
Brennen Rivera

Member since: Thursday, 16 January 2025
Last Visit: Thursday, 06 March 2025
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


Today litealy nothing hapened the only exciting thing that hapened was I ATE out.    

  13 Hits


Today I had my last trail life for a while since i am doing baseballl but i really wish i could do both.  o well i will be back after the cykle.   

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Today I did a bunch of tae kwon do stuff and school.  

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Nothing really hapend today cept i went to school and hung out with my freinds.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                "_"               

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Today I had baseball tryouts and made it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I looked good to I hit everything they could throw to the Skyes.   

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Today I went to a park and hung out with my friends even though I forgot to bring water AND I WAS LITERLY DYING from water loss!!! (shrug) egh whatever.    

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So today I didn't really do anything much. I did school and kind of just had an off day, but I couldn't do electronics since I was grounded but I went to A bible study and slept well.    

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Today I hung out with my friendwent to tae kwon do did school 🚸 and survived. / SACATA!!!  

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so today notin really happened urm I literally just did schoolwork and takwondo also #bread 🥪 will never die 🎲.  

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Yee Haw!!!

Today notin welly hpend cept me n my fraind saiyd dat we h'd ta spek n a cntry cent for da rest of da dy.

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I don't know what to name this

Today I woke up did a ton of schoolwork did a ton of taekwondo stuff went to taekwondo came home doing more taekwondo.

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Today I didn't do much I got my first victory royal of the season went over to my aunt's house where the food is sooooooo good / #food.     

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Snow Day!!! V2

It snowed again!!! I cannot believe it and the snow was very heavy and good for making snowballs, so we spent like an hour doing that then my dad came out of work and ambushed us but unluck for him we had a whole cart of snowballs waiting for him... Now we are about to have a pizza and movie night.      

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Snow day!!!

Today It snowed!!! If you live in North Carolina, you know that that's rarer than winning the lottery. anyway, I came outside to play    and then I did school next I did my tea kwon do stuff and went outside to play in the snow with my friend we started to make a snow man but then we just destroyed it.  After that we played basketball and when we came inside, we had been outside for two hours then I went to kt and got a lead and assist.

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time travel

So, I am behind schedule, so I need to pretend that it's the 13th.  Today Is the day before Valentine's Day but my school is celebrating it.  so, it just kind of norm in-between classes we put candy in buckets but that's pretty much it.  then I went to a bible study.  on the way home I saw A DOG that was lost we tried to catch it, but it ran away. I hope it is found.  

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boring "_" '-'

Today I did schoolwork spent like 3 hours texting my friend and did some exercises nothing much.  I actually did learn at kt that you can only do one class assistance per day, so I was like CRAP i have a lot to do.         

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the need to sleep

Today was kind of boring I did a ton of workouts finished blue beetle and played the drums.  After that my friend came over and he got a world record for reaction time at 0.00 and I got 0.03.  Tomorow is Presidents' Day, but I still have schoolwork "_".  hope I can hang out with my friend tomorrow/SOOOOOOOO tired.     

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Physical! Physical! Physical! /"_"

Today I did an INSANELY large amount of physical stuff to get caught up I spent about two one-hour sessions of nonstop running /pushups / sit-ups/ burpees / jump rope / Pome Sae / self-defense / kicks / pullups / plank /. Well, you get the point after that I played fortnight with my dad and now, I am about to go for a third tonight we will eat out again and I will have a rest day.     

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Valentines' day!

Today was Valentine's Day! It was actually surprisingly okay I don't know how it is for most people but today I went roller skating with my homeschool group and I actually cooked latter they played a song that me and my friend requested and guess what it was thick of it!!! yep, thick of it by ksi one of the most brain rot/hated songs ever and yet everyone went wild but anyway then I came home and ran like 5 miles so now we are about to go to bed. 

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Boring '-'

Today I just went to school came home did a ton of cycle stuff and I am about to go to tae kwon do hopefully tomorrow will be less boring and more FUN.     

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my dog almost died

Soooooooo... just gona throw it out there my dog almost died last night... we were watching something and suddenly my dad yelled and showed a pack of half-eaten Firestarter apparently our dog max ate some of the fire starter my dad tried to make him throw up with his finger, but it didn't work so we had to resort to using hydrogen pryroxide and it eventually got so late we had to go to our rooms but after waiting for about 30 minutes my mom came up and said he threw up!!! I am so thankful he is alive.     

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Sniper Lord

So today I had to go home '-' '-' '-' but before I left, we played battlefront, and I am literally a sniper lord I hit crazy shots.  But eventually I had to leave. the seconded I got home I had to do a ton of school, but I got good chips...       

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Kansas City cheaters/ lets go eagles!!!

Last night was the Superbowl and the eagles won 40 to 22!!! I actually think that kc cheated during last Super Bowl because during the last play the 49ers were up one touchdown and chiefs were at the ten-yard line.  With only a few seconds left Patric Mahomes passed the ball of, and ALL THE 49ers just stood there like they had never played before while kc scored.  Anyhow I went to my friend's youth group to watch the first half and then we went back to his house to watch the second half.  After that we stayed up until two watching Captain America the winter soldier and playing battlefront 2, I still wish that I didn't half to go home tomorrow.                

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Pain!!! '-'

So today was mainly normal I did homeschool and even went to a park with my friend but when I got home and did my mile I stepped on my foot and hurt it but to make things worse I ran another mile and now I hurt like crap!!! So now I am about to go to bed hopefully it will feel better.       

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'-' '-' '-'

Today I went to school, and we couldn't stay late because off a meeting for the new people to see if they want to come then I came home and played video games and now we are watching stuff and we are about to go to bed.     

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Cyber Tournament

So today I went to church, came home, and played with my cousin who just left.  After that I played some fortnight.  When I logged on, I saw that there was a tournament, so I played some games and when I got out, I saw that I had 68 points!!!  Now I am about to go to sleep and hopefully I make it to the next round.           

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So today I ran a 5k and just sat around watching stuff and playing video games.  My cousin came over and she and my sister and brother are making a HUGE racket.  And if I don't join them, they will probably trash my room based on experience. So, PEACE OUT.         

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little bru

So today started normal I woke up went to school came home watched you tube and went to kt.  Well actually I went to another kt school but let's ignore that for now when I came home my parents told me that my little brother had been a bully, so I had a long talk about that.  But I am about to go to bed and am I going to a bible study and school tomorrow so it will hopefully be better.    

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Yesterday I went to a concert called winter jam with Ann Wilson new song Colton Dixon kb and SKILLET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was so much fun I got to go with my friend and when we got there, we met a bunch of kids from my school and sat next to them.   when skillet came up everyone went wild, and the lead singer pointed at me and my friends. At the end I got a skillet shirt and one of my friends got a signed skillet photo it was so cool! It was so loud I still can barely hear anything!!! 

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Off Day

Today I went to a coffee shop to do my schoolwork, so I took an off day.  Except for kt sparing and, I was supposed to meet up with my mentee, but he didn't show up.  So, I watched a show, and I am about to go to bed.          

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School Night???

Today I did A Lot of cycle stuff; to catch up so I had to do schoolwork late and I just finished but I have even more tomorrow so wakening up early tomorrow!!!   

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Night Before Pretest

Today I had A LOT of schoolwork, so I finished right before class so now I have to work on tae kwon do stuff late!!! and wake up   early tomorrow for pretest so going to bed early tonight!!!    

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