Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Back to School

Today I went back to school finally after the water break. They aren't done with the flooring yet and you can see underneath. It's really weird. They gave a Standing O for my birthday celebration at school and everything wrote nice things about me on notecards. When I got home I did a mentee session with Gabriel. I worked on making my notecards to study for the written test. My mom and brother helped me write a speech to give to my class so that I can hopefully become Mayor of JA Biztown. 

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Happy Birthday to Me!

Today I turned 10! I am still out of school this week because of the water break. This morning I woke up and watched some TV and waited for my grandma to get ready to go to Ihop. After I took my birthday money and went to Target to get new Legos. When I got home there some packages in the mail with even more Legos! For dinner we went to my favorite place the Melting Pot for fondue. Cheese fondu is my favorite!

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Birthday weekend

Tomorrow is my birthday and we celebrated all weekend. My best friend spent the night last night and we hung out and played video games. Today my grandparents came over and my mom made the best chocolate cupcakes ever. We played a new game I got called Throw Throw Burrito. It is really fun. Yesterday we went to the community service and got done early so we are going to do another project with my mom. 

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Another Monday

Today I went to school and it wasn't half bad. After school I came home and got to do another mentor session with Gabriel. I helped with some small things for dinner. After I worked some on my homework for this week. And am working on some requirements before bed.

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Today at school I learned a lot about fractions. We had to stay inside for recess and indoor recess is always crazy. I got to take leftover pizza from dinner for my lunch. Tonight Far and I are going to black belt class at Lake Norman.

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Back to School

I missed school yesterday because I didn't feel that good. Today my mom said I was ok to go back but I still didn't feel great. I stuck it out and felt better by the time I got home. I did another session with my mentee Gabriel and it went really well. 

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Weekend Fun

Yesterday I spent all morning doing TKD. I also got another mentee session in with Gabriel. After we got home my Far helped me with my new skill I wanted to learn. I learned how to make Danish pancakes. And they turned out pretty good! Today we went for a run and hung out. 

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Hurray It's Friday!

I had two tests at school today and they were ok. After school I got home and hung out.Then we went to tae kwon do black belt class. After I was very tired. My Far was not feeling so good So we went to go get surprise ice cream. Then we watched Hercules.

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Movie Night

After school I did a training session with my mentee Gabriel and it was really good. I am really enjoying getting to do this with him and we are both learning a lot.Then I went for a run with my Far. Tonight my mom surprised us and took us to see a movie and have dinner at the new movie theatre near our house. It was really cool and the pizza was yummy.

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First Mentee Session

Today I went to school and it was ok. I did a few requirements while I was there. After school I met with my mentee Gabriel, and we did our first mentee session. I am proud of him and he did really well. We worked on self defense 1, 2, and 3 and I gave him some tips on how to get better kicks. 

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Today I had to wake up really early because we had black belt pre-test. It was really tough. After I came home I had some ramen for lunch. I was tired today so I mostly relaxed. My parents got Hawthorne's pizza for dinner and we watched Shazam! It was funny. At the start it was a little confusing but it was a good movie. 

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Cake Friday

Today I went to school. It was better than the other days this week. After I came home, I checked on the snake but she wasn't very active today because she ate yesterday. We went to the Lake Norman school for a black belt class and then when we came home my mom had a surprise. She got us some cakes from Nothing Bundt Cakes. I am a little nervous about the pretest in the morning.

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Hungry Snake

Today I went to school and it was ok. The best part of today was when I got home. We got finally feed the snake. It was really interesting and it happened really fast. She saw the mouse and then it was gone so fast. We went to TKD classes and then when we got home we fed her a 2nd mouse. It was gross but cool at the same time. 

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Long Day

Today I woke up very tired and was tired all day. The best part about my day was seeing my best friend Caleb at recess during school. The not so great part is some of the people in my class weren't being so nice to me. I also ran 1 mile around the field at school and another mile when I got home. To make me feel better, my mom made some of my favorite things for dinner. 

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Last Day of Break

Today was the last day of winter break. I hung out with my brother while my parents went to work. We played video games, went for a run, and made our own lunch. This evening, my Far and I went to help with the senior tiger class. When we came home, my mom made vegetarian chili for dinner. After dinner we got to take out the snake that my brother got for Christmas. Today was a very good last day of winter break.

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Good running day

Today I went for my longest run. It was really good but now I am very sore. The back of my legs hurts the most. My mom made a lot of awesome food today. Including monkey bread and homemade tacos. I asked her for the recipe so I can make them one day on my own. I am sad I have to go back to school on Tuesday. One more day of fun.

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The Snake Hunt

This morning we got up and went to Black Belt class at Lake Norman. We also got a mentor session with Master Knight. When we came home, we went out to find a pet snake for my brother Patrick. We went four places before we found the perfect snake. It is a female ball python. She doesn't have a name yet. When we came home we went on a run.

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Last night I had a sleepover with my best friend Caleb. We were very silly and played lots of video games. We went on a run together for 2 miles in the rain. This afternoon I had a mentor session with Instructor Foster. We worked on poomsaes and self defenses. My mommy and far surprised me with my favorite Chinese food for dinner. 

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Happy New Year

Today I went on a 2 mile run. I also played lots of video games and hung out. I tried collard greens at dinner and they were gross. But I did eat the black eyed peas and cornbread for good luck.

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New Year's Eve

This morning we went to Harrisburg for a mentor session with Instructor Foster. We practiced and fixed some things with my self defenses. Later we had friends come over for dinner. My far grilled steak that was awesome and I got to play video games with my best friend. My mommy made kransekage (Danish almond cake) and we talked to my grandparents on video chat. I hope I can stay up until midnight for the New Year. 

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Mr Tokyo

This morning I made a deal with my parents that I had to do my requirements for the day before we went to lunch at one of my favorite places, Mr. Tokyo. I ordered lots of food and tried something new, the sweet potato sushi. It is now one of my favorites! Next time I will definitely order that. I ate so much my stomach hurt. Later in the afternoon we went for a run when I felt better.

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Julefrokost (Danish Christmas lunch)

Yesterday we celebrated Danish Christmas with friends. My parents made a lot of food and all the parents sat around and ate for a long time while the kids played upstairs. The kids played lots of video games and ate chips and candy. Today we cleaned up, got Bojangles for breakfast, and went on a run. 

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Cleaning Day

Today I spent a lot of time helping my parents clean the house. I helped with cleaning the bathrooms, the floors, and sorting out toys. I went for a run with my dad and we went half a mile more today. I read some of my book "Stanford Wong Flunks Big Time". We ate leftover pizza for dinner and watched the new season of Lost in Space. 

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Time with Nonny

Today we went to the store and got some new Lego sets with my Christmas money from my grandparents. My grandmother Nonny took us to the Lego store and then to Target. I got a Hogwarts Express Lego set and a Fortnite Nerf Gun. I went on a run again today, and learned not to go as fast at the start because it tires me out too fast. 

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My first post

This morning it was Christmas and I woke up and got lots of presents from Santa and my parents. I got several Lego sets and my favorite is the Night Bus from Harry Potter. My Far and I went on a run today and it was hard but we got through it. I felt good afterwards. One of my presents is a keyboard, and I spent a lot of time playing silly music on it. We had a video chat with my grandparents in Denmark. My parents made pizza for dinner. It was a very good day.

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