Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


Today was a normal day at school.  I was so happy to find out I got a 107 on my math test yesterday.  I can't wait for testing this week.  See everyone Friday!

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Hand ball

Today we had hand ball at PE.  I was doing pretty good and was the goalie a few times and made some saves.  After that I went to lunch.  I had a hamburger.  Then I got picked up at carline. I went to Taekwondo and had a session with Instructor Logan.  Now I'm getting ready for bed.  Have a great day everyone!

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Busy day

Today I did 1 1/2 hours of poomsae class, then I did 1 1/2 hours of lacrosse.  Then I came home and have been working on my kwan essay.  Now I'm playing with legos.  I will have dinner and then go to bed.  Have a great day!

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Super Saturday

Today I went to Taekwondo and did a mentee session. Then I had a good breakfast at chik-fil-a.  Then I had lacrosse practice and we also had breakfast for dinner.  Have a great day!

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Goat Pizza

Tonight I had new pizza that I had never had before.  It was from Goat pizza - it was pretty good.  Before that I went to Taekwondo - we practiced red belt self defense.  Have a great day.

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Today my mom and sister came back from my sister's school retreat.  I had lacrosse practice tonight.  My coach is going to re-string my stick.  Have a great day tomorrow. 

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Today I had a normal day at school and then went to taekwondo.  I helped with a class and took a class.  I also had guitar lessons.  Now I'm eating spaghetti and getting ready for bed.  

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Today was a normal Monday.  I had music class and played the recorder.  At night I went to taekwondo and had a mentor session with Master Natasya.  Good night - have a great day!

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Hockey game

Today I had my first hockey game of the season.  I put my hockey pads on and got on the ice.  I play attack with my friends, sadly I didn't score a goal, but three of my friends did.  We won 9 to 3.  Good night.

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Extra credit

Today it started as a normal day.  Went to school, had choir.  I had forgotten to do my math extra credit that is due tomorrow.  I spent all night working on it.  I'm missing taekwondo class because it's testing week.  Now, it's late and I'm going to bed.  Have a great day everyone. 

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Today I had chik-fil-a for lunch at school.  After that I went to recess.  I played soccer, then we went back inside and did more school work.  Then I came home and went to lacrosse practice.  I had a bunch of handwriting to do for homework tonight.  Have a great day everyone.

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Today I had PE. We played kickball. Sadly my team lost, but I had two runs and I caught the ball once. Have a great day! 

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Today I had band at school, we worked on violin and recorder.  When I got home I went to hockey practice.  Now it's super late so I have to go to bed - have a great day!

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Super Sunday

Today I woke up and had poomsae class.  Then I went straight to lacrosse practice.  When I came home it was still a beautiful day so I played outside.  We had salmon for dinner.  My dad and sister are going to a college soccer game tonight and my mom and I are staying at home.  I'm playing some switch and after I worked on my essays.  Have a great day tomorrow. 

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Today was the kick-a-thon, I was so excited.  My grandparents and family donated money so I had to do alot of kicks.  After that, my dad and I went to get my cypress plant for the cycle.  Tonight we went to Alinos for dinner.  It's my favorite pizza place.  When we got home we chilled out on our outdoor couch.  Have a great day.

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Today I had choir, we worked on do, rae, me and sa. When I got home I went to lacrosse, on the way back I had to leave quick and I didn't know why.  My mom told me that my dad hurt his hand and needed stitches.  So we rushed to see him at the urgent care.  His hand is now all wrapped up.  I hope he feels better soon. 

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School day

Today was a normal day at school.  I had a math test and a history quiz.  I think I did pretty good on each.  After school, my mom went to curriculum night and I had lacrosse practice and did my requirements.  When I came home my dad got pizza and then read and went to bed.  Good night. 

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Today is my birthday.  I came downstairs and opened presents.  Then it was time for school and I got a homework pass.  At taekwondo they sang and hit me with noodles.  My dad got the big noodle and hit me on the head.  It was a great birthday.  

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Tonight we had fondue.  There were marshmallows, rice crispy treats, strawberries, bananas and other things.  The chocolate was dark chocolate.  It was delicious.  Hope you have some fondue soon - have a great day!

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Night before my birthday party

Today, my mom and sister decorated our basement for my birthday party.  I tested out nerf guns that my school friends are going to play with.  After black belt class I went to a birthday party for a friend at school.  He's also on my lacrosse team.  Tonight I had chicken and rice for dinner.  Then I had delicious vanilla ice cream.  Have a great day tomorrow. 

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History test

Today was my first history test.  I studied so much last night.  I cooked it - I knew every single answer by heart.  I know I will get a good grade.  Tonight at taekwondo I worked with Asa on Poomsae's and Instructor Courtney on staff form 2.  When I got home I had rice, salmon, avocado and spinach.  For my monthly challenge I'm eating a vegetable each day.  Have a great day.  I hope you do good on your history test, too!

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Today was my first hockey try-outs for this season.  When we got there we did line drills and puck handling.  Then we did a scrimmage.  I had two shots om goal - one missed and the other the goalie caught.  When I got home I took a shower and now I'm ready for bed.  See you tomorrow.  

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Today I woke up and had pancakes and sausage.  Then I went to poomsae class, then I had a lacrosse lesson.  I had gum in the car and mac n cheese for lunch.  I was so hungry.  I practiced hockey in my driveway.  Tonight my dad cooked steaks for dinner.    

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Bolo form

When I woke up I went to black belt class and helped with the class after.  In between the classes I did bolo form with Instructor Logan.  I got home and went to the pool with my friends.  I'm so tired from a busy day.  See you tomorrow. 

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Black eye

When I woke up it started out as a normal day - went to school, did my work, came home.  I went to sparring tonight. We worked on stretch kicks and ax kicks.  Then we put our gear on and sparred.  I was sparring Magnolia, but while we were sparring I was accidentally punched in the eye by another black belt.  I fell on the ground and went to sit down.  Master Natasya got me an ice pack.  When I got home my dad asked what happened to your eye.  I told him and he promised me ice cream after dinner.  I snuggled on the couch with my biggest squish - a -mellow.  Now I'm eating my delicious ice cream and writing my journal and praying for my eye to feel better. See you tomorrow - have a great day!

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Black belt class

Tonight I went to Grand Master Evan's Black belt class.  We did first dan and bochodon self defense and kicking defense.  There were some people there that I didn't know, but the black belt class was fun.  When I got back home I ate chicken and rice.  Now it's very late so I have to go to bed.  Have a great day. 

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Today is my lacrosse practice we worked on shooting and its my mom's birthday! The cake we had tonight was really good. Now it's really late so I have to go to bed. 

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Normal Sunday

I woke up, ran over a mile and did my requirements.  Then I came inside and ate breakfast.  Then I went to poomsae class - it was fun and we did stretching.  At home we had lunch and had a face-off lacrosse practice.  It was fun.  I just had my dinner - it was a normal Sunday. 

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Dad's birthday

When I woke up my mom put decorations up for my dad's birthday.  I had pancakes for breakfast.  Not long after dad came home from his workout and we suprised him.  We are going to dinner in Charlotte tonight for his birthday and then going to watch a soccer game.  Have a great night. 

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First Day of School

When I woke up it was the first day of school and I was so excited.  My mom made us take pictures and then we went to school.  I had art and recess.  When I came home I went to Taekwondo and did a mentor session.  When I got home my sister and dad were playing basketball, I changed and played with them.  Then I worked on my hockey shots.  It was a great day.  

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Today was my class orientation for school.  I was so excited.  When I got there a teacher was going to talk to us for an hour to tell us about the school year.  I sat with all of my buddies at a table.  After that I went to see my classrooms and find my locker.  For now I'm sitting with all of my buddies in class.  I can't wait for the school year!

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Expansion Pass

Today I woke up, ate breakfast, went on my run with my mom and did other requirements.  Then I went to poomsae class and we worked on line drills and stretching.  when I got home I ate mac n cheese for lunch.  I had a $20 gift card to the Nintendo Store and I bought Legend of Zelda BOTW Expansion Pass.  I got another main quest and side quests.  I played on that for a little bit.  Then I went outside and played lacrosse.  After dinner we played rummy with my grandparents.  They leave to go home tomorrow. My school starts this week and I am soooooo excited.  Have a great day tomorrow.  

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A hot day

I woke up and went to Black Belt class and we worked on poomsaes and self defense.  Then we drove an hour to watch my sisters soccer game and it was sooooo hot and boring.  Have a great night.

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Face off lesson

Today I woke up and it was the last time my sitter would be here for the summer.  I did my workout at Champions.  I had pizza for lumch.  Then I had my first lacrosse face off lesson with Quinn.  It was really fun.  We worked on pops.  When I got back home it was time for taekwondo class.  I did a mentee session and helped with line drills.  When I got home, my grandma and grandpa had arrived from Ohio.  We had barbeque for dinner and played games.  Now I'm really tired and it's time for bed.  Goodnight. 

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When I woke up my sitter came and I did my requirements at Champions.  I had mac n cheese for lunch and we went to sweet frog.  I went to Taekwondo and helped with the 5:15 and took the 6:00 class.  When we got home I watched Olympics.  Tonight I went outside to play lacrosse.  After that me and my family sat on our deck and we saw about twenty bats flying through the trees and over our house.  Have a good day tomorrow. 

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Hill Sprints

When I woke up, my sitter came over and we did a big workout.  I did my requirements and also did hill sprints for my running.  Then I went to the dentist and I am about to go to hockey practice.  See you tomorrow. 

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Frisbee golf

When I woke up I ran a mile with my mom and did my requirements.  Later in the afternoon I played Frisbee golf with my dad.  My dog, Sammie came too.  In Frisbee golf, I have frisbees called beast, cobra, putter and mamba.  My parents and sister have other ones.  When I got home we had dinner and then now I'm ready for bed.  Good night. 

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New Computer

I had black belt class today.  I also helped with the next class.  When I got done, me and my dad went to go get a computer for school.  I got the same computer my sister got a few years ago.  I also got a mouse.  When I got home we got it all set up.  Tonight we watched alot of Olympics.  Have a great day tomorrow. 

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Lacrosse award

Today I woke up, had a great breakfast and my sitter came over. I went to lacrosse camp -  at the end of lacrosse camp I got an award from the coaches - they all signed a lacrosse ball.  Only 5 people out of over 30 got the award and I was one of them.  At black belt class we did staff and stick and before I knew it we were done.  I got back home, had dinner and played on the ipad.  Have a great night. 

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When I woke up I had breakfast and then lacrosse camp. I came home, chilled and watched the Olympics.  I went to Taekwondo and practiced knife and sticks. At home I was exhausted.  I ate pizza and read Titans Curse.  I named it tired because I am so tired right now and am ready to go to bed.  Have a great day tomorrow. 

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Rainy day

Today I went to Lacrosse camp.  It was pouring rain, but we had camp in the rain.  We worked on stick skills, shooting and face-offs.  I went to Taekwondo and had a mentor session.  I worked on sticks with Logan.  When I got home we played family Mario Cart.  

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When I woke up my sister and I watched gymnastics Olympics.  Then I went to Poomsae class.  We went up with partners to do poomsaes.  Mine were Shane and Jovi and we did pal.  When we got home I ate lunch and watched water polo.  Then I went outside and practiced lacrosse.  Before I knew it, it was time for dinner.  Now it's late and it's time for bed. 

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Cake pops

Today when I woke up, my sitter came over and we played, did my requirements at Champions, ate lunch, played some more.  When she left I went to Taekwondo and I brought my cake pops to share with the class.  This was my "new skill".  My sister can make them, but I never have.  I made them with vanilla cake and chocolate on top with sprinkles. When I got home I realized I forgot to give them out.  Master Natasya put them in the fridge so they will be there on Saturdays class.  If you are reading this - come to Saturdays class for a cake pop!  See you tomorrow. 

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Hey guys - I went to sparring today and it was fun. We worked on stretch kicks, cupcake kicks, jumps, twist jumps and lots of other stuff.  When I came back home I watched Olympic Rugby.  It looks awesome, I would like to try rugby.  I'm getting ready for bed now.  See you at black belt class tomorrow. 

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Today when I woke up I had a good breakfast.  I went to Champions and did all my requirements.  My sister, my sitter and I went to Lake Norman putt-putt mini golf. I didn't get a hole in 1, but I did get some in 2. After that we got a snow-cone and came home.  I went to Taekwondo and did a mentee session.  Have a great day tomorrow everyone!

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Yesterday we went to Clemson so we could pick up my sister from soccer camp.  We stayed in a hotel last night.  We walked my dog, Sammie.  We played in the pool - it was so big.  I ate breakfast at the egg restaurant and then watched Taylor play soccer.  I got to see the college room she stayed in.  When we picked her up we went lunch and I got a hamburger.  When we got home I did some chores and cleaned my room.  We ate dinner and played the game Clue.  After Clue I got ready for bed. Have a great day!

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Last day of basketball camp

Today I woke up, brushed my teeth, ate breakfast and went to basketball camp.  We played knockout and other games.  At the end I got a t-shirt.  Then I want to Barnes and Noble and I saw Mrs. Jen looking at books.  I went to my first rolls and falls class and then did black belt class.  I'm going to bed early tonight because of pre-test tomorrow. 

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Basketball camp

Today was the third day of basketball camp.  My sitter dropped me off, we shot some hoops, did a scrimmage and I scored.  Before basketball camp I worked out at Champions again.  I ran a mile and did my exercises.  My mom took me to Taekwondo.  I worked with Instructor Logan on poomsaes.  At home my family watched basketball.  

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When I woke up this morning, I ate pancakes for breakfast and then we went to Champions.  Champions is a workout place and I did all of my workout there - ran a mile, did push-ups/pull-ups, everything.  It was really fun. In the afternoon I did taekwondo - two classes and Master Marcus told us to go to the back and we worked on self defenses. When I got back home I wrote this.  It was a great day. 

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first blog

I can't believe that the cycle has finally started. I'm so excited for this cycle. Today I did my first mile, but I ran more than a mile and I went to poomsae class.  Yesterday I went to the quarry in Mooresville with my three friends and we jumped off of rocks.  There was one that was 18 feet high, I did it one time, it was super fun. 

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