
Ryan Titus

Member since: Tuesday, 22 December 2015
Last Visit: Friday, 13 April 2018
Ryan Titus
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

time is ticking.

It is getting closer to the big days. I have been reviewing all my stuff making sure I have everything down. Hopefully everyone is ready for testing! I'm excited, yet nervous at the same time. Three more days till the big day. 

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writing this pretty early.

I am writing this journal entry pretty early, due to a meeting I have at 9. Anyways, today didn't have much in store. I came home to school and went straight into homework and requirements. After that, I went to church and had dinner. Then I started to study for a test tomorrow, which brings me to present time. I am currently taking break from studying. That was my day in a quick summary. 

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time is flying.

Yes, the phrase is cliche, but it literally feels like it was an hour ago I was sitting here writing for my journal yesterday. Time is like a plane going faster than the speed of light. Anyways, today was a normal Tuesday. Nothing really happened, except I went to school, did requirements and went to TKD. I don't have many tests to study for, so I get to sleep early today. That was my day, in a nutshell.  

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new "actual" driver

Well, I got my license. I can drive without supervision. I went from playing with toy cars to driving actual cars. It was like last years I went to into the DMV to get my permit. I went back today and got my license. The test was super easy, my instructor was amazing as well. He made the experience so much better by adding humor. That was the highlight of my day. Now back to homework 

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about to watch a movie.

I wish I could tell you we were going to watch Black Panther, but we are not. It will be soon though, hopefully. Anyways, today was a great day for me. I went to church in the morning, and after that I was able to do requirements, I was also able to do it in the morning to. I then went on to finish my homework. We finally got a playpen set up for the puppy as well, so it doesn't just sit in the cage for so long. That was pretty much the day.

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Well, we are driving back from our short trip. It was fun and I got see a lot of new things. We left at 8:30, so i was not able to get many requirements done. I decided to write this journal because I was pretty bored in the car. If only there was a way to make driving from place to place easier.

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going out of town.

Today was a successful day at school. It was a work from home day, and a half- day. What an amazing combination? I was able to knock out requirements today because I am going out of town tomorrow. Speaking of going out of town, I also have to sleep early today- so I am able to wake up tomorrow. That was pretty much day. I also had a first run outside with the dog. 

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i get to sleep early...finally.

Finally I get to sleep early today. It has been so long. I finished both my tests for tomorrow, and that is it. Tomorrow is an E- Learning day- which means I can sleep in because I don't have to physically got to school, just mentally. That was pretty much my day...I went to TKD in evening as well. 

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today is a thursday.

Today's a Thursday for me, because I have a work from home on Friday- so I don't need to go to school. I have two tests tomorrow, which I studied for. That was pretty much my day. I am starting to wake up a little earlier to do requirements, and play with the dog as well. 

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I'm tired.

I'm very tired. I was tired to the point, where I said I wasn't going to blog today. I just finished having a meeting and finished studying for a test tomorrow. It has been hard to sleep at night, with my puppy crying so much. He is s tarting to calm down though. It is harder to do push- ups and sit-ups now because the dog literally jumps up on me trying to play. It is pretty funny to watch, nonetheless.  

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Ash "Wednesday"

Today was Ash "Wednesday", really Monday, at our church. It is the same thing has Ash Wednesday, except it is celebrated on Monday. That was pretty much the highlight of my day. I woke up early to play with the puppy, and also got some requirements- but mostly played with the puppy. I didn't have much homework either.  

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sunday evening.

Well the weekend is winding down. Sadly. The whole week is going to restart, and it just keeps going in this "endless" cycle. I barely got sleep due my dog whining so much. My throat was hurting after hearing the yell for so many hours. That was pretty much how my day went, nothing else. 

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a big step.

Well today, I got a puppy. He is very cute, but very whiny when we first put him into the cage. It’s so sad to see dog whine to try to get out the cage, but we can’t let the dog out. That was pretty much the highlight of my day.

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that sleep helped.

This intro is a like "part 2" from yesterday's blog. The sleeping did help a lot. For those of you studying late night, try not to and get some sleep- because sleep actually helps better. Sleep is proven to help retain information, rather than studying late night and taking the test next day. Anyways, I did great on both tests and that was pretty much my day. When I came home, I had a bit of homework and then started to finish up requirements. The weekend has initiated. 

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study session...i need some sleep.

Just had a two hour study session for a AP test tomorrow. So much info. Now I need to sleep and get the info to soak into my brain. Anyways, today was a pretty good day. I got time to finish up requirements and study for 2 big tests tomorrow. I just can't wait till the weekend comes. I need to get some sleep now before all this info. floats away. 

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out for dinner.

Got to spend some nice time with the family, but going out for dinner with cousins as well. We went to Texas Roadhouse, which had pretty good food. I had two tests today, and after that it was just the same old school work. I was able to requirements when I got home, because I didn't have much homework, even though I just finished up reading a book. It wasn't a great book to stay up and read till 11, but it was something. Anyways, that was pretty much my day. 

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test everyday?

I feel like every week now, I have a test everyday. I am starting to appreciate days where we learn and have no tests the next day. I am becoming more pro at studying though- because I have another two tests tomorrow. It's like in all my journals, I always talk about having at least one test the next day. I honestly can't wait till it is the weekend. Anyways went to BB class after school and homework and that was pretty much it. Also, was pretty excited for the SpaceX Launch, with Musk's Roadster in space- pretty big achievement. 

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almost forgot.

I almost forgot to write my journal for today. That would have broken my streak, but my memory came in clutch like the Eagles. I came home from school at 8pm, which sucked. I had this great service project I had to do for 2 hours after school, then went straight to my volunteer shift. My bed is really taunting me right now, but I have to resist and finish studying. Anyone else want this week to be over, even though it just started. 

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underdogs for the clutch?

I don’t really like either teams that are in the super bowl, but I am going for the Patriots this year. This game isn’t looking good for the Patriots, but then again they work better during stress. Who knows though, if Eagles keep it up they might win. 

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food. more food. a lot more food.

I don't think I have seen so many cans and generally food in one place. There were trucks and trucks with food to help the people without food. The charity work was amazing, and it really helped them- like a lot. I picked so many cans, and really just food- it felt so good when I cracked my back. Great job on the service project everyone!

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tired. very.

I am very tired. I never thought I would be in the same building with so many Nerf Guns. Parents night out was really fun though, and the kids had a blast. That was pretty much the highlight of my day....I am so glad it’s Friday....

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tired. very.

I am very tired. It is Friday night, and I am about to watch a movie with family. The main event today was Parents Night Out. I never thought I would be in the same building with so many Nerf 

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Today marks the 16th year of me being on this Earth. Just a fancy way of saying today is my birthday. Didn’t have much things planned for today, except go to church in the evening. I had some really great cake this morning as well, and equally had a good amount of school work.

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big days, small days, wednesdays.

Wednesdays are like the half way point of the week. Like you are almost there, two more days to go. It was just an average day for me though, except for the moon. I had a bunch of studying to do when I got home, and that is what I was basically doing after school- other than requirements. I still have more to go, hopefully I can push through and finish my goals, and finish up studying.  

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pretty big night.

Well tonight is the State of Union. For those of you that don't what that is, the President goes to Congress to address everyone in America- and talk about the status of the nation. Pretty big night, for those in Civics class. I'll be up watching the speech, because it was advised to watch for one of our homework assignments. Other than that, it was a casual Tuesday for me. 

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ice cream with no flavor.

Well, today was not very exciting. It was a normal Monday for me. No bear attacks or UFOs I witnessed today. I woke up early- did some of my requirements, went to school, came back did homework- did some requirements, went to my volunteer shift, came back home- did more homework, and then finished up requirements. That was a very basic rundown of a normal Monday for me. It was just a plain old Monday, ice cream with no flavor. 

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the day is winding down.

My day is pretty much winding down. I went to church today, and came back at 2. Then I did my requirements and hung out with friends. I ended off the day watching a movie with my family. It was pretty much a normal Sunday, except for the fact that I didn't have to do any homework. Anyways, tomorrow is a Monday- which means back to school. 

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pretty early.

The reason I am writing this journal early, is because I won't be able to get on my computer to write my journal till the night. I am going out with friends pretty soon. Anyways. after Black Belt Class I didn't do much requirements. I ran 4 miles, after hitting my leg on door- which hurt. After BB class, I went to an activity and just came back. The day is not over just yet though. Great everyone on your run!

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all good days come to an end.

Today was a good day. It might have been because I had no stress about school and I got to sleep in till 8. Or it might have been....never mind- it was because I had no school. I was able to catch up on requirements and just relax from a long week. I played with a few of my friends for an hour and now about to go eat my dinner, with my family and cousins. Today was a good day, nonetheless, and sadly it is coming to an end.  

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time to relax from school

After a week full of tests, I have no school tomorrow. I am so glad, because I have no test to worry about tomorrow. Anyways, today was a good day. My test was in first block, so I got it over with. After the test, the day just winded down from there. Then I went to BB class and had a mentor session. 

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same time- i feel like a robot

This whole week to me has been on a schedule- this is the exact time I wrote my journal yesterday. I had test every single day this week and would study after my what I had to do after school. Then I would write my journal towards the end of my day, when I am winding down to recharge myself- to do the same thing tomorrow. Today was just a normal day like the rest. I honestly can't wait till Friday- "when I become a human again."

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two hours till Tuesday.

Exactly 2 hours till it becomes Tuesday. I still have to finish up studying for another test today; I am loaded with tests this week. I was able to do requirements, after coming home from school and in the morning. Then I had a volunteer shift for 2 hours and then started studying after coming back home. Pretty hectic Monday- in my opinion. 

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back to normal.

Snow days are over. The sun has taken- over. And we are back to normal. Back to waking up early tomorrow. Today was a busy day for me in the morning. I had places I had to go, then came back and did as much requirements as I could. Then I had a test I needed to study for, so my friends and I got into a study group. This week is very packed for me, in tests. I have a test every day this week. It going to be a bumpy train ride, for school. Anyways, I have to finish up studying and get some sleep.  

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need some sleep.

My back is killing me. It hurts really bad. I think I might just need to get some sleep. After TKD today, I had music lessons and then went to mass. I was very busy today, but it really was just a normal Saturday, not including the pre-test. Great job everyone on the pre-test!

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work from home.

Pretty eventful day today. Had a work from home, so basically I did school work at home. I got a whole lot of assignments. Not even joking. I have 2 full essays due Sunday. I was pretty busy the whole day trying to finish up assignments. Anyways I got my requirements done and reviewed for the pre test tomorrow.  

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snow-> water-> ice-> even more ice

So much ice! Almost slipped in my driveway. Today we had no school as well, not a surprise. It was a nice day to relax and catch up on school work. I did homework and studying for half the day and they just relaxed while doing requirements. It was a nice day off. I do have to go to sleep early though, because I have a "work from home" day tomorrow. I guess that is a better way than doing make- up days. I just wish they did an e-learning day today, so we could have President's Day off as well.

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I was not expecting this much snow. Really. I got at least 3-4 inches of snow. It was painful trying to clear out the driveway. Anyways, today was a nice off day. I was able to do my requirements- still have to finish. I got to relax from a three- day weekend- kinda of funny. It was nice though because I got to sleep in today, and get to sleep late. There is no school tomorrow either, so it has been an eventful week. 

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"Please no snow...please"

I've been hearing that statement a lot today. I finally realized that it was because the schools that have finals tomorrow have to reschedule their tests. I can understand that some people just want to get their tests over with, but for people who just have a normal day tomorrow- Yes! I really hope it snows, if not they still canceled anyways. I have time to finish up classwork for school and do TKD  requirements. I really want it to snow, on the side note.. I want to wake up and go to my window and see a white blanket over my yard- it would be nice. 

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worst combination.

Went into my volunteer shift with a killer headache. It was very painful, should have called in sick. Worst combination for my shift. Anyways, today started off pretty great. Woke up early to do requirements, and went out with family. It was one of those day were we had lunch outside and went shopping. Then I cam back and my headache hit, but I still decided to go to my shift. I ended at 7:30 and took a shower. Now I am getting ready for school tomorrow. On the side note, hopefully it snows on Wednesday.

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average sunday.

Today was a pretty average Sunday. The one day I am able to sleep in a little late. I am very joyful that their is no school tomorrow, I need a break- event though we just got off of Christmas Break. I finished up all my homework and finished my daily requirements. Currently watching the NFL playoff, Saints vs. Vikings. 17-0, Vikings are in the lead. I wonder if the Saints are going to comeback. 

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Watcing the Patriots and Titans game. Pretty intense game. Anyways today was a very dizzy day. It was a usual Saturday with going to Tae Kwon from 8-1. Then I went to church. I came back and started watching the football games. Hopefully everyone had a great day!

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band concert.

Just came back from a band concert. I don't actually play in band, I play in the marching band. We were doing a performance at the concert. Anyways, today was an average Friday. Had homework to complete when I got home, and hopefully I am going to try to go to sleep early, due to Sparring class tomorrow. 

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homework in all seven of my classes...

It was a very lucky day for me today. I got homework in all my classes, took me forever to complete. I am super tired. I went to TKD pretty early, and got my requirements done their. We worked on our self- defense, and that was pretty much it. Now I have to study for a quiz tomorrow in one of my classes, goal is to sleep by 10:30 after studying. 

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one of those days...

Today, I didn't have anything to do after- school, but I had tons of homework to complete. I guess it was a pretty good day to have no other club meets, or anything similar to that. Anyways, I woke up early today to do my push- ups and sit-ups. I really thought I was going to be able to do a lot of requirements today, because I thought I was only going to have a few homework assignments- but that was not the case, unfortunately. 

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icy but warm

There was a lot of ice on the roads today, where I live. I almost slipped on the ice when walking to school. Anyways, the weather finally started heating up. It is not cold anymore, but I kind of wanted to see snow fall before winter is over. I came home at 5 today after school and went to Black Belt class. I had my mentor session till 8:45, and came back home. That was pretty much my day. No aliens today, sadly. Hopefully everyone had a great day! 

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"Big Fish"

In English I am watching this movie, "Big Fish," to learn the aspects of Magical Realism for a book we are going to be reading later on in the year. To me, this is the weirdest movie I probably have watched- no joke. Even though this movie is  very weird, there are some great quotes in the movie giving off a bigger message. Anyways, if you back track a few hours, I woke up early to do part of my requirements. Then I went to school and had a regular old Monday. I had a meeting at the end of school I had to attend, then I came home and did homework. I then did requirements. Speaking of requirements, the weather is heating back up so I can go outside and do running. Nothing crazy happened today, expect for the fact that I am writing this blog pretty early for me- but that is it. Hopefully...

Continue reading
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panthers for sale?

Watching the Panthers vs. Saints games right now. If the Panthers loose this game, then they are for  sale. Who is going to be the next owner? Anyways, today was a excellent day. Woke up pretty early to do requirements. Then I went to uptown for a meeting and came back at 2. I then did requirements. After that, I had to finish up so homework and grasp a concept by Monday. After grasping the topic, I finished up requirments and started watching the Panthers game. Hopefully everyone had a great day!

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I am currently playing a card game, President, with my friends. I am currently out so I decided to write this blog before it got too late. Anyways, today was a hectic day. Went to sparring at 9 and came back at 1 after black belt class. I got most of my requirements done at TKD. Then I had music lessons at 2:30 and had to go Mass at 4:30. Now it brings me to current time, where we are hanging out with family friends. Hopefully everyone had a great day. 

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jumping with weights on my legs?

Ever jump on a trampoline for along time, then jump normally without the trampoline? There is this really cool effect I felt, because after I jumped on a trampoline for a long time it felt as if I jumped with weights on regularly. It felt weird. Anyways, today was a normal day for me at school. I had one quiz I had to do, then the rest of day was just classwork. I woke up in the morning to do my requirements and was able to finish after I got home from school. Then I went out to Defy Gravity with friends and hung out for a hour. My body is still sore. It was fun though because we got to spend sometime with our friend who is leaving to NC State on Sunday. I didn’t really do anything else today. Hopefully everyone had a great day!

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salty salt on the rocky roads

I was really confused when I saw salt on the local roads near me, when I was heading to Tae Kwon Do. I then looked on my phone and realized it is 16 degrees outside in the morning. 16 degrees! Anyways, today was a "chill" day at school. I had a meeting to attend in the morning, so I couldn't do my morning part of the requirements. I was able to finish all my requirements though, because I didn't have much homework. We played this poomsae game in Tae Kwon Do, which really tested you on how much you really knew the poomsaes. Every ones favorite was when we had to burpees when your group messed up. Anyhow, hopefully everyone had a great day today!

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cold. very cold.

Today was the first day back to school. Most of my teachers took the work light, to ease into school. I didn't have much homework today, so I was able to get my requirements done. I woke earlier than usual as well to get some of my requirements done as well. Winter finally hit as well. It was literally below freezing when I went to school today. It was overall a non- stressful day for me. 

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last day of vacation

Getting back into the rhythm of school. Today was the last day of vacation for me. I did all my requirements today and spent some time to relax before school starts. I planned out how to complete the cycle today and what I have to do each day.  

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a blank page for new memories to be written

It feels really weird to be typing, or to be writing, 2018 now. Anyways, Happy New Year everyone! I had a blast to celebrate the end of the year with my family and friends. I went down to the beautiful Key West and enjoyed time with my family, but all good things come to an end- sadly. I really had to catch up on my sleep today, because of all the journeying. It felt really nice to be waking up in my warm, cozy bed today. It felt really refreshing! Luckily I have no school tomorrow, so I can get back to my normal routine. Still can't believe 2017 flew by: yes, I know it is kind of cliché, but it is the truth. Here comes 2018! Hope everyone had a blessed vacation and New Year! 

  800 Hits

Great Job!

Great Job everyone on finishing Part 1.   Not over yet....   I was looking through facebook to see I if I broke my records and I did. But when I was doing I forgot all about the challenge videos Master Evins posted. I missied one so I got 5 random credits and 1 leadership credit. I used 4 on Sparring and 1 on BB Saturday. Then I used my leadership credit which I had one of which you help out in class. Those credits came in handy. I didn't use them before because I wanted to see what I really needed towards the end. And those where the ones. It helped out in the long run!!!!!!  

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Good Luck :)

Tomorrow....   I am sure everyone will do well.....   Study Written Test.......         Good Luck :)

  1143 Hits

"To be successful in life you must fail first"- Band Teacher

The quote up there really struck me. He was getting mad at us for not playing the right notes and started getting angry. He stopped put down he baton and looked at us. He said do you know how to be successful in life. We said practice. He said yes but something more than that. He said you must fail first. He said that on like Friday or something but struck me today. You have learn from your failures. Hope everyone had a  great day!    

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Pour Out Your Ideas | Community Service.

Please put down ideas for Community Service. We need to get it done. Anyways had a great day today. Got a 100% on a Wrting Assignment which was worth 600 points. Proably as much a Finals. It was bascailly a final for the class because it last time I will be doing a Wrting assignment in the class. It is done this quarter. So happy. Then in all the other classes we just took notes and worksheets like the Normal. Came back home and did homework and requirements. Then went to BB class. My ankle stated hurting for some reason. I almost had to sit out but I came through it. Doesn't hurt as much know. Hope everyone had a great day!

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Just a Nornal Day.

Pretty normal day today. Nothin much. Did work at school like normal came home did requirements and did homework. Then went to Hyper had a mentor session with Instructur Weeks and came back home. Went to a class and finally go to write the journal.     If you are reading this and your part of the BB cycle please call a charity and look into it for us to go as a group. The Men's Shelter is not calling back. We need to get that done. 

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Today was where I did basically all my homework. Took forever but payed off at the end. Had to do 75 Cornell notes. If you know what that is. That took an hour. It was hard. My hand still hurt. Went to Church, ate lunch played with friends and did homework. That's how my day went. Anyways hope you had a better than I did!Lol

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Work Hard, Relax.

Ahaaaaa. About to have some really nice food. Had a very busy day. Went to BB and sparring. Got a 30min brake then went straight to Music classes. Had a very busy day. Family calling me right now to eat. Hope everyone had a great day!

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Family night today. Watching a movie tonight. Watching the Martian! From Redbox. Just having fun with family. Waiting  for dad and sister coming home with food. School was okay today. Had a very hard math quiz today but I think I did fine. Hope everyone had a great day!

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It's so funny watching the Reblican Debate. They fight everyone 2 minutes. Anyways didn't do much today except take a test. Had a bit of homework then went to BB class. Nothing really much again. Hope everyone had a great day!

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Nothin Much Except School.

My dad called Men's Shelter to see if they have any dates. So we are getting some where on that. Anyways had a really chill day at school. I was ahead and finished all my work so I got to study for half of all my classes for science. Have a test tomorrow. Came back home and did homework for an hour straight. It was easy but just very time consuming. Then went to Church Class came back and did homework for another 30min. That was just some homework due in like a week. Just wanted to get that off my head. Then started studying for science. Hope everyone had a great day!

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Change of Plan, Please Read.

Sorry guys but we can't do the friendship tray. They are only open on weekdays. I was then thinking Spring Break but then I remembered not everyone has off the same week has I do. So then my dad said the Men's Shelter. They have the same thing where you go and make the food. Never been their but my dad said his office is going. So I was guessing we can go their as well. My dad said he would call and email tomorrow asking for space around 10 people. See what date we can go and do it from their. Hope it turns out great. Sorry for the bumer. Please do like, i don't know, facebook me I guess if your interested. Please. So we can get the people. Or you can just tell me in one of the BB classes. Thanks! Website Link To Volunteer: http://www.mensshelterofcharlotte.org/ways-to-help/volunteer/ 

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Please Read.

I was thinking on our community service project we have to do together. If anyone has any ideas I am up for it. We have to get it done though. Here is my suggestion: http://friendshiptrays.org I have been their a couple of times and was great fun. You make food which other volunteers deliver to the people. All we have to do is get a date. I feel like it would be great. If anyone else has ideas write them in your journals or we can maybe like talk after BB class on Saturday. Just coming up with plans here. Really want to get it done and write the essay. Hope everyone had a great day!

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So Sleepy, But Have To Study.

I am so sleepy after today's retreat. At the end of the retreat while everyone was finishing me and my freinds went to play football on a highschool field. Such a bad idea when your tired. We played full too. I am so tired. I wish I could just go to sleep. But have to study. As you can imagine after you legs being sore and all your body hurts it's hard doing requirements. Still going to try doing them. Have to study though because I barely know French and we have a Unit Test. Ughhhh. Hope everyone has a great day. Sleepy ;)

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Couldnt really do anything today. I had a Church Retreat today. Just got home and trying to do requirements. It was pretty fun. Got to see a lot of my old friends. Nothing really much do. Just praying and and then talks. Bascailly what the retreat was. That's really out of today. Wished I could have at least came to BB class today couldn't. Have a Retreat tomorrow as well so have to get my requirements almost done and go to sleep. 

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Focus, Focus, Have Fun.

That is what I did today. I focused on all my assignments today, got a 100% on my History Test and when I got home I had fun. I even got all my homework done as well. I felt so good. About to have some family time tognight and go out. My family is literally calling me right now. Hope everyone had a great day. Also got most of my requirements done stil have a bit more.

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I Feel Good.

For some reason today was easy. I did my requiements didn't have much homework and got a 100% of my math test. All the other class where relaxed. We got to study for our History Test tomorrow but I am sure that's easy. Because history is easy in 8th grade. Hopefully. Still going to study for. Got a long time to get a Mentor session in. Hopefully everyone had great day!

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Today we are celebrating my cousins 2nd birthday. It was supposed to be on Monday but had to be canceled. So pretty exited for that. Had a great day. Woke up to no headache. Had a page of homework to do then I was done. It was a pretty chill day! Nothing to crazy. About to go to Chuch Class and then right after to my cousins place. Hope everyone had a great day!

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Rough Day.

Today was a rough day for me. It all started with a headache. I went to school got loaded with homework and came back home as normal. Then when I came home my internet went out and I had a bunch load of homework. Can't wait till Google Fiber! Anyways had to drive all the way to my cousins to do homework and then had to leave there at 6. We went there at 4 and non stop I did all the homework I could because there was no internet at my house. I had a headache while doing all this too. Went to KTD and my headache just got worse. Couldn't get to do "best" of my abilities. The headache was killing me. I couldn't focus or anything. Came back writing this journal so then I could eat dinner and do to sleep. Hope everyone had a great day!

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I Will Take It.

We had no snow, but we had no school. I wil take it. I am fine with that, Got a lot more sleep. I am happy about that. Woke up did my requirements and somehow went back to sleep for an hour. Then had breakfast. Wachted a Indian Movie with my family then just started doing my own thing. Did a bunch of requirements and watched a lot of YouTube Videos. Then remembered that I had homework to do so had to finish that. It was easy. Then did requirements again and went to Hyper. Got to learn the ,'s. Then had a mentor session. After that I had a class to attend. Had a break so decided to write this. Hope everyone had a great day!

  958 Hits

Again, Snow.

Yes please. Let it snow. Please. I would love to have another day off from school. But at the same time I don't. Anyways I had a great day today. I went to Church in the morning and then came back and started requiements. Then we went to see a movie an a came back at 5. I started finishing up some homework and my requirements. Hopefully it will snow tommorow. Had a great day today. Hope you had a great day!

  899 Hits


Today was hectic. I woke up at 9:00 did my requirements and my morning stuff and went to BB class. Then went to Sparring. If you were there it was pretty rough but was some really good footwork. Left KTC at 1:45 and went to Bojangles. I was starving and needed a drink. It tasted so good. After that I had guitar class at 3 and then went to Confession and came back at my house at 5. Then I took a little rest and started reading my talk I had to do today. That's why I am writing this early. Hope everyone had a great day!

  952 Hits

Catch Up.

Today I had a day off. It was nice. I woke up at 10 and did my requirements and got to work on my poomsaes. I had a great day today! Got to play video games with my friends and had a nice time. I don't really now what else to talk about. Nothing really happened today. Nothing suprinsing. Just did a lot of cacth- up today. Hope everyone had a great day! 

  975 Hits

E- Learning Day,

Today was okay. We had a test E- Learning Day at school. It bascially just like a work from home. I didn't really like it because you didn't get to see your friends. But I did finish all my assignments an hour early so I mean...... I got to do my requirements and got to do whatever for the rest of the day. Plus tomorrow and I have no school! I went to BB class did a Mentor and that was my day. Hope everyone had a great day!

  1019 Hits

"We began as ash, we will end as ash."

"We began as ash, we will end as ash."  Today was Ash Wenesday. Had to go to Chruch in the evening just came back. Anyways had a great day at school. Had a bit of homework that was due today so had to finish that. Then did my requirements for the day. Then we went to Chuch to get ash placed on our forehead. There is a meaning behind that. It pretty deep. Had a pretty great day today. Tommorow is a "work from day" at school so don't have to get up as early. Hope you had a great day!

  992 Hits

Feels Great.

It feel great when you do your work before class starts because you had free time in anthor class. I had 2 classes like that today. I finished all my work so I just got to study for an hour for my Molecular Biology Test in science. It's easy but just a lot of memorization. Still studying for that. Also had a lockdown at our school. The CPCC Campus had an robbery so we went into a lockdown. We were outside during the time and we heard the alarm. We also saw a police officer so we though we were safe. But then a lot of people started running so we all descided running. We heard helicopters all over the place. I saw a Channel 9 helicopter flying around. It was pretty fun. Not that scary, I don't know why though. Anyways went to BB class did my pre test. Came...

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  945 Hits


In football there are winner and losers. Panthers were the team that lost. To be fair they never played a team that good before in the season. Anyways the past is the past. I woke up did my requirements went to school and a bit of work, I also had a lot of homework to do. After my homework I did m requirements to finish most of them up. Then went to Hyper and came back to do a class for school. I am in the class right now having a break. So decsided to fo journal. After my class have to get dinner and then do some studying for a test on Wednesday. Hope everyone had a great day! 

  1003 Hits


Doritos, That was my favorite commercial so far. 0-10 right know Broncos in lead. :) The defense is the best on the Broncos while the offensive is the best on the Panthers. Instead of Panthers vs Broncos it more like Defense vs Offenense. Everyone is screaming is my house. There are getting to the touchdown zone. Hope they get it. THEY MADE IT! THEY JUMPED IT! Sorry this is so short but this is hype. Hope everyone had a great day. Let's go Stweart what a jump. 

  978 Hits


We had BB class outside today! It was fun. I think we should do more. Anyways I had a great day today. Went to BB class today, did my requirements and played with my friends. Then went to guitar class and started learning a cool song. Then came back and did my requirements. Then had to go to one of my dad's friends house because he broke his leg. Then we went to our cusins house and our having dinner here. This is actually were I am writing my journal at actually. Hope everyone had a great day! 

  975 Hits


EARLY..... Just typed the title in for fun. Kind of bored writing the title the same way each time. Got to mix it it up a little. Anyways had a great day today. Did my presentation for class today and then did worksheets mostly for the rest of my classes. Did my requirements today. Some in the morning and some after I came back from school. Have a lot of homework this week. Kinda of sad because the one week I have homework it is Super Bowl Sunday. Hope Broncos win! Just joking, Panther's. Had to write this a little ear.y because I have to go somewhere right after this. Don't have clue when I will be back. Hope everyone had a great day!

  931 Hits


Pre- test in BB class! Passed it! Happy! Anyway had great day today. Woke up. Did my requirements for the morning and went to school. Had a pretty chill day at school today. No tests or quizzes just worksheets and notes. Came back did my homework and did my requirements. Then did my BB class and did the pre- test. Passed it. About to have dinner and finsh up some requments. Hop everyone had a great day. 

  1024 Hits


Ahhhhhh. My week at school is bascially over. No more tests or quizzes this week. Finished up my Math test today which was super easy! Anyway woke up today did some requirements and went to school. Had to finish up a essay for history class. Got to do my running at school before it stared pouring. Our courtyard was litterally flooded with the water. Came back from school did my requirements and went to Religious Ed. Class. Came back from that ate dinner, finished up requirements and actually relaxed. Then studied a bit for BB pre- test. Hope everyone had a great day!

  983 Hits


Had a concert today. I have taken band ever since 5th grade. I play the trumpet in a regular band. I had a concert tonight for that as well as a new skill. For my new skill I though of getting into a Marching Band. I got in during December and played at football games and basketball games which I will talk more about in my essay. Anyways I had a great day at school. Had a History Test and passed it. Have a math test tomorrow and all we did in math class was study.  Other than.that school today was pretty easy. Had a bit of homework. After homework did my requiements and went to concert. Finished at 7:30 so I was not able to attend BB class today. Came back finished up some requirements and stated studying. Just took a break right now to go eat and spend time...

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  1158 Hits


Today was my Birthday! The sad part about it though was I had to go to school. Anyway I had a great birthday. Went to school, my parents gave me a funny birthday card before I went to school as well. Came back and started doing homework and requirements. My mom was preparing some Indian Food as well. The smell got me so hungry. Then I went to Hyper and after took a class, Then came after class and my cousins were home. We all cut the cake and had some amazing dinner. So good! Hope everyone had a great day!

  980 Hits


Today I spent time with my family. It was a fun day! We went to Church in the morning. Ate lunch, then started doing my requirements. Went to the movies and came back at 5. Finished up my requirements and then started studying for SS test on Tuesday. Today was a pretty good day. Hung out with family and went to movies. The only sad part was that when we started driving back I remembered we had school the next day. Ugh. Anyways hope everyone had a great day!

  987 Hits


I am up a hurry to write journal. I am about to go to a Family Freind's house. Anyway today I finished up my pre-test requiems to. Went to BB class and then sparring. Came back home at around 2 and ate. Then went to guitar class and came back home. Feel like I felt accomplished today. I don't know why but it just feels like it. I got 3 credits in total today. Debating on whether using the extra credit bonus stuff all on sparring. Still trying to make up mind on what to do with that bonus credits. Hope everyone had a great day!

  1014 Hits


 My legs are sore since yesterday. I can barely walk. Need to get some leg "rest". Anyway had a good day at school. Happy I got good grade fore test and quizzes. Also finished up my Writing Assignment for ELA. Then went to programming club. Had some fin there as well. My freinds and I made shriek head and 3D printed it. Pocket Sized. Funny to see. Then came back did the challenge. My legs were pretty sore while doing the challenge. Still manged to do it. Also need to buy a new jump- rope. I can't find my other one even though I used 3 days ago. I had to jump higher that normal when using this small jump- rope. Still did it though. After that played some games with my friends. Right now about to go to my cousin's house. Hope everyone had a great day!

  957 Hits


Today is one of those ugh days. Woke up. Did some requirements. Went to school. Came back had a lot of homework. Did some requirements. And then started studying. I have 2 quizzes and a test tommorow. Also did the challage. My legs are still kind of sore from that might be because I did BB class today as well. Anyway sorry if this journal is kind of short. Just trying to study for tommrow. Wanna do good and enjoy the weekend.

  0 Hits


I missed a good opprutiniy. I could have done the challenge but didn't check the Facebook page till now. I have to start looking at Facebook more actively. Anyway did my requirements for today. Except kicking. I forgot all about that. So have to do that after this. Went to school. Got a little overwhelmed when half my teachers said I have quizzes in their class on Friday. I need to study a lot. Excepcially French. That language is so hard for me for some reason. The class itself goes very fast. Today we had to make 2 days worth of lessons because we missed days of the snow. Then our teacher said we would have a quiz on it on Friday. Had a bit of homework to do today. Came back home did my requirements. Then had to get ready for Religious Ed. Class. Came back finished up some SS....

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  1088 Hits


Back to school. Went to school today. A normal day. Had a bit of homework. Went to marching band practice. Came back did my requirements. Went to BB class. Did some requirements their as well. Came back home writing this journal. Have to eat dinner as well. Then finish up reuqments. Had a great day. Hope everyone else have a great day!

  0 Hits


Are you serious? CMS is off tommrow while our school is still running normal schedule. That's sad. Anyway had a great sleep inn day. Did my requirements all throughout the day. Played some games and then went to hyper. I also had some homework to do today. Finished up a project then did a class after hyper. Have to get ready for school tomorrow and wake up early. Hope everyone had a great day.

  991 Hits


Watching Panthers game right now. Decided to write this during a commercial. Did my physical test today and just have to put it in when my dad comes. Did some snow shoveling today to clear driveway but couldn't get much because of ice. 2 hour delay for school tommorow, even though everyone else is off. Panthers game started, GO PANTHERS!

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Snow Day.

Snow day. There are good and bad about snow days. The good is that I get to catch up on requirements and just play with my friends and hang out with family. The bad is that I have shovel the drive- way. It was ice I couldn't finish it all till it melts a little. Anyway today I did my requirements and plan on doing all my physical tommrow except for the running. Other than that had a great day. Hope everyone had a great snow day!

  0 Hits


Snowing. Going to snow more. Hopefully more. I love the snow. The sad part is doing the driveway. Woke up today morning. Did some reuqments and played games with my friends. Then did more requirements and ate. After that I did some of the driveway and me and my sister did a snowball fight. Was pretty fun. I would say I won. :) Then went back inside watched a movie with family and then did some requirements. About to eat dinner. Hopefully everyone had a great snow day!

  0 Hits


Again. I went to school today. Had two quizzes and came back home. So happy that I have no school tomorrow because of a teacher workday. Then when my dad opens the door he tells me some bad news. My dads brother in law passed away (my uncle). It was the same disease that my dads cousin passed away from. The one that happened last week. Except this one was kind of expected. He was in the hospital ever since January 1, 2016. Really sad. He had two kids. One in college and one in 10th grade. The wife (my dad's sister) actually worked in Swiss. The dad and daughters moved to India for schooling. Really sad. Did my requirements trying to get my thought of of it. Didn't work really. Hoping for some snow tommorow. 

  955 Hits

Coming Up.

The (pre) testing is coming up. Hope everyone is practicing. Today I had a great day. Woke up and started snowing. Got really happy. Didn't snow much and went to school. Then when school ended started snowing again for like an hour. Some actually stuck! Did homework had studying for 2 quizzes I have tommorow. Then went to Sunday School (I do mine on Wenesday). Came back and started studying again. Ate dinner and coming back to studying. Also doing requirements in between for a break. Hope everyone had a great day!

  1036 Hits


Normal day today. Nothing much. Went to school did my requirements and did homework. Actually had a an hour of homework to do. Then went to study for Sceince and went to BB class. Came home and about to eat dinner. After dinner going to do some more requirements after. After that have to study for science again. Hope everyone had a great day!

  1042 Hits


School tomorrow. I wish I had off. I have off on Friday instead. I wanted Tuesday thought so I can hangout with my friends. Played some video games with friends. Went out to eat and did my requirements after. Then finished up some homework which took 2 hours and then went to watch some videos. Did a bit of studying and went to a class. Now I am finishing up a movie with my family right now. Hope everyone had a great day! 

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