Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


Today I woke up and we didn’t have school because it was a teacher workday and I got to chill out. I did some requirements and I kicked out some stuff that I needed to finish. This weekend I finished all essays and did my physical requirement test. I did a 7 min and 57 second plank and 6 pulls ups. I was very proud of myself. I had class tonight and I went early to do some stuff and I helped out. 

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Today I went to school. I had double encore and we played 4 square and it was my teachers last day because she is having a baby. I went to TKD right after school and worked on my requirements. 

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Today was the first day back from spring break and Disney is on the bus and I got to hang out with my friends that I miss when we got there a little awkward from not seeing everybody for a couple for a week anymore and it was just a normal day. I thought we had double encore but it’s actually tomorrow and it was just a pretty pretty normal and good day and it was really sad because my teacher is pregnant and she’s going to leave tomorrow. It’ll be her last day until fifth grade graduation because she’s scared she’s gonna know she’s pregnant so she’s just waiting to be safe.
And I did my black book class and my dad pick me up because my mom had to drop us off at taekwondo and go straight to baseball for my brother and we got home and I did some more stuff and went to bed

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Today I went back home and we woke up very early to go to the airport and leave but our flight got delayed till 10 till 950 and so we got to sleep in an hour. We finally got to the airport and we got dropped off by our Uber and we were there and we got into the church bag check out line and it was very very long is in so we switched another line number for faster and then we checked my bag and my dad's bag and then we went to security and that went well and then we were boarding the plane and we boarded and it was an hour and 15 minute flight and I sat there and I watched two movies and then we finally got home and we talked to the friends that we went with on the airport that came to Disney...

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Today I woke up and it was the last day in Disney. We went to a EPCOT I am Road guardians of the Galaxy. That was the best in Disney. After that we had lunch with her friends, and I got chicken tenders, and then we went home and went hotel hang out, hang signs and pizza and just chill for the rest the night.

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Today we woke up and had breakfast at Chef Mickey. We got our picture taken with all of the characters. Then we rode on the monorail. We went on a VIP tour all day and visited 3 of the parks. We were able to ride on 11 rides and they took us to the front of the ride. We had steak for dinner and then we went to the hotel and went to bed. Long day and my feet are tired. 

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Today I woke up and I got to sleep in because it was our day off from Disney. We woke up and got dressed and we went to the boat to go to Disney springs and go shopping and hang out. We went to the jungle café for lunch for brunch and then we walked around and went to stores and we went to the Eminem store and my family made our own Eminem’s and it said make bougie on it and then we went back home and we went to the pool and hang out at one on the slides and had dinner with all of our friends and then I went to bed and take a shower.

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Today I woke up and I went downstairs from the universal resort and switched hotels to Disney. We went to the Disney springs and we went shopping and we had lunch at the dinosaur restaurant. We came back and we chilled out and then went to the pool until our friends came to join the party..

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today I woke up and I chilled out for the day and did requirements until I had to go to the airport. When we got there we went through security reallly fast and then we boarded the 2 hour plane ride. When we got to Florida we got an Uber and we driived to the hotel and we had dinner and went to bed. 

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Today I went to school and it was the last day until spring break and for recess and fun Friday we couldn't go outside because it was raining. When I came home I played with my bunny Maze and watched videos on my phone. We leave for Disney tomorrow and I can't wait. 

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Today it was another day of school and I had my math benchmark and I felt pretty good about it and then it was a normal day for it but for recess, I got to have recess with the fourth graders which was fun because I got to see some of my fourth grade friends and then when I got home I got to chill out and I ran 4 miles today and I went to tae kwon do and have my black belt class

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Today I had to take the science benchmark at school. It was a normal day. My teacher was out. After school we picked up my sister and then took my brother to get a hair cut. After that we went to TKD. I worked on my requirements and ran laps in one of the rooms. 

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Today was the first day back from FL. I went to school. It was a pretty normal day but I was kind of disappointed because last Friday I wasn’t there and we had STEM and we were going to make slime that day and I missed it. When I got home I got to chill out and I worked on some of my requirements. I went over my packing for Disney. At TKD I had my black belt class. Then I went home read my book for school and went to bed. 

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Today I woke up really early because we had to drive back home. It took 6 and 1/2 hours to get there. I was half way bored the whole entire time but I got over it. I played mine craft and watched movies. I came home and ran 2 miles and did requirements. I cleaned my bedroom changed my bunny’s litter box unpacked and took a shower before my mom got home from my brother’s baseball practice. When she came home she picked up pizza and wings for dinner. I had mild wings and I started packing for Disney and went to bed. 

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Today was my great grandfathers 100th birthday. I work up and I got ready and I got to play baseball outside with my aunt uncle and cousins. And then I went to target with my aunt my mom my sister and my grandmother. And we got some stuff. We came home and we had a big party for Great George. I got to hang out with family I didn’t know and have cake and it was really fun. 

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Today was woke up and I got go ready to go running with my uncle and my sister. On the way we did push up. Then I got home and I ate some breakfast. Then I just chilled out and played games for the rest of the day. Before dinner I went to the outdoor malls and I got some stuff. I got home and we had dinner and we just chilled out and hanged for the rest of the day.

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Today I went to school and it was a normal day. I thought I was gonna have a double encore but I didn’t. We are talking about matter in math and science right now and it was actually pretty fun and we did a worksheet about it and then I went to lunch and recess and I hang out with my friends, and when I got home, I went straight to taekwondo and Grandmaster Lee was there and he did an hour and a half class with us with a bunch of people and it was really fun and then he did the black belt class on Wednesdays but it was him teaching instead of master foster which was also pretty fun and they both felt shorter than an hour and a half in 45 minutes and he’s actually really nice and I’m glad that he could come to our door

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I had school today and it was my first day back from being sick and I did my normal stuff I just had to catch up on last weeks Thursday and Friday because I wasn’t there cause I was sick. I had fun recess I got to play I got to see people play basketball and my teacher had a meeting after we had encore so we had to go into different classrooms and I went to the Miss Duke classroom and I got to talk to my friends and I left and when I got home I ran 2 miles and I want to taekwondo and did a mentee and mentor session and requirements in Rosenthal’s and have them class

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Today I got to stay home because we did not have school. I think it is presidents day or teacher workday and this morning. Our cleaning lady came and she clean the house and she did the downstairs first so so so me and my sister and my brother can actually wake up and then. When she was done cleaning downstairs, we all moved downstairs but my mom had to leave because she has jury duty and I made cinnamon rolls for breakfast and for my black belts cycle requirements for a new activity and I just chilled around and cleaned up my mess for making the cinnamon rolls and my mom for she was out. She got us ZIP Code and when we got home I got thrown off over there and go to taekwondo.

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Today I didn't feel good so I stayed home from school and I just chilled out and rest for the day and then nursery I had to go to the doctors to test for strep flu and Covid and I have a sore throat and I chilled out until I had to go to dinner because it was my mothers birthday and we went to the cottages

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Today was Valentine’s Day. It was a normal day but instead of groups we had a valentines party. We got to chill and I got to eat 3 pieces of candy. At TKD I helped with junior Tiger belt testing. Then we all went down to Hawthorns for pizza. 

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Today I had school. It was a normal day but I had double encore and I had global. During class I almost fell asleep but I was awake because I was so tired. When I got home I got to stay home because I didn’t feel good. I ran 1 mile on the treadmill and did one activity in my book. 

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Today I went to school and it was a normal day. I had stem and we were suppose to make slime but we didn’t because the stem teacher burnt her hand and so instead we made these maze box things. After school I ran a mile and then we went to CFA for dinner and then TKD. I did all my requirements and had class. After black belt class we worked with knife training. 

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Today I got to sleep in and it felt great! I ran 2 miles on the treadmill and I did my requirements. After I did all of that around 5 I went my friends house and I watched the superbowl. And I got to hang out with my friends. We had BBQ for dinner and before we left our friends donated to finished bags for bags of hope. 

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Today I woke up and I had sparring and I helped out with a class. Then I went home and chilled out because I was pretty tired. Then I went to target and got some stuff that I needed. Then I came home and unloaded the car and then I just chilled out and went to bed.

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Today I had a 1/2 day at school and I had a normal day. We just did everything shorter because we left at 12 and because valentine is next week. We made a heart valentines basket and after school I got to chill out for a couple hours and rest and then I didn't work out for my taekwondo requirements and then I went to early Ssparing and I did my black belt class. We had pizza for dinner at taekwondo and set up for the junior tiger class on Saturday morning.

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Today I went to school and we had to do book clubs in reading. When I got home I went to TKD and helped with the 3 classes. I did a mentee session and then a mentor session with Master Foster. I got frustrated before TKD because I am tired and need a break. 

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Today I woke up and straightened my hair because I showered last night. Then I went to school and I was suppose to have math superstars but the teacher never came. When I got home my sister was sick so I was the only person who went to TKD and I had tacos for dinner. In class we practiced our self defenses and worked with sticks and staffs during the high belt class.

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Today I accidentally woke up late and then I had school. When I got home from school I played Fortnite and then I was on the phone with one of my friends. After that I headed to TKD and got Chick Fil A for dinner. After TKD my sisree wanted chick fil a too and so my mom said that I could get ice cream. Then I went home took a shower and went to bed

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Today I had school and I ran 2 miles on the playground. When I got home I tried playing Fortnight with my friend but it didn't work so I just hanged out until I went to TKD. Before I went I had 2 corndogs for dinner and after TKD we ran a mile outside at this park. It freezing cold. 

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Today I woke up and I had Lucky Charms for breakfast and then I chilled out and watched a movie and after the movie I did poomseas and self defenses with my sister and read my book. Then I got ready to go to the movies with my grandma and grandpa. We went to see the new Wonka movie and I think that it was pretty decent. It was kind of like a play and I don't usually like plays. Then I went home and ran a mile and did all of my requirements. Ate dinner and then I read my school book and went to bed.

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This morning we woke up and went to sparring class. Then I helped out with the junior tiger and senior tiger classes. I practiced all the poomseas, did rolls and falls, jump rope, sit ups and push ups. We took down the junior tiger ninja course and then we had leadership. Master Foster talked about how to be a leader and a follower. After classes were over me Avery, Parker, Molly, Hudson Connor Master Foster and our parents went to lunch and then got ice cream. I came home and worked on reading my book and writing essays.

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Today I had double encore. I did robots and media and I did usual math, reading, science, and social studies. Then I saw around the rest of the day and then I had fun Friday. Then I got to be a car rider because I had a hair cut. After that I went home to pick up my sister and then got to TKD for the black belt class. We had hotdogs with everyone after class and then we set up the obstacle course for the junior tiger class in the morning.

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Today I had math superstars which was really fun (for kids who have a better mind set in math). Then I got home an went straight to get my sister from school. We went to the hair salon and my brother got a hair cut. Afterwards we went to TKD and I took the senior tigers class as a white belt. We finished making the posters for the Bags of Hope to hand up in our dojang. We already got some applesauce donated from Max and a money donation this morning from a friend. We are off to a good start.

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Today I had classroom pictures and the rest of the day was the same for school. I went to the senior tigers class as a white belt tonight. Everybody was calling me out saying good job white belt and nice kicks white belt. I had to help with the junior tigers class and I lead warm ups in my class.

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Today I ran 2 miles at school and came home and did my requirements. I played battleship with my mom and had pasta with meatballs for dinner. I am a white belt this week so I had to stand in the back of the class tonight. After the high belt class we have a black belt class for red belts and higher. We worked on sticks and pow jung. 

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Today I helped my dad clean our chicken coop because it was really dirty. We also had 2 roosters that were being mean to some of the hens, plucking the feathers off of their backs. They already killed 2 other chickens last week so my dad had to shoot them today. My grandfather was here and he wanted to use the feathers to make flies to go fly fishing with. He also cut up the meat from the chickens so we can have it for dinner tomorrow night. Then I actually got ready for the day and ran a mile. While I was watching a movie I did my push ups, jump rope, sit ups, burpees and planks. I cleaned up my bedroom from us going to Charleston yesterday. I played Battleships with my dad before I had to go to bed. It was a busy day.

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Today I woke up and Charleston and I got to go to the aquarium. I saw a bunch of sea animals. Then we got to go to lunch and hang out with my dad's business partner and his family. Then we went to a boat show. We looked at boats and got to go on them. Lots of boats were really big and I was very impressed. Then we drove home. I got to eat wings and got to bed.

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Today I went to school and I did all of my work. I had fun Friday and I walked a mile. I had lunch and at recess I speed walked 2 miles. I got picked up from school early and went to Charleston with my family. We had tacos for dinner and now we are at the hotel unpacking before we go to bed.

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I went to school this morning and I thought that it was going to snow today but it ended up not. I ran my mile on the playground at school. When I got home I ran another mile on the treadmill and worked on some of my requirements. I didn't have class tonight but I went to TKD and helped the senior tigers with warmups and I helped hold targets while they practiced their kicking. I had a mentor session with Master Foster and got my pull ups and jump ropes done.

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I had a good day at school. I had to take a science test and I only got 3 answers wrong out of 22. At class tonight we did a lot of poomsae and self deferences. We also did a lot of high belt kicks. Before class we worked on staff form and stick form 1. I did a really hard work out and now I am tired and ready for bed.

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Today I woke up and I had to be mute for 12 hours. It was very hard because I had to use my phone to type what I wanted to say or use sign language all day. Me and my mom went to Whole Foods Market, Five Below and Food Lion. I ran a mile and did my requirements. Then I got to eat dinner. When it was 9:00 I could finally talk. I read my book and went to bed. 

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We got up early and went to sparring. I got to do leadership and help out with classes. In leadership we played a fun game called Tiger Ball. I did a mentee session with Elena. We had lunch at Vortex and had ice cream after. I came home and we were able to relax the rest of the day. 

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Today I went to school, did all my work. I had tests in reading and math. Then I had fun Friday and I got to go outside. Then I finished with my tests and went home, but my bus was really late so I got home late. Then I did my requirements and I went to the new black belt class. We did these rotations and I got to eat tacos and I hanged out with the kids and did games and went home.

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Today I woke up late on accident and then I went to school on the bus. When I got there I got to see my teacher's daughter. She gave me a big hug. Then I did all of my work and studied for my test tomorrow in reading. Then I got to eat lunch and go outside. Did the rest of my work, went home, ran a mile, went to TKD. I had a mentor session with Master Foster and a mentee session with Elena. On the way home I was listening to jokes on my phone. Then I read my book and went to bed.

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Today I got double encore/choices and I got to play castle ball with a bunch of 5th graders. Then I had PE and I did reading and science. In reading I got to do book clubs and find my group and then I did science. Then I had a little bit of math and then I had to go to lunch and went outside and hanged out with my friends and it was FREEZING. Then I got to go to math superstars (for cool people) and there was a kid who was sitting across from me. His chair was a little broken and he fell backwards and hit his head on the wall and broke the seat off the legs of the chair. Then I got a piece of candy for doing all my work. I finished my math and got to go home. I played with legos and did my...

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I stayed home because it was a teacher work day. I had a doctor's appointment in the morning. I got to watch a few movies and I ran. I did the rest of my requirements and wrote one of my essays. Then my dad asked me if I wanted to go to Lowes to get some stuff. I said yes then we went to Taco Bell and I went to bed.

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Today is Mt Luther King day so I didn't have to go to school. Which made me happy to have a 4 day weekend because tomorrow its a teacher work day. I got to hang out and go to Target and get some stuff and then one of my friends had a birthday. We went to Cantina in Mt Pleasant and had dinner and cake. I completed all of my requirements and I am working on doing the activities in my book.

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Today I got to sleep in a little earlier because we had a 2 hour delay for school. It was stormy yesterday and some of the roads flooded. They wanted to make sure the roads were pretty clear and dried up. So I only got an hour for each subject which was fun. I was able to run my mile on the playground today at school. Tonight we are having tacos and then headed to TKD for the high belt class. We are also going to do some sparring. 

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I woke up and I went to school pretty early. I got to see my teacher's daughter named Ruthie. She is really cute. I finished all of my school work and I went home on the bus hanged out and did my stuff and then I went to TKD to finish the night. We got to spar and I practice poomsaes.

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got to stay home

Today I got to stay home from school because we had bad weather. It was windy and rainy all day. The creek behind our house flooded. I got to finish a bunch of my TKD stuff for the cycle and I went to TKD pretty early to finish the rest of my stuff and get pumesaes and self defences down. I did my written test again and got 100. I went home to eat ice cream and go to bed.

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What I did today

Today I got to sleep in because I was sore and tried from yesterday. I went downstairs and Molly was making breakfast. I then helped her and my mom set up a TKD room for the cycle. We got a kicking back for Christmas and it took a lot of water to fill it up so it didn't move when I kicked it. Then I relaxed a little and did all of my stuff for the cycle in my new TKD room. 

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