
Jakob Reische

Member since: Friday, 20 June 2014
Last Visit: Saturday, 06 December 2014
Jakob Reische
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


It's been a while since I've written an entry I've been busy with getting ready for school\ starting school and working at the dojang and I've just been plain forgetting to do it and I feel like an idiot for not keeping up with it and it's sad. I look forward to this school year it is interesting so far and that is a good thing in my world but that means school comes first so I won't be able to go really crazy with the requirements during the weekdays but that's okay. I also decided to take a weekend of r and r so I did not do any requirements this weekend and that's okay as well I'm not behind except for a couple of things and I'm working on that and I am signing off now.

  1143 Hits

It has been a while

To tell the truth I have been forgetting to come on the site and log my requirements I've been working a lot at the dojang and when I get home I'm really tired and I as soon as I sit on the couch I fall asleep and when I awake I just go straight to bed so I can wake up the next day and go do it again the next day. Do not get me wrong I enjoy it greatly but it does make me exhausted so it makes it harder to remember to come on here and do all of this and I have 3 more weeks of combined camp and classes it should be fun I enjoy teaching and want to do it for the rest of my life owning my own martial arts school. Well I am enjoying my two days of r and r and starting...

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  1049 Hits

Nice Day

To tell the truth I had a fantastic day it started off OK since it was very humid and hot which equals a very gross run but after I finished my workouts for the morning I got to actually sit down and it was quiet I enjoyed it a ton and in then it had to end. After my shower my mother, sister, and I went out for lunch and it was lovely the food was excellent my mother who is on a diet type thing I can't explain it had a delicious and healthy lunch and she was happy which made me happy. Then we went to target and I got myself a new watch for a very good price and my sister and I got along which we have been having trouble with but all siblings do from time to time. To top it off I went to the...

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  1127 Hits


To tell the truth it has been a while since I have written an entry and the reason is one I've honestly just have forgotten to do it and two I was in a car crash exactly a week ago and that just took up my whole head and I was in a lot of pain for a couple of days but I'm fine now. I didn't let that stop in less than 12 hours I had to go into camp and teach my little tigers and you know what I had a great time maybe it was harder to get around but I was very happy to be there. Now my mother has a new car and she loves it and to tell the truth the car we have now is a fantastic car and it is a 2012 Honda Odyssey and I cannot wait to be able to drive...

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  1072 Hits

I've got nothing

To tell the truth today was great but nothing to interesting to talk about me and my dad hung out in the pool in our backyard which is always a great time and I went out for dinner with my family and it was delicious. I am excited to start working summer camp tomorrow at my dojang (I don't remember what the theme is whoops) none the less I am stoked it should be tons of fun for all I know I am the only one helping but I hope my friend Tommy who is a year older than me will be there helping as well but he probably has other commitments and I respect that. After that I am helping with all the classes and taking black belt class rinse and repeat switching regular class for black belt class on Tuesday. That is pretty much it I am signing off...

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  1087 Hits

1st saturday

Today I went to my first dual class and it was long and tiring don't get me wrong I loved it I had fun and in the end I was pooped out sparring class was surprisingly really fun I usually don't like sparring but today I enjoyed it a lot I had a great partner Brian Foster we made each other laugh and we had fun sparring and Master Knight did a fantastic job teaching it. Then black belt class was fun but since it is cycle it twas very crowded and it made practicing poamsae and kicks very difficult and I was the last guy in the front row so say hi if you want. In the end class was great and when I got home I was tired and wanted to shower and eat lunch at like 3:30 and I appreciate them asking but they kept asking how it...

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  949 Hits

Feel old

Today I felt old and it was annoying my back was killing me all day my family tried to help me but in the end all they did was make it worse but I do appreciate their efforts but my back is still killing me and I wish my back was better. I won't let it stop me though tomorrow I am going to black belt class up north and maybe sparring class I don't know about that but maybe I just hope that a great class will help my back feel better training is always a great stress and pain reliever for me and I look forward to it. If it doesn't I wouldn't mind I at least would've gotten a good workout in but that's what messed my back up in the first place but if it gets worse I will deal with the cards given me but in...

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  961 Hits


I have seriously been so tired and in pain these last two days Wednesday I seriously had trouble walking around my own house I am tired in general I've been doing so many requirements all day and later in the afternoon I go to the dojang teach and then take class and then have great workouts designed by instructor hsin and while they are hard I greatly appreciate them and thanks to him I am in great shape.  To tell the truth I am so lucky to have them they have taken me in even when they had no idea who I was master chin even though pregnant worked so hard with me and she helped me get through it all I remember the day after my ankle fractured she called me just to check up on me and when I came in just to sit and watch she let me...

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  911 Hits


First off I have to apologize for my lack of journal entries even though it is not my fault the wi-fi at my condo was non existent the only night I made an entry my dad spent half an hour working on it just to get get a signal for ten minutes and then poof it was gone. It literally said full on wi-fi and then it doesn't work that just made me so mad that they didn't tell the truth and about something so small it's frustrating I tried every night and with no luck. Then I got back and every single night since I've got back I have fallen asleep on the couch and have forgotten to do anything and out of pure exhaustion I would just go to bed and sleep not doing this and now I'm going to stay up for the night.  

  984 Hits

Short entry

This is rather short since I'm tired I have had a long day and I just want to go to bed I am finally at the beach and my family is around me and I just need to get some sleep since tomorrow is going to be a fun filled day. The place I am staying at is awesome 5 stories with an old Foosball table located down stairs but to tell the truth I'm going to get a workout running up and down the five flights of stairs my room is on the third floor and the main room is unfortunately on the top floor and today all I did was carry heavy luggage up the stairs and run back down to go carry more it was annoying and just no need I just need to go get some sleep and that is what I am going to do right...

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  975 Hits


I first off wanted to say that I was going to write an entry for yesterday but my dad had company over and my dad wanted me to help entertain right when I got home from class and right after they left I went comatose on the couch. Also I have to say I am going to the beach for vacation starting tomorrow through next Saturday so if some of my requirements go down don't laugh just like everyone I want to spend some time with my family but my uncle and aunt who are coming with us did agree to go jogging with me so I am looking forward to the company since after a while it get's boring running by yourself. I realize that I need my vacation from everything and whilst I enjoy taekwondo I do need my breaks I always go on my scheduled times when we...

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  909 Hits

3rd Day

Gosh I am starting to think that these entries start all the same I had another great day I went to the dojang taught class and then went out for dinner with my mom and older sister (my father is out of town) only real complaint I have is that my left knee and calf have been killing me for some odd reason. Also my two dogs insist to "help me" train and practice whenever I do anything even while writing this my dog Stella is sitting on my lap and my dog Tybee wants to play and I'm tired so I guess after this I have to bite the bullet and play with him. Sorry it is a little short usually I do to many things but nonetheless I just have to say I am getting better at everything I'm doing my running is getting easier and my push-ups and...

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  952 Hits

2nd day

To tell the truth my day was very uneventful I ran in the morning and the air was very thick which made catching my breath a lot harder, I finished my two miles in the end not with my usual grace or great speed. I went in to teach again I went in at 4:30 and stayed until the last class which I took and it ended at 7:30 but I stayed and cleaned a little while writing this I had just arrived back at my home. I feel tired to tell the truth my family is trying to help which I immensely appreciate no doubt but they throw out ideas which do not help me they try but in the end all that happens is we get in an argument and I will take blame for losing my cool from time to time but sometimes they do as well. I...

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  972 Hits

First Blog Post

With the wrapping up of my first real day of the cycle combined with class whilst I enjoy everything about going to the dojang whether it to teach or just to take class, I cannot help but have a shroud of doubt and worry in my mind. If some of you didn't know I have never done a black belt cycle at king tiger and I may have the shroud of the doubt and worry in my mind I am also very excited for it to help me for when I actually do my masters cycle(s) it also can help me be a better teacher as well as a student. I feel a sense of urgency to get more and more of my credits done since it fills me with me joy whenever I get a set done. I had a little trouble running today since I was dumb enough to...

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  915 Hits