Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


Today I slept in for a while then I got up and went to the dentist.  At the dentist I got my teeth cleaned and had no cavities. After that I went downstairs to see the orthodontist. I will need Invisalign but will only have to wear them for about a year or so.  Then I came home.  I worked on some requirements and then went to class and sparring.    Going to head to bed early tonight.  

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Today I woke up and went to school. It was the same as any other day and we did not really do much. After that I went to baseball then home where I went to work and went out to dinner because of Callen’s birthday

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Today I woke up and went to school.  It was the same stuff as usual.  After school I had baseball.   Where I was working in the outfield.   They had a machine throwing as fast as it could go. They had us running from the infield to the outfield fence.   We had to do that for an hour.   Then I was dispose to have a baseball camp in Charlotte but the other team did not show up.  We ended up having a practice instead.  Lots of baseball today.  

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Today I woke up and played some games with Callen and we had to work together but Callen wasn’t very good at following directions and was always making us restart but after we completed around two levels we were asked to air rate and put down grass seed so we did that for a while until I had to go to work where I helped with two classes then I had to go give some supplies to my grand dad and my aunt but we got stuck in traffic and it took for ever to get there but we are heading home now

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Today I woke up and I got breakfast.  I was kinda tired all day.   We went to the Panthers game.  They lost but have done better than they have been in a while.  I was kinda upset that I was going to have to go to school tomorrow. But as I was driving home my mom told me school was cancelled due to the damage from the storm.  One the way to the game my aunt called and told us she was able to talk to her husband and he is safe. From the storm.  My aunt is going to try and get home Tuesday. This should be the day my g.  But since they have no power she called to see if we could get some groceries for her and my granddad.  My granddad should be able to go home from the hospital on Tuesday.    Mom went to the store tonight and we are planning on taking these to her tomorrow night.   

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Today I woke up pretty dang early.  I was not a happy camper.  I really like to sleep in.  I got there early and did my running.  I beat my time.  Then went over to Master Evins school to do the rest of the physical activity and the. The written test.  I am pretty confident I did ok.  Then we went back to lake Norman after we were done because Callen needed a class assist.  I decided to help because it was a really big class and nothing better to do. After that we came home and dropped Callen off.  Then me and my mom went to the store to get water, and snacks for my Aunt and my Granddad.  My grandad is in the hospital and my aunt got stuck down in Spartanburg and has not been able to get back home to Weaverville because of the storms.  Then we...

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Today I woke up after sleeping in a little later. I didn’t have school in person.  Then I did my school work which did not take very long.  When I was done with that it was still raining so I was stuck inside.  Which kinda sucked.   While inside I worked on some of my stuff. I took breaks to play games with Callen.  Then I went to work but there were not many kids so I just work on my requirements.   Then had rolls and falls and black belt.  Then I came home.  Studied and worked on finishing my essays.   Now heading to bed.  

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Today I woke up. I went to school.  Then during second block we were told there was no school on Friday.  So I was very excited because I could do my stuff but also I was sad because I could not go outside to play with my friend.  Instead I have to stay inside and really not do anything.  But then I came home and took a nap.  When I woke up I went to sparring.  It was fun.  After we were done we got some food and came home.  Now I am playing Xbox with my little brother.  

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Today I woke up and went to school.   Everything was normal except today was a half day.   We didn’t have lunch today because we got out early.   Then since it was early release day we didn’t have baseball.  So I came home and play a couple of video games before work.   I went to king tiger for work.  Everthing was a pretty normal day.  

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Today I woke up and went to school.  Did the usual it was a boring day.  Then went to base ball.  They made us work so much and ran a lot today.  I forgot to take my water to the field.  My tongue was super dry. I had to drink from the water hose.  My lips went numb from the pressure.  Then I went to work did the usual. And that is it.  

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Today I slept in since I have not been feeling good.   I felt better when I woke up today.    I also got to drive a little today and drive dad truck.  We had to go put the cover on the boat. After we did that we went to the store to get some things for dinner.  We had nachos.  

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Today I woke up and I went to class.  When that was over I had to wait for Callen to help with the next class.   I decided to help as well.  Then when we were done I drove to breakfast at chicfila.  For some reason Callen wanted Burger King so I had to drive there too.  Then I came home and watched the dog all day.  

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Today I woke up and went to school.  Where I had the same boring day as always.  Went to black belt class and I drove Callen to his baseball game and then drove home.  I like driving and am getting better.  

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Today I woke up and went to school.  I had earth and environmental science.  We started a new unit.  I missed my test yesterday because I went to get my permit.  So I had to take it during advisory.  We worked on the new unit. Then I went to 2nd block where we just had a quiz on unit 2.  Then I went to 3rd block where we worked on our presentation.  Then I went to 4th block where we just worked out of the textbook.  Then I had baseball today.   I was hitting in the cage for most of it but at the beginning of practice there was a bunch of mold.  They made us move a large scrap of turf and it was soaked and had a bunch of frogs under it.  It was covered in mold.  We had to wash the mold off.   After that we...

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Today I woke extremely tired and forgot what today was and then I went to the DMV. That is when I remembered what today was.   Today was my birthday.   I got to the dmv and took my test.  I passed and got my learners permit.   Then I went I went to school. I just missed 1sr block.  Then the rest of the day was boring.  I then went to king tiger.  That is where the birthday song. Then we went to dinner at the melting pot.  I am going to go straight to bed it is late.  

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Today I woke up and went to school.   1st block was boring we did a couple quizzes. Then I went to second block which was also boring.   Actually the whole day was boring.  Then I got something to eat when I came home from.  Then I went to work.  

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Today I woke up  and went to school.   1st block was pretty boring.   Then I went to 2nd block and heard there was a bomb threat at Bailey.  We went into a modified lockdown for the rest of the day.   Then I went to 3rd block. Nothing new happened.  I went to 4th block and we still had a sub.   Baseball was cancelled because of the rain. I came home and laying around till I had to go to work.  Which really wasn’t all that long.   Came home and had dinner.   

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Today I woke up.  We went to the Panthers game today.  They did not play well at all and lost.   On the way home we stopped by Home Depot and I was able to find a spruce tree.  Mom made dinner and then I took some cold medicine and heading to bed.  

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Today I woke up.  Was feeling really sick so I didn’t go to blackbelt class.  I play games for a little while.  Then we went to walk the dog and he got off the leash.  I got lost in the woods trying to find him.  I made it back and dad had found the dog.   We came home and I took a nap because I was worn out.  When I woke up. I moved all my catcher gear and bats to my new baseball bag.   We went to pikes to look for a spruce but they didn’t have any because it has been so hot and they will not get any until it gets cooler. We are going to look at Lowe’s tomorrow.  We then went to eat and now I am tired again.  Mom is going to give me more cold medicine before I go to bed.  

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Today I woke up and went to school.   In first block we didn’t do anything.  In 2nd block I took a test.  In 3rd block the internet cut out so we could do anything.  In 4th block we had a sub and did not do much.   I went to work and then took blackbelt class.   I don’t feel good tonight and I am going to take some medicine and go to bed.   

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Today I woke up went to my first class.  We had a sub again.  Then I went to second class were I took a couple of tests.  Then  I worked on my project in 3rd block.  In 4th block we did ELA in the text book. I had baseball right after school.  It was freshman only and we had batting practice.   

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I woke up and went to school.  In 1st period we still had a sub. In 2nd period we took 3 quizzes. In 3rd period we started a project.  In 4th period we worked in the text book.  I had school ball practice we didn’t do catching drill so I was with the outfielders.  We also did hitting. I was hitting off 80 mph machine.  Then we did fly ball drills the rest of practice.  I came home waited a little while and went to my baseball game. We won this time.  

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Today I woke up and went to school.  There was still a sub in first block.  I went 2nd block where we just worked on our pace on quizzes.  Then I went to third block and had to work with a partner.  Then in 4th block we worked in the text book.  Then I went to school baseball practice.  I did catching with the machine and 35mph, 50 and 70.  Then we worked on popping up.  I came home stayed home for a little while and then went to my brother’s game.   

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Today I woke up and went to school.  My first block we had a sub so we didn’t do anything today.  In my second black class,  we did some part 2 activities. In my third class my teacher was actually there today and we reviewed the packets we did when the sun was there. In my fourth class we worked in the textbook.  Then I went to the baseball field and we picked weds. We also rolled out the old turf we got from the football field.  I came home took a shower and went to work.   After work I took the 2nd. Don class and worked on double stick and anyoisa. 

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Today I woke up.  I went to get new shoes.  I got a pair of nice tennis shoes and a pair of running shoes.  I also got some clothes.  Then I went and helped my dad put out some grass seed out.  Then we went go carting with Callen.  I won the first race.   The 2nd race I got a bad cart or I would have had beaten him.   

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Today I woke up went to class.  I was working today so I help with the jr tiger classes.  Then I went to the kick a thon.  After the kick a thon I went to my baseball game.  We lost.  Just been a chill evening because it was such a busy day.  

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Today I woke up and went to school.  Nothing exciting happening at school today.  Then I had to go to the doctor today.  After the at I went to work.  I helped with attendance and in between classes I was practicing staff form 3.  That was my day.  

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Today I woke up and went to school.  It was pretty boring today.  I had to work today too.  In between classes I was working on my staff form 3.  I want to make sure I know it well.  That was my day.   

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Today I woke up and still was not feeling very good.  But I helped my dad with some stuff. I just stayed around the house today.   I played the next game I got in my Xbox.  

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Today I woke up and I did not feel good so I stayed home today.  I got a new game on my Xbox and been playing that.   I am hoping I will feel better tomorrow and the rain stops so we can go out on the lake.  

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Today I got up and went to black belt class.  I stayed over since I worked today.   After work we had a cookout to go to.   We played in their pool with other kids there.   

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Today I woke up and went to school.  Then I went to first block which is earth and environmental science.  After that I went to advisory. Which is homeroom. After that I go to 2nd block on b days I go to business essentials. We had 3 easy assignments to do so I completed them in class.  We had a sub again in entrepreneurship.  Which was super boring class.  After that we had ELA.  We worked in our text book again today.   It was boring but easy.   Came home and played on my Xbox before going to sparring.  That was my day.   

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Today I woke up and I went to school. At school I did a packet in my first block and we worked on it all class.  I went to the assembly where they talked about punishments about not following the rules.  After that I went to second block were I learned to use excel.  I watched some videos to get closer to taking the skill challenge.  Then I went to third block. We had a sub and had a packet to do which was easy.  In Ela we worked in our text books. Then I went to work where I helped with some classes and got a leadership credit.  I am tired and going to bed early tonight.  

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Today I woke up and my friend drove me and one of my other friends to school.  We got there at about 7 and started the day in first block it was boring. After 90 min I went to study hall. I had nothing to do so I just talked to my friend.  Then I went to 2nd block.  I have the same teacher for 2nd block all year.   That room is really really cold.  I went fro 3rd block for 20 mins and then went to lunch.  At lunch I saw more friends as well as the people I rode to school with.  We finished up 3rd block after lunch.  Then I went to 4th block which is ELA. We didn’t do much. I came home and took a nap.  Then I went to baseball practice.   

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Today I woke up and did my driving for drivers ed. When I was down we went to Greensboro to see a friend for his birthday.  We went to a water park.  Then we ate dinner at a Japanese restaurant.  

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Today I woke up and went to class. When we were done I did a mentor session.   We worked on bolo and stick form 3.   I got some breakfast and then came home.   Once I got home I waited for my driving instructor to come.  Then he made me check the car to make sure it was all good. Once we were all set.  We drove around the neighborhood for a while.  Then we went up to Davidson. When that was over I took a Nap and then ate lunch.  

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Today I woke up and I played with my friend for a while.  I went to black belt class. There were no rolls and falls so I did jump rope instead.   In class we did line drills about different attacks in kwan sol.  

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Today I woke up and went to work.  I was with group 2. We split group 2 into 3 groups today for the magic show.  After all 3 groups were done with the show we had snow cones.   I got Mango.  Then they just played electronics for the remainder of the day.  I came home took a nap and then went to sparring.   I am going to head over to a friend’s house for a little bit.  

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Today I woke and went to work.   I was with group 3.  Today we went to the splash pad. The water was really cold so I didn’t get in that much.   We did some big mat games and ate snack.  Then I went to open house at school. All my teachers seem pretty nice. When I finished open house I ate a little snack and did some requirements.   

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Today I woke up and went to work. I was with the older group. We went to the park at Blythe Landing.  We got back and played games.  When I got home I walked my dog.  It was a pretty chill day because we had such a busy weekend.  

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Today I woke up and went to class and after class I mentor session. We worked on my second don self defense. I came home and ate breakfast. We then went to the Davidson farmer market and picked up some blackberries.  The I went to go get the boat with my dad. But the boat trailer was flat.  Luckily some at the storage lot had an air compressor to fill the tires and come home.  Once we got home. I helped my dad clean the boat.  I had to clean some mold and algae off the seats.  It has been in storage for about 2 years.  We then went to the Panthers game.  They lost 15 to 6.   

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Today I woke up later since I didn’t have to work.   Worked on some requirements and went to black belt class.  

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Today I woke up and went to help out with summer camp. I was group 3 and we went to the park today. We went to Enzo and ate snacks and the went back to king tiger where we played big mat games til the end of the day. I came home did some kicks and running.  Off to bed.  

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Today I was still pretty tired from camp. I guess I didn’t get much sleep while I was gone.  Last week I was a Seabase scout camp and I got to learn to drive a sail boat in the FL keys.   We went snorkeling and fishing.  Hopefully tomorrow I will not be so tired and will be able to get caught up on my requirements I could not do while I was gone.   

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I was in a car all day today and got back from Florida. I  was on a boat all week and I am really tired.   I will write more tomorrow about my adventures.   Good night.  

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Today I went to blackbelt class.  Afterwards I got breakfast. I was really tired and took a little nap.   For lunch I made waffles. Then I had to run and get the last of the things I need for Seabase.  I am leaving Monday morning for camp.  After we got back I went for a walk with my mom.  

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Today I woke up. I played on my Xbox for a little while.  Then I went to class. In class I remembered all of stick form 3. I was told to work on parts of staff form 2.  During my mentor session we worked on the first part of staff form 2 to make sure my preps. and strikes were good.  I came home and worked on some requirements.  

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Today I had drivers Ed we learned to be careful about semi trucks and motorcycles.  Then we went to go pick up JoJo to see the new Deadpool and wolverine movie.  It was a super funny movie and my favorite one so far.  Otherwise it was a boring day.  

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This morning I woke up and took my drivers Ed class.  Today we took a couple of tests on the last 4 chapters we read. They were 16 questions and I am pretty confident I got them right.  I had to leave class at 5 to make it to black belt class.  After class I came home and walked my friend’s dog.  I walked with my mom and little brother.   After that we walked our own dog Smokey.  I showed them a new route to get some extra miles in.  It made Smokey really tired.  Then we went to the store to buy stuff for nachos.   I made na his for me and my little brother.  Then I am heading back over to let Cooper out one last time before bed.  

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Today I had a drivers Ed class for 5 hours.  We learned about signs, their colors and what each color means.   I will have class again tomorrow before class and sparing.   

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