
Chris Rhom

Member since: Tuesday, 03 June 2014
Last Visit: Thursday, 23 October 2014
Chris Rhom
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Today I di...

Today I did my exercises after taking a light week. It was hard to get back on track but got to work hard these next few weeks to prepare for the test. Then I worked on campaign posters for student council and I went and got my tree for my requirements. Busy but good day.

  1317 Hits

Today I we...

Today I went to sparring class and it was Master Shin's birthday so everyone had a donut after class. We all enjoyed it. After class I came home and did my requirements for today and worked on studying for the written test and did some meditation time since we didn't have much going on.

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Today I di...

Today I did my normal routine of doing my running at 5:45am and then half of my requirements before school. After school I went to taekwondo & took 2 classes and finished up my requirements. Doing my requirements is much easier now then it was at the beginning of the cycle and just seems like a normal part of my day. Tonight I studied for the written test and then did meditation while my mom made dinner.

  1268 Hits

I got back...

I got back in my normal routine yesterday with getting up very early & doing half requirements before school so today I did my running & worked on other requirements before school. I took 2 regular and a black belt class tonight at taekwondo & got in another mentor session. Worked on reviewing my study guide & did meditation tonight too.

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Great weekend...

Just got back from PMAA training in Myrtle Beach this weekend. I had a wonderful time, felt like I learned a lot and built a stronger relationship with others from King Tiger. I really enjoyed the experience & looking forward to participating in more trips and the next PMAA training. I spent a lot of time thinking & discussing my future in taekwondo this weekend and I am so excited for my future. I took the weekend off from requirements while I was out of town so tomorrow morning I am ready to get up early and get back in my routine.

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Today went...

Today went to school then came and went to taekwondo. Tonight I am helping my youth group clean up after the football game. We leave for the beach for the PMAA training first thing tomorrow morning...very excited.

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Today I di...

Today I did my normal routine and got up very early to do my running and half my requirements before school. After school I went to taekwondo and took 3 classes. Today's classes were conditioning classes so I got a good workout tonight. I also got my last mentee session done which felt great to have another requirement completed. Now I just have the rest of my mentor sessions to get done. After class I did my homework, ate dinner, studied for my written test for a little bit then did some meditation. It has been a very busy day.

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Today I go...

Today I got up and did half my requirements then went to hyper pro, black belt and sparring class. I got a lot of extra requirements today. I spent my entire working on a very hard project. Looking forward to my one on one session with Master Shin tomorrow.

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Today I di...

Today I did my normal routine with exercises and school. We didn't have regular class tonight because of belt testing but I did get to help and enjoyed it.

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Today I ha...

Today I had school so I got up very early to my running & half my requirements. After school I went to taekwondo and took 2 regular classes and got a Leadership credit and also took black belt class and got another mentor session in. After class I ate dinner, did my meditation and studied for the written test. I am very tired and going to bed now.

  883 Hits

Easy day

Today was Labor Day so I took an easy day from physical requirements and only did my running today. I worked on my school projects and studying for the written. It was nice to have an easy day but ready to get working hard again tomorrow.

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Today I we...

Today I went to sparring class at Belmont and I got to lead the running which I enjoyed doing. I got a good workout and it was felt good to be back at Belmont this Saturday. After class I came home and finished my requirements for today and worked on my school projects. Tonight I study my written test and did some meditation.

  908 Hits

Today I go...

Today I got up early again and did my running and half my requirements before school then I went to school. After school I finished my requirements and went to taekwondo class. I got a mentee session in today. Then I came home and did my homework. Tonight I am going to dinner my with my special friends the Clark's.

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Today was ...

Today was the 1st day of school. I got my running & half my requirements done before school then managed to get everything else done after class, take 3 classes and get a Mentee session in. It has been a good day.

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Today I we...

Today I went to church then came home. I didn't feel like doing my exercises and it caused an argument with me & my mom but I eventually got over it and changed my attitude then everything went really well. My mom & I try to make it fun by timing my requirements and setting challenges. It was cool outside today and the wind was blowing so that made my running easier. I am excited about school tomorrow but know it is going to be really hard to get my requirements in with school, homework & taekwondo class so I am nervous. My plan is to get up really early and do some of my requirements before school.

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Today was ...

Today was the pre-test and I am really relieved to have it behind me. Now it's time to focus on improving and being ready for the real test. After class & pre-test I went to Belmont to help Master Shin with abirthday party and had a lot of fun then as soon as the party was over I went shopping all night with my mom & sister. We took a day off from requirements to rest since I had the pre-test and we needed to go shopping. It has been a good day but I am tired.

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Today I pr...

Today I practiced timing my pretest requirements and running again and got every accomplished again so I am starting to feel better about the pretest on Saturday. This afternoon I only took 1 taekwondo class because I have church but I did get a mentee session.

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Today was ...

Today was a really good day. I got up very early & started my running. My mom timed me today so I could make sure I could meet the pre-test requirements then we worked on all of my other exercises and pre-test items before she went to work. I really enjoy the challenge of being timed and it feels good to know I am able to do what is required for the test. This afternoon I took 2 regular taekwondo classes and got another leadership credit then we had black belt class. I got a hyper pro class, weekday black belt class and we had our 1st mentor meeting so I got a lot accomplished.

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Today I go...

Today I got up extra early and got all of my requirements done because I was going to go to Youth fun day at church but then decided not to go because of the weather. This afternoon I went to taekwondo & took 3 classes then after class I practiced everything on the physical test. I did good & accomplished all of the challenges. Excited about our 1st team mentor meeting tomorrow & the pretest on Saturday. I also had a good day with my popcorn fundraiser so that felt great. I had a good day. Now I am going to study for the written test until I go to bed.

  952 Hits

I went to ...

I went to church this morning so I had to start my exercises much later in the day and it was really hot so my running was harder. My mom is timing me on my running, push up and sit-ups so it helps to motivate me & makes it more fun. I focus a lot on the quality of my requirements today then I spent some time studying my study guide since I didn't have class today. Then I went and played with my friends for a while and came back home to help my mom with a bunch of extra stuff, do meditation and eat dinner. After dinner I went and played again for a while then I am going to watch the Panther's preseason game tonight. We have slip & slide, fun day tomorrow with youth so I have to get up really early to get my requirements done...

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  865 Hits

Today I go...

Today I got up early and did my running & some of my other exercises then went to N. Charlotte for hyper pro & Saturday black belt class. After black belt class we had a quick meeting since the cycle started today and we found out our mentor teams. I got Master Shin and I am really happy about that. The pretest was moved up to next Saturday and Master Evins seemed disappointed with most of us today so I am very nervous. Going to really focus on my self defenses and poomsaes this week and my study guide. Then I came home and worked on finished up my exercises and studying. I took it pretty easy today but did things like time myself on my physical requirements and tried to really focus on making my self defenses and poomsaes really good.

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Busy day...

Today I got up early and got my running done then went to tennis camp until 12. After tennis I came home and did the rest of my exercises. I was really sore today but pushed myself to get some extra requirements done. After that I went and picked up the stuff for my fundraiser for the community service project that I am doing by myself and also picked up some supplies for our local school group fundraiser which is hosting Parents Night at this Friday night. I am really looking forward to doing both of my fundraisers. I only took 1 taekwondo class because I have church. I worked on self-defenses and kicking during class. It has been a very busy but good day.

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Today it w...

Today it was back really hot again so my running was hard but I got in done then worked on all of my other requirements. After that I went to my great grandmothers and rested for a little while. This afternoon I went to taekwondo and took 2 regular classes and black belt class. I got a lot of credits in - a weekday black belt, a hyper pro and a leadership I. Tonight I spent a while studying for the written test & muscle diagram then going to bed early. I have tennis in the morning and have to get my running and some of my requirements done before I go.

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Fun day...

Today I went tubing with my youth so I only did a few requirements but I still made it to 1 taekwondo class as soon as we got back and earned a leadership credit. It was really nice to have a full day off. I am ready to jump up and work hard tomorrow.

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Hardest day so far...

Today was the hardest day of doing my requirements yet. I woke up really sore and felt sick. I also need to try to do a lot of extra of everything because I am going tubing with my youth group and we will be leaving very early in the morning and won't be back until time to go straight to taekwondo class. I struggled all day but I didn't give up and got everything done. I am really looking forward to having a fun, easy day tomorrow.

  829 Hits


Today I got my running, kicks and pulls up finished before time to go to class then I went to N. Charlotte for hyper pro, Saturday black belt and sparring classes. They were all 3 good classes and I got a lot of requirements in. Then we went to Rita's for a treat and came home. When I got home I was very tired but go started on my other requirements. It was very hard because I was so tired so I did half of what I needed to do then took a break for 45 minutes and finished. I didn't go hardly any extra requirements today because it seemed so hard today & my mom felt like I needed a easy day. Tonight I went to visit my great-grandmother who is in a physical therapy rehab center for a few weeks because she had a stroke last weekend. It was...

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  878 Hits

I started ...

I started by day again by doing by running & exercises. My mom makes me have everything done 1st thing but I am glad once it is done because it helps to do it early. It was a rainy day so there wasn't much to do outside so I spent time studying for the written test. Tonight I meditated while my mom made dinner then ate and now I am going to the movies with a couple of my friends. Looking forward to 3 classes at N. Charlotte tomorrow.

  918 Hits

Great day...

Today I did my exercises and running really early this morning then went to my great-grandmothers around lunch time. I was looking forward to going to my great-grandmothers so that helped to motivate me to get my exercises knocked out early. This afternoon I took 2 taekwondo classes at Belmont and got in another leadership credit then tonight I went to Rita's and then to black belt class at N. Charlotte.

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Today I wo...

Today I woke up a little later than normal because my grandmother was off and going to go my exercises with me. I still woke up very motivated and ready to get started which helped make things easier even though it had already started getting hot outside. After I finished everything I went grocery shopping with my grandmother and then played for just a few minutes when we got finished at the store then it was time to go to taekwondo class. I was only able to do 1 class today because I have youth tonight but I did get a hyper pro class credit in so that was good. Tomorrow I am going to really study on the written test more.

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I am missi...

I am missing the cooler weather we were having because it is harder to get my exercises done when it is so hot. I got up very early again to get started since my mom told me it would be hot today. I got everything done before it got too hot outside then this afternoon I went and helped my great-grandmother with some painting at her house. I took 2 regular classes tonight and a weekday black belt. I got a leadership credit, weekday black belt credit and few extra exercises in so I felt like I had accomplished a lot. I am getting nervous about the written part of the pretest and trying to study more.

  865 Hits

Today star...

Today started out with me having a bad attitude about my exercises because my mom pushes me to have everything done very early in the morning but after arguing with her I got my attitude adjusted and realized that this is something I dedicated myself too and something I want badly so I am determined to get there. I got everything done but my jump roping because my jump rope broke so we had to go get a new one then I finished up my jump roping. This afternoon I took all 3 classes and got in a leadership credit and mentee session. I also got to make the announcement about a fundraiser that the candidates from Belmont are doing together to raise money for Levine's and we already had people signing up to participate so that was exciting. Tonight I meditated while my mom made dinner then I am going...

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  1060 Hits

Today I st...

Today I started on my exercises a little later than I have been & it was hotter outside today so running was tough but I got it done. Then I took a 30 minute break and started on getting everything else for the day done. I did some extra exercises today but not as much as I have some other days. I am not going to have much time at all to do exercises once school starts & with taking 2-3 classes per day so I am really trying to hard to extra in everyday so I can maintain during the rest of the cycle and it will be a relief. After I finished my exercises I ate lunch then my mom took me & my sister to get shaved ice. I played basketball for a little while when we got back then worked on my study guide. Tonight I did...

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  1127 Hits


I started today by doing my running then ate breakfast and went to N. Charlotte for Hyper Pro, Saturday black belt and sparring classes. After class we made our weekly trip to Rita's then had to go to a few stores to do some back to school shopping. I got a lot of new stuff so that is 1 good thing about back to school. As soon as I got home I was really tired but my mom pushed me to do my exercises and she pushed me hard today so we have argued a lot. I finally got everything done then watched TV until dinner. We take take-out tonight and it was great...I had one of my favorites, steak. I'm going to rest and watch TV the rest of the night because I have to get up early for church in the morning.

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Today it w...

Today it was raining really hard when I got up so I couldn't do my running early so I went ahead and started working on my other exercises. Once the rain let up some I went ahead and did my running in the light rain. It was hard trying to get in today around the rain but I got it done. I couldn't do anything outside today so I focused a lot of my exercises. I didn't have any classes tonight so I am looking forward to 3 tomorrow. Tonight I did meditation then went to dinner with my special friend Murphy. Murphy is 3 and so funny. We went to Friday Night Live after dinner because Murphy wanted to dance. It was fun watching him. I am really tired tonight.

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Tired but good day...

Today I didn't do anything other than focus on taekwondo and I got a lot accomplished. I got up very early and started with my running then started working on my other exercises. I spent a lot of time working on getting extra requirements done and worked on my study guide. Then I went and took 2 regular classes and earned a Leadership credit then went to N. Charlotte for a weekday black belt class with Master Evins. I feel great getting so much done today & enjoyed black belt class a lot.

  877 Hits

Good day...

This morning I had tennis camp from 9-12 and I really enjoy tennis. After tennis I came home and did my running. It was harder today to do my running since it was in the middle of the day when it was hot outside. I have realized that doing it early in the morning really helps a lot. After I finished my running I worked on getting all of my other exercises done then it was time to go to taekwondo class. I took all 3 classes tonight and got another Leadership credit.

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This morni...

This morning my friend from taekwondo came over at 7:30 and we ran together before it got home outside then I came back home and ate breakfast then spent the rest of the morning working on my other exercises and study guide for the written test. I went bowling for a little bit this afternoon with my sister before going to taekwondo class. I took 2 regular classes and 1 weekday black belt class. I always enjoy black belt classes and I got a Leadership I credit so that made me feel good. I have had some days that have been really hard to get my exercises in but now they are getting easier and I am starting to feel like I will be able to do this.

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This morni...

This morning I did my running and exercises very early and it was much easier today since I did them before it was so hot. I went and had lunch with my little buddy, Murphy and his family then went and took 3 taekwondo classes. I got in a mentee session and day 1 of a Leadership 1 credit. I'm excited about black belt class tomorrow.

  874 Hits

Today was hard...

Today I went to church with my friend then we went to lunch. When I got home I had to do my running and my other exercises. It was extremely hard today trying to do my running because it was so miserable outside. I really had to push myself hard to keep running & not stop but I managed to get it done. Then as soon as I finished my running I hate to cut the grass as an act of kindness for my mom and that was awful too but I got it done and it looked good. Then I came in to work on my other exercises which were hard too because I was so tired but it felt great to get everything done. Then I took some time to study the test guide for the pre-test and meditate now I am going to play with my friends for...

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  920 Hits

Today I go...

Today I got up really early to get my running done before classes since my mom told me it was going to be very hot. Then I went and had breakfast at Chick-fil-a and went to Hyper Pro, Saturday Black Belt & sparring class at North Charlotte. I really enjoyed these classes and got a lot of credits in. I do miss going to sparring class at Belmont but want to make sure I get my required classes in as soon as possible. My sister got home from her Mission Trip today so I was excited to see here when her & my mom picked me up from class then we went to Rita's for Italian ice. This afternoon I worked on getting my other exercises done and really trying to get extra in before school starts since I will be so busy then. Tonight I did meditation and went bowling...

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  888 Hits

I had a sl...

I had a sleepover last night and overslept so I didn't get time to do my running before my mom went to work and she was upset at me. I had to wait for her to get this afternoon to things done and it was much harder because it was so hot. I didn't have any classes today but looking forward to class tomorrow. Tonight I did meditation then went bowling for a little bit but couldn't stay long because I had to get a good nights rest.

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Today I wo...

Today I worked on my exercises then after I finished I went bowling with my friends. I only took 1 taekwondo class today and it was a exercise class. Tonight I went to Jersey Mike's with my special friend Murphy & his family then we went to get icecream. I had a lot of fun today.

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Today I ha...

Today I had tennis camp and really enjoyed it. After camp I went to lunch with my great grandmother then I came home and did my exercises. I took all 3 classes tonight and they were all exercise classes so I got a lot of extra physical requirements in. Tonight I did my meditation and played basketball.

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I didn't r...

I didn't really have much going on today. I got up at 6:45 and did my running. My friend who lives behind me wanted to run with me again today which always helps. After I did my running I helped my mom with some things she needed before she went to work and helped get her car loaded with her work stuff. Then I worked on my other exercises for a while and did some chores around the house. It was rainy again today so there wasn't much to do. I took both regular classes tonight and the weekday black belt. I finished getting a Leadership I credit and got credit for a weekday black belt class. I have tennis tomorrow morning so I am excited about that but got to get up extra early to get started on my exercises before tennis.

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Today I go...

Today I got up at 6:45am to do my running. I had 2 of my friends in the neighborhood coming to meet me so that we could run together so that helped me out a lot to get motivated to do it. It was drizzling rain but it felt good to run in it since it was light. Then I spent a lot of time working on my other requirements since it was raining out. I went to taekwondo class tonight and got another Leadership II credit in, another Mentee session and day 1 of a Leadership I credit. After class my mom took me to get a new tennis racket for tennis class. We found out tonight at class that more requirements have been added so now I feel behind and was a little stressed out about it but going to just push myself harder and get them done.

  908 Hits

Empathy training...

Today I did my empathy training and decided to be mute for the day. It has been really, really hard. I expected it to be hard but not this hard. I have a new respect for people who are mute. I wrote my essay about being mute this evening so now I have 8 of the 9 essays done. The last one is the Community Service project essay that I cant do yet since we haven't done our project as a group yet. I got more exercises done today so it has felt good to get a lot of requirements done but been very hard doing everything being mute.

  844 Hits

Busy day...

Today has been a very busy day. I went to breakfast at Chick-fil-a with my grandmother then went to North Charlotte for Hyper Pro, Saturday Black Belt & Sparring class. After class, we went to Rita's for a weekly treat my mom does for me & my sister after class. We love Rita's. When I got home I started my running then as I came back by my house my little buddy, Murphy was in my driveway waiting for me to play basketball so I played with him for a few minutes until it started to rain & he had to go home. It wasn't raining hard so I started right back on my running and finished it up. Then I went ahead and knocked out the rest of my requirements for the day. After that I played with my friend for a little bit then came home to finish my...

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  879 Hits

Today I go...

Today I got started on my exercises early because my cousin was at my great-grandmothers house so I wanted to go up to her house so we could play. I was really motivated to get everything done & it was cooler outside so that helped a lot. I stayed at my great-grandmothers until time to go to taekwondo then I took the 2 classes tonight. I got my 10th Leadership II credit tonight so that felt great & I was happy. Tonight I helped my mom with a bunch of things because she didn't feel good then I ate dinner and did meditation. I am going to get relax tonight so my mom can go to bed early. It has been a really good day.

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Busy day...

Today has been a very busy day. I got up at 7:30 so I could do my running & jump rope then I went to tennis from 9-12. I had another great tennis lesson & love my new skill. Then I worked on my other requirements, did my chores and helped my grandmother with some things and did meditation. I only took 4:30 class today because I have youth at church at 6:00 but got in a hyper pro class for my requirements. Tomorrow I am going to work on my essay and hopefully have time to get some extra requirements in.

  889 Hits

I had my m...

I had my mom wake me up really early today so I could do my running before it got really hot. Then I worked on my other exercises and got everything done pretty early in the day so that was good. We didn't have black belt class tonight so I took my regular classes and earned another leadership credit to help with my requirements. Tonight I got to go have ice cream with my special friend Murphy & his family and I always love spending time with them. I'm excited that tennis starts back tomorrow. I'm going to start working on my essay for my new skill tomorrow too.

  969 Hits

Today I go...

Today I got back from Great Wolf Lodge. I had a lot of fun but was exhausted from playing so hard all day the past 2 days and climbing a bunch of steps a lot of times for the water slides. Once I got home I had to start on my exercises rights away then I went to class. I took 3 classes tonight and got in 2 hyper pro classes and leadership credits so I felt great after class. I came home & finished up my exercises. I haven't done any extra exercises the past 2 days because I haven't had time plus today it was really hard because I was so tired already. Tonight I did meditation time then ate dinner. I am going to bed early so I can get some rest & try to get back on track with requirements tomorrow.

  835 Hits

Busy day...

Today I went to Hyper Pro class at N. Charlotte then did the Saturday black belt class and the sparring class. I enjoyed all 3 classes and it felt good to get more required classes done. After class me, my sister & my mom went to Rita's for Italian ice and it was very good. When we got home I helped my mom with a bunch of things then started on my running. My neighbor didn't want to run today and I was tired from class plus it was hot so it was hard but I pushed through and completely it. Then I took a quick break to rest and started on my other exercises so that I could play with my friends. When I finished I played for a few minutes then had to help my mom with some more stuff and did my meditation time then my friend came...

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  919 Hits

It's hard ...

It's hard to believe we are almost 3 weeks into the cycle. There have been some exciting times and some hard times. Today I woke up late so it was harder to get going and get my exercises done. My mom wanted me to get in some extra exercises todays because we are going to Great Wolf on Sunday and Monday and Saturday we have a busy day but I was tired and didn't feel like doing extra and all of my friends were playing so I wanted to play too. My mom is frustrated with me over it. I'm excited about Saturday classes tomorrow. Tonight I did meditation, ate dinner then played soccer with my friends. I need to work on my book essay tonight because my mom is frustrated with me since I have not finished it yet.

  831 Hits

Today star...

Today started out very challenging with doing my exercises but after a long talk with my mom I changed my attitude and got everything completed. After I finished I went to the park with my neighbor and we played basketball then I went to taekwondo. I helped with 1 class and earned a leadership credit then took the next class. It was just me and a white belt student and I really enjoyed the small class.

  824 Hits

Good day...

Today I got up early again and knocked out my exercises. I did a lot of extra exercises yesterday so I didn't really do any extra today. I am really seeing how much easier it is to complete my exercises when I get up early and get everything done before it gets really hot outside and before I get tired. I did meditation time this afternoon and went to N. Charlotte to take the hyper pro class tonight since we didn't have youth at church. I like the hyper pro class so I had fun.

  932 Hits

Today I go...

Today I got up early and ate breakfast then got started on my requirements. My friend that lives in front of me goes to the King Tiger Belmont too and he is a high red belt so he did the physical requirements with me today and it made it all so much easier to have someone to do it all with. I really enjoyed it. After we finished all of the requirements we watched a movie then went to taekwondo for one regular class and one weekday black belt class. I got a lot accomplished today towards my requirements so that made me feel good. Tonight I did meditation time while my mom cooked dinner then my friend/neighbor is coming back over to spend the night again.

  911 Hits

Today I go...

Today I got up earlier than I have been to get my running done. It was much easier today because it wasn't so hot outside. After I finished my running I worked on my other exercises then my friend came over & we played video games for a little bit then went to the park to play basketball. I went to taekwondo this afternoon & did 2 classes then came home and did my meditation time. Now I am going to go to the park & play basketball for a little while. Today has been a good day.

  1196 Hits

Today I wo...

Today I woke up ate breakfast then started on my exercises. My mom had to go to the grocery store so I took a break from working on my exercises and went with her to help her. After I got back I did my running which was the hardest again today because it was already so hot outside. After I finished my running I went and watered my neighbors garden then finished up my exercises. This after I worked on more of my book reading for my essay. I really like the book I chose & it seems like a great book. Tonight I did meditation time now then went to get shaved ice. Now I'm going outside to play soccer with my fiends. Today has been a good day.

  853 Hits

Today I st...

Today I started on my exercises when I got up then I stopped to cut the grass and help my mom with some other yard projects. After I finished the yard I started working on exercises again and got almost everything finished but had to stop again because my sisters new furniture was being delivered so I had to help get everything moved back into her room & put away since my sister has a hurt arm right now. After everything was done in my sisters room I worked on finishing up my exercises. Today was one of the hardest so far with getting all of my requirements met because I am sore & really tired from helping with all of the other projects at my house but I pushed through & got everything completed. I also finished up my 4th essay last night so now I am starting to work...

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  927 Hits

This morni...

This morning I started working on my exercises 1st thing then I went to the pool with my mom & sister at 10. We spent all day at the pool & had a lot of fun. My mom took us to Sweet Frog on the way home from the pool & it was really good. When I got home I was really tired but pushed myself to get my running done then I did meditation time. I am going to Friday Night Live tonight with my friends so I am excited.

  852 Hits

This morni...

This morning I got up early and started my day by doing my running then I came back home and went to my neighbors to put their trash cans back up. They invited me to stay & play with their little boy Murphy for a little bit so I stayed & we had a lot of fun. Then I came home and started working on my other requirements for a little while. I took a break and went to my great-grandmothers to help her in her yard & blow off her driveway for her then I came back home and finished up my exercises. My mom got off work early & needed help with grocery shopping and things around the house so I helped her for a while then we rent to go rent a movie. When we got back I played basketball with a few of my friends in my...

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  914 Hits

This morni...

This morning I did my running and my exercises early before I got too hot outside and then I went to my grandmothers house. I had fun at her house. Then I went to the park and played basketball but I didn't stay long because it was hot. I played with my little friend, Murphy for a little bit then went to taekwondo tonight and got in a mentee session. After taekwondo I watered my neighbors garden and took the trash cans out to the street then I ate dinner and did meditation time. Today has been another great day.

  944 Hits

I didn't r...

I didn't really have anything going on today other than taekwondo so I slept late since I stayed up late watching a movie with my sister. When I got up, I did my chores around the house then did my running. It was very hot and humid outside today so running was the hardest part of my exercises. After I did my running I came home and worked on my other physical requirements then played with my friend for a few minutes until time to go to taekwondo. I did 2 regular classes and a weekday black belt class tonight. I was able to get several credits in at my classes tonight so I was happy about that. After taekwondo I watered my neighbors garden then went to dinner. After dinner I did some extra meditation time & helped with more projects around the house for my mom. I don't have...

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  893 Hits

Today I go...

Today I got up early and did my running did knocked out my exercises so I could go to movie day & lunch with my youth at 10:30. We played basketball at movie day, had lunch together then watched a movie. It was a lot of fun. When I got home I took care of my neighbors garden, helped my grandmother with a few things she needed help with and played basketball until time to go to taekwondo. I did all 3 classes tonight and got another mentee session in. I am bummed about not having Saturday a classes this week but excited about black belt class tomorrow night. After taekwondo I did some meditation time while waiting for dinner to be delivered.

  898 Hits


Today I have been very tired and had to do a lot of errands with my mom. I went to church this morning then we went by my moms office, to the furniture store and the grocery store. When I got home I carried the groceries in for my mom then I did my running for the day. After I did my running I started on my other exercises and got about half of them done then I had to go to the store with my mom again to help her. When we got back I went to work on my neighbors garden for them and then came home to finish up my exercises. After I finished I watched tv and rested for a little bit then I did meditation time while my mom cooked dinner. After I finished eating I finished up my white belt challenge essay and got about...

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  889 Hits

A lot accomplished...

Today I woke up because I was excited but relaxed for a little bit then headed to Hyper Pro class. Immediately after hyper pro I took the Saturday black belt class and then a sparring class. This was the first time I have taken a hyper pro class or Saturday black belt class at the North Charlotte school and I really enjoyed all 3 classes but I was exhausted when we finished. I was starving so my mom got me some lunch then I talked her into taking me & my sister to Rita's for Italian Ice. It was really good and we had a lot of fun. I fell asleep in the car on the ride home. As soon I got home I was still very tired but pushed myself to get started on my physical requirements. I got through half of them did my running then finished up my...

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  925 Hits
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Today I we...

Today I went and stayed with my grandmother since my friends are still out of town and my sister was gone out of town with her friend. I helped her with things around her house then went and helped her at the grocery store and carrying her groceries for her. I worked on getting most of my exercises done and worked on my essays at her house and did some extra running then I ran to my house so I could finish up with my pull-up bar & kicking bag. After I finished my exercises at home I played basketball. My neighbor is out of town so I am taking care of their garden while they are gone so I went over and watered the plants. I enjoyed doing it and it was cool looking at how the vegetables grow up close. When my mom got home from work we went...

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  1523 Hits


Today I didn't have much going on because all of my friends are out of town so I just focused on my physical requirements. I started by day off by doing some of my requirements then ran for 2.1 miles. After my run I finished up my daily requirements and then I went to my great-grandmothers house with my sister and we played in the pool with our cousins for a little while. I also helped my great-grandmother with things she needed done around her house then I came home and got ready for taekwondo class. I did both classes tonight and finished up my last day of white belt challenge. I am happy to have another item for my requirements completed. Tonight I am just going to rest. Today has been another good day.

  763 Hits

Busy day

Today has been very busy. I went to tennis camp from 9-12 then came home and ate lunch. As soon as I finished eating I started working on my physical requirements and ran 1.8 miles. I only had a few minutes after finishing up my requirements then it was time to go to taekwondo. I took 2 classes. I did another day of white belt challenge during 1 class and got in a mentee session & earned a leadership 1 credit in the 2nd class. I came home from class and quickly ate dinner, did my meditation and now I am going to have ice cream with my friend/neighbor. It has been another good day & I got a lot accomplished.

  882 Hits
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Today has ...

Today has been an ok day. I got up very early so I could carry my moms work bags to the car for her then I went and cut my neighbors grass. It felt good to do things to help 2 people that I care for. After cutting the grass I played with my friend across the street for a few minutes then came back home to work on my exercises. It rained most of the day so I had to wait until this afternoon to do my running. My sister rode her bike with me while I ran so that made it fun. I took all 3 classes today and did day 2 of white belt challenge. I also had black belt class and I always really like it. Tomorrow morning I have my 2nd tennis camp to continue learning my new skill for my requirements. I really enjoyed the...

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  842 Hits

White Belt Challenge

Today when I woke up I was going to cut my neighbors grass but their little boy had pink eye so they had to take him to the doctor and asked me to wait until tomorrow morning. I'm excited about doing it tomorrow. So I got started on my requirements for the day and got everything completed except for my running, self defense challenge and meditation time then we went to the pool for a few hours. As soon as I got home from the pool I did my running and went straight to taekwondo class. I am doing my white belt challenge this week so today was the 1st day. When I got home from class I finished up my self defense challenge and started working on my next essay about the white belt challenge. Then I did meditation while my mom cooked dinner. I am very tired again from...

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  960 Hits

Another production day...

Today I woke up feeling sore from my exercises & the 5K yesterday. I started my day by going to church then I had lunch. After lunch I started working on my exercises and pushed through to get everything completed even though I was sore. Then I went with my mom and sister to get shaved ice which was very good and we went to the park where I decided to do extra exercises just for fun. I am going to play basketball tonight with my friend Jeran. I have had a great day.

  878 Hits

Productive Day

Today I got up really early and ran the King Tiger 5K. It felt great to get the cycle started off with credit for a Saturday Black Belt class and get 3.1 miles done. Then I came home and my mom took me to Chick-fil-a for breakfast. We didn't have anything planned today so I have worked on my physical requirements through the day all day and got a lot done. I did play a little basketball in between exercises. I have had a great day but very tired.

  954 Hits

Productive Day

Today I got up really early and ran the King Tiger 5K. It felt great to get the cycle started off with credit for a Saturday Black Belt class and get 3.1 miles done. Then I came home and my mom took me to Chick-fil-a for breakfast. We didn't have anything planned today so I have worked on my physical requirements through the day all day and got a lot done. I did play a little basketball in between exercises. I have had a great day but very tired.

  1323 Hits


Today was a pretty normal day. I started my day by running 1.5 miles then worked on my exercises for my regular class. It was very hot outside today so I stayed inside and started working on my 3rd essay. After I finished my essay me & my sister tried to go ride bikes but it was too hot for my sister so we came home. I went to taekwondo tonight and did both classes so I enjoyed my night. Looking forward to the 5K on Saturday. My mom picked my race packet up today so I am ready to go. I am really excited about getting the rest of the cycle started on Saturday too.

  837 Hits


Today was a great day. First thing this morning I started a tennis camp since I chose learning how to play tennis as my new skill for my essay for one of my requirements. Tennis camp was from 9-12 and I loved it. It was my first time playing tennis. I can't wait to get back next Wednesday to learn more. After tennis camp I came home and ran 1.5 miles and did my taekwondo exercises for my regular class then I went to taekwondo class. Then I came home and changed quickly to go to church and had a lot of fun in youth tonight. It has been a great day.

  797 Hits


Today I started my day off by doing my morning chores then went out for a run. Today I increased my daily run up to 1.5 miles so it felt great to start increasing so I will be prepared for my physical requirements. Then I came home and worked on my exercises. After I finished my exercises I called my great-grandmother to check on her and her and see if she needed help with anything. She had some yard work she needed done so I rode my bike up to her house and spread mulch and did other things she needed done. After I finished helping her I met my friend from taekwondo at the park in my neighborhood and we played basketball until time to go to taekwondo class then we just rode to class together. I did 2 regular classes tonight and then black belt class. We had fun...

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  781 Hits


Today was a great day. I started by day off by running 1 mile then worked on my exercises for my regular class & to help prepare me for starting my physical requirements on Saturday. After I finished doing exercises, I spent a lot of time finishing up essay #2 which I chose to be one of the Living Hero essays. It felt great to get so much accomplished. Then my grandmother took me & my sister to McDonald's for lunch for doing so well on our report cards. I finished up 6th grade with all A's and 1 B. I am excited about going to 7th grade next year. Then I played basketball with my friends for a little while before going to taekwondo class. This week is costume week so we all dressed and had a lot of fun.

  982 Hits


Today has been a good. I started my day off by running a mile to get prepared for the 5K next weekend. After I finished running, I worked on one of my Living Hero essays and I am almost finished with it. I will be happy to have 2 of the written assignments completed. Then I worked on my taekwondo exercise card for my regular class. This evening a couple of my friends came over and we played basketball at my house for a long time. Then I came in and did some meditation time so now I am going to watch the Spurs vs. Heat game.

  882 Hits


Today has been a very fun but exhausting day. I worked on my exercises some 1st thing this morning then I went to the park to play in a basketball tournament with my friends. 2 of my friends from taekwondo went to the park with me so we had a lot of fun together. This evening after everyone had gone home, I went over to my little friend Murphy's house (he is 3) and played with him. I love getting to play with Murphy so it made my day. When I got home, I worked on some meditation time, more exercises and then I ate dinner. We don't have sparring class or demo team practice tomorrow so I am going to enjoy one of my few Saturday's without any special classes.

  799 Hits


Today I got up & surprised my sister by making breakfast for him and taking it to her in bed. We didn't have much planned but me, my sister & several of our friends went to park downtown and played basketball for a while until it start pouring rain and we get soaked. When we got home I worked on some of my exercises before going to taekwondo. After taekwondo, I came home, ate dinner, helped my mom with several things she needed help with then a few friends came to my house to play basketball. My great-grandmother was having trouble with her computer so I quit playing for a little bit to ride my bike to her house to fix it for her. After I fixed her computer, I met my friends at the park and we played basketball again for a little bit longer then I came home so...

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  892 Hits


Today I got up & surprised my sister by making breakfast for him and taking it to her in bed. We didn't have much planned but me, my sister & several of our friends went to park downtown and played basketball for a while until it start pouring rain and we get soaked. When we got home I worked on some of my exercises before going to taekwondo. After taekwondo, I came home, ate dinner, helped my mom with several things she needed help with then a few friends came to my house to play basketball. My great-grandmother was having trouble with her computer so I quit playing for a little bit to ride my bike to her house to fix it for her. After I fixed her computer, I met my friends at the park and we played basketball again for a little bit longer then I came home so...

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  857 Hits

Today was ...

Today was the last day of school and very exciting. We only had to go a half day and it was our awards program. My chorus class sang the Star Spangled Banner and I was recognized for making A/B Honor Roll. Now it is time to get summer break started but I will have a busy Summer working on my black belt requirements. After school I spent a lot of time working on my 1st essay which I chose to go “How I can Apply Tae kwon do to my life”. I am almost finished and plan on completing it tomorrow. After I worked on my essay, I went to my regular taekwondo class then we had our 1st black belt class at the Belmont location which I really enjoyed. Master Shin ordered my new uniform today so I can wait to get to start wearing it next week.

  853 Hits

Today was ...

Today was my last full day of 6th grade. I am so excited about tomorrow being the last day. I woke up excited and then I had my favorite breakfast which is pancakes. After school, I played with my friends in the neighborhood for a few minutes then I went to taekwondo and had a good class. I am working on my first essay and excited about getting the black belt cycle started.

  862 Hits

I had a lo...

I had a lot of fun last night dancing at Friday Night Live and playing with my friends. I had sparring class this morning and had a good workout. After sparring class I came home, had lunch, played basketball and went to get orangeades with my mom. Tonight we went to Hardee’s for dinner & now I am getting ready to play basketball and spend the night with my friend Jeron. Only 2 more weeks until I can start tracking my physical requirements. I can’t wait! It felt good to get started this week on the other written/meditation requirements. I am excited about the King Tiger 5K in 2 weeks too.

  921 Hits

This morni...

This morning I got up & got ready for another day of school. I am excited that it is Friday and the last day of EOG’s for 6th grade. I had a bacon, egg & cheese biscuit for breakfast then headed off to school. During gym we played basketball which I enjoyed because I like playing basketball. I am getting ready to go to Friday Night Live tonight and have some fun.

  791 Hits

Day #1

This is my 1st journal entry. I’m excited to get started. Today I got up, got ready for school and had blueberry muffins for breakfast. We had EOG’s at school so I am glad to have that behind me. After school I had a little bit of time to play with my friend tonight then I went to taekwondo. Tonight’s class was a workout class. After taekwondo I played basketball with my friend Noah. Now I am worn out from a busy day and getting ready to go to bed.

  805 Hits