
grace canady

Member since: Saturday, 21 July 2018
Last Visit: Monday, 08 October 2018
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Black Belt Testing

So, I was really nervous for testing on for Friday night, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It was very long, as expected, but since I knew everything I needed to, it was pretty easy. I messed up a few times from my nerves, but I kept going. The longer I was there, the less intimidating it was and the less nervous I became. The night, or morning, ended great.

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Testing is tonight an I feel ready, but I am nervous too. This is my first black belt test. My tkd friends tell me that it's not that different from regular testing, but I'm still nervous. I know all of my requirements, so I feel like I am going to do just fine. 

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Testing Tomorrow!

So, I test tomorrow and I'm very nervous. I'm just nervous because this is my first black belt test, so I don't know what it's like. I feel ready, yet anxious. On another unrelated note, I have to buy my friend Harrison a birthday present tomorrow. I am also going to tae kwon do at 4 to get another leadership credit. 

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One day closer to Halloween! Today I have to go to tae kwon do at 4:15 and then to dance at 6 and back to tkd at 7:30. I also didn't have school today. At 11 this morning, I went to get my passport renewed because I'm going to Costa Rica next year. Costa Rica is a school trip we are taking over spring break in 2019. I'm so excited to learn about their culture, and to try the new foods. We are also doing community service by helping build houses.

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There is this new girl in our group named Annie. She started today and picked up on our dance right away. I also showed my teacher my song for my solo dance. It's a lyrical dance and the song is called Yours by Ella Henderson. Anyway, the dance we're working on is for our Christmas performances. We are performing at Christmas in Davidson, The Southern Women's Christmas Show, and Huntersville Christmas. I'm so excited for these performances. 

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Today I had 2 tests and 2 projects due. On of the tests was for spanish, which I got a 92 on. The other was for biology and I don't know how I did on that one yet. I feel pretty confident in it though. The projects were for math and biology. They were lengthy, but not really difficult. Later tonight, I have dance and I'm so excited because I'm going to show her the song I picked for my solo dance. 

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Today is one of my best friend Harry's birthday. I don't know what I'm getting him yet tough. Anyway, we have off of school Thursday, Friday, and Monday for fall break. This means that all the teachers are cramming our lessons into this half week. I have 2 tests and 2 projects due tomorrow that I started tonight. We worked on them in class, but only for a few minutes, so I had to finish them here. One is for biology honors and the other is for Math 2 honors. They're not very fun, and I don't see the point in needing to have them done before break, but I guess that's what the teachers wanted. 

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Fist day of October! Only about 30 days until Halloween! My friend and I are planning on going as Sully and Mike from Monsters Inc. She would be Mike because she's really short and sassy. Anyway, today I had 2 tests. Let's hope I did good. I was also supposed to go to cheer, but I had a dentist appointment. We also have a game this Friday, even though we have Thursday, Friday, and Monday off of school for fall break. We aren't cheering at it though, which I'm happy about because I would have to miss the game for the black belt test (which I'm excited for btw)

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This weekend has been a blast! Friday was my school's homecoming game and barbeque. Us cheerleaders had to work at the bbq, which was at our football field. Families came with their children to get their faces painted and to eat and have fun before the game started. Even though we lost, it was a really fun experience to be cheering on such a fun night for the high schoolers. Saturday night was the homecoming dance. I took Tanner and we had so much fun. I danced with all of my friends. I tried to get Tanner to dance as much as I could, but he's not much of a dancer. I'm extremely tired from last night, even though it was so much fun!

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Tomorrow is the Homecoming game and pep rally. Today at cheer, we practiced the half-time routine for the game and the new stunts and dance formations for the pep rally. The pep rally routine has a dance, stunt, into another dance, and another stunt. For the first stunt, I am backing a show and go into a prep and down to a cradle (you probably don't know what that means haha.) The second stunt, I am basing a prep retake into extension down to cradle. I am not usually a base, so it took a few times to hit the stunt. After it hit the first time, it his every time after that. We practiced it about 10 times in a row, so my arms are killing me. 

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Today I had cheer team pictures after school. It only took about 20 minutes, and then we were allowed to leave. I went to tae kwon do right after, and then to dance after that. I just got home and now I'm doing homework. Tomorrow, I have cheer practice before the Homecoming game on Friday. There's also a barbeque before the game. I am working the face painting station. On Saturday, I'm going to the homecoming dance with Tanner. 

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A few days ago, I took an English quiz, and got a pretty bad grade. Mostly everyone got a bad grade, so he let us retake it today. I got a 90. I could do better, but it was definitely a better grade than before. Also, for the last week, we've been rehearsing monologues in theatre and we're performing them tomorrow. She said that we're going to put our names in a hat and she's going to draw a name randomly. I'm not very excited. 

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Today was Tanner's 15th birthday. I went over to his house with Casey and Lillian. We went swimming, ate, and slept. I got him vans because he asked for some, but he never told me what he wanted, so I just took a wild guess. Yesterday, I went to scarowinds with my 2 friends Declan and Maeve. At about 11:30, we saw cops running to the entrance and people running behind them. After that, everyone started sprinting to see what was going on. I still don't know what happened, but the cops told us all to leave, so I'm guessing that there was a big fight. Some people said that someone had a gun, but it would have been a lot more chaotic if they did. 

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Today was a very busy day. After school, I had cheer from 2:30 to 4:30 outside. It was so hot, so I'm excited for winter. After that, I came home to get some food, then I went to dance. I had dance from 6 to 7, but I had black belt class at 7:25, so I had to leave dance early. We are working on our group competition dance. I went to tae kwon do and got home at about 9. I started my homework and ate dinner. I still have more homework to do, but I'm leaving it for study hall in the morning. 

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Today was a great day! I don't even know why, but I've been in such a happy mood all day. I mentored Taylor, then went to dance. The group dance rehearsals start tomorrow, so I'm so excited! I'm also working out my solo dance too. I think I chose a song, and I need to work out the times for my practices. We also have dance on Saturday, but that's when the physical and written test is, so I told her I'm gonna miss it. 

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For cheer today, we practiced on the turf. It was so hot that a few girls on my team got sick. We practiced all of our cheers and dances for our homecoming game. Speaking of homecoming, I am so excited! I'm going with Tanner and I already picked out my dress and shoes. This weekend is also his birthday and our anniversary, so I'm going to give him a big surprise!

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Without school, today was very uneventful. I didn't have cheer, but I had Tae Kwon Do. My friend is spending the night tonight and we're going to take her to school tomorrow. I'm so excited! I also started talking to one of my old friends. We haven't talked in a while, but we started talking again today. He's really cool and I'm glad he hit me up. 

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This hurricane has me in a weird and grumpy mood. It's also got me missing school. We didn't have school on Friday and we don't have it tomorrow. I had my friend over this weekend and she's going to be staying here a few days so that her mom can take care of some personal stuff. I'm trying to help her in any way I can. 

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For Health, I am doing a food log and I have found out that I'm not eating enough calories a day. Also, I just finished my quiz and I got a 100%. It was really easy. Yesterday, I went to the orthodontist and got 4 more brackets put on. Then I went to dance and had so much fun! We worked on the Christmas dances. My teacher asked me to do a solo and I didn't even have to audition! She also wants me to be in the group dance with the other teams without needing to audition. I was so happy, I had worked so hard everyday all summer and it paid off. 

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Last weekend I went on the lake and had friends over. Yesterday, I was with Alexis and Tanner. We went out on the lake but halfway through, we ran out of gas. We sat there and swam for about 30 minutes. We made it back to my house, while his battery was dying and there was a storm coming in. I've been staying at a lake house for a week because my floor is getting redone, so we would go out every night and kayak. It was amazing!

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This weekend was AMAZING! I went to my friend's house on Saturday because she was throwing a lake party. All of my friends were there and we went on the jetskis and boats. My boyfriend also came and we had a blast! I slept over and ended up coming home today. The same people came over today again too. Gavin, Joe and I went out on the jetski and I drove for a little bit. Gavin is a really fun driver. He would drive over a boat's wake and we got so much air. My legs are really sore though from bracing myself. 

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I went to school this morning, like always. After school, my friend and I went to my boyfriend's soccer game. They called it because it started lightning. He came back to my house with us both. Before that, we got dinner at Panda Express, which I love. Tomorrow, I'm going to my friend's lake party, from 2 to 6. It's just a few people from school coming for Memorial Weekend. I'm so excited. 

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I got plenty of sleep last night, but I was still exhausted walking into school this morning. This year, our school is having a homecoming dance. The previous years, it was only a homecoming game, which I will be cheering at. My friends and I are thinking about going, but only if my boyfriend is okay with us all going together. I have never gone to a school dance. I was never the type of person to do that, but it's supposed to be at a really fancy place, so I might go this once. 

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Yesterday was my best friend's birthday!!! I went to the doctor yesterday because my throat has been bothering me for a while now. It turns out I have a throat virus so there's no antibiotics I can take to make it go away faster. It really hurts, but I'll be okay. My toes are getting better and I don't have dance or cheer this week, so it's a good break for me to ice them. I'm also getting ahead with a lot of my school work. 

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I woke up for school, but could barely get myself out of bed. I was so tired that I was constantly falling asleep in class. I would doze off and right before I was asleep, I would wake myself up. I have my study hall first, so I took a nap after I did my homework. Tomorrow, I have a Civics and math quiz. The math is really easy for me. I am in math 2 honors, which is 10th grade math honors. I am in 9th grade. The civics quiz is just about vocabulary, which is also not that hard. 

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I broke my toes last Sunday. They were very bruised and swollen, but they had gotten a lot better. Yesterday, I woke up and another bruise appeared, so we went to get them X-Rayed. They told us that I should take a week off of cheer, dance, and tae kwon do, but there is no possible way I can do that. If I have any down time whatsoever where I am not doing anything, I become a blob. I have to stay active to feel accomplished and feel productive. 

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I had 2 friends over today named Maddie and Alexis. We got ready to go shopping when Alexis started chasing me. I tried to run into a room and stubbed my 2 toes. I broke my toe and still went shopping. That was a bad idea. It hurts really bad, so I'm icing it and staying off of it as much as I can. It's swollen and bruised, but I'm doing my best to make it better. I have school tomorrow and I'm not very excited. 

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Yesterday, I cheered at my first High School football game. It was really fun. The student section loved and followed us in our cheers. We all practiced our stunts and tumbled during time outs. Our team won after going into overtime at 14 to 14. The final score was 20:14. Today, I woke up for sparring class, but my stomach was killing me, so I rested until black belt class at 10:40. 

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I went to a friend Maddie's house last night really late after coming home from my boyfriend's house. Maddie does cheer with me so I went over so that she could take me to cheer today. I went to cheer at 3 and finished at 5. We worked on our existing cheers and added a few more. We went over our dances and laso added a new dance to our team's fight song. It was a lot of fun. After, I went to Tae Kwon Do and took a class. I kept asking if we could do the game where we jump over the jump ropes and Instructor EJ actually said yes. 

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This morning, me and other King Tiger students and Masters went to Master Richie's house to clean up and do some yard work. Watching us all work together to help Mrs. Richie was an amazing experience. At one point, she came outside while I was grabbing water and said to me, "Thank you so so much for the help. I am so grateful." I'm so grateful that I got to help out. 

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Today was like any other ordinary day. I woke up at 7:00 a.m. to get ready for cheer practice. I missed dance today to go to cheer, since I had missed cheer to go to dance last week. I had cheer practice from 9:00 to 11:00. During practice, there were four other girls there, new to Pine Lake. They were there to observe and tryout for the team. I knew two of them and wished them good luck. First, we learned a few new cheers. After, we went to learn a dance to the same song we had an existing dance to. Finally, we did some stunting. After practice, I went to watch the middle schoolers practice. I had missed them so much from last year and it was good to see them again. I came home and ate lunch before I stared my requirements. After finishing, I got a hair...

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