Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Today I went to master Evans school and when to the Philippine stick seminar and met master malagrito and it was very fun hope you did too!

Might not become black belt..

Today when logging I realized I might not become a black belt...

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Teacher work Day

Today was a teacher work day and i relaxed a lot and i got a bunch of requirements done

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Boy Scouts!

It has been FOREVER since I have been to boy scouts and I have been taking a break so I am very excited

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Today I went to work a lot on my homework that is due tomorrow!

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Right now I am testing a theory please ignore this post  

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Today I got a lot of work down so it made me really exhausted  

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Regular SSunday

Today I went to do my chinease school and then I went to violin which was pretty normal but what was ubnormal was my work ethic!

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Black Belt Class

Today when I was heading to black belt class I was not expecting all of that work! we did tons and tons of self defenses and this will really boost my requirements!

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Fear is Here

Today is a nerve wrecking day since I know I might not finish my self defenses and I need to

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TD Meeting

Today me and my mom went to the td meeting so the parents could know what to do. so I am still there listening.

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Bad News

Today when I checked PowerSchool so I can see my grades they were pretty bad and I have a massive project coming up 

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Good day

today I did my requirements finished the last of my mentee sections and did a lot of work at school 

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Today sense I could not  do ANY pullups today I felt really bad and started working out so I am pumping a lot of requirements

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I have Posted my first VIDEO please like and subscribe to Gam1ng_Coder! https://youtu.be/Rj_hJkr4veg it took a lot of patience because it took me 2:37 minutes for the recording to get downloaded from my screen recorder and took 12:58 to upload

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Normal day

Today is an unusualy normal day =| most of the time there are strange thigns    

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The story of youtube and a deer

Today I posted my first video on youtube! and I ran (almost) into a deer. what happened was when me and my mom where driving we saw a deer trot up to the road so we got nervous. but the it LOOKED BOTH WAYS and stoped to let us pass, I call these phenomenon Civilised deer. please like and subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rj_hJkr4veg  

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Today Was a strange day because of all of the strange things that happened like Me running 0.9 miles

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Today I went and ran my miles today and ran extra miles on the way home  

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Today me and my friend logan played Minecraft and we had a blast at it and we got a bunch of stuff done

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Today is the 2nd day my dad has comeback and I am extremely happy  

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Today I realized that I had forgotten to log the stuff from my journal so today I am patching things up.

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White Belt Challenge

Today is my second day of my white belt challenge and I felt pretty strange and watching everyone get in front of me

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Science Olympiad info session

toaday I went to the science Olympiad info session and it was very exiting. I go to see all I needed for my science Olympiad!

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Chinese Checkers

Today I played Chinese Checkers with my mom. It was very fun! It was very hard but after a while I started winning!

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Nothing to do

Today when I woke up I realized that I had nothing to do I decided to do some requirements and I also found out that I might go to my friends house to

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Georgia Atlanta Taekwando

Today was an awesome day since me and my dad played some Pokémon go and I went to go check out the other taekwondo school and I found out that the grandmaster was a NINTH DEGREE BLACK BELT it was cool to see how he ran his dojang too!

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yesterday I got to Atlanta and we went to a lot of places it is very fun i won’t be doing as much requirements though????

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Great Day

Today I got to school and I saw all of my friends which I am still happy about and I got to see my orchestra teacher which is nice my social studies teacher which is nice and my science teacher which is also very nice. When I was heading home I realized the backpack I wanted was here which was good and todays sparing is also good because I went up against Nate and I did not get hurt as much as I usually would.

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Lots O code

Today I have been working on Coding a lot for my new skill I am making a game by JavaScript and HTML. it has been very tiring. I feel like all I am doing is catching bugs now but here's the link file:///C:/Users/home/Desktop/Nintendo%20Universe%20-%20Hunt%20for%20the%20Dream%20Stone.html not the best but I like to go for my all     Please comment your response to my game I need all the help I can get ( if anyone knows how to code please tell me)(this game is still in beta)if the link does not work tell me or try to copy and paste it.

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A very unusually good day

today I just got Minecraft which I wanted for a very long time and I also got to play with my friends on Minecraft which are across the us. I also found out how to download a special mod for Minecraft which I also wanted for a very long time. also I practiced a lot of requirements and I did my poomsaes like master loyd asked 

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Bad News

I only have 1 essay done and I do not have the written test memorized yet and I also forgot most of the poomsaes =<

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Hard Work!!

Yesterday my mentor and I went through my color belt poomasaes and helped me memorize them (I am very behind). So today I will be working on 2 essays, all of my poomases, I will shadow spar, work on my website that I am coding, and do my self defense.

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