
Katyayani kumar

Member since: Tuesday, 18 December 2018
Last Visit: Tuesday, 16 May 2023
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


hey !! today was day four of our road trip and not going to lie it was kind of boring. we sat in a car ALL day. that wasn’t the original plan though. the original plan was to go to lake tahoe. however, the road that we had to travel to take us there required us to have a chain. so, that’s what we did. we bought a $200 chain and continued our journey (we thought to put the chain on once we get further down the road). once we tried to put it on, it was the wrong size. by the time we got back to the store there was no point in going back to the lake because our hotel is three hours away. i did manage to get some requirements in once i got to the hotel, i’ve been trying to do them whenever i can, because most...

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hey !! today was day three of our road trip and was definitely the coldest one (so far). we went to mount whitney, where we stopped at many different built in locations that were made for stopping and taking pictures and such. the wind was sharp, and it stung our faces more and more with every minute that passed. we then went to mammoth lake, and it was breathtaking. the mountains were snowed upon and were somehow placed perfectly in proportion to the massive and gorgeous lake. i consider myself lucky that i get to see this sights. have a nice night !! - katyayani

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hey! i’m back again and ready for the upcoming cycle. i’m currently in california, taking a road trip with my family to go see several attractions around california and nevada. today’s stop was death valley, at a point, we were around 282 miles below sea level ! my cousins and i thoroughly enjoyed (they specifically enjoyed laughing at me making tiktoks????) i’m extremely tired after the long day but i’m looking forward to tomorrow !! have a nice night - katyayani :)

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I had needed the extra two weeks for the cycle and I logged on to the website to log everything, but for some reason whatever I logged will not show up on the website. It is making me really nervous and scared, it feels as if I am so close yet so far away. I'm just hoping for the best at this point.

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Today’s the day of testing and I’m so excited. i’m also kind of nervous but i believe i can do it! Wish me luck!

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research project

we have to do a research project in reading, and i’m really excited about it! i am researching steve jobs and the beginning of apple. fun fact: it turns out that me and steve jobs have the same bday!

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percy jackson

i did some thinking, and i decided that i wanted to dedicate one of my journal entries to the thing that made me love reading. percy jackson. i started reading it in fourth grade, and it hasn’t gotten boring since. i mean even the librarian noticed how much i’ve checkdd out books from the series! reading is a big part of who i am, and i’m so lucky that i was introducing to percy jackson since it fueled my desire to read!

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workout schedule

since the cycle is almost ending, i decided to dedicate a post to my every day workout for the cycle: i start off by running, to get it out of the way. i used to do a mile, but coming closer to the end i have started doing 1.5. i then do my pushups, sit-ups, and pull-ups in sets of five each, alternating between each of them. i do five negatives, five sit-ups, and five pushups. i repeat this five times so i can get my 25 negatives, and then i start doing sets of ten, alternating between pushups and sit-ups.  aftet all of those, i do my jump ropes and sparring round. i finish everything off with 10 minutes of meditation, to calm my body.

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lazy day

today was a lazy day, well the mAjoriTy of it was lazy. i had gotten up early so i decided to get my daily requirements out of the way. i regretted doing that when i realized later on that i had nothing else to do. i took a three and a half hour nap, and so i have no idea how i’m going to be able to go to bed. it’s currently 11:37 on a sunday night and i’m wide awake.

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the movie and restaurant last night was perfect! even though the movie made my eyes tear up...i can’t wait to do it again! i’m hoping to hang out with my friend bella today and order pizza, but it’s really just up to my dad. the weekend went by way too fast for my liking!

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Five Feet Apart

Today my dad and I decided to spend some quality time together, we are going to a restaurant and then watching a movie. The movie is called Five Feet Apart, starring Cole Sprouse. We are going to a place called Nakato, a hibachi and sushi bar. And I can't wait!

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Birthday Shopping

Today I went to Bath & Body Works, and Target to buy my best friend her birthday present. I ended up getting her 3 scented candles and a journal, but I had to wander both stores at least 5 times before deciding on a present! I don't regret it one bit however, because I am super satisfied with what I got her, it fits her personality perfectly.

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Social Studies

Today was a really good day, especially in school. More specifically, in social studies. We started talking about World War II, and I like the topic so much because there is so much empathy that correlates with it. We got to hear true stories from people who actually lived within the time period, and it was fascinating how everyone had a different viewpoint, but yet they were all still in the same war. Even though today was great, I can't wait till tomorrow. After school, me and a few of my friends are going to go watch "Us." Watching a horror movie at night is probably not a good idea, but at least I'll have my friends with me.

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Outer Banks

I could not attend King Tiger the past week because I was on a trip to the outer banks! I had already been before, but this time it was me and my friends, not me and my family. Not that I am complaining, of course, of being with my family, it was just the excitement the allured me. I had never been away from home for more than 24 hours without my parents, and this time I was going away for three days, and two nights! The trip was amazing, I made some new friends, and saw some new places, I wouldn't trade it for the world.

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Today, we had our math benchmarks. Unlike all the others, me and the other Math 1 attendants who are in 7th grade will have to take ANOTHER "Math 1" benchmark on Monday. I'm not sure what I got on the regular math benchmark, I'm about to check right now.

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Today I had benchmarks, they are these tests that we receive every quarter. The teachers take these results and see where you are right now, and where you are projected to be on the EOG's/ EOC. I saw what I got and I'm proud to say that I got a 100! My day has been great ever since then.

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My Own Book?!?!

I have recently started writing my own book! It is called "Jupiter's Angel." It is a revenge story. So far I am only 34 pages into it, but it's a work in progress. I hope it all works out very well. I mean, who knows, it might even get published!

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Black Belt Written and Physical Test

The previous Saturday held the Black Belt Physical and Written test. We (BoChoDans) started our run at 8:00AM, and the continued with the rest of our physical exam. Such precedings were : Sit-ups, Push-ups, Burpies, Pull-ups, and Jump Ropes. After all of that, we did the written portion, and most of us got our results back. Some people left afterwards, but I and most others stayed for Black Belt Class. I hope everyone else has had an amazing day.

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Today's journal will be a little bit longer one, because there is a lot of stuff I want to cover. First things first, I finished my white belt challenge! It was a forgotten experience, and it took some time to get used too, but once I did, I enjoyed being a white belt. It made me recall the place from where I started. My brother made fun of me for being a lower belt than him. I also started writing a book! Writing has been a skill I have had for a while, but I only started making it a passion recently, and I haven't looked back since. I'm currently typing this only new iMac, I got this for my birthday (I'm 13: February 24th) and I love it! 

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I had a test today in math. It was on "Factoring Polynomials", and I was very nervous about it. However, when I got the test, all my anxiety flowed away as I began answering the questions. We have this 'thing' in my school called "CandyGrams." Basically, you buy a candy gram for someone,also attaching a note on it, and it is delivered to whom it may concern on Valentine's Day.

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Today was a fun, yet stressful day. I had to take a test in social studies, I was really nervous about it, but, I got a 100! In science, it was the last day to work on our project. Again, we did manage to pull through. I got home and did my requirements.

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Today was an amazing day. I had a project to present in class, I was super nervous about it, but I'm glad to say I did much better then I thought. I got home from school, did my requirements, and worked on another project. 

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Got a leadership credit for helping out in class today. It gave me a chance to round up my kicking requirements. I came home, did more of my requirements, and tried to refrain from eating icecream (It didn't work). Hope everyone had a good day!

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I  went to Vegas and LA the past week. And honestly I am kind of sad because 1) I didn't get to see Shawn Mendes and 2)  I had gotten souvenirs for my close friends, and now we can't find them. On the bright side, I started reading The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah, and it so good! It has a little bit of romance and a little bit of adventure...basically the perfect novel.

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So I finished the Matched Series by Ally Condie, and honestly it was one of the best series I've ever read. After reading, I did my requirements and wrote one of my essays for TKD.

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Today I spent almost the entire day reading. Since we had benchmarks and I finished. I'm currently reading the Matched series, I'm on book 3.  I hope everyone has had a good day!

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Today was a great day because I got a 100 on my benchmark exam. After I came home from school I did my requirements and then went to King Tiger.

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Today was a boring day. I didn’t really do anything except for my requirements and read some books. I am NOT looking forward to going back to school tomorrow and I don’t want to acknowledge the fact that I am. So I hope that everyone had a good day! Goodnight!

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Today was a tiring, yet fun day. I had sparring classes in the morning, right after that I helped out with  family class, and then I had black belt class. However, I got to hang out with a really good friend of mine.

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Hi! Today was a good day since I finished my essay that I had to write in reading class.  I also got a 100 on my science project!

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Today was a really good day, I watched an amazing movie, did my requirements, and spent time with my family.

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Top Golf

I woke up early today, well, early for me at least. My cousins and I went to Top Golf at 9am, and I wasn't that bad. I wasn't great. But I wasn't horrendous. Ever since my family has been over, it's been hard for me to have a consistent schedule with my requirements, but I'm still trying to do a few of each everyday.

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As I have mentioned previously, I got a bunch of books for Christmas. One of those books was "The 100", it's a series. Even though I only got it yesterday, I'm already on book 2. I spent almost the whole day reading, did my requirements, and then went bowling. I was terrible at it.

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It’s Christmas!

Merry Christmas Everyone! I spent all day reading because that’s what I got for Christmas! I got a lot of books, and I’m extremely happy about it! Some people might call me a nerd but I honestly love reading, it just takes me to another place. Although it was hard to make room for my requirements, I still found a period of time to do them.

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Christmas Eve

My family doesn't usually do anything special on Christmas Eve, but since we have family over...we went to uptown through the railway systems. I brought up the idea of making a gingerbread house since we have never done one before, but my parents are hesitant because they really don't think I'd eat all of it. All in all, it's been an amazing day!

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Today was a good day because I had family over. Family that I had not seen in a very long time. We are going to watch a movie with them today, it's called "Zero". Can't wait!         I 

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