
Master Natasya Hartle

Member since: Friday, 06 June 2014
Last Visit: Monday, 08 January 2024
Master Natasya
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

January 31, 2016

Hello everyone. I hope everyone had a wonderful Sunday. Today, my family and I ran a birthday party for a 5 year old at King Tiger. I think it ran very smoothly for the three of us. After that, I went out to eat at a sushi and hibachi buffet and it was awesome!

  915 Hits

January 28, 2016

Today I did the daily challenge and it was super hard! Started with my 4th dan poomsae and went down to 1st dan. The jump ropes were pretty easy but the air squats and pistol squats were killer on my quads. I will definitely be sore tomorrow.

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Wednesday, January 20

Today I got to sleep in! My first class today didn't start until 11 so I had a great start to my day. It also started snowing! After class I went to King Tiger to help with a couple of classes before I went to crossfit. Death by thrusters was the WOD at crossfit and I will not be feeling my legs tomorrow, so that's exciting. After working out I went to tutor, which I do every Monday and Wednesday for two girls who are students at the Lake Norman school. Now, at 10:30pm, I am home and in the process of finishing engineering reading. This is part of my master procrastination technique that I'm pretty good at. I wish a great night for all those who are staying up late to read journals. See you soon. Natasya 

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5/21/15 First Journal

This is my first journal entry of my master's journey. Better late than never I guess. So, in honor of officially starting our new black belt journey, I have attached one of my favorite Black Belt pictures. :)

  943 Hits