
Andre Malberg

Member since: Sunday, 14 June 2015
Last Visit: Thursday, 21 October 2021
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


Testing is tomorrow and I am so hyped to go. This cycle in my opinion was the fastest one ever. The reason is probably because I have done it for a long time and I am used to it. Again I feel that I am going to crush it and all the others will too. I wish everyone good luck and a good testing tomorrow. Thats it for tonight see you tomorrow.

  705 Hits


I can not wait for testing on Friday. I am so ready and I can barely contain myself. Anyway lets get into today. The whole school thing did not change but as soon as I got I went to TKD and my brother went to tennis. After that we went to eat and I started to journal. That is were I am going to end it. Thank you for reading.

  722 Hits


This was the longest math assignments in my life. Math honors is so hard... anyway lets get into today. Todays morning started off like all the others, eating walking to the bus stop etc ( not in that order ). I went to school and all my classes did all that good stuff. Came home did my requirements, and the torture of today... HOMEWORK ( bum bum baaa )! The reading homework was fine until the math came. I spent more then two hours on four different assignments. After I got that done ( only a couple minutes ago ) I started to journal. That is were I am going to end it, thank you for reading.

  703 Hits


After this journal I am headed to TKD. Today was really a do noting day except for requirements. I can not wait to go because I have so much energy to burn off. I really do not know if I will take sparring or what I will do after TKD. But guess I will have to wait and see. Anyway have to go see you next time.  

  650 Hits


Today is going to be quick ( like most others ). I went to school and learned that slope is y=mx+b and it is really easy. I also learned that this Monday coming up I have a teacher work day. I am very happy to hear that because I need a break. This week was one of the longest for some wired reason. Ok I am going to end it there see you next time.

  707 Hits


This is going to be a quick one. Today I did all my normal stuff at school and went to go and get in a mentee and Leadership 1. After this journal I am going to watch a Kevin Hart stand up ( on tv of course ). Also I am going to eat and just spend time with my family. Ok that will be all for today see you tomorrow.

  671 Hits


The reason that I am saying "FINALLY" is because I can do it on my computer rather then what I did last night ( last night = Facebook journal ). My dad ( thank you dad <3 love you ) found out a way and fixed my computer and I am very happy that he did ( i really did not want to do anymore Facebook journals ). Today I started my community service essay, and also went to go see the movie The House with a Clock in its Walls ( 4 1/2 stars out of 5 is my rating ). We also went around the mall where we watched the movie and got groceries after. That was it, thank you and see you tomorrow.

  679 Hits

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( Insert Tilte )

Really to think of these titles are so hard to do or is it just me. Anyway lets get to it, i am going to have a test for one of my classes tomorrow. Fun ( not really I am just being sarcastic ) but in all realness I do enjoy that class ( sorry just can not help it ). I was just watching one of Kevin Hart's shows ( he is so funny I recommend that you go watch him ) and am going to continue when my brother is out of the shower ( ten years later ). Yeah but all and all today was a good day ( please comment how your day was ). Thank you and see you next time

  654 Hits


Sorry about not doing my blogging lately, I just could not do it with all the school work and the rule that I have at my house. I can not get on computers, phones or video games during the week. I just have been forgetting to ask my mom. I am going to try and blog as much as I can. Anyways I have been doing good in school and have been having a lot of fun. Class and teachers are good, I really enjoy school...now at least. I will finish it there thank you for reading and have a good one.

  716 Hits

What a Day

Really the same school things as always Math, Science, ELA, and Social Studies. Yesterday was so tiring because I had 3 tests that day today I had 2. It is just so crazy but cool in a weird way. Today was and is going to be the only other day that I will have noting to do except doing my requirements and other things for the cycle. It feels weird just doing nothing.Well yeah that is basically all, see you next time.

  617 Hits

Hello There

Hey, this week is going to be crazy. I have a lot of tests that I have to do, I have 1 math test, 2 reading tests, 1 science and 2 social studies. It is so crazy that the 3rd week has so many stuff. I am also doing my written test and learning it. It is.... a lot but I can get through it. Oh also forgot I am now doing my creative form. That is it, see you next time.

  667 Hits


Today was my friends birthday and she had so much fun. I am relaxing and being tired, watching ESPN. Today I also worked on stick and doing requirements. I really can not think about anything to type about. I am loving the cycle and what I am doing. I am my best shape in my life. Thank you for reading and have a good evening.

  654 Hits

2nd Week Begins

Today was the start of the 2nd week of school. As if the first week wasn't hard already, finding your classes and getting back into the swing of things. Today was not that hard, it was actually pretty fun. I took sparring as well. Todays sparring was like the others, but we also did drills. I personally liked the drills that we were doing, they were pretty cool. Well that is were I am going to finish for today. See you next time.

  664 Hits

We Have to Talk

 OK today at sparring my brother had a problem. So when he was sparring someone, he continued to keep kicking to the head. My brother at the end of the match had a headache after. My brother is under 10 and is not allowed to get kicked in the head. Also how many times he got kicked was a lot. It was like 5 times, I can not remember. Either way I feel that if you know that the other person is not as good as you then you should take it at least a little easy. I really do not have words. As a black belt I should of stopped the fight but I was too caught up to see what was going on. Even if it wasn't my brother if it was another kid I should be aware and make sure that every is sparring safely. See you tomorrow.

  641 Hits

Noting New

Today was like all the others. Not to different, woke up and went to basketball and after went to go get a haircut. We stayed at that mall for a bit. Then after we went to eat and visit my grandmother. We talked and then came back home. That is all. See you next time. 

  682 Hits

Open House

Today was basically what I do everyday. I woke up, did my requirements and worked on my essays. But today I also had open house for me and my brother. I got all my teachers and classes that I wanted. I really liked all the teachers and can not wait to start the school year. My brother was also pleased with the teachers he got. After that we went to go eat. Then we hanged out with our friends and had a good time. That is where we stop for today. See you next time.

  699 Hits

My Short day

Today felt so short I really do not know why. As always I do my daily requirements and work on my essays. After that I chilled and invited someone over. We talk for a bit and then ate lunch. After that I had a yearly eye exam. I got that done pretty quick and then went and ate dinner. Then I played some C.O.D ( Call of Duty ) with my brother and here we are now. See you next time.

  706 Hits

My Blog :)

Today was like any other. I woke up, ate and did my requirements. After that I finished a essay and also did some reading. Then I rode around the neighborhood with my brother and also talked with my friends. After that I had lunch and then went to get shots for 7th grade. Right after we headed to TKD. I helped out and took a class. I also took sparring today and had a bunch of fun doing it as well. That was all I did today. See you next time. 

  631 Hits

I Don't Know

I don't know what to put as a title. I don't know... I am out of ideas. But  either way lets get into it. Today I woke up and felt like a board. I was so sore from basketball yesterday and it was a thorn in my side all day. I ate and then did my requirements and then hanged out with my brothers friend. We rode around and also just chilled. A few hours later I went and did TKD and sparring. This was one of the most demanding sparring classes that I have took in a while. Either way I got to do a lot of sparring and got a lot of rounds in as well. I am going to end it here. Thank you and see you tomorrow.

  689 Hits

Going to Grandmas

I have to go to grandmas in a bit so, yeah. I did what I did everyday and also hanged out with my friend and had a good time. That is basically all I did. Thank you and see you tomorrow.

  661 Hits


Because it is late I will finish this one quick. Woke up and ate then did my requirements. After that relaxed and hanged out with my friend Charlie. I went to do a basketball clinic a few hours later. Then I ate and headed back home. That was it, told you it would be quick. See you next time.

  697 Hits

A Quick One

Sorry about this being so late. Basically what I did today was spend a whole day with my Dad. I did my requirements and then watched a movie. Then we went to TKD and did sparring. When we got back home I ate and here we are now. See you next time.

  747 Hits

Helping Out

This morning I helped out at Master Richie's house and I really enjoyed it. I love being outside and doing activites  with friends. I personally feel that this is what Master Richie would have wanted us to do, come together as one big family. Either way I really just enjoyed working with friends and helping Master Richie's family as much as I can. See you next time.

  672 Hits

A Long Day

Where do I start with today...The time that we spent 3 hours at Walmart or when I finished transferring all my stuff from my book to the website. As I said a long day. The first thing I did was wake up eat and then transfer my stuff from my book to the website. After that we went to go say hi to my great uncle and his wife. We talked for a while and then we went to go buy some food that we were low on. We were at that store (Walmart) for 3 hours and only got a couple of things. Either way after that we went home and then I went to hang out with my friend Mel. A couple hours pass and then here we are. See you next time.

  660 Hits

Good Day

Today was basically like yesterday. I woke up ate and then did my requirements. After that I did what I did yesterday, hanged out with my grandmother and played with friends. Today I also did Black belt class. We worked on color belt and some black belt poomsaes and self defenses. That was really all I did. Sorry about it being so short. See you next time.

  658 Hits


Sorry about the title I really could not think of one. Either way lets get into it. It was like a everything day, we spent time with our grandmother, did sparring and TKD, and also chilled. As I said a everything day. Today also was the first day that my mom went to work at her new job. It was a very exciting day for her and she really enjoyed it. We also did sparring as I have already said and that was fun as well. Ok got to end it short so I can start getting ready to head to bed. So see you next time.

  655 Hits

Chill Out Day

Today it started out like any other. Did my requirements and then we went out to get something for Halloween. Then  we went to go eat at Red Robin. After that my mom, brother and myself went to go talk to some of my mothers friends. They talked for a while and laughed about a lot of stuff they were doing and then we headed back home. That is basically all I did. See you next time.  

  740 Hits

Crazy Weather

Today I am going to start off with talking about the weather that just passed. It was crazy. We went from a sunny day to a thunder storm in no time. Just wanted to talk about that first, but anyways lets get into the blog. First thing I did was wake up eat and then head to one of my mothers friends house. Reason... I really do not know. After that we went to go get some things for the rest of the week. Then we went to eat at Taco Bell and then headed home. When we got home I did my requirements that I did not get to do early in the morning, and did a bit of sparring with my brother.Then that is around when that crazy storm came in. So that is all I did today. See you next time.

  651 Hits

Sparring Day

This was a decent day. The day started out like all the others. Did requirements and then hanged out with my grandmother that was taking care of us while my mom went to go do some errands. We ate lunch and then headed to TKD. Today was the first day of my White Belt Challenge. I felt many different emotions that I will share in my essay. Of course I did sparring ( like the title says ).Today we went outside to do warmups and some drills. That was all I did today. See you next time.

  592 Hits


I liked today it was entertaining and I enjoyed it. The first thing that I did was wake up and go to Black belt class. After class my family and I went to Ikea bought some stuff. Then we went to go eat and visit my grandparents. We talked about school in 2 weeks and a lot of different things. I came back home and started blogging. And that is were we are now. See you next time

  664 Hits

An Quick Summary

Today was like any other day that I have blogged about. The first thing I did was wake up eat breakfast and start doing house work. The reason is that Sunday has always been a cleaning day as long as I can remember. So every Sunday we do the same thing...clean. After that I went to do requirements and ride my bike a bit. Then after a few hours we were going to my grandmothers because we were saying good-bye to my uncle. He was leaving because he and his girlfriend were going to move to Virginia. So we did that and that is all I did today. See you next time.

  632 Hits

Friday Fun Day

Today felt short, or was it just me. As always got requirements done, and then basically chilled for the rest of the day. I hanged out with my friend Charlie and rode my electric dirt bike with my brother. Then after that I went to Black belt. We worked on color belt and Black belt poomsaes and self defense. That was all I did today. See you next time.

  752 Hits

A Normal Day

Today was a normal day as the title says. First thing I did was ( as always ) after breakfast did my requirements and did some of my second essay. I also practiced some of my short stick, bolo and staff. After that I ate lunch and then headed to TKD. I took class and also helped out the next class. My family went to get a snack before me and my brother Aaron took sparring. Then we took sparring and as always... I love it! Well that was all I did today. See you next time.

  679 Hits

A Day with my Dad

Today was a cool day, at least for me. I woke up around 9:30 ( I normally wake up around 8:00 ). I see that it was rainy and it went from that to sunny in at least an hour. Weather is crazy here. But as always I do my requirements and start reading the book that I picked for the cycle. After that my dad comes home. I start to think that he probably forgot something, but he says that he is going to say and hang out with us for the rest of the day. He says that we are going to watch a movie. My brother Aaron was so happy when he said that. Lets skip to after the movie, we went home and hanged out with my neighbor Charlie. We chilled for a while til he had to go and that was an hour ago. Now after...

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  699 Hits

The Events of This Sunday

Today was very tiring. Lets start right after breakfast when I started my requirements. Right when I finished I went to go hang out with my friend. We rode our bikes for hours and hours and hours. Then Mel ( my friend ) told me that she needed to go let there neighbors dog out because they were out of the house. So we went over there let the dog out, gave him food did all that good stuff. Then we went right back to riding our bikes. 30 minutes later she had to go so we said good bye and now we are here. Thank you for reading and see you tomorrow.

  713 Hits

Family Movie Night

As you have seen from the title my family and I watched a movie. The movie was The Quiet Place. It was an amazing and thrilling movie. I would suggest it to anybody that dares to watch it. Some other things that I did today was Black belt class, watching my friends Muey Thi tournament, and doing my requirements. And that was basically it. I will write tomorrow, see you then.     

  644 Hits

A Relaxing Wednesday

This Wednesday was one of the most relaxing. I woke up, did my requirements and I hanged out with my friend Mel. We rode bike with my brother Aaron and also played in the house. Now after this I am going to continue my KI energy essay, which is almost done. I am glad that I took a little relaxing today. I really needed it. Thank you.

  701 Hits

Sparring Tuesday

Today was a good day. I got some of my KI energy essay done and I am very interested in the subject. Also I did sparring today and as always it is hard work. We worked on footwork for agility and of corse we sparred. We got to learn some things about scoring, such as what parts of the foot that we use to score and about the electrical gear. I got my requirements done and that is basically it. I will write tomorrow, see you then.

  660 Hits

A Fun Day

Today was fun and also and experience. Today I spent almost the whole day with my friend Mel. We hanged out and played some Fortnite. Then I invited her to come and watch me take a class and she said that she enjoyed it.  After we went to get a snow cone and continue our adventure. We went back to my house and rode our bikes around the neighborhood. After that it was time for her to go so we said good bye and here we are now. Thank you for reading.

  754 Hits

My D.C. Trip

It has been so long since I have blogged and I am glad to be back. I just got back from Washington D.C. and I have so much to talk about. First off this was one of the most amazing vacations that I have ever been on. One of the things that I enjoyed was all the history that is behind all the landmarks. It was so unreal to see and experience I am at a loss for words. I also got to have a family experience as well. I got to ride a bike in the main city. I got to see what people do on there daily commute. This was one of the most amazing most moving trips that I have ever taken. And I am grateful to have gone on it. I am looking forward to the cycle and I am happy to be a part of it. 

  677 Hits


Happy Monday for me that means starting on my essays and getting my requirements in. This is one of things I love about the cycle you are always doing something. There is never a dull day. I am starting to work on the "What is KI energy" essay. I love all the thing that I am learning about KI. Thinking back to when I started my first cycle I have come a long way. And also made lifelong friends and memories. This is for all the new comers all you have to do is work hard and you will succeed. And before I go I would like to thank you for choosing me for the sweat challenge.

  671 Hits

A quick Monday

  Today for some reason this Monday went by so quick I think that it is a Friday to be honest. Anyway it was a good day because I have no Math homework. I am so happy because I don’t have to worry about it so much. Plus I love that my teacher gives me a break and no stress about it. After that I was at the top of the class at the subject in science. It was the circulatory system. I watch a lot of educational video in science so you get good at it as time goes on. That is why I got a 10/10 at the end of the test. After school my grandfather picked me up. I hung out with them and then my mom picked me up and now we are here at home.Today was a really good Monday and hope that they are all...

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  1004 Hits


  This Sunday was a great one and I had so much fun I never want this day to end. But before I get in to what did my friend was here and He was having a sleepover with me. So the first thing we did was go outside and play basketball. After that we rode bikes and scooters and I had so much fun doing that. Then we ate breakfast and then relaxed for a bit and the got right into basketball again. We played basketball until he had to leave. Now I am just relaxing and watching TV. Today was fun and I enjoyed it. Thank you for reading and good night.

  1058 Hits

A great day

  Today was a very tiring one because it was the black belt test today. I think that tomorrow I will be really really sore in my abs. Today I worked my hardest and I am so proud of myself. Also good job to everyone on the cycle because we all passed. I am having so much fun too because I am having a sleepover with my friend Calvin. I am going to watch a movie with him soon. The movie that we are watching is called storks. I hear it is a very good movie and I think that we will like it. I am so tired after what i did a testing The rest of the night is going to be fun. Thank you for reading and goo  night and good job to all the testers. Bye;] :].

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What a Friday

  I did a lot of stuff and I really really enjoyed. The first thing I did today was do math and reading test. I don’t know what I got but I think I did well. After that we did some unfinished work and I got all of my work done and much more. Then we did the science test and the vocabulary test. I know I got all 100’s and I am really proud of my self and how I did. Then after school I went to black belt class and did a lot of stuff there. I also worked on my self defense also poomsaes as well. Today was very good and I hope that tomorrow is the same. Thank you for reading and good night.

  995 Hits


  I had some much fun today and I can not even think about it. The first thing I did was go to Gym. The game that we played was very like capture the flag but a bit different. I was one of the people that got the flag more than once. It was so very very fun. After that I did math and then reading. Then after school I went to Tae Kwon Do and also sparring class as well. I did class and then I hung out with some of my friends there. I also did some Music.ley with them and laugh a bit too. I also got better and I enjoyed sparring as always. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a good day.

  1023 Hits

Wednesday o Wednesday

  This Wednesday was very fun and a quick one to. The reason it was quick is because I had early release. When it is early release the day is rushed so much that the teacher are stressed out. Even though today was very rushed It was like a normal day. The first thing I did today was go to D.A.R.E and learned about risks and consequences. It was a educational and I really enjoyed what he said. After that I went to reading and there I did reading stations. Then I went to math and did a lot of my math that I need to do. Plus I really like the subject in math that we are learning about. Later we went into science and did some stuff there then it was Time to go hame and I really was waiting for. Thank you for reading and I hope you...

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  883 Hits

Monday is ok for a Monday

  This Monday was not as bad as I though It would be. It was some what a good one. The first good thing that happened was that all of the teachers were in a good mood. Also learned stuff I was interested in and I learned history and I LOVE history. After that we did some science and I also love science and what we are learning is very very cool. Then after school I did my home work and then went to my brothers tennis practice. When we got there though the coach was not there. Then we found out that he had family stuff to do and he was not coming. We got that and then played at a park close by. That is how my Monday went that you for reading and I hope you have a good night. Bye :];].      

  902 Hits

A basketball Sunday

  Today I am so ready to tell you about what I did. The reason I am so happy is that I had some much fun and I really enjoyed it. Even if I am tired it was one of the best workouts I did in my life. The first thing I did was warmup and I think that it was a good one. After that we did lead catch and shoot it was very very hard and it was tough and I pushed and pushed until I couldn’t any more. By the time I needed water I was done with the Drill. Then we did some shooting and layups. I did well and I made some and I enjoyed it. Today was a good one and I enjoyed it. Thank you for reading and good night and I hope that you have a good Monday.

  944 Hits


  Hi today I did a lot of stuff mostly tae kwon do. I enjoyed today and I want to talk about it. First I was at my grandmothers house because my parents wanted a night to themselves. So the first thing I did was get up eat breakfast and then my mother picked me up to go to black belt class.Speaking of black belt  class, we did fun stuff and stuff to get us ready for testing. I want to tell you about the fun thing first. It was hand and eye coordination. It was very very fun thing to do.  Now to the testing stuff. I worked on poomsae and self defense. We worked on that for about half and hour. Then after that we did some weapons. This class was a good one and I really really really liked it. Thank you for reading and I hope you...

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  968 Hits

A good Friday

  This Friday was a very good one and I want to tell you about it. The first thing I did today was I did some CFAs and I did well. I got a 100% on science. I don't know what I got on the math but I think that I did well on it. Anyways I also learned about different types of music in music. I learned about hip hop, rock, blues etc. It was a very fun to learn about and it was interesting. After school I went to black belt and worked on a lot of things. The first thing we worked on was poomsae. We worked on some of the higher belt poomsaes and  tweaked it a bit. Then we did weapons and then we where done with class. It was a quick one and I enjoyed it. Plus I was also a mentor so it was...

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  887 Hits


  Today was avery good and fun day. It was this way because I did a lot of good stuff and I want to tell you about them. The first thing I did today was gym. In gym we had free groups. That means that you can play with what ever you want but you HAVE TO be safe. I picked basketball of course and I played knock out. It is a fun basketball game that it is like a shooting competition. I won all of them and that was just the beginning of the day. The second good thing that happened is that I got all my work done and I got to do a cool activity that I get to make my OWN diagram  of the human body. It is awesome right I loved that activity. I also won a basketball game outside at recess The score was 20-10...

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  901 Hits

The past three days

The past few days were kind of hectic and it was hard to get stuff done. But some of it was good and I want to tell you about them. The first thing I want to do is D.A.R.E at school. It was very informational and I learn a lot about how drugs are bad for you. Also about alcohol and how that can hurt you as well. The second thing I did was go and see my grandmother. It was fun to talk to them and catch up on what they have been doing. Also it was fun to talk about school. Also I can not wait to go to gym tommorrw. That is the best enhancement in all of them because it is all games. It is all fun and games but you have to be safe and respectful. This is going to a fun rest of the week....

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  976 Hits

A awesome sunday

Today I have a lot of stuff to do and stuff that has been done. I got crab and lobster that we are going to eat it tonight. Also went to basketball training and did cool stuff there. It was fun and I learned a lot as well. Although that they did basics I enjoyed it and also it was good to get in the swing of things again. One of the things we did was was work on dribbling and shooting. I am kind of rusty because I have been concentrating on my  Black belt. But my Dad said that I was doing well and I will do well if I practice. I did well and I liked the drills that we did and I think I can do them at my house as well. I had fun and I wish that I will get back to being a Good...

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  982 Hits

A full week

I have done a lot of stuff this week and I want to talk about some of it. The first thing I want to name is that I took sparring on thursday. I did techinque on kicks and then did some sparring myself. I did ok but I need to do better and work harder. It was fun but I need to work harder like I said. I also went to the black belt class yesterday. I did some stick and staff forms and I also did some poomsae and self defense. I did blue through 1st poom and I work on the form, as well as the techinque of it too. Plus we also did some paugwa forms and did ok on the forms and I enjoyed them. I had a blast this week and I hope you enjoyed it to. Thank you for reading and see you next time....

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  969 Hits

A Sunday well spent

Today was a very good day because it is my dog birthday and grandparents day. We spent time with my Mom's mom and step dad and our dog Ace came too. We spent time together with grandparents and our dog. I also said happy grandparents day to my Dad's mom and dad. I talked with my grandfather about what they are up to and how their day was going. He said that they were taking care of my aunts dogs. They said they are doing good and the dog are having fun. It was very good to talk to them. After we got back from my grandmother and grandfathers house my friend Trey wanted to hang out. I was ok with that so him, my brother and I did some fun stuff. One of them was play a video game and had fun doing that. We had some laughs and also...

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  875 Hits


 The beginning of my Friday was very very fun. We went to the first ALL PRO DAD meeting that they do at my school. It is when dads take a bit of their work time to spend time with their kids and it teaches us about how dads are important in our lives. It was very beneficial to go the meeting so dads connect with their kids and know that they are a very important part of their life and future. After that we took two science tests and I made the best grades ever. A big fat and happy 100%. I am so proud that I did so well.  Also after school I went to black belt and did some poomsae and some weapons forms. I did stick, staff and some bolo. It was very awesome and I got better on my bolo. Thank you for reading and I hope...

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  845 Hits

Testing day

Today was testing day for the Lake Norman area. All of the testers did very well. I am so very proud of my metee to for doing so well at testing. At school I am so happy that D.A.R.E is starting up in few weeks. D.A.R.E is a class that you go to learn about the use of drugs and how they are a danger to you and your life. Plus it gives me extra credit and I get to learn about the dangers of drugs. Win and win for me, plus I have wanted to take D.A.R.E since I was in 4th grade at my new school MIS. I also started to learn about what is the difference between One celled Life forms and multi celled life forms in science. It is a very good thing to be learning about  when you want to be a scientist. It is very...

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  0 Hits

2nd week of school

The 2nd week is always the week that you start class work and homework. So this time we are really starting [school]. The first thing that we did today was go to our enhancements. My enhancements was foreign language. My language is Spanish, it is a very good language to learn because a lot of people that know this language. After that we did math and then reading. In math we are learning different ways to do two by two digit and three by two digit multiplication. In reading we are talking about context clues and how to be a good reader. Then we went to lunch and came back and did some more reading, then some science. In science we are talking about one celled life forms and multi celled life forms. It is really cool to learn about these forms of life that I never seen before. After school...

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  869 Hits

Labor day

Today will be the best day ever and I can not wait. Today I am going to hang out and relax with my dad best friend. We are more than likely going to shoot some hoops as well. Plus we are also going to watch the football game today. The two teams that are playing today is Florida State and Ole Miss. We are going for Florida State because that is where my dad got his degree. Maybe some day I will go to Florida State and get my degree. Some day FSU some day. Also the first week of school was very good and I would like that to continue for the rest of the year. Oh and I almost forgot that last night we watch a movie called Zoom super hero Academey. It was a very good movie and I enjoyed it. Thank you for rading and I hope...

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 Today was a good day like the other school days but this time I rode the bus to school yesterday and today and I enjoyed going on the bus. The one thing that is a  minus to this type of getting to school is the driver. The diver is the meanest person I ever will meet in my life. He yells at you for just turning your head in your seat. It is the most craziest thing in my life he yells for nothing at all. Anyways today I had Media and the first thing I did was read the book I got. After Media my class did math and some science. Oh and I almost forgot I also did the requiremets.Right now I am going to read for 20 min so see you next time ;].

  853 Hits


Today was full of a bunch of stuff so I am going to sum it up for you. Today was fun and some of the fun stuff we did was get some free draw time. Plus we are also starting the science block that we do. We also got started on the math block and started to think back on what we did in 4th grade. Also in reading we started our Daily 5. Daily 5 is when we split into groups and do some reading stuff like main idea. The book I got for daily five is Case File 13 The Zombie kid. So far so good with this book, I am very eager to see what happens next in the book. Today we also did Tae Kwon Do class at Lake Norman. I also helped out with the class after my class. Today was a fun day and I...

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  808 Hits

The first day at school

The first day of school was the best ever. My teachers are awesome and I would love to tell you about them. I am going to tell you what I did first then I will tell you about my teachers. Today was a bit crazy since it is the first day and everyone was trying to get to class before the bell rang. I got to my home room teacher and sat at a seat. The cool thing is she had pillows on the floor that we could sit on. Also she had some yoga mats that you could also sit on and it was pretty cool if you ask me. Anyways we also can eat a snack whenever we want during class time. That is awesome because if you get hungry you can have a little snack before you eat lunch. Also my home room teacher teaches my two favorite...

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  913 Hits

Friday night

Last night was so fun that I cannot stop thinking about it. Last night we went to Black Belt class. I did a lot of poomsaes and some self defense. We did red and high red poomsae and self defense. We also did 1 poom poomsae and self defense. Then we did some staff forms. I learned the staff form number two last night. It was a fun form and I really enjoyed it. The next thing we did was watch the movie Pete's Dragon. It was a very good movie and it made my Dad think about when he was little. It made me feel happy that he enjoyed the movie. Yesterday was fun and I enjoyed every second of it. Thank you for reading and have a good day.

  843 Hits

Open house

Today was open house and I was so happy to be there and meet my brother's and my teachers. My brother's teacher was very nice and she went to the same college as my Dad so he liked her. I have a feeling that Aaron is going to have a lot of  fun this year. My teacher was also very nice and she is teaching me my two favorite subjects, Math and Science. I also have another teacher that is going to teach me Reading and Social Studies. It looks like I am going to have a lot work to do in 5th grade. People say that 4th and 5th are the hardest grade you will go through. I also hope that my brother has a good year too. I think that he will do fine in 2nd grade. I had fun at Open house I can not wait for the...

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A Best Friend day

After getting my laptop for the school year and doing my physical requirements  I  invited my  best friend to come over and we had fun doing stuff together and I would like to talk about it. The first thing we did was tell each other what we did this summer. After that I showed her some new stuff I got this summer then we  played some video games. Then we shot some hoops on my new in door basket ball hoop. It is very cool and fun. Anyways we had fun and I really in enjoyed it.Then we chilled around and watched some youtube videos. After she had to go home to get ready for her soccer practice. The fun may be done  but I still have one more thing that I need to tell you. At dinner my Mom made the best dish that I have ever had and I...

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  876 Hits

The Sparring Seminar

The Sparring seminar was fun and I learned alot during it. Here are some of the thing that we did at them seminar. The first thing we did there where some warm ups. The warm ups worked on speed and moving out of the way when someone is kicking you. After  the warm up we did some kicking combos. Some went like this, cut kick, cut kick, kick to the head, turning side. After a half hour of that we went into sparring a person. Everyone got their gear and then we got paired. Everyone sparred and did well and every one worked very hard. Eveyone did their best.  I had so much fun I would like to do it again. Plus I love the location and I am happy that I got to go. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a nice day :] ;]. 

  855 Hits

Sparring Night

 I was at my grandmothers house for the night and I had the best time of my life. My brother and I had fun when we were at my grandmothers. We talked a lot about what we did this summer and a bit about school. Later we had to get picked up by my Mom. When we got to the house I did the Physical Requirements.  I also  worked with my brother while I was doing the requirements. He worked on his poomsae, self defense and kicks.After that we relaxed until class and sparring. Sparring worked us hard but we all thoughed it out and got through it. Me and my brother are still really tired from sparring. Sparring is  fun and tiring but I still love it. Thank you for reading and good night.

  841 Hits

Back to school shopping

 Today I was so happy to go school shopping. I don't know why but I have wanted to go back to school since summer started. Anyway, on to what I did today. The first thing  that I did was go school shopping. I had to get a lot of stuff for school. It took a long time but we got done and then went to my grandmothers house to eat lunch. After that we went to Tae Kwon Do in lake norman. My brother and I did the classes and I got leadership 1 and 2. I also did a lot of kicks, sit ups and push ups. The reason I am doing so much stuff is because I am trying to get ahead of the game again and not rushing to catch up. thank you for reading and good night :] ;].

  855 Hits

What a Monday :]

 Today I was doing stuff for the cycle all day. What kind of stuff you may ask,  two essays, Physical Requirement and now a blog it is a lot of work but I will be done soon. Anyways I will like to tell you about my day. So the first thing I did today was the two essays. The first one was the White Belt challenge essay. The one thing I had to do on the essay was finish the last few sentences and I was done. The second essay was the Hero essay number 1. If you want to now who my hero is then you have to read my essay. A really like this essay. After I did the essays I went right into the requirements. When I was done with  the requirements ate lunch and the got right back into it. That leads to here and now. After...

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  831 Hits

Back to life

Yesterday I got back from being at Florida and I would like to tell you some details about the trip back  to North Carolina. First thing that I want to tell you is the the trip back was 12 hour long. Can you believe that!? That is half of a full day, plus I love the change of scenery from a beaches, the ocean and the sand to grass and hills. It was a very beautiful site to see. I was amazed at how much I missed my home, I am so happy to be back. I also had fun  during this vacation. I am ready to get back to life and continue the Black Belt cycle. I will try to get as much done as I can.  Thank you for reading and good night. 

  874 Hits

An adventrue

 Today I did something new and I really had fun. What did I do you may ask, well I went to lagoon that went to the ocean. The cool thing about this is was that I have never seen a lagoon before so that was a new experience. Plus the ocean did not have as much waves so it was nice a calm there. The water there was not cold but not hot so the water was perfect to swim in. We also found some sea shells at the beach and there were some awesome ones there.  Oh and I almost forgot that my brother got a starfish at the ocean. Of course we let it go but it was cool to have a live starfish in my brother’s hand. Also we saw some fish in the lagoon jumping out of the water and we also saw a tadpole in the lagoon...

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  964 Hits

A fun past few days

Hi I had a fun past two days in Orlando Florida. I want to tell you what I did and share some of my favorite moments . The first day that I was in Orlando I visited Universal with my Family.  The rides there were the most fun one that I have ever gone on. Plus I got to go on some that I was not able to go to last time. Some of the roller coasters that I was not able go on last time were The Hulk, Dragons Quest and Doom free Fall.  I want to tell you which rides were my favorite in order. Number 3 was the Dragons Quest roller coaster because this is a very fast and fun one and I really enjoyed it. Number 2 was Doom free fall, It was a very scary ride and it got shot really high up and it was fun. The...

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  864 Hits

Sparring day

Before I tell you what I did I want to give a shout out to my brother because he is doing so well in sparring. I am so proud of him. The first thing I did was do some warm ups and then did a ladder drill. After that I went to do some sparring and it was very fun. It was very tired but I worked hard .Oh and I also forgot that I helped my brother on his self defense. I helped him with them when I was did the Physical Requirements. It worked out because since I was doing it with him that I am doing it too.I was so happy for him for getting his stripe. It is hard doing the cycle but it will all pay off at the end when you get your black belt. Thank you for reading I hope you liked it. See...

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  935 Hits

So fun week

I am so exited about the weekend is because we are going to go to Diseny and Universal. After we do that we are going to go to the Beach. It will be so much fun and It is all happening this weekend and through next week too. I cannot wait because I have not gone to Disney in a long time and in Universal I want to go to the new rides there, the rage of King Kong, It looks like a fun and scary ride.  I also want to show my cousin and godmother the Harry Potter resort. They have never gone so I want to show them what it is about. Thank you for reading and good night.

  853 Hits

What a day

HI today I was planing to go to the Biltmore but because of family problems I had to stay here at home. Staying here at home was not so bad because we did a bunch of stuff . One thing we did was going was play hide and seek. Oh I forgot that this was all at my grandmothers house. Anyway we played hide and Seek for a Hour and a half. After that we relaxed til my Mom came to the house.  At four oclcock my Brother, Cousin and I went to the pool. Then atfer an hour we went to my grandmothers house to dry off and get ready for Black belt class. I went to The North Charlotte location. When I was there I went over red and blue belt self defense. I had fun and learned some litte things that can help your self defense look better....

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  1002 Hits

The week

Hi! We are going to the Bitmore tomorrow! It is my second time going but it is still cool that I am going. Anyway I just got done doing the Physical requirements and I was wanting to tell you what it is like to be in the cycle. It is hard and you may feel like giving up but you have to push through it, you may be sore at the end of the cycle but it is all worth it when you get the black belt. That is my bit of advice on going through the cycle. Oh yeah I also want to talk a bit about the Biltmore. I am going to go whith my family from my Mom's side. It is going to be fun because my Mom's family has not gone to the Bitmore which is a good thing because everything is going to be new to...

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  897 Hits

Saturday Black Belt class

I got back from Black belt class today with Master Knight at the North Charlotte location. It was a fun one but we learned at the same time. I am going to tell you what I did at the class. The first thing we did was some color belt  poomsae and self defense. After that we went into some Koryo poomase and self defense. Then when the Bo-Cho-Dan were off of the mat  and doing the physical requirements, the first pooms and the other black belts did there poomsaes.Now I am going to tell you what I have learned. I learned how they got the name King Tiger. They named it that because they wanted to be as humble as a king and as fierce as a tiger, I also learned how to hold a paddle correctly and I leaned an easy way of how to work on your V sit-up's....

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  904 Hits

A Basketball week

Hi, I had a lot of fun this week at the Hornets Basketball camp and I want to share what I did with you. First let me just say that it is a privilege to get to go to a Hornets Hoops camp because not every one can go to one. I am so happy that I was a able to go to some camps in the past few years. At the beginning of this camp it was a hard time with the teammates because they were not passing the ball and we gave a lot of turn overs to the opponents.On championship Thursday we were the worst team there but we made it to the championship game. We may have lost but we made it to the championship game and that is a win in my book. I also got better at ball handling and got the award for best...

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  871 Hits

Kukikwon cup

Hi, I think that this years Kukiwon Cup is the best one I have ever been to. It was really fun and I want to tell you about my experience there. First of all I want to give a shout out to Taylor Belcher because this was her first Kukiwon and she did very well in this cup and I hope she had fun. My experience was very fun and I was proud for the people that I was cheering on.  I competed in forms and I chose Koryo for my form, I got a Bronze medal. Everyone gave me a high five and told me I did a good job. Everyone else did good and I was happy for my friends. This was also the first time I ate korean food. Oh and after my form competition my dad and I went to get snowcone's from Kona snow. It was...

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  843 Hits

The chill day

Hi today is a good day because I am going to relax today. The reason that I am so happy about this is because I am really tired after me and my brother play tennis for three hour and I think we just need a day so we can relax. So instead I am going to chill and relax. Were I am relaxing you may ask,  to my grandmothers house. I am just going to blog and do the physical requirements and that is it. I can relax for the rest of the day.By relax I mean sit and watch TV while eating chips. Also I may play with my brother and my Moms cousin. That is my  definition  of relaxing. Anyways talk to you next time. Bye and have a good day.

  860 Hits


Today was a good day, let me tell you what I did. Today was my Math EOQ and I think I rocked it????. so after that we made our own pumpkin. I did mine Minecraft and after we had lunch in the classroom. It was so fun to do that again. After that we made direction's to how to make that pumpkin. then we had inside recess. After we went home and picked up a couple of pumpkins from my friend Melanie's house, after this I will go to practice with other black belt before testing. I am very excited for testing. See you tomorrow. Bye????????

  1072 Hits


Today was a good day let me tell you what I did. So this week we are taking our EOQ's. so today when I got to school we read our books and then we toke our EOQ for Reading. After that we had lunch and then we did Math and inside recess. And after we went home and then went to Tae Kwon Do. And then we took class, me and my brother Aaron. Then I did a Mentor session.Then we ate McDonalds. I ate a biscuit and we went home. Oh I forgot to tell you what I did on the camping trip. It was so fun because it was my first time camping so I was a bit scared. But by the end of the trip  I wanted to camp more.. I also got to train with Grandmaster Lee.

  1012 Hits


Today was a good day , let me tell you what I did. Today was a good and exciting. When I got to school we did Reading and then we did Math. After that we went to Media. When I was in Media I read on my computer. After that I went to lunch and then we finished Math. After Math we went to recess and then went home. Now I have to catch up on some homework, and review some math that I was having problems with and my grades were not what my mom expects. Tomorrow we are going to the Monster Mash party and then camping on Saturday. So see you tomorrow ????????????????????. Bye.  

  1018 Hits


Today was a good day, let me tell you what I did. Today when I go to school we started the day with reading a book. Then we started Reading and then Math. After we went to music where we worked on Native American tribes and after that we went to lunch. Then we finished Math and then we went outside to play. And now I am about to do TKD class so see you tomorrow. Bye ????????????.

  920 Hits


Today was a good day, let me tell you what I did. Today we had a substitute because my teacher was not there. My friend Joshua and I where the best in the class with other people too, not just us. Today was art, we drew pirate ships. Mine was OK ????. After we had lunch and then we finished Math. And then we went outside and then we went home. When my mom came to pick me up at school she wore a storm troopers helmet. Oh yeah, every year when she picks me and my brother up she wears a mask of something or someone when its Halloween time. Now I gonna get some TKD stuff done and submit me homework. See you tomorrow!

  1045 Hits

Character Day

Today was a good day let me tell you what I did.Today was character day I was MJ aka Michel Jordan. It was fun and cool to be MJ. Had a basketball the whole time. So we started school with Reading and then Math. After Media and then lunch. Then Math and after that we went home. Now I am about to take TKD class, funnest part of my day. See you tomorrow!!

  962 Hits


Today was a good day let me tell you what I did. Toady was early release! Cool right ????. Well, in the morning we went to different classes and listened to ghost stories from North Carolina. They were scary but not too much. We got cool stuff from the teachers too. After we went to P.E. He let us play any thing we wanted, so I played basketball and some soccer. After we had lunch in the class room. Coooooooooooool. Since it was spirit day for our school we went to the Mooresville Ice Cream Company and I ate a superman cone. Now I am home and going to catch up on some TKD stuff. Bye!!! See you tomorrow! 

  895 Hits


Today was a good day let me tell you what I did. Today was good, I started it with Reading and then we did Math. After that we went to music. We did stuff with Native Americans. It was so cool to learn about other people. Cooooool. After we had lunch I was starving. But it filled me up. Today I have TKD and sparring class, can't wait. Slowly but shortly my black belt testing day is coming. I am excited and nervous. Bye....see you tomorrow.

  909 Hits


Today was a good day ,let me tell you what happened. One good thing about today is that it was PJ day. We wore our PJ's to school ????. It was fun but the rules did not change in school. But some people did not care. And they got in trouble bad. But after that the day was better then it was this morning. But after school I did my 5k essay. And tuned in my homework on the computer. Now I am doing my blog and after I am going to eat at my grandmothers house. I will also continue to do my poom saes and whatever I am behind on. So ... see you tomorrow. Bye.

  977 Hits


Today was a good day let me tell you what I did. the day was along and a tiring one too. School was good because we got to buy some books from the Book Fair. This is the time of year that kids from the mooresville disirict sell books from scholastic. I got a lot of books, they are soooo good. And now I am watching class. So see you tomorrow.

  809 Hits


Today was a good day, let me tell you what happened. Today we had a sub because me teacher had a workshop. When I got to school we did Reading and did research on what ever we wanted. I did my research on blackholes. Did you know that blackholes are so strong that anything that is near has to orbit it. After that we did Math. Then we had art and had lunch. After that we did Math and social studies after recess. Now i am watching NBA Miami heat finals 2013. I also found out that I passed the written test of my black belt cycle, I'm so happy! See you tomorrow. Bye

  907 Hits


Today was a good day , let me tell you what I did. When I woke up I went straight to school. When I got to school we did Reading and then Math. After that we went to PE where we played dodgeball, so much fun. Oh I forgot it was early release, so instead of lunch we had the the rest of Math. And we had lunch and social studies after that. And then we where out of school, on the way home I went over my study guide for Saturday's TKD test. Now I am going to eat dinner at my grandparents' house, so see you tomorrow. Bye.

  946 Hits


Today was a good day, let me tell you what I did. This morning was stressing but we got through it, we were running late. When I got to school we started Reading and my mom was there to help. After that we had Math and Enhancements. This time I had music, and after that I had lunch. So now i am going to take class, have a mentee session and also sparring class, so see you tomorrow.

  1052 Hits


Today was a very good day, let me tell you what I did. When I got there I did reading and math. After that I went to art where we started to make our own pirate map. After art we had lunch and we finish math from the morning and social studies. Then we have recess where I played with my computer because it was raining outside and then we left. Now after this i will go to Chick-Fil-A for spirit day at my school. And I can not wait for my tests on physical and written on Saturday. See you tomorrow. Bye

  979 Hits


Today has been a good day, let me tell you what I have done. Today we woke up and me, my brother, dad, and mom watched Tomorrowland. It had a lot of action, and history and great story. And yesterday I was doing my special needs challenge and when I was done with it was so good to be able to talk. Then it was so good for them to understand me and it was so good to speak again. So see you tomorrow, after school. Bye. Bye.

  888 Hits

A new expernes

Today I am doing the special needs challenge, chose mute. It is so frustrating and annoying to not be able to talk. A few minutes ago we ate Breakfast. Now I am watching the hero show Hero Reborn and the old one Hero. It is a cool show and interesting too. Anyways I think today is going to be a good day. I can not wait for tomorrow. See you. Bye.

  910 Hits

This week

This week has been a blast, let me tell you what I did. On Monday we started a new skill not really new but

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Today was a good day, let me tell you what I did. This morning we were getting ready for picture day at school. When I got to school I started reading. And after we did math rotations and then enhancements, then it was lunch. When we where done we went to the class and finished math. When we were in the bathroom my teacher gave me a ticket for a prize for being quiet. Now I am going to start on my white belt essay. I can not wait for tomorrow. See you tomorrow.

  958 Hits