Woke up feeling OK-ish this morning but it just got worse as the day went on. I don't appear to be running an actual fever - at least, nothing significantly above normal temperature. Spent most of the day sitting around but was able to get my requirements done even if it took longer than normal and I keep having to stop to blow my nose.
Gabe and Samuel went to Carowinds while I was home. I wish I could have gone just to get out and do stuff but I didn't feel up to it. It did give me time to rest up and work on my requirements. I felt far sweatier than normal by the end, however. After dinner we worked on self-defenses for a bit while Samuel was getting ready for bed. I managed to get a mile in by walking laps around the inside of the house. I know I'm falling behind on mileage but catching up is going to have to wait until I feel well enough to go out and walk.