:15-5:00. I am looking forward to my first black belt class on Friday and my First Sparring class tomorrow.

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