Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

my day

today was pretty good i went to school and then I went to all of my blocks which was pretty good then i went on the van and i was relly tired then i did some homework and took class which was good so that was my day now im about to eat dinner

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my day

today is the day i get my black belt i so excited and happy i earned it and now i geting it and i am thankful that my family has supported  me and everbody else

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my day

my day was pretty good i went to school with my new spar wars shirt on but it was cold so i had a jacket on then i went to tae kwon do and did class and that was pretty good and i didnt have a lot of homework then i went to dudckworths with some of my friends so that was fun and that was my day

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my day

today was pretty good i went to school and that was pretty easy i dont have alot of homework and it is pretty easy so i did that and took class then i went to my dads house and that was nice then i went home and now i doing this so that was my day

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my day

my day was pretty good i went to school and that was pretty easy i only had a couple things for home work and then i went to king tiger and did class there after that we rushed to get to my sisters skill night for basketball and then we came home and went to bed

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my day

my day was pretty good i woke up then i did alot iof stuff then i went to school and that was fine after that i got picked up to go to tae kwon do and i did homework and class there. then we got home and did more homework and now we are watching the panthers game

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my day

today was prety good i got up late, todays my moms birthday so i have to do whatever she wants then we went to dinner so today was pretty good

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my day

today was pretty awesome after the overnight thing i restied then i went to lincolin charter for my black belt test it was really fun and tiering

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my day

my day was  pretty good i got up then went to school at school i did all my stuff it was pretty easy i dont have homework and that is good because tonight  i finnaly finished my cicle and now i am testing!!!

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my day

my day was tiring i got up went to school and was very tired then i did school, bairly then i went to tae kwon do and did some homework then i took class then i ate dinner then i took another class then i took another class so i was really tired

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my dAY

my day was pretty good i went to school on the bus and my sisters bus came really late. when i got to school i did all my stuff that was easy then i wen t to the car line and got picked up by tae kwon do.  after that i did class and then i had dinner then i did another class then i went home and that was it 

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my day

today was pretty good i went to school and at school it was really confusing because they switched the blocks around so some people went to the wrong blocks.  after school i went tae kwon do and i had snack there then i did my homeworkafter that i did tae kwon do and that was my day

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my day

today was pretty fun i went to school and forgot my lunch so my aunt brought it by the school and at the end of school we had a peperally for football against our rivals bradley and we ended up winning the game 26-0=)  once i got to tae kwon do i had to read for 20 min then i got dressed for class after class i went to chik fal a.  then we rented a movie and now we are going to watch it

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my day

today was pretty good i went to school then at school i did all my school work then school i went to tae kwon do and when we are geting on the van we had to wait for cole to get on but he never showed up then they had to call a bunch of people then we took class and then we went to duck worths to eat dinner and that was it

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my day

today was pretty good i got up and took a shower then i went to my sisters soccer game her team crushed the other team.  after that we went to see my cousin do tae kwon do then we went home for the rest of the night then we had dinner and then watched tv and now i here

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my day

today was pretty good i went to school and then idid a whole bunch of stuff i had a couple of test that i got a hundred on and the other one i dont know what i got. but after school i went to tae kwon do and ate snack then i did a cross word puzzle, then they let us play on our electronics.  i went to black belt class and we did a whole bunch of stuff.  after that we droped my sister off at her friends house then on the way back to our house we saw master hartle.  then we got home and i did my journal stuff.

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my day

today was pretty good i went to schooel and after my good day at school i wen to tae kwon do and did some of my homework and then i had to get dress for class after class i had a mentor session with marcus and then i did sparring class and did pretty good after sparing i went to the back and did pmaa it was fun because i kept steping the wrong foot down in front of me and going into the hit.  after that i went chick fil a and then went home and did the rest of my homework.

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my day

today was pretty good.  I went on the bus did all my school work and at the last block of the day i finished most of my home work so i only had to do a couple questions. when i got to tae kwon do i did the couple questions then i got dressed for class.  after class i went to my dads house and ate dinner and watched tv and now im here so today was pretty good.

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my day

my day was pretty good i went to school and got alot of homework because i had regular homework then i had make up work. but i got it done.  after school i went to tae kwon do and took my class after class i had a sparring class and i took that.  after that i went to dinner with my friend that i hadnt seen in a while. so that was fun then i did my homework and now im doing this so today was pretty good.

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my day

My day was pretty good i ate breakfast then went out on the trampoline.  after a while i went to belveder with friends. it is a pumkin farm with a lot of activites.  After that we went to dinner with a bunch of people after that i went to my cousins house then we went to my grandmas house now im here really tired

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My day

i ranbthe 5k it was so fun I ran as hard as I could and gave it my all.  After the run I went back to my house to get ready for going to Virginia after we got there we ate dinner and then I'm watching tv and that was my day

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my day

today was pretty good because it as friday.  when i went to school it was pretty easy i just did boring school work=)after school i went to tae kwon do and took the blackbelt class then i went to paintball with my friends it was really fun the thing we played was were u shoot the zombies and it was really fun so that was my day.

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My day

today was awesome I got to have half day at school then u got ready for my sisters bday party on her actuall bday and some of her friends came over and it was really fun so that was my day 

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My day

today was a pretty good day I went to school and did all my school work then I went to to and did my homework after that I went to get dressed but my aunt hadn't brought by my uniform yet so I waited for a while then I just had to barrow a uniform. Then in the middle of class she brought my uniform and u just hurried and got my belt on.  After that class I got dressed because I already finished all of the credits for the next classes but I will still go once in a while. When I got home my sister and I made dinner for the family and my grandma it was really good we made eggs, bacon, biscuits, hash browns, and my grandma made really good cenamen biscuits then we played Mexican dominos u won the last round and that was my day

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My day

today was pretty fun I am having a sleep over with my friend and in the morning I went to the pre test thing and did really well I got a 104 on my written test and I'm really proud about that. After that I did  the black belt class and then went to smothie King it was really good!!adter that I dropped Leo off at his house because we car pulled then I just went home and watched tv then I had a thanksgiving feast

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My blog

Today was pretty easy I did all my morning stuff.  Then went to the bus stop and my friend was finally late because he usually gets to the bus stop right when the bus comes but his mom ended up taking him.  So that was funny when I got to school I went to locker break and I butterflied my friends locker the other day so he got me back because I left my locker wide open but it's not the first time I have done tagt

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My day

Today was pretty easy I did all my morning stuff.  Then went to the bus stop and my friend was finally late because he usually gets to the bus stop right when the bus comes but his mom ended up taking him.  So that was funny when I got to school I went to locker break and I butterflied my friends locker the other day so he got me back because I left my locker wide open but it's not the first time I have done tagt

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My day

today was pretty easy u got up did all my morning stuff are a good breakfast and went to school.  After school i got on the van and went to tae Kwon do.  When we got there I ate snack.  After snack I went to do my homework I got all of it done except for at least 2 problems.  They were easy easy problems. When homework time was done I got dressed for class today I did a class helped with a a class and took another class so today was pretty easy.  Then I went home and ate dinner it was good I had spaghetti after that for desert we had apple pie that was good and that was my day

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My day

Today was pretty good I got up did all that stuff then I just went and played my xbox.  When I was playing xbox I was also playing on my phone.  After that I watched the panthers vs. saints game and that was fun because I watched it with my grandma but not my sister because she was on the computer

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Awesome day

today was awesome I slept in and then I got ready to go to sky high with my friend luke.  After we went to sky high we went back to the house for me to go to a party at my friends house it was really finer did a bunch of crazy stuff. The first thing we did was just talk and hang out and once it got dark we played man hunt around the naboorhood it was really fun. After that we went back to his house and played with heiliom baloons and made our voices go high.  After that we just hung out and  at cake and my friend witch was his b-day he stuck his face in the cake and that was my awesome day.

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My day

today was fun because it was Friday.  Today I had a literacy test it was really rays I think I got a hundred.  Then in math I had a test but didn't get to finish it but she lets us do it another day. Then in science we did a experiment and it was really cool they had a cup and a postit note inside of it and the air block out all the water an the post it's isn't get wet!!  It was really cool then in social studies I had a test for the whole period!! It was so boring but I got a good grade.  When I got home I ate tacos for dinner and they were good.  When we finished dinner we played a game we didn't get to finish it but it was fun.  That was my day..

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My day

todaywas pretty easy I went to school and I just went to the room and  did all my stuff when I got to my first period we could get this test signed and get extra points so I got it signed and got extra points.  When I finished school I got total Kwon do and had snack and did all my homework it wasn't much it was pretty easy.  When class started o lined up in the back like I was saposed to because him doing the white belt challenge this week.  So far it's pretty fun and that was my day.

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My day

Today was pretty fun I went to my friends house the whole day.  When I was there we played video games and watched YouTube.  After we watched YouTube we did need wars for a little bit then jumped on his trampoline for a while after that we played video games for a while again and then they took me home the I just watched tv at the house did my tae Kwon do stuff for a long time. After that we started a board game with my grandma no I'm here.

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My day

Today was pretty chill I just went to school had some homework but got it done. When I got to tae Kwon do I did my homework and then got dressed but it wasn't a class like always I am doing the white belt challenge this week and it was really fun today because I got to review all the old white belt stuff and that was really fun and when u finished class I took the adult class and that was fun.  When that was over I took kickboxing with Leo witch was fun because he is usually never there so that was my day

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My day

today was pretty easy I just got up did all the morning stuff then I went to tae Kwon do  when I got back I stayed at the house for a while and played out side.  Then I went over to my friends house and played Xbox for a while then ate dinner did some other stuff then went to bed.

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My day

today was pretty easy I got to school did all my stuff.  When I did all my school stuff I went home and went to a soccer clinic with a bunch of people it was crazy

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Awesome day

today I went to school and did all my school stuff and in the morning I had to turn in this slip to to get my hand stamped for the foot ball game after school and the whole day I was thinking about the football game to hang out with my friends and play around.  Even though our team lost we still had if and that was my awesome day

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My day

Today was pretty easy I got up got dressed and did all the morning stuff then I hoped on the bus.  When I got to school I went to my locker and did all my stuff then when school was over I went to tkd and did tae Kwon do.  Then I came home and ate dinner and now I'm here.

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My Day

Today was pretty good I got up did all the morning stuff then went to the buss stop.  The buss takes forever when I get on because we make like 20 million stops with like 3 people at each stop.  It's ridiculous.  When I got to school it went fine did all my regular school day stuff.  When we got to tae Kwon do I did my homework, ate snack an all that stuff.  The I took class after class I stayed for sparing class and in the middle of it I got called for pictures.  Pictures were fun because we got to choose weapons to hold and I had to take a pictures with my sister and when we were doing them we held weapons and it looked like I was going to chop her head off, it was cool.

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Full day

Today was pretty full today I got up got dressed ate breakfast and went out the door when I got to the bus stop the elementary kids were still there and it was like 8:10  it was weird

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My day

today was a pretty easy day my friend and I played Xbox in the morning.  The we ate breakfast, we had eggs it was good.  Then my dad picked my sister and I up and went to a church picnic.  They gave us ice cream it was really good.  We went back home after that and then watched a movie, mall cop 2

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My day

Today was pretty easy I just got up then I went to tae Kwon do and car pulled with Leo.  After tae Kwon do Leo and I went to smoothie king it was good.  Then we just went home and went bowling then had a sleep over with my friend

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My day

Today was pretty much the same thing except today I had to go to the dentist.  No cavities ya

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My day

Today wasn't bad I had a good.  This is how my day went got up got dressed packed my lunch  then went to school.  It was a pretty easy day I didn't have much homework and that was good.  When I got to tae Kwon do I just did the normal stuff while testing was going on.  So today was pretty easy.

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My awesome day

Today at school on the morning anoncments they showed this cool contest and you are saposed to sell as many little coupon cards as you can and there is a lot of cupons on they have tenders, kilwins, brusters and putt put buy a game get a game free it is cool.  After school was over I rode the van back to tae Kwon do and took class and did homework.  So today was pretty fun.

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my day

Today I went to school in 6th grade and its not as bad as I thought it would be even though its not my first day.  when I came home i started on this auto biagraphy homework.  It was pretty easy.  when i finished that i worked on my division facts for a test.  Today was pretty easy.

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Golf day

today we went to play golf.  We also bought some golf shoes.  They look really cool.  It was really fun. We went to the driving range and went on the golf course.  It was a really fun day.

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Spending time with family and friends

Today I spent time with my grandma and my moms friend that is my friend.  With my grandma we stayed home and watched tv together.  Then we went out to my grandmas community club house and watched the older people play ping pong. The we went to Taco Bell it was good

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today I went to camp at the white water center.  I did a kayaking camp with my friend.  We learned how to do a wet exit were we flip over and pull the oh crap strap.  We also got to kayak in the big rapids it was soooo fun. 

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my day

Today I slept in then I went to pick up my friend.  We went to get pizza and then drove back home.  When we got home we watched a little TV.  When i finished watching TV I did my Tae Kwon Do.  I am catching up really fast.

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I'm almost...

I'm almost caught up! Vacation came at the wrong time but I'm working hard to get everything done. Today's BB class and sparring was hard but I was still able to finish it. I have liked meeting other students from King Tiger that are going through the same stuff as me.

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