Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


today i went to the fair with my family and now i am going to play fortnite with my friends

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first day of spring break slept in and might go out later today. 

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we're finally done with our testing! thank you to all the masters, instructors, and other cyclists for making this journey one to remember. 

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it has amazing 11 week cycle. i have made so many friends and met so many new people. I wish everyone all the best tonight and in all your future endeavors.

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TOMMOROW IS THE DAY. i dont know if im excited or nervous or both but im not sure if i can sleep. today i went to school and i have so much homework and i really need to go to bed but i cant so sad. looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow.

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1 day !

today i went to school and had a math test and got the first 100 i got in math since 6th grade. good omen for friday night maybe? after coming home i went to my last black belt class of the cycle. its funny how im not going back to the dojang until testing night. now im doing homework.

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2 days left !

today i went to school and then came home and practiced for testing and did homework

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t minus 3 days?

today i woke up and went to jail and had a normal day. then i went to help out with senior tigers class. its was my first time leading sit down warmups so that was fun. then i did a mentee session with isa and then did a mentor session with master weeks. now im doing homework send help

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t-minus 4 days !

today i went to an event for my moms nonprofit. then i we came home and i practiced all of my forms i needed help with then i played fortnite with my friends

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today i did my pretest run and my time went down 4 minutes from the last time. then i went to black belt class and i realized it was my last saturday black belt class until testing. we went over most of our forms and then i came home and did nothing for the rest of the day

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today i went to jail but i went on a field trip! we went to mpa for band and received the highest rating which is a superior. it was lake norman charter's first superior since 2009 so that's pretty great. after we went to cici's pizza and i ate 8 slices of pizza and more stuff and after we got back to school we skipped class and hung out on the field. after i came home did requirements and homwork

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today i went to jail and almost died of boredom. after i went to taekwondo to do leadership and take sparring class. then i did a mentor session with master weeks and now im doing homework send help

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today i went to jail after two days off and we had an incentive day so we spent the whole day outside burning in the sun. then i came home and did homework and went to taekwondo to help out with class and take black belt class and did some requirements there and then i cam home and i have more homework please save me

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today i woke up at my friends house in fort mill and we left to go home after dropping her off at college. then we got ice cream and i went on a run outside but it was so windy. then i did the rest of my requirements and played fortnite with my friends

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hd fun seeing you all this morning. after the pre test i went to do the community service project. then we left to fort mill and im staying at my friends house. good bye.

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today i went back to jail and had a pretty normal day i came home and went to class for leadership and sparring. then i did a mentor session now im going to sleep.

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tosay i went back to jail and if i hear another "hola clase" i might jump of a cliff. it was a pretty normal day we had socratic seminar and that never goes well. i went t the dojang for black belt class. happy 2 days till physical and written exams. i go sleepy now byb bye.

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today i slept in and had a tutoring class after that i went on a run outside bc it was hot and then did the rest of my requirements then i just played fortnite with my friend for the rest of the day and did some hw. good night

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today i slept in and woke up to do my requirements. then i read the whole a good girls guide to murder book and it was pretty good. now im watching tv  

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happy friday! today i had to go back to school. today we had a science quiz and a pretty uneventful day. next week on friday we have to go on a field trip to mpa for a band thing so we had combined rehearsal with the other band class. after school i came home and did my requirements and homework. 

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happy leap day! today was a normal day at jail. i then came home and did some studying and requirements and went to sparring class. we cant actually spar until all the boys get cups so it was kind of boring and it was a really small class too. then i did a mentor session and went home and now im doing hw. bye bye

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today i went to jail and had a normal day. i did my requirements after getting home and had a doctors appt. then i came home and went to the dojang. i did a class assistance and then black belt class. now i have to do hw.

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today i went back to jail on 4 hours of sleep. since we hit 100 pages on notes our science teacher threw us a party and we all got food. then our school had a second bomb threat in 2 days and we had to evacuate and go to the high school so that was fun. then when everything cleared up we went back and our band teacher got us cookies for no reason. then i had a pretty normal jail day. then i came home did requirements and went to girl scouts and now i have homework save meh 

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today i went back to jail and almost cried because i hate it. then i came home and did my requirements. i then went to the dojang and helped with class and testing. then i did mentee and mentor sessions and came home. now i have to do my hw.

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today i slept in and then had to go to tutoring at 10. then i played fortnite until lunch. i then completed my book reading essay which is my last one. i went on a run with my friend and did the rest of my requirements for the day. not looking forward to going to jail again tmrw.

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today i woke up and went to black belt class. master evins had us do something different where we did our forms with a stick in one of our hands. something new and it was fun. after i went home and did my homework i had been putting off and some requirements. then i took a nap because why not. then i went for a run and the weather was not bad i kind of liked it. then i played fortnite with my friends and now im going to watch a movie with my sister. (send help)

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today i had to go to jail and give a formal presentation in social studies. we had to dress like business people and sell our website. i hated it. after it started raining while we were at recess so it messed up my day. i came home and did homework and requirements and ran 2 miles. the track was so wet and i was stepping on puddles everywhere. 10/10 do not recommend. anyways i go sleepy bye bye.

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today i went to jail and had a science test. ew. then i came home and did my requirements and went to girl scouts. i came home and took a shower and did homework. im so sleepy. :)

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today we had no school so i woke up late and did my requirements. i then went on a run and then played fortnite with my friends. i went to the dojang and attended class because grandmaster lee was teaching. it was fun. i then came home and am getting ready for school tommorow.

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today i has e learning and didnt have to go school so i finished all my work at 12. i then did my requirements and practiced my weapons forms. i then finished my essay and now i am going to bed

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today i went to jail and had a pretty normal day. i got home and did some requirements and did my homework and for once i have nothing to do. i finished my empathy essay and now i go sleepy bye bye

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today i had a normal school day then did hw and finished my empathy essay and went to class and did leadership im so sleepy 

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today was a chill day i finished my requirements early so i didn't have to worry about them. i mostly played fortnite and was on my phone did some studying and then watched the super bowl.

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today i went to jail then i went to sparring class and did a mentor session with master weeks. im running on 4 hours of sleep so i was so tired today but i still powered through. please be summer already.

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today i went to jail and then went to taekwondo and did a leadership and attended black belt class. now i have to do homeworrk.

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today i woke up at 5 and knocked out my requirements in the morning before school. i went to jail and i had a pretty normal day. after school i was so tired and wanted to take a nap but i had to go to taekwondo to do a mentee session and help out with class. when i got home from school i found out that the power went out so i was practicing my forms and doing homework in the dark. i helped my dad hold the garage up while he took the car out because there was no power. i helped out with the class and had a good time seeing the kids. i've learned most of their names by now. i then did a mentee session with isa and came back home. it's currently 11:35 and i have more homework please save me

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today i got up early because we had to go to me and my sister's dance performance. i also did a performance for the other martial art that i do called silambam. we left at 7 pm. i had to go to kumon then i did some black belt stuff and now im playing fortnite.

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can you guys tell that i haven't been putting as much effort into my journals as much as i used too. well maybe it's because I've been writing all of these at like 1. i miss the days when i went to bed at 9 homework-free. 16 more fridays until summer break. and don't even get me started on that groundhog. i swear if it doesn't peak out tomorrow hands will be thrown. anyways that's just my little rant.  today i woke up at 5 and got my requirements done. then i accidentally went back to bed and woke up again a 6:30 and i got ready to go to jail. we got there late and i almost fell asleep in my first period. in spanish my friend who sits next to me fell asleep and it made me want to sleep even more. fast forward i had a math test...

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today was my birthday AND IM FINALLY 14!!! sadly i still had to go to jail so i did that and had 2 tests. i hate going to jail and i hate practice even more. i love how i complain about a sport i signed up to do. anyways i came home and celebrated with my family at fahrenheit. then i did more homework and requirements (cry) and i probably will be up until 11 doing this. 

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today I went toy black belt class in the morning. after that I helped out with the junior tigers class,. after that I did some homework. then i had a rec game and im really sad that we lost by three points. after i did more homework and im so tired so good night.

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today i did my requirements in teh morning then went to jail. i went to help with class and then sparring class. after i had a mentor session and went home and did hw.

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today i got up early and finished all my requirements before going to jail. i came back and took a nap and started on my homework. not me borderline failing all my classes right now...anyways i have 3 tests tmrw so gn

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today i woke up at 6 and did all my requirements. since i had nothing to do for the rest of the day i did some homework and finished one of my essays. 

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today i went to black belt class and then came home and did some requirements and rested. i then had a rec basketball game at 4 so i went to that. we lost 13-73...i have a strong feeling i will get benched after this because i fouled a lot and coach is pretty mad at us but whatever. i came home and did nothing for the rest of the day.

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today i did some requirements before school and it was pj day so it was pretty chill because its a Friday. my hw keeps building up so i don't know what I'm gonna do. i had practice and then i came home and did more hw and requirements.

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hansika's journal day idk - 1/18/24

i keep telling myself im gonna journal after my homework but im always so tired so i missed a few days. to fill you up i got a mentee so that's great, it's almost friday and im so done with school. today i had a spanish test and i had no idea what was going on but it is what it is i guess. after school i went to the dojang and got an assistance credit and went to sparring class. i don't know if it's just me but whenever someone asks me to tie their belt i get so nervous because i haven't done so much that I'm confident with it and i don't wanna mess them up but i did it perfectly today. anyways after sparring i got a mentee session in with master weeks and i got my first pull up yayyyy. i got home like half an...

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hansika's journal day 9 - 1/14/24

today i finally got to sleep in and ended up waking up at around 10:30. i did some requirements before eating breakfast. i then watched tv and then ate lunch and did more requirements after. i then read for a while and finished the book is was reading and anyone who reads knows the feeling of emptiness after you finish a book series that you love so much. so i spent the rest of the day sad and i eventually got over it and now i'm here...

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hansika's journal day 8 - 1/13/24

week 2 alreadyyy!!! today i was looking forward to sleeping but i had to get up and go run and i realized how much I've improved in running since my last cycle. even though i walked a lot of it i still could see improvement from last time which i guess is good. after i had to skip black belt class because i had to go to school because i had an all district audition. i was there from 8-4 pm and i got and i went to sleep. i went to tuition (sadly) and then did some requirements. and i have a big fat headache from the cold this morning so that's really fun. tomorrow i look forward to sleeping and i will beat anyone up who wakes me before 1 pm.

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hansika's journal day 7? - 1/12/24

today i went to jail and had a math test and i failed. i then came home in the rain and did homework and requirements. tomorrow i have to go back to jail on a weekend. more on that tomorrow.

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hansika's journal 1/11/24 - day #6

today i had to go to jail and we had maps testing so i so done within the first 3 hours. the rest of day was so boring and i had a hard time staying awake. i had so much homework and i had to get to sparring class so i ended up watching a 45 minute long edpuzzle assignment while doing my requirements. now i know what you thinking, "hansika don't do that you're not gonna learn anything from the video." well trust that i will fail my test tomorrow on that content. i went to sparring class and did a mentor session with master weeks. i then came home and then did my homework until 11:51 and then i gave up and said I'll do it tomorrow. now im writing this. 

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hansika's journal 1/8/24 - day #3

today i had to go back to jail so i woke up at 5 and got ready. i got to school and had a very slow, boring day. we got new seats in ela and it makes me contemplate dropping out of school. (not gonna do that but its a recurring thought in the back of my head) finally, i came home, ate a snack, and did some requirements while watching tv. i went outside to run because it wasn't really bad outside. then i came home and finished my homework. we don't have to go to school tomorrow because of "excessive precipitation" so we have an e-learning day which is so dumb because everyone else gets school off. i was looking forward to sleeping in but looks like i'll have to wake up at 8 for e-learning. at least i can do it from the comfort of my bed. anyway, that...

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hansika's journal 1/7/24 - day #2

today i woke up at 7 because i had rec practice at 8. our coach got mad at us for doing bad at our game yesterday which i don't get because we won but she made as run laps which i guess was good bc i ended up getting 2.3 miles in. i don't run a lot so it really hit after i got home. i made lunch for my family and watched tv. i tried getting in requirements and practiced my jump roping bc our bball coach has a challenge where anyone who gets over 200 jump rope rotations in a minute gets a free t shirt. i cant get over 100 but i guess this is good practice for the black belt cycle as well. tomorrow i have to go back to jail so i finished some homework. 

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hansika's journal 1/6/24 - day #1

today we had our pre-test which i think i did fine on except for the written test. i went home, went to sleep again, woke up at 1:30, and ate lunch. i had a basketball game for rec at 3. i made 4 3's and we ended up winning 64-61. i went back home and wrote on of my essays and had tuition. i watched tv and tried to get in some requirements. pretty good day i guess.

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