
Nicholas Terzidis

Member since: Sunday, 03 July 2016
Last Visit: Sunday, 02 October 2016
Nicholas Terzidis
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

September 15

  This morning I woke up early and had a toaster strudel. Then I rode the bus to school. After that I had reading and had my first class of A.I.G. which stands for Academically Intellectually Gifted. When I got back I read the book Wonder and switched classes. I had math and science. I also had a science quiz. Then I had lunch and recess. After that I had P.E and went to King Tiger. While I was there I took class and had leadership. Later I had snack and went home. When I was there I had dinner and went back to King Tiger to take black belt class. When I finished black belt class my dad picked me up to go home and I ended my day.  

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September 12

  Today I woke up early and had breakfast. Then I finished my physical requirements. After that I went to school. Later I had reading and social studies. Then I had math and science. I had a science test with 38 questions. After that I had lunch and recess. Later I had specials and went to King Tiger. While I was there I had class and a mentor session. Then I went home and had dinner. Later I got ready for bed and ended my day.  

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September 9

This morning I woke up and had breakfast. Then I played with Legos. Later I went to the Yiassou Greek Festival. After that I went home and played some rounds of checkers. First I lost and then I was impossible to beat. Later my dad got Chinese food from Red Dragon and I ran a mile. Then I got ready for bead and ended my day.

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September 9

  Today I woke up and had breakfast. Then I finished my physical requirements. After that I rode the bus to school. I had reading and social studies. Then I had math and science. After that I had recess and ran 2 miles. Later I had specials and went to King Tiger. While I was there I had snack and played mat games. Later I did the PMAA Seminar with Master Melegrito. After that I went home and ate dinner. Then I got ready for bed and ended my day.  

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September 8

  This morning I woke up and had breakfast. Then I finished my physical requirements. After that I rode the bus to school. When I got there I had reading and social studies. We learned a lot about the United States. Later I had a math test and worked on a science paper. Then I had lunch and recess. After that I had specials. Later I went to King Tiger and had class and leadership. My mom came and picked me up to go home. Then I ate dinner and went back to King Tiger. After that I had black belt class and ended my day.  

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September 7

    This morning I woke up and had tasty chocolate chip and strawberry waffles. While I was waiting for the bus to come I finished my physical requirements. Then I rode the bus to school. I had math, reading, social studies, and science. In reading I had a test but I think I did well on it. After that I had lunch. Lots of people had dipping dots because they just started letting people have them on Wednesdays. Later I had recess and specials. Then I went to King Tiger. I took class and had leadership. We practiced using nunchucks. I played a game of checkers and lost. I waited for a while and had sparring. Later I went home and ran 2 miles. Then I completed my day.  

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September 6

Today I woke up early and tried a new strawberry and chocolate chip waffle. I really liked it. Then I finished my physical requirements. I rode on the bus and sat with a kid in Kindergarten named Evan. Later I had math, reading, social studies, and science. After that I had lunch, recess, and media. We have a new media teacher named Mrs. Steinson. She is real nice. When I finished media I went to King Tiger. I took class and helped Eric with Hwa Rang. After that we practiced nunchucks in leadership. Later I had snack and finished my homework. Then I went to Piano class and finished my written test. After that I took black belt class and finished my day.

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September 5

Today I woke up and had pancakes for breakfast. Then I played with my Legos. Later we went to Dan Nicholas park. First we played at the park, Then we went paddle boating, After that we went gem mining,  And last we rode the merry go round and the train. We had lots of fun there. When I got home I made waffles. Everybody loved them. Then I walked my dogs and ended my day.

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September 5

This morning I woke up early and had pancakes for breakfast. Then I went to the White Water Center to run a race. We ran a trail race and I ran it in 35 minutes. I saw people going down a zip line. When I got home I played video games for a while. Then I had lunch. I played with my brother and played outside. Later we watched Shrek the 3rd. Later my mom and sisters went to Target. I went to Lowes with my brother and dad. When I got home we had crab legs for dinner. After that I folded my clothes and ended my day.

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September 3

This morning I woke up and had pancakes for breakfast. Then I played with my brother. Later I went to King Tiger and took black belt class. I took an extra class for rolls and falls. When I got home, I ate lunch. After that I ran. I played with Legos and played with my brother. Then I played video games for a while. Later I ate dinner and watched a Spartan race. Then I ended my day.

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September 2

This morning I woke up early and finished my physical requirements. Then I rode the bus to school. I took math, reading, social studies, and science. Later I ate lunch and had recess. After that I had art and went King Tiger. It rained the whole day. I had snack then got a new best in a pottery game. My mom picked me up and we dropped off my sister at dance. We had to run an errand at Valvoline. After that we went home and played video games. Then we watched a movie and ended my day.

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September 1

This morning I woke up early and finished my physical requirements. Then I rode the bus to school. I had math, reading, social studies and science. Later I ate lunch and played football at recess. Then I had PE and I went to King Tiger. While I was there I helped out with class and had a mentor session. After that I played with Legos. Later I went home to have dinner. Then I went back to King Tiger. I took black belt class and went home. I had bread and jelly and ended my day.

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August 31

This morning I woke up early and finished my physical requirements. Then I rode the bus to school. I had math reading and science. After that I ate lunch and had recess. Some kids threw mulch at me and I bonked my head on a metal pole. I had to get ice for it. Then I went to King Tiger and helped out with class. Later I took leadership. I ate snack and grabbed my sparring gear. Then I took sparring and it was a lot of fun. After that I went home and ended my day.

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August 30

  This morning I woke up early and finished my physical requirements. Then I rode on the bus to school. I took reading and ate snack. Then I transitioned over to math and science and had a lot of fun. After that I ate lunch, had recess, and took specials. I made a new friend named Sumic. Later I went to King Tiger and had my last mentee session with Quinten. Then I had another snack and had a piano lesson. After I finished piano I went to King Tiger and took black belt class. Then I went home and ended my day.  

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August 29

Today I woke up early and finished my physical requirements. Then I rode on the bus to school. It was my first day of school today and I got to have gummy worms and life savers. Then I went to King Tiger for afterschool. I helped out with class and had snack. After that I took hyper and had my second last mentee session with Quinten. Then I went home and ended my day.

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August 28

This morning I woke up and had breakfast. Then I brushed my teeth and played with my brother. After that we went to Target. My brother saw his best friend there. When we got back my mom and brother went to Music and Arts while I played with my legos. I made a squeeze claw grabber. After that I made things for a zip line but there was no good string. Then my dad found really good string and we made lots of zip lines. I made the patrekanator and other zip line toys. It was a lot of fun. When they got back I did some of my physical requirements. After that we ate dinner and went through our school stuff and I ended my day.

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August 27

  Today I woke up early and had breakfast. Then I went to the Yiasou Greek festival to run a 5k. I got 28:30 and placed 2nd in my age group. After that I went to King Tiger. I took sparring and black belt class. It was hard. When I got back home I had lunch and started cleaning. We cleaned for a long time and my dad got Carrabas while I played my video games for a while. Then I watched a movie and ended my day.  

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August 26

This morning I woke up had pumpkin spice pancakes and they were good. Then I went to run for your life and got my shirt and race packet. After that I went home and ate lunch and started my empathy essay. Later we went to the doctor and went to Kohls. When we got back we played on the Xbox and ate lunch. Then I ended my day.

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August 25

Today I woke up early and finished my physical requirements. Then I went to King Tiger. While I was there we were watching a show called the gaming show. It wasn't the such a good show. After that I ate lunch and played mat games. Then I took class and had a mentee session with Quinten. When I took leadership I swept the mats. Later I had snack and vacuumed. I got to play with legos for vacuuming. After that I played big ball dodgeball and left to go to open house. I got meet my new teacher Mrs. Korinek. Then we had PDQ for dinner and I went to King Tiger. I took black belt class, went home and ended my day.

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August 24

This morning I woke up early and finished my physical requirements. After that I went to king Tiger. It was movie day at King Tiger we watched Kung Fu Panda 3. Then I ate lunch and got a lot of questions on my written test done. We opened a nail salon and painted people's nails. I got to paint nails but I had to wait to get mine painted. So I helped out with class and had a mentor and mentee session. After that I had snack and got my nails painted. I showed my mom and Mrs. Evins took the paint off them. I stayed at King Tiger because my mom had to take my sisters to open house. So I played then I took sparring. Then I went home, ran, and ended my day.

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August 23

Today I woke early and finished my physical requirements. Then I went to King Tiger. While we were at King Tiger we watched the Pokemon movie but we weren't able to finish it. Then we went outside and played with water toys and ate lunch. My cinnamon bun tasted really good today. After that I took class and finished my empathy essay. Then I went across the street to take piano lessons. While I was there I completed a lot of questions on my written test. Later I took black belt class and ended my day.

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August 22

This morning I woke up and finished my physical requirements. Then I went to King Tiger. We went to the park but we left at 11:45. At the park we ate lunch first and then we played. When we got back we took class and had snack. After that we got to play tiger ball. Then I took hyper. After that I went home and ended my day.

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August 21

  Today I woke up and had breakfast. I couldn't talk because I did my mute day. My mom ran outside and my dad ran on the treadmill downstairs so I went downstairs. I played with some stuff down there then I ran after my dad. After that I ate lunch and played some video games. Then we went to Target and Petsmart. When we got back I folded my clothes and had dinner. After that I finished my physical requirements and watched the ending ceremony for the Olympics and ended my day.  

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August 20

Today I woke up early and did some of my physical requirements. Then I went to Black Belt World Still Creek. There Grand Master Cann gave us tips on how to spar and we sparred. We practiced our kicks then I went home. I ate lunch and did some more physical requirements and my parents went on a date for there anniversary and my grandparents came over. I played on the Xbox and on my ipod. After that I went down stairs and ran a mile. Then I watched a movie and ended my day.

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August 19

  This morning I woke up early and finished my physical requirements. Then I went to King Tiger. I played with some pokeon cards for a while. Then I Played some games on the mat. After that we made a jail that was comfortable to sit in. Then I played with legos and played my electronics. Later I went home and ended my day.  

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August 18

  Today I woke up early and finished my physical requirements. Then I went to King Tiger. We had a field trip to go to Reedy Creek Nature Center. They taught us about insects. I got to pick up a millipede called a cherry bug. It felt weird touching it and it smelled like cherries. We also saw a red horned and house centipede. Later we went back to King Tiger. I played with pokemon and went home to eat. Later I took black belt class and ended my day.  

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August 17

  This morning I woke up and finished my physical requirements. Then we went to King Tiger. We watched a movie at King Tiger. We watched the Angry Birds movie it was my first time watching it. It was a really good movie. After that I helped out with class. Later I played tiger ball. After that I took sparring class. There was a big storm. My dad picked me up and we watched the firefighters put out a fire. Then we got a card for my parent’s anniversary. My dad got a fruit bouquet and roses. When I got home I ate the fruit bouquet and ended my day.  

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August 15

  This morning I woke up early and finished my physical requirements. I got to run in the morning. Then we went to king tiger. We went to the spray grounds and it was really hot. I had a cinnamon bun for dessert and it was really good. When we got back to King Tiger w played gladiator. Later I helped out with class. Then I took piano lessons and ran 2 more miles. Last I took black belt class and ended my day.  

  1122 Hits

August 15

  Today I woke up early and finished my physical requirements. Then I went to King Tiger. We went to the park where there was a spinning bar that spun me like a pancake. After that I ate lunch and went back to King Tiger. We got to play some games. Then I helped out with class. After that we had snack. The gummies at King Tiger were tasty. At the end of the day I took hyper and got to use nunchucks. Then I went home and finished my day.  

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August 14

  Today I woke up and did my poomsaes. Then I played with my brother’s cars. We got to have hot dogs for lunch. We had a birthday party with my sisters' friends at Sky High. They had a rope climb where you were attached to a rope and you had to go on a tight rope. It was scary. We had pizza. After that I went home and finished my day.  

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August 13

Today I started my day by finishing some of my physical requirements. Then I went to King Tiger. Sparring class time went by super slow. Instructor Hero gave us a long hard class. After that I took black belt class where I did a lot of stuff. Later I ate lunch and played with my brother's new toys. We got to go to my dad’s friend’s house warming party. They had a zipline in the woods behind their house. I was able to ride it and it was lots of fun. After that I went home and ended my day.

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August 12

Today I woke up early and finished my physical requirements. Then I went to king tiger. Today was electronics day so I got to play with electronics. Later I helped out with testing. Then I ran with the second testing. I was also able to spar. We got to eat at Hickory Tavern. Then I finished my day.

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August 11

Today I woke up early and finished my physical requirements.  Then I went to my grand parents. We got to see the Secret Life of Pets. It was a good movie. I was able to help out with the 4:30 class. Later we celebrated my brother's birthday. He got cool presents and I got a new record for 20 pull ups.

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August 9

Today I woke up early and finished my physical requirements. Then I went to King Tiger. We got to go to the park. It was hot there. When we got back I got changed and helped with class. Then I took class. During my mentor session with Quinten I taught him how to do sit ups by himself. Later I took piano lessons and black belt class and ended my day.

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August 8

Today I woke up early and I finished my physical requirements. Then I went to King Tiger. We had to do some relays before we went to the pool. The pool was fun. I played a game and went on the slide. Then I ate lunch. Later I took hyper. We got to use nunchuks. Then I went home and ran and finished my day.

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August 7

Today I woke up and started packing. We had to leave our rental house at the mountains. On the way home I got to have half of a croissant sandwich. It tasted really good. We also got donut holes. When we got back I got out a splinter and played some video games. Then I had lunch. We watched the Olympic gymnastics while my dad went to Target. I made a birthday card for my dad's birthday. Then I watched more Olympics, ate dinner and went to bed.

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August 6, 2016

Today I woke up early and had some cereal. Then we went to the Spartan Race in Asheville. First the kids went, then the adults went. I did the kids race. They had cool obstacles. I liked going through the tube obstacle. It was fun. For adults, there are 3 races: the Sprint, Super and Beast. My parents did the Super which is supposed to be 8 miles and take about 4 hours. But this time it took 7 hours and it was 10 miles long.

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August 5

Today I woke  up and took an hour drive to the horses. We got to ride horses. It was bumpy and scary. My horse slipped out of control and was stubborn. Then we went to a restaurant and ate at 4:00. We were going to go to chimney rock but we heard thunder and everybody was tired. So we went back home. On the way we saw a lake with sand and slides. It was supposed to be a beach. When we got back home we ate dinner, watched the beginning ceremony of the Olympics and went to bed.

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August 3

Today I woke up and got ready to go to the mountains. First we went to linvile caverns. Then we went to the waterfalls. We saw crayfish and salamanders. While we were going there we saw a really big water slide. Then we ddrove for an hour and got to our house in Asheville. It's a big house. Later we went out to eat and the air conditioner in our car broke. But the car still worked. Last we went back home and went to bed.

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August 2

I woke up early and finished my physical requirements. Then I went to my grand parents. We got to go to BI LO and I got to get a peach pie. When we got back my grandpa caught a praying mantis. Then we made up a game. Later I took my piano lessons and finished my day.

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July 31

I woke up and went to Ortho Carolina to check my foot. My foot is only bruised, not broken. I have a special shoe to wear. I couldn't do my physical requirements because of my foot do I played with Legos. Later I played on the Xbox. Then I ate dinner and went to bed.

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July 30

I woke up early and did my physical requirements. Then I went to King Tiger. First I took sparring. It felt like it was 4 hours but it was only 2 hours. Then I took black belt class. We got a lot done. When i got back home I ate lunch and then I rested. My foot started hurting like crazy. The pain wouldn't go away. I couldn't move my foot and it felt stiff so I stayed on the couch the rest of the day. Then I went to bed.

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July 29

I woke up early and finished my physical requirements. Then I went to king tiger. We had electronics day so we stayed there. We had lunch and played on the mats. I saw the best flat Lego Beyblade. Later I got to help out with the junior tigers class and I got mentored by Master Knight. When I got home, I ate dinner. That finished my day.

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July 28

  I woke up early and finished my physical requirements. Then I went to King Tiger. Next I went to Reedy Creek Nature Center. I got to see and study a giant Asian hornet. I also got to eat a leaf. When I got back, I helped out with class. Then I had a mentor session with Master Knight. The fire drill went off 2 times in a row. Later I took black belt class and then another false alarm fire drill went off. Then I finished my day.  

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July 27

I woke up early and did my physical requirements. Then I went to king tiger and went to the movies. We watched Hotel Transylvania 2. Then we ate lunch at the park and when we got back we took class and hit Bryce with the noodles for his birthday. Later I took sparring. It was challenging. Then I went home for the day.

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The hot day

I woke up early and finished my physical requirements. Then I went to King Tiger. We went to the park where it was so hot. I couldn't withstand the heat. Later we ate lunch. There was an army of flies and bees. When we got back, I helped with class. Then I took piano and black belt class. It was challenging. Then I went home for the day.

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July 25

I woke up early and went to king tiger. I finished my physical requirements and won a round of museum. We went to the pool and they had a big slide. It was fun. I got a record for going the fastest. When we got back we watched a movie and then I took class. Later I took hyper and we were got to use nunchucks. That was my first time using them. I had a good  day.

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Lazy day

I woke up and had Eggo pancakes. That was my first time trying them and they tasted good. Then we watched TV and ate lunch. Then we went to the pool and after we got Dunkin donuts. It was good. When we got back I played some games and ate dinner and went to bed.

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July 9, 2016

I woke up, ate breakfast and started my exercises. Then we went to the pool. Then when I got back home we visited with my Uncle and Aunt for awhile. Then at night we watched the Olympic Trials. 

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July 7, 2016

I woke up early. I ate breakfast and later went to my grandparent's house. I did my physical exercises and did some of the test questions. We ate lunch and played outside, then went home.

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July 6, 2016

I woke up early and ate breakfast. Then I went to my grandparents house. Next we dropped off my sister then we played our toys. I was able to finish one of essays and I did my physical requirements. Then I went home.

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