Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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Last Journal! Read this

Hey guys, this is my final journal and I want to make it special. Today was an experience because I went through the routine and finally made it to P.E., now in P.E. today we did a push-up and sit-up check to see how physically able we are. I did 56 sit-ups and 86 push-ups, and they lasted 1 minute. I think that I did good, so after that I went up to the high-school, and I finished my homework. Then I left and I went to the chiropractor and got some of my body fixed so I'm not as broken. I'm excited for the end of cycle, and I realize that we all have a drive to make it to the end of black belt cycle, you know what yours is so use it to your advantage. When you need some inspiration, just think of why you are doing this, think of your drive. You guys may not be the strongest, or the tallest, but you have something most others don't, a good mindset. Your mindset is key to you being a good human being. Being a good human being means people will like you more and I know that sounds super cliche, but it's true. And make sure to stand up for yourself, when you don't stand up for yourself, you are giving them power over you. When you stand up for yourself, I don't mean actually fight them, just stand your ground. Don't be shaken, stand where you know you won't fall and when you know you can win. Winning is not defined just as beating your opponent, winning can be literally just standing up for yourself. And I'm repeating this a lot because I want this to be implanted in your brain. I know this won't all apply to everyone, but maybe it can apply to some one you know and you are thinking this would be great for them. I want you guys to know, that being the cool kid at school or any of that stuff means nothing. Just be yourself. You should never have to pretend to be some one you're not. Don't change for other people, only change for yourself. Anyway, I hope you guys have a great rest of the cycle, I might journal a couple more times, but after this I'm technically done. Have a great week, bye!

Final Four