
Evan Trogdon

Member since: Saturday, 08 July 2023
Last Visit: Wednesday, 02 October 2024
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

I'm back today to journal about some of my experiences so far in black belt cycle. So far I'm proud of what I've done in cycle. for the first week I had to do double to the stuff because we had been away at California. after that week we got into the process of going to the Northern Regional Rec Center and did all of our stuff there. yesterday...

I'm back today to journal about some of my experiences so far in black belt cycle. So far I'm proud of what I've done in cycle. for the first week I had to do double to the stuff because we had been away at California. after that week we got into the process of going to the Northern Regional Rec Center and did all of our stuff there. yesterday I went to a birthday party and had a lot fun but I had to go home to all the stuff that I still had to do. I did all my stuff before this journaling session and I was tired and sore from yesterday.


Last Journal!

Hey guys, I tried to write a long journal about standing up for yourself and being cool, but the site deleted all of it so I'm just going to talk about my day. Today I did a sit-up and push-up competition and I got 56 sit-ups and 86 push-ups so I'm happy with that. I hope you guys have a great rest of cycle, see you guys later, bye!

  83 Hits

Last Journal! Read this

Hey guys, this is my final journal and I want to make it special. Today was an experience because I went through the routine and finally made it to P.E., now in P.E. today we did a push-up and sit-up check to see how physically able we are. I did 56 sit-ups and 86 push-ups, and they lasted 1 minute. I think that I did good, so after that I went up to the high-school, and I finished my homework. Then I left and I went to the chiropractor and got some of my body fixed so I'm not as broken. I'm excited for the end of cycle, and I realize that we all have a drive to make it to the end of black belt cycle, you know what yours is so use it to your advantage. When you need some inspiration, just think of why you are doing this,...

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  76 Hits

Lucas Has a Ferrari!

Hey guys, so I went to school and did all that stuff, but when I was on the road back to my house, Lucas Pharr pulls along side us in a Ferrari! I was not expecting it so I was confused but he waved and I waved back and he passed us and his dad revved the engine and it was really cool. Anyway, I finished my homework and I just have Drivers Ed stuff, my requirements, and an essay I can write. See you guys later, bye!

  106 Hits


Today I went to church but this time I got up at the pulpit and spoke. I was told and not just by my parents, that it was a good talk. After church, I went home and did my exercises. After those, finished some homework and walked around the block four times which adds up to two miles. I worked on some Drivers Ed, and got to question 111 out of 179 on the scavenger hunt thing. After all of that, watched some football and dirt bike racing then came down for dinner. My grandma came over for dinner and we ate some more soup. After we played Bang which is a fun card game and now I'm journaling. I have two more essays I need to write, the community service one which we did yesterday, and the history of the Kwans. Anyway, see you guys later, I only have two...

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  78 Hits


Today started with a black belt class which was rigorous and fun. Afterward, there was a kid who was trying to punch and kick me, so I just rolled out of the way every time Elden Ring style he thought it was absolutely hilarious, then again, he was like 5 or 6 so whatever. After that, I went with Zayne to go get our suits fixed up for church, but we can't wear them tomorrow because the tailor takes awhile to do her thing. Then we went to the Kickathon and raised over $7,000! I mean that is a lot of money and we did over 70,000 kicks too! I did about 1,000 of those so I'm happy with that. After we went and got Cookout milkshakes and they we very good, especially after doing that. Tonight I'm going to a ward picnic. It's where everyone in my ward gets together...

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  96 Hits

Sparring Class

Today I started my second block day of the week. I don't know what to think of them honestly. But I got home, and I completed my homework and exercises. I went to sparring class tonight and I was sparring this guys and he kneed my shin and I think I have a bone bruise now. It hurt and still hurts a lot! I also learned today how to get access to the code of the King Tiger website, and I could change it but I won't because I don't feel like it and I don't understand a lot of it anymore, I won't tell any of you and I will not mess anything up I promise I only thought it was funny so I shared it. Anyway, have a goodnight and make sure to sleep, bye!

  96 Hits


Today I went to school and did my school stuff and all that jazz. After I went home and did my requirements then went to TKD and learned something saddening, Devin, you know him the high red belt that causes trouble sometimes, yeah I learned that his dog died today which made me sad. After all of that, I went home and ate/drank soup for dinner, it wasn't my favorite but it was still really good. I ended up working on my talk for church on Sunday, it's about peacemakers and I actually was able to finish the rough draft of it. I thought that I did pretty well on it too, so that's a win. Anyway, see you guys tomorrow!

  68 Hits


Today I woke up and did early morning seminary and then went to school. During school, we had another surprise Spanish test and I passed( I think). Afterschool, I went to the chiropractor and had some stuff done there (finally). Then we went home and worked on homework and requirements. I went our church activity which was taste testing to see which kind of pizza, or which starburst flavor and all that stuff, it was fun. Anyway, have a goodnight, and I hope to see you guys tomorrow, bye!

  78 Hits

Labor Day

Today was different because of the holiday, of course I didn't go to school, and I got to play games today too. I did some Drivers Ed, and now I'm journaling but I get to play more videogames later. I hope you all are having good days and my day is pretty uneventful so, Have a nice day and see you guys tomorrow!

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Today I went to church then after went to Magnolia's house with Jack & Zayne to walk another five miles at her house and play some D&D. We kind of stopped playing D&D about halfway through and then started messing around. I came home, showered and watched some tv and now I'm going to bed, see you guys Tuesday! Bye!

  82 Hits


Today was pretty hectic, I woke up, went  to Black Belt Class and did some stuff there. Then went home and worked on my Lego set then played some Hitman 1. After that, I went to go pick out fabric for my Jedi tunic that my mom has offered to make for me then went grocery shopping and did some stuff at Goodwill. Tomorrow I go to church and then after I get to go and hang out and do some D&D again. And on Monday my friends want to go to the movies and hang out and have fun so I've got a busy weekend ahead, see you guys on Tuesday, Bye!

  70 Hits


Today was pretty routine so I won't talk about it a whole lot. After though, our Dad picked us up instead of our Mom so that was different but cool. I got home and did some homework and did my exercises at TKD and got a mentor session in and finished learning staff form 2. Anyway, I'm going to watch a movie and that's why I kept it brief, see you guys early tomorrow! Bye!

  89 Hits

Short Journal

I want to keep it short because it's late and I want to go to bed so today was great, I got to go to school and that was pretty fun and cool, after we went straight home and did our exercises then we went to TKD and did sparring class. We had my favorite for dinner, chicken pot pie so that was good too. Anyway, see you guys tomorrow at Black Belt class! Bye!

  103 Hits

Rhapsody in Blue

Hey guys, today I went to early morning seminary again and it was actually pretty fun for it being so early. After, I went to school and had band first like always and in band we played a song called Rhapsody in Blue and it's a five minute song and it sounds really cool on a recording but not in the band. Anyway, I didn't go to TKD today because of my legs, they've been in constant pain all week and I haven't gone the Chiropractor because we haven't scheduled an appointment. Anyway, I did more drivers ed and Legos, and we're having tacos with carnitas for dinner so I'm excited for that, See you guys tomorrow!

  110 Hits

Drivers Ed and Legos

Today I started seminary which is a morning gospel study for my youth group in my church, so I woke up at 5:00 in the morning to do that that then hitched a ride with one of the kids there that goes to my school too. After school, I went to the gym and did requirements and I did 17 reps or a 50 pound easy bar and did 15 reps with 100 pounds on the lat pull down then did 110 on the lat pull down 5 times. After, I came home and did some drivers ed stuff, I have to read through 103 pages of that stuff to even go and get my learners permit and they call it a "scavenger hunt". After, I went to TKD and did a class and got a menti session and when I got home, I ate dinner and figured out my grandpa...

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  120 Hits


So today I went to church and hung out there for a while and that was fun and after church Zayne and Magnolia came over to my house so we could do a five mile walk again. It was really fun and I enjoyed it. When we got back, I helped Magnolia make her Dungeons and Dragons character and we played a little bit of a quest. Then we hung out and ate dinner we had pulled pork sandwiches and Magnolia's mom brought some homemade mac n' cheese and it was amazing so I'm taking it to school for lunch. I have to start waking up at 5:00 in the morning so I can do early morning scripture study with peers so that'll be fun too. After all that I used my lightsaber in a dark room and my mom recorded videos and they make the lightsaber look real and it...

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  91 Hits

New Lightsaber parts!

Last night I got new lightsaber parts because the other parts weren't working properly. They would keep unscrewing and untightening if I even just touched it so we got new ones and they work great! I can swing it around with no issues and I can hit people with it and it probably won't hurt too bad. Anyway, I gotta go now see you guys on Monday, I've got to do some stuff, bye!

  91 Hits


Today I went to school and I finished my requirements for the day, after I went to black belt class and I ate Taco Bell for dinner. We are watching Stanger Things right now and I needed to journal before I forgot, so goodnight! 

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The Grey

Today I went to school and I did my classes and I finished my homework at school so that's good. I also went to our schools football and soccer field for P.E. and it's called the Grey. There's a track that goes around the football field so I did two miles for next week, I needed to do something that I'm kind of good at because I'm pretty bad at football and soccer. I finished my requirements and I helped my mom make some baseboards for our laundry room, and I got to work on my puzzle that I've been working on for a while. The puzzle is a 1000 piece Darth Vader puzzle with three colors, red, black and grey so I've been struggling to finish that. Anyway, gotta go, I'm going to be at sparring tonight so I can get some stuff out of the way, I've also been...

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  101 Hits


Today was picture day at school, I think the photographer did good for my pictures. I'm not going to TKD today we've had a busy week and my mom didn't want to go. I'll be there for sparring tomorrow and everything else during the rest of the week. I walked another 1.5 miles today and that completed my miles for the week. Anyway, I want to hang out with my family so I got to go, bye!

  70 Hits


Today was pretty standard, I went to school, got my homework done and then we went to the gym but ended up going back home to do our stuff instead. I got a music player and I've been using it and it works pretty well. I ran a mile in nine minutes, not my fastest, but it was good. I played capture the flag in P.E. and I scored a point but we lost in the end, it was still fun though. Anyway, I have some stuff I want to do, I'm not going to TKD today so I can do some church stuff, anyway, see you guys tomorrow!

  85 Hits


today was pretty much the same, go to school, go to TKD get stuff done ya know the normal stuff. I learned today that I start drivers ed on the 26 of august so I'm really excited about that, anyway, I have to go now, I want to watch some tv before bed so goodnight and see you guys tomorrow!

  70 Hits


Today we went to Church and after we went and walked five miles so me and Jack are almost done with miles for the week. Zayne was walking with us and he came home and we made him a DnD character and played a campaign. After that we ate dinner and talked then Zayne went home and we finished the first episode of the third season of Stanger Things just now and that's it, bye.

  93 Hits

Saturday Chaos

So today me and Jack are going to Black Belt Class today, but after I have work and when I get home from work, I need to help my mom with redoing our laundry room. We want to put the tile in today but I don't really want to help but I will anyway because my mom does so much for me I have to return the favor. Then I get to run and walk o what ever and once I'm done with that I need to go grocery shopping with my parents and once I get back from that I have four hours to play videogames and then we are going to watch a movie or something, maybe an episode of Stranger Things I am almost done with the second season and I know I'm late to watching the show but it's really good. Anyway see you guys in class,...

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  110 Hits


Today was pretty easy too, I went to school finished my homework and we didn't go to the gym but finished our exercises at home. After that, we went to Black belt class and did a mentor session. Then I got home and ate cheese burgers for dinner. We are watching a movie tonight so bye!

  76 Hits


Today was pretty easy-going for the most bit. I had school and I had a project I was working on with  a friend but he kept on goofing off with other people and not doing his work. I got all of my homework done at school so that's a positive. After school I went to the gym and ran 1.5 miles and did all my exercises. I think I'm done with my miles for the week. After we got home from the gym, my mom asked me and Jack to bring cabinets upstairs because we are redoing our laundry room. Afterwards, we went to sparring. I sparred twice, Zayne and Peter so that was pretty fun. Now I'm going to eat dinner which is hotdogs which I'm not happy about. Anyway have a nice night, see you tomorrow!

  79 Hits


So today I went to school and did everything I was supposed to for the first time in like four grades. Today I had band first thing in the morning again, but I had it for 90 minutes so that was fun. In Spanish class, I was sitting in the corner and kids were complaining that it was too hot in the room and the air conditioner was right behind me so my back was freezing the whole 90 minutes of Spanish. I also teamed up with  a sophomore named Jaeger (pronounced Yay-ger) we did a bunch of Spanish stuff and we are working on a project and we chose to do a crab as our thing so he named him Fred. When I got out of school, me and Jack went to the gym and did our requirements and then we went home. After we got home and changed for...

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  104 Hits

No Pain No Gain

Today we went back to the Chiropractor. I know it probably doesn't seem that bad at first, but my neck, upper back, bicep, knee, calf, ankle and foot were all in pain beforehand. My neck still hurts, and he was saying it wouldn't hurt but... Anyway, I had school again today, it was kind of tough getting into a schedule again but I seemed to have managed because I made it to all of my classes on time. I have P.E. last block so I didn't need to change out of my P.E. clothes and that was great. Later today I'm going over to our church and were going to play games there. The one that I'm looking forward to the most is one called (don't take it the wrong way) Secret Hitler. It's kind of like a mystery murder game and there are ( again don't take this the wrong...

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  93 Hits


Today was pretty busy, I woke up at like 6:00 am and got ready for school. After that I actually did the action of going to school, it was fun, I got some of my service hours that I need to graduate from high school. Despues de Banda, yo voy a mi clases, y completo mi tarea. When school ended, me and Jack went to the Rec-center and did our exercises and we ran two miles, I did 22 pull ups so I'm proud of myself. After that we went home for 30 minutes, ate pizza and went back to TKD. I didn't help with class, but I did get to do poomsaes with other black belts. When I got home, I ate dinner and did my Korean study session and now I'm journaling. Me Jack and my dad are going to watch Stranger Things now, bye!

  70 Hits


Today I went to Church and I was able to pass out the sacrament. It's a way for us to give thanks to God and to also rid ourselves of sins every week. After that, I went over to some church friends house, and me and my dad talked to them about God. It was a good time and I feel like I talked with them well. When I got home, Jack had made some Mac n' Cheese, and now he and Ronin watched Ratatouille, and we are going over to my Grandmothers house to watch Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes so that'll be fun to do. I'm not sure what to think of the movie yet, but I hope it's good. Anyway, have a good rest of your day, bye!

  72 Hits


Today will be pretty chill. Me and Jack went to Black Belt Class today and it was actually kinda fun. After that we got our requirements done and now I'm journaling. I forgot to journal yesterday so I'll say that we went to school and most of my teachers seemed to be pretty easy-going which is a good thing, we watched Godzilla Minus One which is the best Godzilla movie in my opinion. It's the Japanese Godzilla so he just destroys everything and  it's way cooler that the American Godzilla. Anyway, I don't have much else I'm going to do today other that that, I'm going to play videogames, but that will be a little while. See you guys on Monday!

  78 Hits

Weird day

So today We decided that since the Rec-center is closed, we might as well get our running done. Instead of running we walked around our counter 406 times. It took over an hour to complete, but we did it! Also, me and my dad finished the first season of Stranger Things last night, I liked it a lot. I'm going to play videogames and I hope the internet isn't down, bye!

  73 Hits

School :( / :)

Today was my first school day, although it was just a half day it was still hard to go back after being gone for so long. It was good though, I didn't think my teachers were going to be that chill but they are very relaxed and my study hall supervisor has two rules: no eating, and don't disrupt others but we can do anything else, like play games, watch Netflix, anything like that. When I got home I did all my requirements and I walked 2 miles. Tomorrow is the first full day of school, I had to read The Book Thief so I might have to right an essay on that soon too, anyway see you guys later!

  78 Hits

School starts tomorrow

Today was my last day working with summer camp kids. I went to Urban air and it was fun. A little crazy but still fun. I got to play video games for the last time for a long time and then eat steak for dinner. Tomorrow is my first day of highschool and I think it'll be good. We can do this! 

  92 Hits


Today I did all my exercises and I ran and walked 2 miles. After, we went to the Chiropractor again, and we also went to our school to drop off stuff for Ronin and meet his teachers. After that we went to Sport Clips, and now I just finished my lunch and I'm going to play videogames. See you guys later!

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Today I went to church, and I got talk with some friends, one of which was Zane (idk how to spell it). Anyway, I got him to come and help in our church lesson that we did and I asked him if he wants to serve a mission which is something you doo when you turn 18 in our church. He said that he'd like to, but I told him if he wants to he needs to get more involved with the church. When I got home, we walked around our block and got 2 miles done, now I'm going to play some DnD with my family, and also one of my mom's friends kids, so wish me luck. I'm going to be the DM so I've got to go now, bye!

  81 Hits


Today was has been and will be pretty good. Today since Master Evins isn't here, we didn't do the Master Evins class which was nice. after I did the Black belt class, I worked up until like 11:30 so it wasn't that bad, the kids in the Little Tigers are a handful though. I have already done my requirements for the day and I'm going to chill until I have something to do. See you guys on Monday! I don't go on Sunday.

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Today, I got up early and did my exercises and went to the gym to do my run. After the run, we went to target to get me a suit for church and other stuff. When we got on the road again, I saw a truck with a weird sticker, it was images of  squirrel=$ and we thought it was funny. Tonight we're eating homemade pizza and it's actually so good. I can't wait and I'm going to play games now, Goodbye.

  83 Hits

Late Night

Today, I went to work with the summer camp again. It wasn't as bad as it could've been, I ended up going swimming and was very tired after work. When I got home I played some games and went back to TKD to do sparring and help with class. When I got back, I ate dinner, we had salmon and mashed potatoes, but after that I played more videogames and then I went down here and wrote this. Goodnight everybody.

  80 Hits


Today I did my requirements at the gym and after we went to Target to grab some new clothes for school. And after we went to the library to pick up Jack's books. I'm working today and I'm going to be trying to be happy. Anyway, see you guys later!

  68 Hits


Today I did my requirements just as everyone should, and I finished making my Dungeons and Dragons campaign last night I think it's going to be very fun. Anyway, not much planned for today, but I am going to get some more class assistance and leadership credit today. See you guys later.

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So today, we went to a chiropractor appointment, after we did our requirements, and the most painful thing that he did was take the cups to my foot and move them around! Jack made some funny faces and it was hilarious all around. I worked more on my DnD campaign and I'm excited to try it with my family. I'm gonna plays videogames soon, see you guys later.

  108 Hits

Technical Issues

Today, we went to church and learned some more about the Book of Mormon and then went home and ate some Mac n Cheese and did our requirements but I also went and started creating a campaign for Dungeons and Dragons, I call it, "What Lurks in the Dark". After we ate dinner, we tried logging into the computer to journal, but it didn't work, so I'm journaling from my mom's phone. Anyway, see you guys tomorrow, bye!  

  90 Hits


Today the Olympics started, and we've been watching them for hours now. I think that the Olympics are that type of thing where you just can't miss it, you need to watch it and support your country when we win and when we loose. Anyway, trying to keep it short today so we can keep watching the Olympics. See you guys tomorrow!

  96 Hits

So Tired

Hey guys, today, I'm a little bit beat up because of sparring obviously, but my mom doesn't believe that I did my requirements! I only had my push ups and my run left, but now I need to do them all over again! anyway, I'm not working today, so I should be able to relax more and today should be more chill. Anyway, I hope you guys have a great day and I want all of you to know that you've got this. If I have to do my requirements 2 times in one day, you guys can gets them done easy. Have a good day, bye!

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What Today Brings

Today guys, guess what! I get to go to work! Again! It shouldn't be that bad, today I'm working 2:00 to 7:30, and I hope I make it through the summer camp hours. I've already finished my requirements, and I'm now getting ready to play some games, then later head over to TKD. Anyway, I hope your guy's days aren't this long and busy, but I hope you all have a great day and make sure others have one too! Bye!

  103 Hits

Todays, Tomorrows, and Yesterdays

hey again guys, I just wanted to say thank you to Asa for saying what he did, it lifts my spirits that you think of me that way Asa thank you. Anyway, This week has been pretty busy for me, so far, on Monday I woke up at 6:30 to go and work with summer camp, then on Tuesday, I woke up at 5:00 in the morning to do requirements and go work in the summer camp. Today was slower, I woke up at 7:30 and ate breakfast, got my requirements done, and played some videogames so everything is good. After my gaming time, me and Jack went to go to a Chiropractor appointment and got ourselves fixed up and fine tuned, plus, we still have like 25 free visits there, might as well use them. When we got back, I played some more games then went to work. I started...

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  114 Hits


Hey, guys, how's it going? I'm tired, very tired. Yesterday was CRAZY, I mean like I got up at like 6:30 in the morning (which is early for me) and since my brother is doing a different summer camp, I was dropped off at 7:30. Anyway, my work started at 8:00 AM and ended at 3:00 PM. When I got home, I played an hour and thirty minutes  of videogames then went back to TKD, and helped with a class and took the next. After we got back, I did my exercises, and I ate dinner then went into my Korean study lesson to learn the language. After the lesson, I went and finished my requirements, and played another hour of videogames. This morning I woke up at 5:00 in the morning and went to run 2 miles at the Rec center and finish my requirements for the day, now I...

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  95 Hits

Sunday's are Great

Today we went to church, and I was able to learn some really cool stuff about our religion. When we got home, we played some Dungeons and Dragons. I was not the Dungeon Master, but I was having a good time. we played for about three hours, which is not the longest I've played before, the longest I've played nonstop is like eight hours, but nonetheless, it was really fun. Not much else has happened today, but I hope everybody has a good week and I hope we can get all our stuff done in time. Anyway, see you guys later and I hope you have a great Sunday, bye!

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Hey guys, so we all know that the Pre-Test was today, and I'm not going to lie, it was fun. I had a good time with all of the running and the exercises, and the poomsaes were fun too. Jovi though, what the heck man! You been holding out on us?  Anyway, that plank was crazy, eight minutes! Jovi is a lot stronger than he lets on, but now he has to beat eight minutes for the end of cycle. Anyway, don't to keep this too long you know, so see you guys next week and good luck to the Bocho's. 

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