
Chloe Chappelle

Member since: Monday, 02 June 2014
Last Visit: Thursday, 12 March 2015
Chloe Chappelle
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

This is my...

This is my last journal for the whole cycle. Testing is tomorrow! I'm excited and nervous. I feel ready; I know my stuff. I hope i pass!

  1268 Hits

Today noth...

Today nothing really exciting is happening. I just finished my school work so i can have free time.

  1231 Hits

I have gon...

I have gone to one class today which is homeschool class. Someone is coming to cook dinner for us tonight and my younger siblings have swim class.

  1256 Hits

Today noth...

Today nothing exciting is happening. Have to do schoolwork and chores. I'm nervous about testing and hope i pass.

  1184 Hits

Today i am...

Today i am going to go to church and coming back home to have free time. End of the cycle and test approaching. Better have your requirements finished!

  1211 Hits

Today we g...

Today we got our pictures taken and my grandma left to go home back to Seattle, Washington. I had a lot of fun getting our pictures taken and i am sad my grandma had to leave. After the pictures i went to black belt class at Master Evans. Then i came back home and played all afternoon.

  1073 Hits

Last night...

Last night my grandma got here from Seattle, WA. I'm probably not going to any classes because we should visit with her.

  908 Hits

Today i we...

Today i went to co-op and i got to go sailing in my dad's sailboat! It was a lot of fun! Then i came home and had free time i had a great day.

  940 Hits

Today we'r...

Today we're staying home so nothing really exciting is happening except a lady is coming to helps us pick out colors of paint for our new house that's being built.

  978 Hits

I am all f...

I am all finished with my physical requirements! YAY!!! No more physical! And today as long as nothing happens i'm going to finish off all my other requirements except 1 leadership 1 credit!

  934 Hits

Today i wr...

Today i wrote a ton of essays so i only have two left: Who is Your Role Model and Why?, and my Community Service essay. I also ran 1.25 miles so that puts me down to 2.75 miles left. YAY!!

  956 Hits

Today i wi...

Today i will be going to black belt class at Master Evans and probably finishing all my physical requirements.

  929 Hits

Yesterday ...

Yesterday was my little brother's first birthday! It was very funny because he had no idea what he was supposed to do with his cupcake! He just sat their staring at it! It was fun. But i am also happy that i finished all my physical requirements except for my running and i only have 6 miles left. Yay!

  981 Hits

Almost don...

Almost done with all my physical requirements. I only have running, self-defense, and rolls and falls. I hope i can get those done very soon. We've been very busy today but i still have some time before i get a mentee and weekday BBC. I really look forward to my meeting with my mentee!

  896 Hits

Today we a...

Today we are having co-op and we to practice using a compass. It sounds like a lot of fun. We are going to leave in a few minutes. It was so exiting! Just a minute ago my little brother who is almost a year old signed all done. That is the first sign he has done.

  1003 Hits

This morni...

This morning i got up pretty early and plan to get tons of requirements done. Maybe even finish all my physical requirements. Nothing much to write about except i'll be glad when the cycle is over.

  961 Hits

Last night...

Last night i went running and i realized that i have gotten a lot faster because used to it would take me 3 hours to run 4.67 miles but last night it took me only an hour and a half to run 4.09 miles. This morning i went to the orthodontist to get my braces changed and the doctor said i have done a really good job keeping my teeth clean! After that we went to another appointment and then went running. I only have a small amount of miles to run which is great!

  1062 Hits

Yesterday ...

Yesterday i got quite a bit done despite my being super busy. Today i plan to get tons done though because i have almost all day, maybe even finish some more requirements.

  946 Hits

Today i go...

Today i got up at 7am to go help with testing, then i had a mentor session, and then straight from there i went to Master Evans. So it has been a busy morning but i got a lot of poomsae credits because basically all we did was poomsaes. When i got back i got changed and did some rolls and falls. I have i co-op meeting soon but after that i will get in some more requirements and work on studying for my written. I hope to get a lot done today but with today being so busy i may not. Hopefully though i will get tons done on Sunday.

  967 Hits

Today i ha...

Today i have done a lot of running because i need to get more miles in. Tonight i am going to help out with testing and get some more leadership one credits because i still need quite a few of those, but other wise today is going well and my mom hopes for us to get a lot of school done too.

  1012 Hits

Last night...

Last night the computer was not working so i could not journal. we spent yesterday afternoon having my mom read to us so while she was reading i got to do tons of push-ups and sit-ups. So i do not have that many left.

  990 Hits

Today i am...

Today i am selling some more stuff on ebay to hopefully get some more money.

  1016 Hits

Today we h...

Today we had our garage sale! We earned one hundred and nineteen dollars from the garage sale. I also have some money for selling stuff on ebay. So altogether i have about one hundred and fifty dollars. But i still need more money.

  961 Hits

Today is t...

Today is the final day for perpairing for the garage sale. It has been a lot of work but i will be glad to get some money for the cycle. I will have to get up early and going to bed late every night and being woken up for the last three days will NOT help. I am excited but super exhausted. I hope the garage sale will go well and i will earn most of my money for the black belt cycle.

  952 Hits

Today i ha...

Today i have not done much. I did go to two classes and got some requirements done plus a mentee and mentor session. I plan to do more but it may be time for bed soon i'll try my best to do some more.

  1022 Hits

Today i to...

Today i took several classes and tomarrow my grandma and me are spupposed to set up a garge sale to help me earn some money. I've also sold some stuff on ebay to help with my money. So i feel like i've got a pretty good start on my money.

  895 Hits

Today we g...

Today we got back from Durham. We had a really fun time but i am glad to be home. I am really tired from the drive so i have not done much and do not plan to do much. Maybe i'll do a little bit though.

  983 Hits

This morni...

This morning the internet was down so i could not journal as early as i had hoped. Yesterday i got almost all of my requirements done despite my having to do school except i went to bed pretty late. That night my granddad was showing us a video on the computer and my little sister got his lap to watch and the chair he was sitting on broke! So we had a hard time getting that fixed but we manged. Today we went to the Durham Life and Science Center. We had a lot of fun and did so many cool things. It was so hot outside but we got ice cream at this little cafe. There was this one place where you push a button and mist comes out of tubes in the ground. The mist was so cool and refreshing it felt so good. My dad had to work...

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  891 Hits

Last night...

Last night my family arrived in Durham. We came because my dad has to do a work trip in Durham and we decided to come up with him for a vacation. One of the problems is that we homeschool and we have school this week so my mom brought our school so it is not a complete vacation but still we do get to do some fun stuff and my dad does not have to work all day long. It was really late so i did not get much sleep but i hope i will have time to do some black belt cycle. We just got back from a museum called Marbles. We are right next to a lake so we brought fishing rods and little remote control motorboats. The only bad part is that only me and my brother can fish because we are not old enough to have to...

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  943 Hits

Yesterday ...

Yesterday i did TONS of black belt cycle. I'm home schooled and my mom thought that it was important to get all caught up on the cycle so i rotated between black belt cycle and school work. It felt so rewarding to get so much done except i hardly got any school done. I now know what the key to the entire black belt cycle is the key has helped me so much with the black belt cycle. The key is, going and doing your requirements without complaining or putting them off just go and get them done. That has helped me so much because now my mom says, "Go do 100 push-ups" i don't complain "Aw, 100 push-ups?" or make up excuses so i can put it of. And it help pretty much for most things even cleaning your room. Just go do it and get it done with.

  937 Hits

Yesterday ...

Yesterday we did not do much so i do not have much to write except i sold four precious moments on ebay. So i am getting started on the three hundred and fifty dollars i need to earn. And to help me out with the money my grand ma is going to have a garage sale at her to sell some of my old stuff.

  939 Hits

Today i ha...

Today i have not done much but i am sore i do not know why. But today my is going to get ready for my brother's birthday party. It is going to be a Lego party and have all kinds of cool Lego stuff.

  825 Hits

Today i we...

Today i went to a community bible study (Otherwise known as CBS). It was the first day and my family goes every Thursday. I've gone before and i was in the same class i was last year i came. Today we had to bring something to tell about yourself and i brought my tae kwon do belt. I told my class all about the black belt cycle and all that. We got to go to the park afterwards. After that we went to my grandma's house and my little brother and sister went to swim class. My grandpa took me to a class and i got there early to meet with my mentee. We had a good time and we practiced pow chang sam chang and red/ high red self-defense 4-6. Then black belt class came and i took that. My brother met me for black belt class when he got...

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  932 Hits

Today i we...

Today i went to the zoo. It took a long time so i did not get much black belt cycle done. Except i got a lot of running in.

  916 Hits

Yesterday ...

Yesterday my brother and me went through the playroom and found some stuff to sell at a garage sale. Today i'm going to look through some precious moments that my mom is going to let me sell.

  882 Hits

Yesterday ...

Yesterday i did not do much but my mom re-did my requirement sheet. It is supposed to have me done with the entire black belt cycle by the end of September.

  993 Hits

Yesterday ...

Yesterday i did not do much. And so far have not done much today either. I do not have much else to write about so this is going to be a small journal entry.

  886 Hits

Today i di...

Today i did schoolwork and our co-op until 4 o' clock. The co-op was a Polynesian feast it was really good mostly tropical fruits but some meat. I did most of my requirements but not much else. But i feel like i did a pretty good job i mean, with the little time i had. A couple days ago when i finished all my requirements i realized that if you just do it all and get over it that it really doesn't take that long to do all your requirements. So today i just got on it and all that i did didn't take that long. I hope to do more but right now i'm journaling while i remember.

  861 Hits

Today i di...

Today i did mostly schoolwork but took two TKD classes, homeschool class and black belt class. I re-did my written at black belt class and red/High red self -defense. I got a 100 on my written and 6s on my self-defense. I didn't have to re-do anything else so i did both of those and then we practiced Wang-ho 1, basic forms 1,2,and 3, and sparring form defense. I got a Mentor session a Mentee session and a leadership 1 credit. I didn't do much otherwise but I did get some credit before and during the classes.

  865 Hits

Today i di...

Today i didn't feel too good so i didn't do much black belt cycle.

  814 Hits

Today i we...

Today i went to homeschool class. but i didn't feel like hyper.

  923 Hits

Two days a...

Two days ago everybody took their pre-test. I did well except i have to re-do my written test.

  895 Hits

Yesterday ...

Yesterday i woke up with the 24-hour stomach bug. So today i didn't feel great either. i probably won't get much done except this journal.

  1076 Hits

Today i we...

Today i went to a Saturday black belt class and did some of my requirements. I went to a picnic this afternoon that my king tiger school was holding. I did a lot of chores too. So it has been a pretty busy day but I've done a lot of stuff.

  907 Hits

Today i di...

Today i did most of my requirements and went to one black belt class weekday. Plus my school work.

  890 Hits

Today i di...

Today i did quite a few of my requirements and went to black belt class weekend. i am super sore because i did a lot of running yesterday and the day before that. i plan to do more black belt cycle.

  823 Hits

Today I've...

Today I've done quite a few of my requirements and plan to do more. This morning i got up early and went running with my mom and brother so i got a lot of my miles in.

  908 Hits

Today i we...

Today i went to two classes hyper pro and sparring and did a lot of black belt cycle but most of what i did was sit-ups.

  820 Hits

It been a ...

It been a while since I've been able to do black belt cycle i was sick and my cousins came for a week. So not much time but i have done a quite a bit this morning.

  902 Hits

Today was ...

Today was the first day of VBS. I got some black belt cycle stuff done and wrote my white belt challenge essay.

  905 Hits

I did a lo...

I did a lot of stuff for my black belt cycle today. I am exhausted. I did a lot of running 5.8 miles.

  843 Hits

This week ...

This week I've been doing my white belt challenge. It is very weird. I also wrote my empathy training essay.

  940 Hits

My parents...

My parents went away for the fourth of July weekend so i'm staying at my grandparents house. I did some black belt cycle stuff but not much.

  1058 Hits

Today i we...

Today i went to the orthodontist and got my braces and my herbst appliance put in. My mouth hurts pretty badly so i haven't done any of my black belt cycle yet.

  824 Hits

Today was ...

Today was a really hard day. Some friends came over and did some black belt cycle stuff with me. I went to two classes, Hyper Pro, and Sparring.

  810 Hits

Today i di...

Today i did my empathy training and a lot black belt cycle stuff. I am super sore and tired.

  1175 Hits

A lot of t...

A lot of time to work on my black belt cycle today. i did tons of sit-ups and some other stuff. My book essay is finished.

  1144 Hits

Today i ha...

Today i have some time so i can work on my black belt cycle. i'm going to try to get as much done as possible. i really need to get caught up. i'm almost finished with my book essay.

  1430 Hits

Very busy ...

Very busy schedule today. Not much time to work on my black belt cycle but, I did go to one class and did some stuff to get credit there.

  859 Hits

So today I...

So today I went to three classes in a row Blue Belt and Higher, Hyper Pro, and Sparring class. Got a lot of my black belt cycle stuff in and hope to keep it up.

  824 Hits

Lots of wo...

Lots of work and really tiring. I did tons of work Saturday and was super sore Sunday. I'm homeschooled and we do work all year long so I had a lot school today. I haven't done all my requirements for the day but I hope to catch up this week.

  851 Hits